HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08/20/1953
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
AUliust ;>0
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I '!'he City Council met in regular session at 7:30 P.M., and >las called to order by Mayor Smith. Roll call
of officers sho.ed the follo,o.ng present: Hayer Smith,. CouncilJnen Bro>In, Neer, Sandison, Powell, Wolfe,
a.'ld l:cFadden, l'.anager 'ilrgeer, Attorney Severyns and Clerk La>l. '
! It was moved by Councilman Jf.cFadden that mimt os of the previous meeting be approved as received. Seconded
I by Councilman Neer and unanimously carried. ,
Under the head of ul1fillished business, and pursuant to invitations extended, the hearing concerlling extens-
ion of >later main South of the ooulevard in the lr.:inlri.e AVBnue District >las opened. Frank 11G.ugh, spokesman
for that district, advised that a petition has been filed requesting installation of6-inch mal n at
approximate cost of $13,OOO.OO,which conSULlers are ;lilling to pay. A130 with water service available,
possible potential of forty-five ne;'l consumers could be anticipated., 7here nO>l being cleven' customers pump~
ing mrect from reservoir and using untreated 1'l~ter, these also tlould be included.
I ]{anager Vergeer informed that installation of less' than 6-inch main "auld be ill-advised due to fire
protection and possible new home construction,vhen service is available. That the main'could be installed
accorUing to proposed onctract, each customer paying $5.00 per month for period of ten years and recommended"
I that payment not be higher as the same might be hardship on some individuals even thoueh acceptable at
Ithis time.
'It was the opillion of Council members that those without water service should contact custcmers nc'. having
inadequate service and ~ll cooperate for adequate service installation. ,Cfter further discussion the
Council instructed that a contract be prepared "..hich llOuld include all property owners in the I'unn::.e
Avenue District desi:cirtZ service ,:1r.d those nOl" receiving inadequate service. It WD.3 further decided tl1at
a defirdtc lir.~t for service 6xtension.~~st be established ill1d the E~me fixed by Ordin~nce. Nanager
\ferGeer advised that a proper cont:'J.ct will be Il1Jde rS3dy for tho~e delegated to obtain signers and
assured that if D.r~:roveci main 'I.,rill be installed lo,ithin reasonable time. Also L1at the pump noi'1' operating
is adequate fer all present apr1ic&nts and should ~ven~~&l development req~ire a l~rg~r Pum9 c~pacity, the
C:;..ty \'lOcld :nake the I'eplacemen~.
I Jack "kimoto, architect Kith Del :iuz~i Bros., presented fo" consideration by' tl:c Council, }'lans 'for proposed
~ stair/fay and drive-in adjace:1t to OlymYJic 'state Bank at 1st ,and Laurel Streets. After due considerJ.tion,
.:iith one ninor change eff(ctt.::lJ it :';8,5 moved b:- Council.m<:.n :.:olfe that the design be a?~,roved us chc.:;.eed
t by Council. I:Ction seconded bj.- Councilman ErOl-ln. lUl voted J..ye. i-Iotion carried.
'l'EanaJer 7erg\J_r reac ;l lett01" fro~n Fibra~,)'").:u"d PrOducts, Inc. acknowledgine receipt of correspondence from
him regarding cOIr.plaint filed by Lincoln Heights resident of damage inflicted to ilouers and shrubs caused
jfrom blOl<-off gas fumes. The Compal"\Y expressed daubt of al"\Y damage caused by fumes from that industry
and pledged cooperation in any way possible.
fAlso read was letter from Rayollier, Inc., concerning complaints filed of television interference along
:power lines. This Compal"\Y also agreed to cooperate and info med of intention to overhaul insulators on
Itheir power lines August 23.
'Manager Vergeer again brought to Council's attention the parking problem an West 1st Street between Laurel
'and Oak Streets, during the llight hours when streets are being cleaned. After ways and means .of clearing
ithe street were discussed, it was moved Dy Councilman Bro>In that the City Ordinance governing be strict1,y
,enforced and all business establishments concerned notified that cars ,-Jill be removed and impoWlded.
,JflOtion seconded by Councilman Neer. All voted Aye. Hotion carried.
Hr. Vergeer also reported that budget estimetes of expenditures and receipts for the year 1954 were filed
'by the required time and the same are practically assembled far consideration by the Council.
iThe Cauncil considered approval of and entering into agreement whereby Clallam County, the City .of Port
'Angeles and to>InS of Sequim and Farks pool resources and cooperate for efficient Civil Defense program
'durin,s the year 1954, the same to be administered by the Count:;r Collllllissianers and City and town Mayors.
It is noted in the records that certain changes are required in ,'lgreement, also that the prograrl is by
:authority of the Division of Hunicipal Corporations. It was maved by CouncilJnan Brown that the Hayer be
.'authorized! to execute the joint contract. Seconded by, Councilman Sandison. ill voted Aye. Motion
A collllllittee from Rayanier, Inc., requested in writing that the Council approve installation of stop and go
'signal at 1st and Race Streets thereby relieving traffic congestien during certain hours at 1st and Ennis
Streets. ]{anager Vergeer advised that he has discussed the matter ;lith the Police Dept. and request to
'the State Highway Dept. for the sienal installation has been contenq:>lated. The Council alse discussed
,traffic difficulties at 1st and Peabody and Fourth and Linceln Streets. After due oonsideratian, it was
lmoved by Councilman Bro>In that the Council request permission f 1'001 the State Highway Dept. to install
'stop and go signals at 1st and Race Streets and First and Peabody Streets. Also at Fourth and Lincoln
Streets, which would be synchronized with the signal at Sixth and Linceln. l1otion seconded by Councilman
l'olfe and unanimousl,y carried.
By request of the State Liquor Control Board, the Council approved renewals and transfer of beverage
licenses as follows:
, RElili\'lAI.S: David W. Ande!'son, Rose's Place
Handa Carbonetti Carls an, Carbonetti Grocery
! lV. 11. Rideout, Brickie's Place '
j TRAN3FER: Marine Drive Lunch, from A. L. RuBe to Ecildn and Dorothea Averill
!'Ianager Vergeer infonned that. the request_s . have been investigated by the Police Dept. and have their
~pproval. It was then moved by Councilman Powell that the i'equests for renewal and transfer be approved.
Seconded by CouncilJnan Sandison. All voted Aye; ~otion carried.
Correspondence from the State Pollution Board was read by V"'llager Vergeer, in which the Board advised .of
['Clluted conditians of the beach in front of Port Angeles and suggesting steps to be taken to eliminate
for protection of industrial 1,arkers and the public. I-Lr. Vergeer informed that the letter is in direct
~onflict l-Jith discussion he had with pollution committee. The matter was tabled until rep1,y is recm ved
in answer to former commulri.cation.
~. A. Gissberg, ~ttorney for the Estate of ~~s. J. L. G~erin, reqqested in 1~itine that the City consider
purchase of Lot 1, Blk. 56, Section K. in Ocean Vi"" Cemetery. .it appears from CitJ" records that the lot
was purchased by Ilichard Fernandes in K8;Y, 1931, and later sold by Caurt Order .of October 1, 1940, to
.irs. J. L. Guerin. It was moved by Councilman Bl'o;.'l1 that the City repurchase the lot for $20.00. Seconded
by Councilman HcFsdden. All voted Aye. Hotion carr-led.
,.. 350
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
Au=t 20
".' . """, ""M, '''''~''', ",,,,,...... ....
Request fO~,minimum price fiAed on Lots 5 and 6, Blk. 1, Tidelands West of Laurel Street, was considered
by the Council. J.lanager Vergeer advised that, he has been contacted..by merchants and in their opinion,
sCole of the lots at tl,is time \'lOuld be injurious to business establishments. It Has moved by Councilman
HcFadden that sale of lots not be considered at this time. Secorv.ed by Councilman ::olle. :8.1 voted Aye.
Hotion carried. '
Honthly budget reports of receipts and disbursements for July Here filed for approval. It WUG mcvcd by
Councilman Brown that the ~eorts be approved. Seconded by Councilman Sun1ison and unalri.moucly carried.
!1ana"er Vergeer ir.formed of llegienal meeti,l/l of the Association of '.Tashington Citie3 to be held in this
City October 29. Also of the annual conference of International City jfuna;;er's :'lssociation scheduled
for September 20 to 24 in Los An(jf.:lles, f~r \'ihich rescry~ticns swuld be made if he is expected to at.tend.
It t'ras moved by CotUlcibnan'l1cFadden that the Council ap}-rov€ attendance of i1r. VGre;t:~r at the I:anaderts
conference and that rescrvati011S for the 2&-n~ be procuredft I:otion seconded by Councilman BrNm* .illl voted
~i.;T€.. i':otion earn ed.
Under the her.d of reading and ;",cdage of Ordin&lce5, the follo'.:ill,3 Has placed on fiMl roadine:
lullI CRDnII~NCE providing for the organil';ation, manage;nent ar.d control, use and di~position of
~propert,y acquired for cemetery IJurpOGes; the creation of certain funds thereto; fj.xinC 2.nd defining
~'rUles and reculatio~s for ~he US?? and lJri vileges af Ocean Yiei.; ~err.~terJ; pravidir13 for ~erp8t::al care
hcrcof, ~n:i repeallng Ordlnance 1:0. 1300 passed the 2nd day of ..prll, 1953, am all other ordlnances or
. arts of ordinances in conflict therewith.
I ,
~t .vas moved by Councilman :!olfe tho.t tr48 foregoi~ Crdinance "0e paused l'inal r0c.cli~ and adopted. Seconded
ry GouncilJnan HcFadden. ,Ul voted :~e. I':otion ca,rried.
.'Io further business appe.:.rill5, the ~:1cetiflt vas declared adjourne~!!
I' C.
;L a..v.r,
Oity Clerk