HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08/20/1959
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angelesl Washington
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r TMhe CiRt'( choundcil mcet in. rlegulasr. shession d 7:30 Pf'~'ldROll call ROf Off11l' cers CShowl edltlheMfolloWisngl Pkresent: I
ayor 1C ar son, ounC1 men m1t , Sand1son, Max 1e ,Thorne. anda and a dwe , anager an ard,
Attorney Moffett and Clerk Law. ~
It was moved by Councilman Caldwell that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved. Seconded by ;
Councilman Thorne and carried.
Harvey Allan, representing local I
charges for gasoline, ,Mr. Allan appeaced
Councilman Randall informed that countless local union members return from vacations and inquire why gas- j'
oline prices are higher here than other places. A. W. James verified, stating that during his trip to
i florida, the only place prices compared to Port Angeles was New Mexico where extensive road construction '
is in pr~gress. Harry Hunt quoted prices he paid in Eastern Washington, most places being lower than local ~
John Ward also spoke regarding his trip to California, the prices on the Southern coast of Oregon only j'
I being comparable to this area. He also checked on costs for other services. i
1 The Mayor thanked all present for appearing and voicing their opinions.
I Council considered the PreliMinary Report of R. W. Beck & Asseciates, Consulting Engineers on rehabilitatio: ,
I and extension of the Water System. The Manager gave brief resum<! of report submitted showing cest of pro- i
, posed improvement. The Mayor warned of a very critical situation which must be faced, and in the near
future. Councilman Thorne recommended and formally moved that the report be accepted as submitted in I
Booklet Form. and the Consulting Engineers be authorized to proceed as provided in the following sequence: '
Phase No. I, $873,430.00. Phase NO.2, $938,575.00. Part of Phase No.3, $141,450.00, including a I'"
2,000,000 gallon reservoir near Sunrise Heights, plus incidentals, such as City Engineering, Financial con-,
sultants, property and easement costs, and that the Legal and Financial Consultants start necessary pro- '
cedures to sell approximately $2.000,000.00 Water Revenue Bonds to pay cost of the improvement. Motion
seconded by Councilman Caldwell and unanimously carried.
I Under the head of unfinished business, pursuant to written request by
dealers in Petroleum products, asking to be heard regarding excessive
" before the Council.
,.1 Councilman Randall asked to be heard and assured the audience that any remarks made at the last meeting
~I concerning t he matter, were made by him only, and any criticism,or remarks made, be directed only at him,
not other Council members.
Mr. Allan then read account of the previous meeting as pUblished by the Press. Also cited gasoline prices
in other areas as compared to Port Angeles. the reason being subsidization. Considered service by local
dealers and other business second to none. Reminded of long hours worked by service station operators.
Also excessive taxes imposed.
The Manager read a communication from the Port Commission concerning the purchase of Port property on West I
Front Street hy the City. Councilman Smith was appointed to act as Chairman of a Committee, assisted by I
Councilman Maxfield and the Manager, to meet with the Port Commission and report regarding the property. '
Under the head of new business, the following reports and claims payable were submitted for Council approva~;
Treasurer's Financial Report, Budget Reports of receipts and expenditures, Police Report for July. It was l
, moved by Councilman Caldwell that all reports be accepted and placed on file. Seconded by Councilman Max- ~
field and carried. Claims payable: General Funds, $5,454.48, Water Fund, $1,682.38, Light Fund, $46,319.3$.
It was moved by Councilman Caldwell that all claims be approved and paid. Seconded by Councilman Thorne and
carried. I
The Council received a petition signed by seven (7) employees of the Water Department asking that Council
reconsider the salary schedule as proposed in the Preliminary Budget for 1960, and consider the schedule
as recommended by the Water Superintendant. Council acknowledged receipt of request, no action taken at
this time.
Police Chief Kochanek informed that Harry Lee for Beno's Cabs asked permission to transport all individuals;
to Sunday School and Church, having no other means of transportation and requesting the same, this service
to be without charge. It was moved by Councilman Maxfield that permission be granted and t hat other com-
panies have the same privilege. Seconded by Councilman Smith and carried.
A request for transfer of beverage license was received. Colonial Inn Tavern from A. W. and Mary Haas to
Wm. P. and Luella Beard. It was moved by Councilman Caldwell that request for transfer be approved. Sec-
onded by Councilman Maxfield and carried.
The Council discussed preparation of a Franchise Ordinance providing installation of coaxial T. V. Cable. '
The Mayor appointed Councilman Caldwell, Attorney Moffett and the Manager to meet with J. B. Chapman in
consideration of a .satisfactory Ordinance.
George Wood appeared on behalf of the Central Labor Council, with a Proclamation dedicatiDgL~bor Day,
hoping the Mayor would sign the same. The Mayor agreed to affix signature after alterations.
Gra.ce Hinshaw, 112 Motor Avenue, complained that water charge is exc.essive. Asked if a summer rate could II
be set or a fixed payment each month on the water construction, not half of the amount of the water bill.
The Mayor advised that the Council has no authority to reduce or change rates from schedule created by I
Ordinance unless there is some justification which would be annexation to the City. Petitions being ready,:
the Mayor offered the same fer circulation. i
I There being no further business, the mep.ting was declared adjourned.
t7 City Clerk
~OTICE lSUEHEBY GIVE!\" that. '~
:>oaled bids -ahaJl 'bc,.~~ived b}" the
~I:~t olofO{5. 4"~Il~:l~~f.~tAftep~t;
shall be opened by the t.:ity Manager Id
at 5:00 (I'c1ock: P.M., .Monday. Sep-
tamheJ- 28. Hlo~ for th, e fullowing ., 'A4A I
transformer: ~
~3.= ~:1~ D~t!~~~~-: ' Mayor
from. 13,gGO to 14,400 voiU, G. E. I
Oa.ta1ogue- llI'o. 7'ilQES8Sti or eqnaL
Dcllvet"y l;lhall I:j,e F.O:l:l.- .Port Angel-,
~ ""a.HhingtOll: All bIdS shall apeelf)'
!datc of dd!ve.ry,. .
'l'hc Ctt~. 01 'POl't ,.<:ng<1les. resen'I~8
the right to ll.('{'ept or -reject ~11)' or
nil blds. All piela shall..be submiued
, 1\1. W. SI,ANKARD.
City I\otllllager
Pul1l1shcu; September 1, ~lld 24, H59