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Port Angeles, Washington
August 20, 2002
CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Wiggins called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at
ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Wiggins, Councilmembers Braun, Campbell,
Headrick, Rogers, and Williams.
Members Absent: Councilmember Erickson.
Staff Present: Manager Quinn, Attorney Knutson, Clerk Upton, B.
Collins, M. Connelly, G. Cutler, D. McKeen, T. Riepe, Y.
Ziomkowski, S. McLain, L. Dunbar, and T. Smith.
Public Present: L. Lee, R. Anderson, P. Johnson, L. Rasmussen, T. Price,
and L. Nutter.
PLEDGE OF The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Deputy Mayor Campbell.
PUBLIC CEREMONIES, City Beautification A wards to Hartnagel Building Supply and I~indermere Real Estate:
PROCLAMATIONS: Mayor Wiggins extended appreciation to City staff for establishing the awards program
for those businesses committed to beautifying the entrance to the City. He expressed
City Beautification Awards the hope that the awards being presented this evening would be the first of many. The
Harmagel Building Supply Mayor then presented the awards to Quint Boe and Terry Neske of Windermere Real
and Windermere Real Estate, and Arnold Schouten of Hartnagel Building Supply.
LATE ITEMS TO BE Mayor Wiggins asked that consideration be given to conducting a special Council
PLACED ON THIS OR meeting for the purpose of endorsing the one-tenth of one percent (0.1%) additional
FUTURE AGENDAS: sales tax. This was added as Agenda Item 1.3.
Patty Hannah, Executive Director of United Way, provided the City Council with a six-
month report on City funds expended for human services. Ms. Hannah provided history
on human service funding which came about several years ago by an increased sales
tax, a portion of which was dedicated toward this purpose. She informed the Council
that the City has been working with the United Way for several years in administering
these funds, and the City Council has provided a liaison to the United Way for fund
allocations. The report reflects the number of people served by the agencies, with a
focus on youth and prevention programs. The number of contacts with the clients is
also reported, as the agencies are encouraged to have an ongoing relationship with the
clients to foster the development of young people and quality of life for seniors.
Ms. Hannah directed the Council's attention to two new programs: a parent/teen
mediation program through the Peninsula Dispute Resolution Center, as well as a
August 20, 2002
LATE ITEMS TO BE program through Pro Bono Lawyers with regard to legal issues that arise by the birth
PLACED ON THIS OR of children to unwed mothers. Ms. Hannah indicated that 152 people could not be
FUTURE AGENDAS: served by the agencies and were referred elsewhere, often times because the demand
(Cont'd) exceeded the ability to provide service. United Way is working toward a County-wide
centralized information and referral system, and Ms. Hannah briefly discussed the
phone number, 211, which was established as the number for the first call for help.
FINANCE: 1. Proposed Fiber Optic Wide-Area Network Use Agreement:
Fiber Optic Wide-Area Deputy Director of Power Systems McLain made introductory comments indicating this
Network Use Agreement agreement is the culmination of over two years of work. He acknowledged the many
individuals involved in this effort, after which Power Resources Manager Dunbar made
a PowerPoint presentation on the proposed Fiber Optic Wide-Area Network Use
Agreement. Mr. Dunbar itemized the Fiber Optic Business Plan Goals, to include the
facilitation of a City-wide infrastructure project with the greatest potential for economic
development success, a response to the needs of the business community, the fostering
of telecommunications competition via open access and private sector development and,
fmally, the goal to prevent development of excessive redundant infrastructure.
He summarized the fast-track process over the past few months, the involvement of
stakeholders, and the anatomy of the entire network. Mr. Dunbar also explained in
detail the inner workings of a wide area network of this nature. Mr. Dunbar provided
an overview of the Wide-Area Network Use Agreement, and he invited Pete Grigorieff,
Northland Regional Manager, to inform the Council as to the members of the Northland
team in this endeavor.
After further reviewing the details of the agreements, Mr. Dunbar summarized changes
incorporated since the last meeting of the Utility Advisory Committee. He then
proceeded to review the proposed Institutional Network Services Agreement with
Capacity Provisioning, Inc., at which time he invited Bob Jensen, Capacity Provisioning
Vice President, to inform the Council as to the members of their team in this endeavor.
Mr. Dunbar then proceeded to review the special agreement provisions, as well as the
City sites to be served. He delineated the various charges and compensation to the City
as relates to this agreement, and he then discussed the Telecommunications Master
Permit that is to be issued in conjunction with the agreement. In reviewing the capital
costs associated with both agreements, Mr. Dunbar emphasized the savings to be
realized by the City by virtue of entering into these agreements as opposed to
proceeding with its own fiber installation. The parmerships created by these agreements
provide benefits to everyone involved, and Mr. Dunbar reviewed those benefits in
Following a brief question and answer session, Councilmember Rogers provided a
chronology of work effort on this project and the reasons why the project has been so
very important. She commended stafffor its diligence in this regard, and Councilman
Campbell moved to accept the recommendation to authorize the Mayor to execute
the proposed Fiber Optic Wide Area Network Use Agreement and right-of-way
easements for I-Net node enclosures with Northland Cable Television.
Councilmember Rogers seconded the motion. Power Resources Manager Dunbar
asked that the modifications made since the last Utility Advisory Committee meeting
also be made a part of the motion, which was acceptable to Councilmembers Campbell
and Rogers, as the maker and seconder of the motion. A vote was taken on the
motion, which carried unanimously.
Proposed Institutional 2. Proposed Institutional Network Services Agreement
Network Services
Agreement Councilmember Rogers moved to accept the recommendation to authorize the
Mayor to execute the proposed Institutional Network Services Agreement and
August 20, 2002 4735
Proposed Institutional Telecommunications Master Permit with Capacity Provisioning, Inc., to authorize
Network Services the City Manager to execute Interlocal Agreements for the acquisition of I-Net
Agreement (Cont'd) Services with public institutions, and to include the modifications discussed.
Councilman Braun seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Pete
Grigorieff, Northland Regional Manager, thanked Messrs. Dunbar & McLain and City
staff for their work in this process; he felt this would be a good engagement for the City
and for the community.
-Itreak Mayor Wiggins recessed the meeting for a break at 7:15 p.m. The meeting reconvened
at 7:30 p.m.
PUBLIC HEARINGS - Municipal Code Amendments - MCA Ol-02B (PAMC Titles 14, 16, 17- Continued from
OTHER: July 16, 2002):
Municipal Code Community Development Director Collins distributed copies of a letter from the
Amendments - MCA 01- Chamber of Commerce consisting of five points to be included in the public testimony
02B (PAMC Titles 14, 16, for this hearing. With the use of overheads, Director Collins reviewed proposed
17 - Continued from July changes to the Sign Code, to include the combining of the Downtown Sign Code with
16, 2002) the Zoning Code, the allowance of one A-frame sign per commercial site, a clarification
of commercial message signs, and a simplification of exempt and prohibited signs. He
summarized the major issues pertinent to the Sign Code, noting the industry standards
as well as the County and proposed City standards. He noted that banner signs and
fluttering devices would be allowed with certain parameters. Director Collins noted the
public process that has taken place, allowing input from the public, businesses, and
representatives of the sign industry.
Lengthy discussion followed concerning the County's request that the City revise its
sign standards to coincide with those of the County. Director Collins then proceeded
to review proposed changes to the Parking Ordinance, most of which were
administrative and housekeeping in nature. In the ensuing discussion, Councilmember
Rogers stressed to the Council the importance of being thorough in its consideration of
the changes, particularly as they may restrict business and business growth. Councilman
Braun suggested that more time was needed to review all of the proposed changes, so
he requested a special meeting for a work session on the changes. The Council agreed
by consensus to hold a special meeting on August 27, 2002, from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.
Director Collins reviewed the proposed changes to the Subdivision ordinances, also
administrative and housekeeping in nature. However, he advised the Council that one
of the major issues in this regard is the modification of future street standards for low
impact development. Director Collins summarized the Zoning Code changes,
indicating that Special Use and Conditional Use has been clarified. Other changes are
also administrative and housekeeping in nature.
Mayor Wiggins opened the public hearing at 8:05 p.m.
Jackson Smart, Jackson Signs, 472 Mt. Pleasant Road, commended City staff for
allowing sign companies to be involved in this process. He was asked by the Port
Angeles Business Association to review the changes, and the PABA subsequently voted
unanimously to support those changes brought forward. Mr. Smart asked for a
reconsideration of A-frame sign standards, as he was concerned about the safety issue
and lack of visibility for the dimensions proposed. With the help of visual aids he had
prepared, he recommended an A-frame that is 48 inches high and 44 inches from the
ground. He suggested a width of 32 inches. Mr. Smart also pointed out that one sign
per building would be allowed and, for those buildings with more than one tenant, this
dimension of sign would allow a type of directory for all businesses in a given building.
August 20, 2002
PUBLIC HEARINGS - Arla Holzschuh, Executive Director of the Port Angeles Downtown Association, 105
OTHER: ½ E. pt Street, referencing the height of the signs, stated the PADA is not
(Cont'd) recommending that all signs be 48 inches high, but requesting that the change of height
be from a maximum of 30 inches to 48 inches and that dimensions be limited to 20 or
Municipal Code 24 inches on downtown sidewalks. A minimum, she added, is required for safety
Amendments - MCA 01- precautions. Director Collins added that staffwould accept a minimum and maximum.
02B (PAMC Titles 14, 16,
17 - Continued from July Larry Harwood, 94 Seaview Dr., asked if the consideration was to double the size of the
16, 2002) (Cont'd) billboards that are currently not 600 sq. ft. in order to conform all signs. D~._
Collins responded that 600 square foot signs would be allowed where there are~uu
square foot signs, and the 600 square foot signs would be allowed where there is no s~gn
on the property at this time. Mr. Harwood, speaking in opposition to all billboards,
inquired why any billboard would double in size, especially since the City has such a
beautiful view. He felt that billboards do not improve a business community at all, and
he has never been influenced by a billboard to make a purchasing decision.
Tony Griffith, Port Angeles Inn, 111 East 2na Street, explained that 25% of his business
is because of billboards. He added that billboards are important to Port Angeles and
asked that the City not stifle signage. Mr. Griffith proposed that more signage be put
up between Seattle and Port Angeles so that the visiting public is educated as to the
attractions of the area.
Linda Nutter, 1701 East 3ra, stated that cities elsewhere can get along without billboards.
She understands that billboards can be helpful, but added that bigger is not better and
disagrees in increasing signs to 600 sq. ft. A uniform smaller sign would be
advantageous to all, and Ms. Nutter suggested that the City adopt the County standard.
Mike Millar, 1327 East 1st, representing the International Sign Association, mentioned
there are more than several signs in the County that exceed 600 square feet. He
supported bringing the code up to industry standard - a height of 35 feet, and he
commended the City for its progressive work thus far. Noting the support of the PABA
and the Chamber of Commerce, he urged the City to move forward.
Dorothy Skerbeck, 3225 E. Masters Rd., stated that the City threatens her with
annexation, so signage does matter to her. If people would slow down to appropriate
speeds, she felt that the signs would be legible.
There being no further public testimony, Mayor Wiggins closed the public hearing at
8:35 p.m. He continued the matter to the work session scheduled for August 27, 2002.
CONSENT AGENDA: Following brief clarification of expenditures, Councilman Williams directed attention
to the first paragraph on Page 3 of the August 6, 2002, City Council minutes. He asked
that the record reflect his opposition to the annexation request because of the lack of
clarity at the Statewide level. Until the petition method of annexation is cleared up at
the State, he felt the Council should refrain from taking any action on annexation.
Councilman Braun moved to accept the Consent Agenda to include: 1) City Council
minutes - August 6, 2002 meeting; and 2) Check Register - August 9, 2002 -
$392,247.03. Councilman Campbell seconded the motion, which carried
CITY COUNCIL Councilman Braun attended the commissioning of the USCGC Wahoo, as well as the
COMMITTEE ice skating facility meeting. He introduced Leonard Rasmussen, who addressed the
REPORTS: Council on the matter of the ice skating facility. Leonard Rasmussen, 2143 W. 14~h
Street, commended Councilman Braun for bringing this issue to the forefront. Much
enthusiasm exists for the rink, but questions have arisen regarding financing and how
to make it happen. The general consensus at the meetings is that this needs to be a
multi-use facility. Citing the Bremerton rink as an example, Mr. Rasmussen informed
August 20, 2002 4737
CITY COUNCIL the Council that this is a money-making business and that it will develop a 501C. He
COMMITTEE will encourage the citizens of Po~ Angeles to participate in the Peninsula Ice Sports
REPORTS: (Cont'd) Federation in Bremerton and proposed that this be discussed in tel-ms of the Cascadia
Councilmember Rogers also attended the Wahoo commissioning and mentioned the
increase of ships coming to the harbor. She also attended the ice skating meeting.
Councilman Campbell expressed kudos to the Public Works Department for the City
booth at the County Fair.
Mayor Wiggins commended the Parks and Recreation Department for the flowers and
grounds keeping in the City.
OTHER Storm water - Regulations and Utility Ordinance: Set Public Hearing Date
Linda Nutter, 1701 East 3rd, expressed her pleasure as a citizen that the City is moving
Storm water - Regulations forward in storm water management. Taking control of this issue will save much in the
and Utility Ordinance future. If the fee is $3.00 per month, what will be done to bring this down to a
reasonable price. How can you reduce the amount of run-off into the system? It would
be appropriate to provide credits or something similar for those who can retain their
mn-off on their own property.
Sue Ford, Sequim, inquired if the WA Storm Water Management Manual for Western
Washington was the model for the Department of Ecology Storm water Management
Plan. Director Curler responded in the affLrmative. Ms. Ford recommended that the
City look carefully at that document and consider not incorporating it as part of the plan
because it consists of 1,033 onerous pages of roles and regulations which would only
cause more problems for the City and increased costs.
Councilman Braun moved to set the public hearing date for September 3, 2002, for
receipt of input regarding formation of a storm water utility. Input from the
public hearing will be used for discussions and a decision regarding adoption of the
ordinance and formation of the storm water utility at the September 17, 2002,
Council meeting. Couneilmember Rogers seconded the motion, which carried
Letter to Peninsula 2. Letter to Peninsula Regional Transportation Planning Organization re: Hood
Regional Transportation Canal Mitigation
Planning Organization re:
Hood Canal Mitigation Economic Development Director Tim Smith summarized the background of the Hood
Canal Bridge closure mitigation and referred to the nine primary issues discussed in the
letter to the Peninsula Regional Transportation Planning Organization. Following a
brief explanation of those items by Director Smith, Councilman Williams commented
on the Environmental Impact Statement and what it might do to the schedule for
renovating the bridge. He added that he felt the items identified in the letter would be
well received. Director Collins referred to the portion of the letter which requests the
replacement of the bridge occur outside of those months which incur a high rate of
August 20, 2002
Letter to Peninsula tourism. The schedule and the budget are very critical. Director Collins felt that what
Regional Transportation has been crafted in the letter is supportive of that concept.
Planning Organization re:
Hood Canal Mitigation Councilman Braun moved that the Council authorize the Mayor to sign the
(Cont'd) proposed letter. Councilman I-Ieadrick seconded the motion, which carried
Consideration of Special 3. Consideration of Special Council Meeting re: 1/10th of l % Sales Tax
Council Meeting re:
1/10th of 1% Sales Tax It was proposed that the matter of the one-tenth of one percent sales tax issue be
considered at the August 27, 2002, Special Council meeting, to which the Council
agreed. Councilman Headrick asked if the issue of Referendum 51 could also be
discussed; however, it was agreed the second meeting in September would be
appropriate for that particular topic.
INFORMATION: Councilmember Rogers mentioned the Community Development meeting on Friday,
August 23, 2002 at 9:00 a.m. at City Hall. Councilman Williams informed Council that
there is no Real Estate Committee meeting on the Tuesday, August 27, 2002 but on
September 10, 2002.
Mayor Wiggins inquired about the cessation of the Laurel Street slide repair. Director
Cutler responded that the design work is being refined and that construction will begin
after Labor Day.
Councilman Braun drew attention to the September 5, 2002 Gateway Committee
Manager Quinn mentioned the update on Council Goals and Projects, the Institutional
Network Implementation Consulting Services Monthly Status Report, and the
notification of the City's Budget Award. He recognized Yvonne Ziomkowski for her
award from the Finance Association. Staff also included in the packets an update on the
Rayonier Mill Trail status. Director Cutler related that concrete will be poured on
Friday for the bridge abutments and anticipated that completion will be mid-to late
Councilman Braun complimented the Public Works Depamnent for the Cherry Street
Councilmember Rogers, referring back to the Rayonier Trail, asked for a fmite date for
the completion of the trail for opening ceremonies and festivities. Director Cutler will
keep all informed.
Peter Ripley expressed his support for the ice skating rink because it would provide
winter revenue, such as a hockey team. He then mentioned that this is the 5th
Anniversary of the Port Angeles Journal.
EXECUTIVE SESSION: The meeting was adjourned to Executive Session at 9:35 p.m. to discuss labor
negotiations for approximately one hour.
RETURN TO OPEN The meeting returned to Open Session at 10:30 p.m.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 p.m.
~ Glenn Wiggins~ M~or" rocky J. ~P~i ~ Cl~rkl--