HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08/21/1950 ,. 38 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington AUJ:Ust 21, 19~ ,."".."".."'".....,.......,""......... ~ The Commission met at 10:00 A.M., and was called to order qy NByor Feeley. Officers present were: Feeley, Commissioners Robinson and Taylor, Attorney Trumbull and Clerk Law. Mayor !:inutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of applications !~r building permits and licenses, the follmving were 'granted: Building Permits: ,;20, 25cJ - T. E. j)ylier Build Garage; Lot 2, Elk. 53, Townsite DelGuzzi Bros. Build 6-Room House; Lots 5-62 Blk. 282, Townsite Dick '!Tray Construct 5-Room Dwelling; SLots 11-12" Blk. 267, Townsite 00 Licenses: 5'1- L. L. Farmann IJarber Shop Tip Top Tavern Amusement Uaclline Tip Top Tavern Music Machine Tip Top Tavern Soft Drink Pagoda Room fuusic Machine 250.00 11,000.00 9,000.00 LOO 24.00 12.00 5.00 12.00' Under the head of unfinished business, Gene Mndsay, Mr. :F~sher, and other owners of property at First and Lincoln Streets appeared regarding culvert and flood protection. llr. Fisher agreed that as long as culvert is in repair the portion above culvert is responsibility of property owners. Also informed that oVlners have requested an Local Improvement District, but money from such District would not be sufficient. Engineer's estimate submitted was $41,000.00 for 245' of culvert, fill and sewer. Mr. Fisher also informed that temporary repair qy property owners would cost about 11700.00. The possibility of soliciting State funds in co-operation with property owners and the City Vias also considered. After further discussion it was moved by Commissioner Robinson that the Engineer be instructed to contact the State Highway Engineers regarding the matter and that the Attorney investigate the responsibility of the water department overflow in Peabody Creek, report to be su lInit ted in two weeks. Motion seconded by Commissioner Taylor. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Attorney Chamberlin appeared for Petersen end Craver regarding requested seYler connections which would be used for sanitary purposes only. Commissioner Taylor reported on meeting vlith the County Commissioners and their refusal of any responsibility. That if requested connections are permitted, others will ask for the same privilege and the system is not adequate for services novl connected. !Jr. Ta,'lor also informed that records permitting County connections to City lines provides that when City trunks are overloaded, the County will install their own. Commissioner Robinson contended that if sanitary and storm waters from County lines 'are overloading City lines, now is the time for settlement and correction. Mayor }'eeley favored the City perridtting connections for this requested district. Commissioner Taylor reminded that the City' would 'soon be faced with problems of polution and sewage disposal, for which revenue must be provided by servic e charges and bonds. Attorney Chamberlin asked if present lines could !laDdIe connections for the seven houses -to which Commissioner Taylor replied that it might not make too much difference rot would require more flush tanks, etc. Attorney Trumbull advised that it is not the duty of the City to provide for disposal of sewage from outside the City, and that provisions for the County to assume such duties is included in statutes governing. COIl'Jl\issioner Robinson requested that the COllllllission inspect the district before making final decision which was agreed and will be made immediately following the meeting. Commissioner Taylor informed that the County Commission has instructed their Engineer to prepare estimates of cost to repair and fill at site of the G.A.R. Hall. The Commis sion considered bids submitted for excavation and relocation of a portion of Morse Creek pipeline. It was moved hy' Commissioner Taylor that 'the bid be awarded to J. P. Surace Construction Company for t6,655.oo. Seconded by Mayor Feeley. The Commission did not vote on the question, but will' argue the same at 1:00 P.M. Utrler the head of new business J. 1\. "ruch requested permission to use over-burden rock from the City gravel pit. Re~uest granted. Commissioner Robinson moved that the City Treasurer be instructed to transfer from the Light jo\md to the Water Fund $78,583.11, which was previously borrowed by the Light :Fund. !;otion seconded by Commissioner Taylor. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Under the head of reading and p" ssage of Ordinances the following was placed on third and final reading: ORDINANCE NO. 1256 AN ORDINANCE vacating too t certain alley in and across Block Two Hundred and Twenty (220), Government Tovmsi te of Port Angeles, Clallam County, Washington: It was moved Iv Commissioner Hobinson that the foregoing Ordinance be passed third atrl final reading and adopted. Seconded by Commissioner Taylor. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Under the head of introduction and reading of Ordinances, the following was placed on first and second reading: ORDINANCE NO. ;:n1 AN ORDIKANCE stating the facts of an emergency affecting the public safety, welfare and convenience of the City of Port Angeles; requiring the unforeseen expenditure of funds; providing for the issuance of emergency warrants and declaring an emergency. It was moved by Commissioner Taylor that the foregoing Ordinance be passed first and second reading. Secorrled by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. On motion by Commissioner Robinson the meeting was recessed until iL:OO P.M. Pursuant to recess declared, the Commission convened at 1 :00 P.M., with all Officers present. The Collllllission again considered bids for repair of Morse Creek line. Mr. bOdge informed that the bid by J. M. Bruch was not the lowest responsible bid and recommended tha t due to past experience the bid by J. P. Surace for $6,655.00, be accepted. The Commission then voted on the question which passed unanimously. I ~ "I I , . I I I' I . ~ I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington Aueust 21st, continued. 19.EIL - _ u''',..........."....''',......''.''..m.. ~ j COlUlections to sewer lines near 9th and Washington Streets by Petersen and Craver were discussed after ! inspection tour, and it was moved by Mayor }'eeley that the said connections be permitted for the seven ,~ dYrelling project now under construction. Motion seconded by Commissioner Robinson. Commissioner Taylor r contended that according to reports of Engineers Ahlvers and Dodge this is not advisable under present ! circumstances and voted opposed to connections. The motion carried. I At this time Engineer Ahlvers and Supt. Dodge Were consulted regarding County connections with City trunk I sewerS. It was their opinion that present lines will handle all sanitary seYlage if l'tormwater is diverted, and if the County extends their line to the bay, the hazard of overload would be eliminated at present. It was moved qy Commissioner Taylor that the Attorney be instructed to draft an agreement whereby Vlhen the City sees Ii t, disconnection of the seven residences may be requested. This for protection of the City in case of emergency. Motion seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Commissioner Taylor requested that a record be incorporated in proceedings that the contract by J.~. Bruch I to repair Morse Creek line was signed after submission and could not be considered. I The' Commission examined and approved the following claims, and ordered warrants is sued , CURREN!' EXPENSE Hllm: ~ '15 'C,9 Olympic Tri b.llle Bussing Office Supply O. K. J'ubber Yielders Janish Motor Co. Hooker Storage Garage & SerV.Stn. Fitqhard's Ass. Service Schr~iner Chevrolet Co. Browti'!s Second Hand store R. O. Ide Willson HardVlare CD. R. L. Polk & Co. The Texas Co. Natural Gas Corp. of Wash. Howard-Cooper Corp. Irwin & Johnson Custom Top & Body Shop The Electric Co. Cam Manufacturing Co. Fire Appliance Co. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. of /;(1f1- CITY STREET l'UND: The Texas Co. IE. R. Gehrke, Agent Rich. Oil Corp. Puget Sound Navigation Automotive Parts Service I City Water Dept. I Truck & Equipment Co. Willson Hardvlare Co. I Qoljlllpic Electric Co. I G & L Paint Supplies , Bussing Office Supply I 11 VIATER .UND: '1'11:; 1 R. L. Polk & Co. Paget Sound Navfgation CD. Olympic Tri bune I Rayonier, Inc. City Treasurer Automoti ve Parts Service 1 Woodie 's Harley Davidson OlJlllpic Salvage Linco In We Id ing . Jams s Hardware Co. Puget Sound Express : E. N. Hallgren Co. I Hensselliler Valve Co. l'iestern Utili ties Supply Co. I Bow Lake E"uipment Co. . .z r I LIGHT HIND: 10'15- Remington Rand, Inc. Olympic Printery City Trea surer Tr.lck & &[uij:1Il8nt Co. Clallam Adjustment Corp. Automotive Parts Service Internat'l Municipal Signal Assn. Paget Soonl Navigation Co. IE. A. Jensen, Shell Distributor ~Westinghouse Electric Supply CD. I' Olympic Tribune I s'l I PARK FUlm: .2.2.2- l~eler Hdwe, & Furn. Co. Thermador Electric Mfg. Co. I Street Dept. j Automotive Parts Service I City Treasurer ~acific Tel. & Tel. Co. Ange les Building Center . Woodie's Harley Vavidson I James Hardware Co. Will so n Hardviare Co. I The Olympic Electric Co. i in payment of same: 16.58 55.56 18.54 15.85 .37 11.07 2.50 ,10.41 27.09 10.91 72.10 564.14 ,5.00 28.56 20.45 14.67 .5.15 4.50 2.06 ,16.58 606 .56 157.54 3.54 58.85 212 . 81 58.89 66.73 16.92 , 9.37 118.03 56.05 1.04 6.21 24.99 503.80 15.31 2.16 9.66 8.08 5.72 1.25 44.56 '19.57 512.55 212 . 82 65.61 20.96 92.40 15.84 5.00 12.36 3.00 28.09 580~ 419.29 2.46 42.481 15.12 30.24 "- 6.131 111. 21 7 .98 ' 2.281 5.86 1.76 ! 1.02 I .46 i ~ Legal Publications Supplies Tire Spring, Bushing, Hubbers Oil Car Repair Car Repair Fla shligh t S Car Mileage for July Force Cup, Globes, Fuses, etc. 2 City Directorie s Gasoline and Oil Gas Expans ion Rings and Gaskets Carburator and Fittings Repair of Canvases 20' 1" Thil1l'1all Electric Brushes Extinquisher Cartridges hecharged Service 4408 Gasoline Fue 1 Oil Freight Repair Supplies ! Cost Shoes fOr Excavator }'enders, Bolts Tools and Hdwe. Electrical Supplies Pa int One Drafting Machine, Scale Directory Freight Chgs. Adv. Lead Wool Envelopes, Ball Pens, License & Title, etc. Hattery' & Rods Keys Ca ble Plate Powder, etc. Frt. Chgs. Repair Clamps Hydrant Extension n t tings Shovel Track Meter headers Sheets }'o rms Ca sh for Po stage Parts Commission Paint Dues Frt. Chgs. Transcfiormer-Oil Meters Adv. Tools & Hdwe., Sheckles, Bolts, \71se, etc. Motors for Wall Heaters Labor and Repairs Bolts, Tie Rod Ends, Wheel Kit Light, Water, Garbage Service 5288 Lumber Ga sket Set, Rings Washers, Bolts, Stap+es Hose Couplings, Bolts Switch 39 " ,.. 40 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington AU!!\1st 2l~t. continued. 19S.JL '"'' . .".... ""M. "'''O~''. ""......... ..... /?tf e::../ I PARKING I\ffiTER & TRAFFIC CONTROL Th'ND: Poget Sound Paint & Duck Co. Stop Flags 37.39 City Treasurer Postage .53 : Poget Sound Navigation Co. Frt. 4.14 I Cornrner cial Paint Co. Scotchli te 12..98 G & W Fire Service Extinguishers 16.00 Willson Hardware Co. Galv. Lag Screws 4.78 Clark and Edl'rards Lbr. Co. Lumber ,94.92 Olympic Electric Co. Supplie s, Traffic Light 11. 89 Olympic Tribune Legal Pobhcation ,1.98 CEMETERY WIlD: 4/ ~tj City Street Uept. Gas and Oil 6.63 Wheeler Hdwe. & Furniture Co. Grass Seed 34.81 1 I" 1. D. REVOLVING FUI'm: f7 ~ City Treasurer ]Jeed to Lots 11, 12, Blk. 396 47.27 GO L. 1. D. GENERAL !'UND: '1 - Olympic Tribune Legal Publication 9.60 1'here being no further business, the session was declared adjourned. 0 t ~. /~~/Il .t:-t (J City Clerk Maybr I , , '" I i j I I I I ~ I