HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08/21/1952 "'-278 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington August lU lrP~ ""0' ""'''. ..m,.. .""...... '"'""........ .... The City Council met in regular session at 7:30 P.M., and was called to order. by Mayor Smith. Roll call of Officers showed the following present: Mayor Smith, Councilwoman Powell, Councilmen Brown, Neer, Sandison, Wolfe, and McFadden, Manager Vergeer, Attorney Trumbull andClerk Law. It was moved by Councilman Wolfe that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as received. Seconded by Councilman McFadden and carried. Under the head of unfinished business, Manager Vergeer reported that estimated cost for installation of sewers on East "olumbia Street West and East of Chambers Street was $1,698.46. Assessed property valuation the dif- being onl,y &680.00, it would be nece65ary for the Health Department. to declare an emergency or/&l,360.oo and' ference ;/1,698.46 which is $338.46 would be paid in cash in advance before. improvement could be considered. between Itc!f'istjlloved)'rseconded and carried that property owners be notified as to cost and requirements for procedure. So ordered. The request for installation of water service South of Highway 101 in the Fairmount District was also con- sidered with estimated cost at $49,500.00 subject to 10% variation. The extension would serve thirty customers now outside the City who contemplate incorporating in the City. It was the opinions of Council- man Wolfe and Bro>m that as certain locations witiin the City are now experiencing water shortage the depart- ment should not invest the amount required for outside service lUltil such time as sufficient water service I is available or those requesting the service are incorporated with the i;ity. It was moved by Councilman : Brown that the matter be postponed until future date when all sections within the City are properly served. : Seconded by Councilman Wolfe. All voted /lye. Motion carried. City Hanager Vergeer reported that installation of booster pump at 17th and C Streets has improved service in that district for which consumers have expressed appreciation. . I Budget report for the previous month were received by Council members. It was moved by Councilman Brown that the reports be approved and filed. Seconded by Councilwoman Powell. All voted Aye. Jr.lotion carried. The Council again discussed traffic problem and all night parking in the downtown areas. Police Chief Ide l'Jlported that his :department has issued approximately 235 warning tickets within the last two weeks, rec':' eiving not much response. Also informed that some hotel clerks. advise their guest s to park on streets while others cooperate. Hanager Vergeer recommended that either citations should be followed through or Ordinance should be repealed. After further discussion, the Council instructed that the Traffic Ordinance J be enforced. 1 Under the head of. new business, the Council approved requests for license renewals as follows: Arthur T. Filion, Corner Cupboard. A. L. Huse, Harine Drive Lunch. John F., Lloyd E., and Eugene C. Mealenn, Mcalenn's Focd Stcre, Donald J. and Ivor Smith, Peninsula Beverages. T. E. Einos, Donald J. and Ivor Smith, Port Angeles Distributing 1,;0. J1anager Vergeer re.quested that transfer of~3?,000.00 be approved in the current Street Department budget from streets and bridges item to Auto Equipment and Repair, both being l;.ithin the same classification. A proper resolution will be prepared and introduced for approval. The Manager also informed of requests for increases in the 1953 Budget for the Humane Society, Olympic Health District, and Recreation Pool, and that $2,880.00 be included for Civil Defense. The Council instructed that if funds are available, the requests should be included. Mayor Smith read letter of request for approval from the Council to serve refreshments at Lincoln Park during the Labor Day Picnic. It was moved by Councilman Weer that the request be granted. Seconded by' Councilman Sandison and carri ed. Under the head of reading and passage of Ordinanc es, the following were read in full for approval by the l Council : I ORDINANCE 1m. 1286 JAN ORDINANCE of the City of Fort. Angeles stating the facts of an emergency affecting the public safety, wel- fare and convenience of the people of the Vity of Port Angeles; requiring the unforeseen expenditures of IlfUndS; providing for the issu ance of emergency warrants; and declaring an emergency. It was moved by Councilman Wolfe that the foregoing Ordinance be approved and adopted. Secoded by Councilman Sandison. All voted Aye. Motion carried. I ORDINANC E NO. 1287 ,AN ORDINANCE amending Ordinance No. 1250 of the City of PortAngeles entitled, "An Ordinance relating to and Iproviding for the regulation of taxi cabs and for-hire cars; providing for the inspection and control thereof, !fixing the rates to be charged therefor, and for the licensing and controling of drivers thereof, defining 'offenses, prescribing penalties and repealing Ordinance No. ll56 and all other ordinances or parts of 'ordinances in conflict herewith'l. I lIt was moved by Councilman McFadden that the foregoing Ordinance be approved and adopted. Seconded by (OUnCilman Brown. All voted Aye. Motion carried. ,No further business appearing, the meeting was declared adjourned. (). B. (j ';f~ City Clerk ~J~~ Mayor .... I I .1 I