HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08/21/1958 I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 603 .., August 21, 19~ '"'' . "._.. ...,no, .n"",,. ....,,"', ..... .... The Ci~y Council met in regular ~ession at 7:50 P. ~. and was called to order J:u Mayor Richardson. Roll call of Officers revealed the follomng present: Councilmen Smith, Sandison, Maxfield, Thorne Randall and Caldwell, Acting Manager Warder, Attorneys Severyns and Moffett and Clerk law. ' Minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under t~e he~d of unfinished bJ.siness, the final hearing on Assessment Roll for L. I. D. No. 177 was opened. The Eng~eer quoted cost estimate as $29,459.00, actual cost being $27,222.20. No objections having been made or filed, it was mcved by Councilman Smith that hearing be closed am Assessment Rllll approved. Seconded J:u Counciibnan Caldwell am carried. Request for variance of bJ.ilding Code by McDonald Thneral flome was again discussed. Negotiation being considered by property ovrners, it was moved by Ccuncilman Maxfield that request be tabled until the next meeting. Seconded by Councillllan Sandison and carried. VII'. Warder reported Valley creek Flood Control project as being completed, actual cost being $75,160.59, the city to be reimbursed $50,064.16 by the State, $25,000.00 having been received. Painting of Civic Sta(\ium am fence is completed. All field work e""ept minor pick-up finished for Sunrise Heights project, several months more being necessary for complete plans and extimates. Also that application for water service on main line is approved, Mr. Sawby having agreed to install chlorinator. Councilman Randall read report of Committee findings regarding Utility collection stetion. Recommended was cancellation of contract and the Fire flall at 102 East Fifth st. designated as collection station. Mr. Randall then moved for adoption of recommendations as sullnitted. Seconded by Counci:iJr.an Thorne am carried. Mr. Warder read report concerning Police Department procedure and alleged illegal arrest. It appears from investigation that nothing in procedure was unusual, irregular or illegal. That the County and City enforcement departments are cooperating'and no grounds are found for implications of illegal procedure. Mr. Randall informed that legality was not questioned, only investigation requested. Also read comments. After brief discussion the Mayor ordered reports filed and thanked committees for efforts in submitting the same. i Council received correspondence from Harold E. Miller, Director, Pollution Control Commission, citing two I alternate plans for sewage disposal. After results of survey, it was stated that either alternate will provide acceptable disposal of municipal sewage and to include industrial .,aste in the llewer i?ystem is a matter for local determinat:lon. Council will give due consideration and study. Under the head of new business, claims payable were approved in total amount of $62,855.04. The following reports were filed for Council approval; Work report of Water, Light am Power, Billing report, B.1dget r!tPorts of receipts and expenditures, and Treasurer's Finalllcial report for July. It was m<>:ved by I CounciJman Thorne that reports be approved and placed on file. Seconded by Counci1Jnan Sandison and carried. Eric Cargo having sold his interest in the 01;ympus 'Fountain to Loren Bergquist, requested that City License be transferred to the now owner. It was moved by Councilman Sandison that transfer be approved. Seoonded by Councilman Caldwell and carried. The following correspondence was read: Association of Washington Cities acoepting invitation to hold 1959 Convention in this City June 10, 11, 12, if dates domot conflict. It was moved by Councilman Smith that dates as stated ~approved. Seconded by councilman Sandison and carried. fusiness and PrOfessional Women, letter of thanks for welcClllEi extended to their Club during recent tour. E. A. Halberg request for elimination of Admission Tax on Theatre tickets. Mr. Warder will contact and report. I A. N. IIartnagel, Chairman, Library Board, requested Council consider expenditure of approximately $98,700.00 to cover expense of addition, remodel, equip and furnish Library building. A committee will meet with the Library Board to discuss proposal. Letter from Playfair Committee designating parade route. It was moved by Counci1Jnan Smith that route be approved, subject to approval of the Police Chief. Seconded by CounciJman Maxfield am carried. Mr. Warder informed that the contractor has started clearing for construction in L. I. D. No. 178. Also that Clarence Movius has resigned as Foreman of the sanitation Department and appointment cf Patrick Maguire to that position. He then read resignation as submitted J:u City Attorney Severyns and by approval of the council, appointed Tyler Moffett to serve in that capacity. Mr. Moffett took oath of office and presented Bond. It was moved by Counci1Jnan Maxfield that appointment be confirmed and bond approved. Seconded by Councilman Smith and carried. Al Haley, Tournament director for ladies soft ball league, inquired as to possibUity of using Civic Field , for tournament to be held over Labor Day weekend. Also, if field is available with lights, the 1959 sta1be Championship Tournament is offered to this City. After discussion and recommendations, it was moved by Councilman Smith that r~est for use of Civic Field be granted. Seconded by Councilman Maxfield and carried. Norman Jones, Labor Union Representative, asked Council to join with Labor in observance of labor Week. The II.ayor informed that a Proclamation is being studied and will definitely repls" in near future. Paul Bauer, 721 So. Valley St., appeared regarding material being drppped from bridge, causing 27 roof punctures in last four years and asked that Council consider purchase of the property. The Attorney will ascertain if the City can legally purchase. Under the head of introduction and reading of Ordinances, the following was ,introduced and read in full: ORDINANCE NO. 1420 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, approving and confirming the assessments am assess- !:lent roll of Local Improvement District No. 177 for the improvement of a certain area withili the City by th construction and installation of storm trunk sewers, storm lateral sewers and storm sub- sewers, etc. It was moved by Councilman Caldwell that the foregiong Ordinance be adopted. Seconded by councilman SmitlI a.\'ld carried. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. ~~ p. Po --L.cuff' City Clerk ..oIIIIl