HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08/21/1984
August 21, 1984
Port Angeles, Washington
August 21, 1984
Mayor Duncan called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
Members Present: Mayor Duncan, Councilmen Gerberding, Haguewood, Hordyk,
Schermer, Whidden.
Members Absent:
Councilman Quast.
Staff Present:
Acting Manager Pittis, Attorney Knutson, Deputy Clerk
Anderson, P. Carr, M. Cleland, R. Saville, J. Marsh,
L. Glenn, R. Orton, S. Hardy, R. French, T. Sterner,
D. Wolfe.
Public Present:
C. Fidler, I. Smith, E. Anderson, C. and M. Beutler,
H. Hendricks, F. Carr, A. Bergstresser, E. Peterson.
Councilman Gerberding moved the Council accept and place on file as
received the minutes of the August 7, 1984 meeting. Councilman Whidden
seconded and the motion carried.
Councilman Hordyk moved the Council accept the items listed under the
Consent Agenda, including (1) permission to call for bids on single-phase
electric meters; (2) permission to advertise for consultant on Signal I
Design for Eighth and Peabody; (3) correspondence from the Washington State
Liquor Control Board; and (4) Vouchers of $239,943.95 and payroll of
$199,796.29. The motion was seconded by Councilman Gerberding and carried.
1. Payment of $7,498.19 Approved to Riddell, Williams for Legal
Councilman Gerberding moved to approve payment of the amount of $7,498.19
to Riddell, Williams for legal representation. Councilman Whidden seconded
and the motion carried.
Planning Commission Minutes of August 8, 1984
A. Public Hearing Set for Annexation - Hare
A request for annexation has been-made by Mr. and Mrs. Alan Hare for a
parcel of property approximately 4+ acres in size, located at 90 Lindberg
Road. Following discussion, Councilman Whidden moved to set the date of
public hearing on the annexation ordinance for September 18, 1984.
Councilman Schermer seconded. Following discussion, on call for the
question, the motion carried.
B. Request Granted to Circulate Annexation Petition - Gerald Austin
Councilman Gerberding moved to concur with the Planning Commission's
recommendation to grant the request to circulate an annexation petition_ for
a parcel of property approximately 3,450 square feet, located on the north
side of Spruce Street, west of Fairmount. Councilman Schermer seconded and
the motion carried.
August 21, 1984
C. Conditional Use Permit Tabled - Northwest Territories
Application has been made for a Conditional Use Permit to allow a duplex in
the RS-9 District, located at 4105 "Cn Street Extension. Councilman
Whidden moved that the Planning conunission review the City's policies
regarding multi-family housing in that area and table decision on the
matter until information is received back from the Planning Commission.
Councilman Hordyk seconded. The motion carried, with Councilmen Whidden,
Hordyk and Schermer voting "Aye" and Councilman Gerberding voting "No"
because he felt the lot was large enough to acconunodate aI}d would not
contribute to oversaturation of the area. Councilman Haguewood voted "No",
favoring approving this Conditional Use Permit, and then proceeding to
review the City's policies. The motion carried.
D. Conditional Use Permit Granted - Geri's Taxidermy
A request has been made for a Conditional Use Permit to allow a taxidermy
shop in the Arterial Conunercial District located at 1327 East First Street.
Councilman Schermer moved to concur with the Planning Commission I s
recommendation for approval of the Conditional Use Permit, subject to the
following conditions: (II That the paved parking area be repaired and
striped and the curb cut closed, in accordance with the requirements of the
Public Works Department; and (2) That an exhaust ventilation system be
installed in accordance with the Uniform Building and Fire Codes. He cited
the following findings: (A) A taxidermy shop is similar to other
conditional uses in the ACD District, and it conforms with the purpose of
this Zone; (b) It is a community-wide service which would be situated in
the First/Front Street commercial corridor; and (C) the proposed use is
compatible with the uses which surround the site. Councilman Gerberding
seconded and the motion carried.
Conditional Use Permit Denied
Cooperative Pre-School
St. Matthew's Christian
A request has been made for a Conditional Use Permit to allow a pre-school
to operate in the RS-7 District, located at 118 East 13th Street. Council-
man Schermer abstained from participating as he is a member of St. Matthew's
congregation. Clarence Fidler, representing residents of the area,
addressed the Council requesting denial of the Conditional Use Permit,
opposing a commercial activity in this residential area and objecting to a
sign of 10 square-foot size. Mr. Fidler also feared that a chain-link
fence would be constructed, obstructing the view. Ida Smith, representing
St. Matthew's Christian Pre-School, then addressed the Council. She stated
that a sign would be for the purpose of advertising. Councilman Hordyk
discussed the matter with Mrs. Smith and with staff. Earl Anderson, of 928
Strait View Drive, a member of St. Matthew's, then addressed the Council,
stating that he agreed with the reconunendations of the Planning Commission
to grant the Conditional Use Permit. He stated that the proposed pre-
school is in proximity to a 30-p1us car parking lot and that the pre-school
has no intention of putting up fences.
Councilman Gerberding then moved to concur with the recommendations of the
Planning Conunission to grant the Conditional Use Permit, subject to the
following conditions: (1) That a floor plan be submitted for review by the
Public Works Department; (2) That a dry chemical fire extinguisher be
installed, address numbers be provided, and the pre-school be in compliance
with Chapter 212-62 WAC; (3) That the size of the sign be restricted to one
square foot; (4) That all parking be off-street parking; (5) That the City
be notified of any change in ownership; (6) That there be no fencing of the
front half of the property; (7) That the City be notified of any structural
alterations. Councilman Hordyk seconded.
Charles Beutler then addressed the Council, stating that he had been a
resident of the area for 51 years. He spoke in opposition to the Condi-
tional Use Permit. Mr. Beutler inquired as to when the zoning of the area
had changed from first-class residential. City Planner Carr stated that
the zoning text was changed in 1969 from first and second class residential
to RS-9 and RS-7. Mr. Beutler complained that while his property taxes
were increaSing, the Church did not have to pay property taxes.
Councilman Hordyk then requested the Deputy Clerk re-read Councilman
Gerberding's motion. Deputy Clerk Anderson re-read the motion. Councilman
Hordyk then requested that the final conditional be amended to state that
the City be notified of alterations of any kind. Councilman Gerberding
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Councilman Haguewood noted concern over excessing playground
:Ida Smith then re-addressed the Council, stating that the pre-
16UIJI,JI6uIS L I be in session for only 21, hours each day and that there would
1.8M 9 tor playground equipment. Howard Hendricks of St. Matthew's
I:'::::~~~: ;ed the Council, stating that the Church had been used for
1"I'Un t lcti vi ties in the past, but there is a need to move the pre-
J8P':~Z: 16 residence on the adjoining property. He stated it was too
101llS I l use the Church for this activity, noting that in the event of
NMOG r some other activity, the pre-school usage would conflict.
UMol6uUQWIO 19: then addressed the Council. She stated that residents of the
81"Q~lsla 09' have to deal with Jefferson School and that this would be an
PU~~0~~6S~raffic impact. Councilman Hordyk stated that he had received a
POUMO :rom an individual concerned with the intersection at Boulevard
8:)n~D~~~~ ~ ~ Frances Carr, who is directly across the street from the
14Dtl-<ln 9S ,-school, stated that the pre-school has been in operation for a
poUSISOH SSO a permit. She- opposed the Conditional Use Permit and the
~~::~:~~~~l5 cars all at the same time, twice a day. Alfred Bergstresser
6UIWIOUlY,) ts :hew' s Church then addressed the Council, supporting the
""::~::; 'Use Permit.
QUO 81M urAl .L.t
SI::'~Py'~~ t" the question, Councilman Gerberding voted "Aye". Councilmembers
PPV ~t iden and Haguewood voted "No". Councilman Schermer abstained.
. .'II~'d It :ailed.
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IS~OIS~UO' Lt 10rdyk then moved to deny the request for the Conditional Use
e:~:.sqns ~ Councilman Haguewood seconding. The motion carried I with
8nlq:l,~~i:~: ?erberding voting "No" and Councilman Schermer abstaining.
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I::'~~~ : of New City Light Director
MII'1I0J8uaJRd 6l.
u.pes 81 Manager Pittis introduced City Light Director Ron Saville to
s.(.~~~ U Ron joined the City August 13, 1984. Welcome, Ron!
.... 'J rdinance Amendment Adopted
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ilhidden moved to accept the Planning Commission minutes of
'84 and place on file as written. Councilman Schermer seconded
on carried.
read the Ordinance by title, entitled
eJa~i pasod SA,"
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles
adopting by reference Chapters 173-58,
173.60, and 173-70, Washington Administrative
Code, as now existing, and all, future
amendments, additions, and new sections,
and adding a new chapter to Title 15 of
the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
Councilman Hordyk moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title, with
Councilman Whidden seconding. Following discussion at length, on call for
the question, the motion carried.
3. Mayor Duncan Reports on State Ferry System Long Range Plan - Council
Authorized Presentation Opposing Elimination of Keystone Ferry and
Proposing Edmonds/Kingston Bridge.
Mayor Duncan reported to' the Council on an open house held by the Department
of Transportation on August 16, 1984. She reported that participants re-
ceived a synopsis of the long range plan draft environmental i~pact state-
ment and were asked to look it over quickly and make comments. She indicated
that no hearings were to be held on the environmental impact statement and
that the deadline for comments had been set at August 2<3, 1984. The
original environmental impact statement entitled "Development of Alterna-
tives, Phase I Report", was never sent to the City of Port Angeles, the
City of Sequim, or to Clallam County by the State, and the open house held
in Port Townsend was never announced to the North Olympic Peninsula commu-
nities. Mayor Duncan informed State staff members of this problem and they
suggested that comments could be made up to the 20th. Mayor Duncan
informed them that this was not possible for our City representatives, as
the next City Council meeting was the 21st, and the City had never received
a single copy of the draft environmental impact statement. State staff
members informed her that an extension could be requested. Mayor Duncan
August 21, 1984
concurred. Councilman Haguewood noted concern over excessing playground
equipment. Ida Smith then re-addressed the Council, stating that the pre-
school would be in session for only 2~ hours each day and that there would
be no need for playground equipment. Howard Hendricks of St. Matthew's
then addressed the Council, stating that the Church had been used for
pre-school activities in the past, but there is a need to move the pre-
school to the residence on the adjoining property. He stated it was too
confusing to use the Church for this activity, noting that in the event of
a funeral or some other activity, the pre-school usage would conflict.
Mary Beutler then addressed the Council. She stated that residents of the I
area already have to deal with Jefferson School and that this would be an
additional traffic impact. Councilman Hordyk stated that he had received a
phone call from an individual concerned with the intersection at Boulevard
and Lincoln. Frances Carr, who is directly across the street from the
proposed pre-school, stated that the pre-school has been in operation for a
year without a permit. She opposed the Conditional Use Permit and the
arrival of 15 cars all at the same time, twice a day. Alfred Bergstresser
of St. Matthew's Church then addressed the Council, supporting the
Conditional Use Permit.
On call for the question, Councilman Gerberding voted "Aye". Councilmernbers
Hordyk, Whidden and Haguewood voted "No". Councilman Schermer abstained.
The motion failed.
Councilman Hordyk then moved to deny the request for the Conditional Use
Permit, with Councilman Haguewood seconding. The motion carried, with
Councilman Gerberding voting "Noll and Councilman Schermer abstaining.
Councilman Whidden moved to accept the Planning Commission minutes of
August 8, 1984 and place on file as written. Councilman Schermer seconded
and the motion carried.
Introduction of New City Light Director
Acting City Manager Pittis introduced City Light Director Ron Saville to I
the Council. Ron joined the City August 13, 1984. Welcome, Ron!
2. Noise Ordinance Amendment Adopted
Mayor Duncan read the Ordinance by title, entitled
\ AN ORDINANCE of the City
of Port Angeles adopting by
reference Chapters 173-58,
173-60, and 173.70, Washing-
ton Administrative Code, as
I now existing, and 011 future
r amendments, addition!>, and
. new sections, and adding 0
. new chapter to Title 15 of
~ the Port Angeles Municipal
I Code.
~~lr:cr~~i~eod~:J~~::~ry cOof:
feets the health, safety and
welfare of people, the value
of property, and the qu~li!y
of tlle environment wlth.n
i the Ctty:-of..P.ort..Angel~s; and
I WHEREAS the noiH regula-
f ~s in t.... Was~]!,9ton Ad.
ministrative Code as prom-
ulgated by the Deportment
of Ecology relating to sound
, measurement procedures,
t maximum environmental
noise levels, and watercraft
\ noise standards are ade-
quate and approprio:e .for
lcantrolling adverse nOise 1m.
I pacts: and
I WHEREAS, the Deportment
~ of Ecology does not hove
T sufficient stoff to enforce the
fnoise regulation~. in t.he
Wasr.ington Administrative
ICode; and
WHEREAS, adoption o~ said
regulations by the City of
. Port Angeles will help ~he
City to help deter excessive
. COUNCil OF THE CITY OF t comments Could be made up to the 20th. Mayor Duncan
~~c~:0~N1~E~~~r~s ifsoll~;:bY ~ that this was not possible for our City representatives, as
. added to Title 15 of the Port Council meeting was the 21st, and the City had never received
1~;~e~'Cha~~~J'~1~:'"""~~t~tled -~ of the draft environmental impact statement. State staff
"Noise Control", as follows: med her that an extension could be requested. Mayor Duncan
15.16.010 Adoption. The fol-
lowing chapters of.T!tle 1!3, 1
Washington AdminIstratIVe
Code, as now existing, cn~
011 future amendments, addI-
tions, and new sections, ore
hereby adopted by
rafer n- .
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles
adopting by reference Chapters 173-58,
173.60, and 173-70, Washington Administrative
Code, as now existing, and all. future
amendments, additions, and new sections,
and adding a new chapter to Title 15 of
the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
rdyk moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title, with
idden seconding. Following discussion at length, on call for
the motion carried.
:mcan Reports on State Ferry System Long Range Plan - Council
~ed Presentation Opposing Elimination of Keystone Ferry and
19 Edmonds/Kingston Bridge.
reported to. the Council on an open house held by the Department
ltion on August 16, 1984. She reported that participants re-
psis of the long range plan draft environmental .impact state-
asked to look it over quickly and make comments. She indicated
ngs were to be held on the environmental impact statement and
nine for comments had been set at August :20, 1984. The
ronmental impact statement entitled "Development of Alterna-
I Reporel, was never sent to the City of Port Angeles, the
, or to Clallam County by the State, and the open house held
end was never announced to the North Olympic Peninsula commu-
r Duncan informed State staff members of this problem and they
nons, ana new secTions, are
hereby adopted by
referen'. :
A. Chapter 173-58 WAC
Sound level Measurement
8. Chapter 173.60 WAC
.Maximum Environmental
Noise Levels;
C. Chapter 173-70 WAC
-Watercraft Noise Perfor-
mance Standards.
15.16.020 Variances. Any
person seeking 0 variance
as provided for in th.e regu-
lations adopted by thiS chap-
ter sholl file on application
with the. Boord of Adjust.
ment within ten (10) days of
being cited for a noise viola-
tion, The applkatian shall be
accompanied by information
demonstrating why the ap-
pllcant believ7s im~ediate
compliance with nOise re-
quirements cannot ~e
achieved because of special
circumstances rendering im-
mediate compliance unrea.
sonable in light of economic
or physicol factors, en-
croachment upon on existing
noise Source, or because of
",on-availability of feasible
-'echnology or control meth.
d$<:Jhe Board of Adjust.
-~.hall grant or deny
- 9:- in accordance with
diidures and require.
-"f'Orr1r '1" WAC
1 73.60-080.
15.16.030 Penalties. Any.
person found in violation of
the estoblished noise levels
of this chapter shoJi be sub.
ject to a civil penolty not to
exceed One Hundred {Slool
Dollors per day of violation.
Section 2. Severability. If any
section, subsection, para-
graph, sentence, douse. or
phrase of this Ordinance
shall be declared unconstitu-
tional or invalid by the valid
i udgment or decree of any
court of competent jurisdic-
tion, such unconstitutionality
or invalidity shall~ nof affed
any of the remaining sec-
tions. subsections, para-
graphs, sentences, clauses,
and phrases of this Ordi-
nance, since the some would
have been enacted without
the incorporation in this Or.
dinance of any such uncon-
stitutional or invalid articles,
sections, paragraphs, sen-
tences, claUSes. and
ph roses.
Section 3 Effective Dote. This
Ordinance shall take effect
as provided by law.
PASSED by the City Council
of the City of Port Angeles
at 0 regulor meeting of sold
council held on the 21st day
of August, 1984.
Dorothy Duncan
A TTE5T: Merrl A. lannoye
City Clerk
Croig D. Knutson
City Attorney
Pub.: AUlJ. 29, 1984.
August 21, 1984
stated that she felt this was very poorly planned and very poorly timed and
was another institutional barrier to economic development that our City
keeps coming into conflict with in the State government.
Mayor Duncan then introduced Evelyn Peters. Mrs. Peters proposed to the
State that an additional sum of money be budgeted currently for an update
of an outdated plan to cross puget Sound from Kingston to Edmonds, commonly
known as the #4 Route. She indicated that a hearing was going to be held
by the Marine Division of the Transportation Commission regarding the 1985-
1987 biennium budget proposal, at which time she would like to submit the
proposal of the Kingston/Edmonds bridge and would like to encourage a "full
steam ahead" approach to the bridge. Councilman Haguewood then moved to
authorized Mrs. Peters to make her presentation. Councilman Hordyk seconded.
Councilman Schermer amended the motion that the City will continue to op-
pose Alternative No. 5 of the draft environmental impact statement (to
eliminate the Port Townsend/Keystone ferry service). Councilman Haguewood
concurred. Mayor Duncan then suggested that a work session be scheduled at
a later time for the Council and staff to substantively deal with the
information, and to prepare material to be submitted to the Department of
Transportation. On call for the question, the motion carried.
Mayor Duncan stated that a hearing was being held August 23, 1984, spon-
sored by Representative Fisch and Senator Conner in regard to the toll
bridge. Councilman Quast will be attending as a representative of the Fair
Toll Coalition and Mayor Duncan suggested that any information regarding
the Council's opposition to the elimination of the Keystone ferry and their
support of a cross-Sound bridge be given to Councilman Quast and that he be
asked to also officially represent the City at this hearing. Mrs. Peters
stated that she would attend the hearing also.
4. Mayor Authorized to Sign Joint Pole Use Agreement with Clallam County
PUD for DelHur Eastside Annexation
councilman Hordyk moved the Council authorize Mayor Duncan to sign the
joint pole use agreement with the Clallam County PUD. Councilman Gerberding
seconded and the motion carried.
5. Mayor Authorized to Execute Contract with WSEO for Funding of Energy
Conservation Measures at Eight City Buildings
Councilman Hordyk moved to authorize the Mayor to execute WSEO Contract No.
84-080-B, providing for the reimbursement of $68,296 for installation of
energy conservation measures at eight City buildings. Councilman Gerberding
seconded. Councilman Schermer asked if modifications could be made regard-
ing additional funds being put into th~ old City Hall, as the Council has
established a new City Hall as a goal. Councilman Gerberding stated that
he had the same concerns, but had spoken with staff and was informed that
it was quite late for contract modification for this year's grant applica-
tion. Sheila Hardy then addressed the Council, stating that these improve-
ments would add considerably to the value of the old City Hall. On call
for the question, the motion carried.
6. Mayor Authorized to Sign Contract with Seton, Johnson & Odell for
Design of Energy Conservation Measures for Eight City Buildings
Councilman Hordyk moved the Council authorize Mayor Duncan to execute the
agreement for engineering services for the preparation of design documents
and specifications and construction consultation with Seton, Johnson &
Odell for contract 84-080-B from WSEO. Councilman Whidden seconded and the
motion carried.
7. Resolutions Passed Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to Execute
Amendments Nos. 3, 4 and 5 to Contract with U. S. Department of Energy
and BPA
Mayor Duncan read the first Resolution by title, entitled
A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles
authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to
execute Amendatory Agreement No. 3 to
Contract No. DE-MS79-83BP91362 between the
City of Port Angeles and the United States.-
Department of Energy, Bonneville Power
August 21, 1984
Councilman Schermer moved the Council pass the Resolution as read by title.
Councilman Whidden seconded and the motion carried.
Mayor Duncan then read the second Resolution by title, entitled
A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles
authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to
execute Amendatory Agreement No. 4 to
Contract No. DE-MS79-83BP91362 between
the City of Port Angeles and the United
States Department of Energy, Bonneville
Power Administration.
Councilman Whidden moved to pass the Resolution as read by title.
Councilman Gerberding seconded and the motion carried.
Mayor Duncan then read the third Resolution by title, entitled,
A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles
authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to
execute Amendatory Agreement No. 5 to
Contract No. DE-MS79-83BP91362 between
the City of Port Angeles and the United
States Department of Energy, Bonneville
Power Administration.
Councilman Whidden moved to pass the Resolution as read by title.
Councilman Gerberding seconded and the motion carried.
Permission Denied to Fabricate and Install a Gate Closure at the
Parking Lot at City Pier - Staff Instructed to Prepare Ordinance
Mayor Duncan reviewed a memo from Parks and Recreation Director Marsh
stating that from October, 1983, to August, 1984, the City pier has been
subjected to approximately $4,000 in vandalism costs. Councilman Schermer
then moved to authorize staff to fabricate and install a gate closure
across the entrance of the City pier parking lot, to be closed to vehicles
at 11:00 P.M. Councilman Whidden seconded. Councilman Hordyk stated that
the Pier belongs to the public as it was purchased by the public through
general obligation bonds, and opposed the placing of the gate on the park-
ing lot. The Council discussed the matter further with staff at length.
Council and staff concurred that pedestrians should not be prohibited from
walking on the pier and using the Pier, and that the ordinance which closes
the City Pier at 11:00 P.M. should be amended. Following further discussion
at length, Councilman Schermer stated that his reason for making the motion
was to close off traffic, not pedestrians. He referred to State parks and
other publicly owned parks which had taken such measures to prevent vandal-
ism. On call for the question, the motion failed, with Councilman Schermer
voting "Aye" and Councilmembers Hordyk, Haguewood, Gerberding and Whidden
voting "No".
Councilman Schermer then moved that staff submit a proposal to the Council
for amending the ordinance to allow persons to be legally on the pier after
11: 00 P.M. Councilman Whidden seconded and the motion carried, with
Councilman Hordyk voting "No".
9. Permission Granted to Retail Consultant for Completion of Updated
Water Comprehensive Plan
Councilman Hordyk opposed the development of a comprehensive water plan as
he felt that the State would direct the City's activities anyway. Council-
man Haguewood was concerned with the cost. Councilman Gerberding stated
that he is a proponent of keeping the comprehensive plans updated, stating
that it can be very beneficial to outlying areas and that the plan is re-
quired by State law. he then moved to concur with staff's recommendation
that Gardner Engineers Incorporated by selected for the preparation of the
City's comprehensive water system plan. Couldilman Whidden seconded. The
motion carried with Councilmen Gerberding, Whidden and Schermer voting
"Aye" and Councilmen Hordyk and Haguewood voting "No".
August 21, 1984
10. Overview of Handicapped Requirements for Revenue Sharing Funding
Finance Director Orton addressed the Council regarding the requirements for
providing equal and full access to the handicapped by any entity receiving
federal funds. He stated that any structural improvements not made by
October 17, 1984, must then be committed to a transition plan, and struc--
tural modifications must be implemented by 1986. He requested approval for
funds to pay travel expenses of handicapped individuals to advise on modi-
fications and he also requested Council's guidance. Following further
discussion, Councilman Gerberding moved to authorize payment from Revenue
Sharing for travel expenses of handicapped individuals to advise on modi-
fications and instructed staff to obtain the services of local handicapped
people if possible. Councilman Hordyk seconded and the motion carried.
Councilman Schermer volunteered to serve.
11. Courtesy Parking Ticket-Program Authorized
Police Chief Cleland addressed the Council regarding courtesy parking
tickets for out-of-town license plates, as opposed to parking tickets
imposing fines. Following the presentation, Councilman Gerberding moved to
authorize implementation of the program. Councilman Whidden seconded and
the motion carried.
12. Funding Allocated for Street Maintenance Projects
Following discussion, Councilman Gerberding moved to authorize the Street
Division to expend up to $18,000 to complete five street overlays from Gas
Tax revenue. Councilman Schermer seconded. The Council discussed with
Public Works Director Pittis possible future overlays of this nature in
various areas wi thin the City. On call for the question, the motion
13. Constitution Week Proclaimed - September 17 - 23, 1984
Mayor Duncan proclaimed September 17 - 23, 1984, as Constitution Week and
urged Port Angeles citizens to pay special attention during that week to
the Federal Constitution and the advantages of American citizenship_
Acting Manager Pittis informed the Council that consultants who are
assisting in the waiver for secondary treatment will be in Port Angeles
Friday, August 24, 1984, to discuss alternative solutions to providing
secondary treatment. He also displayed for the Council a first place
trophy won by 15 City employees who attended a Public Works Slow Pitch
Tournament in Olympia and won first place. Congratulation to the City of
Port Angeles Slow Pitch Team!
Mayor Duncan informed the Council that she had received correspondence from
the Mayor of Anacortes on possible additional federal funding for secondary
treatment. She shared the information with Councilmembers ~_.~ - . -~. ,.-- -I
Sealed bids will be received
None. . by the Public Works Depart- .
ment, 140 West Front Street, '.
P.O. Box U50, Port Angeles,
Washington 98362, until Oc-
tober 9, 1984, 2:30 p.m., and
not loter, and will be open-
ed publicly at that time.
Bids will be taken for: sale
and removal of a City owned
building located at 321 South'
Francis Street.
Bid documents may be ob-
tained from ttle office of the
City Engineer, City of Port
Angeles at the above ad-
dress (206)-A57-0411, Ext.
All proposals or bids stlall
be submitted on the pres-
cribed form and in the man-
ner as indicated in the In-
structiol1s to Bidders and
cOl1ditions and said propos-
als or bids sholl be occam-
Pittis stated that no response had been received at this ti ponied by a certif.ied or
Schermer suggested that if there is no response or the buill f~s~~:r'~~oeuc;t O~t f~~~ b;;r~
down by the next Council meeting, Council should authorize: cent (5%) of the total
. I' amount of the proposal or
b~ds. bid, said bid bond shall be
issued by 0 surely author-
, ized and licensed to issue
~ said borlds in the State of
The City of Porf Angeles re-
serves the right to accept
the proposals or bids and
award to responsible bidders
which ore in the best inter-
est of the City; to postpone
the acceptance of proposals
or bids and the award of the
contracts for a period not to
exceed thirty (30) days; or to
reject ony and 011 proposals
or bids received ond further
advise for bids.
Jock N. Pittis, P.E.
Director of Public Works
City Engineer
Pub.: Sept. 23, 24. 1984.
Councilman Gerberding moved to instruct staff to prepare
variances issued within the last year. Councilman Whidden
motion carried~
Councilman Whidden commented on the very strong looking bul
the Parks Department had installed on Ediz Hook for recrei
parks. He noted that there were no handouts available fre'
who had appeared requesting this sign be placed on the Hoo~
with staff waterfront real estate. I
Councilman Schermer asked if response had been received f
awarded the bid to remove a City-owned building. Public i
August 21, 1984
10. Overview of Handicapped Requirements for Revenue Sharing Funding
Finance Director Orton addressed the Council regarding the requirements for
providing equal and full access to the handicapped by any entity receiving
federal funds. He stated that any structural improvements not made by
October 17, 1984, must then be committed to a transition plan, and struc-'
tural modifications must be implemented by 1986. He requested approval for
funds to pay travel expenses of handicapped individuals to advise on modi-
fications and he also requested Council's guidance. Following further
discussion, Councilman Gerberding moved to authorize payment from Revenue
Sharing for travel expenses of handicapped individuals to advise on modi-
fications and instructed staff to obtain the services of local handicapped
people if possible. Councilman Hordyk seconded and the motion carried.
Councilman Schermer volunteered to serve.
11. Courtesy Parking Ticket Program Authorized
Police Chief Cleland addressed the Council regarding courtesy parking
tickets for out-of-town license plates, as opposed to parking tickets
imposing fines4 Following the presentation, Councilman Gerberding moved to
authorize implementation of the program. Councilman Whidden seconded and
the motion carried.
12. Funding Allocated for Street Maintenance Projects
Following discussion, Councilman Gerberding moved to authoriz,6uJPI!nq d04' OtXOl: '101
Division to expend up to $18,000 to complete five street over~o IO!:>JawwO) $9.1.7)0 V!.tnM
Tax revenue. Councilman Schermer seconded. The Council disl.Jo~L~~Z":: ~~~;~OJd ew~)u!
Public Works Director Pittis possible future overlays of th~iJO/PUD la~ow S!~uF,~J~J~~.l
various areas within the City. On call for the question, 1 C~I-Z~'
carried. 9Sn049J~:s~~J~~ 1~~~I;~~o
.~rb$oOO'Yl :NMoiNIM~a
13. Constitution Week Proclaimed - September 17 - 23, 1984 /D/"'''UWD:J B~
Mayor Duncan proclaimed September 17 - 23, 1984, as Constitu .S9po.J'~s.Jauo J.~~~~:f~~
urged Port Angeles citizens to pay special attention during ~~~~o.J:JOI ~o "HllZ; AJ
the Federal Constitution and the advantages of American citiz IDuo~De~~~n JI~
VIII LATE ITEMS ~ 'zeZ6-L~t 'swJa'/009'ZZ$
,saJ:lV S !QffOWYIQ lDn.--
Acting Manager Pittis informed the Council that consultan} ."woH~ewwns 9G
assisting in the waiver for secondary treatment will be in' :saM 'C9ES"LSfr JO (lLr"ls~
Friday, August 24, 1984, to discuss alternative solutions ;,~I,~~~ ,qaaz :OS6',V$ ^IUO
secondary treatment. He also displayed for the Council a ':SW.J9~ 'U~~~3u~~~~~rt~~
trophy won by 15 City employees who atte~ded a Public wor}i~~~~I!~t'~o '~sno~ua9J5
Tournament in Olympia and won first place ~ Congratulation IlIHM awoy ~~~p ~:d~~~~: l
Port Angeles Slow Pitch Team! I H3NNIM SIHI SSJW I,NQO
.;:=:~ ~~
Mayor Duncan informed the Council that she had received cod, 'CSlO-LSt '4>00 OOS' $
the Mayor of Anacortes on possible additional federal fundir!f~HW!I NP a4~ u, 5lJ~;q
treatment. She shared the ~nformat~on w~th Counc~lmernbers~ "Op~~f~~~~t:~P~als^nlto;o!J
':flnIQ uo $'Or c 'ep!S lriM
.'<od UM~~f s~&~:~~~~~~:
None. JO Jj.o.J~ 19^OJ, a:lf01 u,
~eMo /Ja~OM 'M&I^ ,!o.J,S
Jeqwl' 4~IM S9J:>O S !HlnOS
Councilman Gerberding moved to instruct staff to prepare a sUIlUOary of
variances issued within the last year. Councilman Whidden seconded and the
motion carried.
Councilman Whidden commented on the very strong looking bulletin board that
the Parks Department had installed on Ediz Hook for recreational vehicle
parks. He noted that there were no handouts available from the RV parks
who had appeared requesting this sign be placed on the Hook. He discussed
with staff waterfront real estate.
Councilman Schermer asked if response had been received from the party
awarded the bid to remove a City-owned building. Public Works Director
Pittis stated that no response had been received at this time. Councilman
Schermer suggested that if there is no response or the building is not torn
down by the next Council meeting, Council should authorize another call for
August 21, 1984
Mayor Duncan reviewed the Harbor Management Plan schedule for selecting
consultants. She also referred the Council to the information packet,
specifically a letter from Sumek Associates regarding a proposed workshop
for the Mayor and Council on goal setting. She requested that Counci1mem-
bers review this schedule and stated that a date could be set when Manager
Flodstrom returns. She asked for a Council representative to greet digni-
taries for the Derby Days festival. She informed the Council of a reception
to be held August 24, 1984, from 4:00 to 7:00 P.M. for Dr. Keeler, new
Director of the C1allam County Museum. She then displayed a safety award
won by the City of Port Angeles for having no pedestrian fatalities.
Mayor Duncan adjourned the meeting to executive session for the purpose of
discussing litigation at 10:02 P.M.
The meeting returned to open session at approximately 10:30 P.M.
Mayor Duncan adjourned the meeting at approximately 10:50 P.M.
LAKE LELAND; Approximate.
ly 222ft. on lake. $18,000
consider offers/trades.