HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08/21/1990 1676 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington August 21, 1990 I CALL TO ORDER Mayor Sargent called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 7:02 P.M. II PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Before introducing the leaders of the Pledge of Allegiance, Mayor Sargent noted that as a result of town meetings for youth, a group was formed called "Yes to Youth" which has done a great many things for youth participation in the community. "Yes to Youth Days" were held August 1 through 4, 1990, in conjunction with the City's Centennial celebration. The Peninsula Daily News sponsored a Helen Radke Achievement Award for those young people who had participated in the community, demonstrating scholastic performance, creativity, talent, and social consciousness. Two of the nine recipients of the Helen Radke Achievement Awards were present tonight to lead the Pledge of Allegiance. They were Erica Ralston and Ginger Burnham. III ROLL CALL Mayor Sargent welcomed Becky Upton to her first official City Council meeting and asked for roll call. Members Present: Mayor Sargent, Councilmen Gabriel, Hallett, Lemon, Nicholson, Ostrowski, Wight. Members Absent: None. Staff Present: Manager Pomeranz, Attorney Knutson, Clerk Upton, S. Brodhun, M. Cleland, B. Collins, B. Coons, J. Pittis, B. Titus, B. Myers, S. Hursh, K. Ridout, G. Beck, D. Dickson, G. Kenworthy, B. Becker, J. Hicks. Public Present: K. Dun, J. Ensor, C. Durr, K. Mitchell, V. Stackhouse, M. Lang, M. & M. Christina, M. & B. Lund, A. Pitcher, C. Logan, J. Deede, B. Davisson, C. Casey, C. Hinle, C. Casey, P. Catt, J. Wells, C. Bertrand, C. Betting, H. Robinson, V. Romeo, M. Tucker, D., R., and M. Sutton, D. Rutten, J. Borte, J. & M. Koon, L. Turrell, P Veenstra, J. Backer, R. Reed, D. Hoff, S. Halvorsen, B & C. Burnham, G. Braun, J. & I. Koon, E. Colompos, J & E. Graut, C. Cervinski, S. Rogers, C. & L. Temres, H Berglund, G. McCallister, L. & G. Doyle, K. Noonan, J Melton, D. & M. Shideler, D. & P. Brewer, E. & D Shelton, R. Evert, A. Clement, P. Menbor, B. Jennings, M. Mantel, S. Manso, J. Leonard. Mayor Sargent welcomed the new City Manager, Jeff Pomeranz, to his first meeting, noting that he and his family would be welcome additions to the community. Mayor Sargent expressed the Council's appreciation to Craig Knutson for the outstanding job he did in filling the role of Interim City Manager until Jeff's arrival. IV APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF AUGUST 7~ 1990 Councilman Ostrowski moved to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of August 7, 1990. Councilman Gabriel seconded the motion. Councilman Ostrowski noted that under Item X, with regard to the meeting conducted with BPA, he did not in fact attend the meeting. Rather, it was attended by Thomas Hunt. The motion was voted on and carried unanimously, with the noted correction. -1- 1677 CITY COUNCIL MEETING August 21, 1990 V FINANCE None. VI CONSENT AGENDA Councilman Hallett moved to accept the items as presented on the Consent Agenda, including (1) Request for payment to Riddell, Williams of $1,390.71 for legal representation on WPPSS issues; (2) Request to call for bids for Valley Substation equipment; (3) Correspondence from Washington State Liquor Control Board; (4) Vouchers of $1,205,015.29; and (5) Payroll of 8/5/90 of $267,315.73. Councilman Lemon seconded the motion. Following discussion of some of the items as presented, the motion was voted on and carried unanimously. VII ITEMS FROM THE COUNCIL/AUDIENCE TO BE CONSIDERED/PLACED ON THE AGENDA George Crawford, 414 South Francis Street, advised the Council that three local businesses have been blocking the sidewalks, making it difficult for the passage of pedestrians. Pedestrians are forced into the street in order to pass by. Specifically he was referring to Les Schwab located at First and Race, Cummins Diesel at First and Francis, and Port Angeles Glass Co. at First and Race. City Manager Pomeranz will look into this matter and contact Mr. Crawfordo Also, Mr. Crawford requested that we take the street sweeper off Francis Street at 2:00 to 3:00 in the morning, as he thought that was an unneces- sary time for that kind of service to be conducted. Lt. Bill Jaynes, 222 Alderwood Drive, asked the City Council to consider the option, instead of City youth programs, to have the Salvation Army house a "Salvation Army Youth Program" at its facility. No capital expenditures would be required in such an effort, and the Salvation Army would be willing to operate such a program five to six days per week for ages 12 through 26. Mayor Sargent felt this was something that would be appropriately presented to the "Yes to Youth" Committee and asked that Lt. Jaynes consider attending the next meeting. Parks Director Brodhun noted the next meeting will be held on September llth at 7:00 P.M. in the Parks & Recreation building. Fred Bokamper, 422 South Washington Street, advised the Council of a beautiful creek/park in Bellingham which stands as an outstanding example of nature within the city preserved. Mr. Bokamper feels the City of Port Angeles should be preserving White Creek and other creeks as parks. Mayor Sargent said we have a lot of fine parks and the City is definitely consid- ering that particular area for such enhancement. Mayor Sargent added to the Agenda, Item 2A, at which time she will be presenting two proclamations. VIII LEGISLATION 1. Consolidated Dispatch A. Contract Signing Mayor Sargent presented for consideration the signing of the contract with Clallam County to implement the Consolidated Dispatch. This agreement has been a seven to eight year effort and Mayor Sargent complimented Assistant Police Chief Bill Myers for the hard work. Councilman Hallett moved to approve and authorize the Mayor to sign the contract with Clallam County for Consolidated Dispatch and Records Management services. The motion was seconded by Councilman Nicholsono The motion was voted on and carried unanimously. B. Consideration of an Amendment to Civil Service Ordinance Mayor Sargent read the Ordinance by title, entitled -2- 1678 CITY COUNCIL MEETING August 21, 1990 ORDINANCE NO. 2611 AN ORDINANCE of the Gity'~f'Port Angeles, Washington, providing for the transfer of County Sheriff's Office employees into the CityWs Civil Service system for the Police Department and adding a new section 2.22.205, to the Port Angeles Municipal Code. Councilman Hallett moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title. Council- man Nicholson seconded the motion, and following a brief discussion, the motion was voted on and carried unanimously. At this time, Jim Rumpeltes, Clallam County Administrator, and Sheriff Kernes approached the podium for the signing of the contract. Mayor Sargent noted the City is glad to be cooperating with the County on this issue, which will save money for both entities. Mr. Rumpeltes expressed compliments to the staff of the City of Port Angeles and to the County Sheriff's Department for the completion of this agreement. Police Chief Cleland indicated this agreement will foster future coopera- tion between the two entities. This effort has been a long time coming and he is sure it will work out quite well. 2. Presentation by TCACC (Tourism/Convention Association of Clallam County) of a Grant Proposal Kay Noonan, Chairperson of the Meetings and Conventions Committee of the Tourism/Convention Association of Clallam County approached the Council with the request that consideration be given to the City being a co- applicant with the Tourism/Convention Association for $50,768 in grant funds from the Washington State Department of Community Development for the Rural-Urban Linkages Grant Program. Ms. Noonan indicated the purpose of the Program is to stimulate balanced economic growth throughout Washington by testing original approaches and field-dated strategy. The proposal developed by the TCACC focuses on two strategies, the first being to bring more groups to Port Angeles for meetings and conferences, and the second component would assess local potential for hosting meetings and conferences and, if feasible, propose strategies for capturing a share of the market. Because the City of Port Angeles and the TCACC seek to expand the local economy through tourism and convention meeting promotion, it will be in the interest of both entities to join efforts as co-applicants for these funds. The TCACC would fill the role of the lead applicant and assume the responsibility for the projects. The County was approached and has agreed to also participate as a co-applicant in this endeavor. The deadline for the application is Friday, August 24, 1990. After limited discussion, Councilman Nicholson moved to join the Tourism and Convention Association of Clallam County as co-applicant for $50,768 in grant funds from the Washington State Department of Community Develop- ment. Councilman Hallett seconded the motion. Limited discussion followed, with clarification being offered that there would be no cost whatsoever to the City of Port Angeles. The motion was voted on and carried unanimously. 2A. Presentation of Proclamations Mayor Sargent presented a proclamation establishing the week of August 25 through September 5, 1990, as Disabled American Veterans Forget-Me-Not Week in Port Angeles. Mayor Sargent then presented a proclamation establishing the week beginning August 20, 1990, as Firefighter Appreciation Week. The Firefighters' ~proclamation was accepted by Dan McKeen on behalf of the Firefighters of Port Angeles. -3- 1679 CITY COUNCIL MEETING August 21, 1990 3. Request from a Group of Young People and Adults to Address the Council re: Recent Disturbance at City Pier Several individuals spoke as representatives of the young and adult population of the City concerning the disturbance of August 11, 1990, at City Pier. The following submitted input to Council: Floyd Koon, 1024 West Tenth Street; Jennifer Baker, 2411 East 6th Avenue; Jeremy Deede, Peninsula College; Melissa Koon, 1024 West Tenth Street: Paul Veenstra, 2411 East 6th Avenue~ Craig Logan, 1229 west Fifth Street; Victoria Romero, 1220 West Tenth Street; Melanie McKeown, no address listed; Salvation Army Lt. Bill Jaynes, 222 Alderwood; Janette Ensor, 2915 South Peabody Street; Amy Kienholz, 1215A Deer Park Road; Linda Stockman, 717 South Chambers Street; Bob Davis, no address listed; Susan Knudson, 843 Patterson Road; Ed Watson, 1004 Bean Road; Terry Laduron, 4009 Fairmount; Connie Duran, 112 West Seventh Street; Ray Kienholz, 1215A Deer Park Road; Michael Williams, 734 West Fifth Street; Damaris Shideler, 1130 East Eighth Street; Karen Mitchell, 209 South Vine Street~ Frank Romeo, no address listed; Marsha Pence, 938 West 15th Street; Phil Mesilou, 101 East 13th Street; Gretchen Delaney, 1617 South "D" Street. Suggestions submitted by those speaking were: (1) Create a Youth Activity Advisory Committee; (2) direct Police Department to prohibit selective enforcement/application of any law/ordinance or any other form of discrim- ination; to prohibit abusive, belligerent, or confrontational action or attitude; to restrict reserve officers to back-up duty in any situation that can be considered confrontational or explosive; to provide training in crowd control and assessment; and to encourage a positive attitude toward all citizens, especially younger ones; (3) The City Council actively involve itself in the issue of the youth; (4) Do not implement a curfew; (5) Provide a safe place for youth to congregate, possibly a gym facility; (6) Provide a place for the youth to park vehicles as a group; (7) Provide equal rights and justice in spite of youth appearance, hair, and dress; (8) Provide student rates for theatre and symphony; (9) Consider Vern Burton Gym as possibility for youth functions; (10) Utilize Salvation Army facility for youth functions: (11) Establish City Ordinance to enforce a curfew to maintain a secure community and keep youth off the streets (as set forth in a petition with 184 signatures submitted by Janette Ensor); (12) Establish a curfew of 11:00 P.M., particularly for youth 16 and under; (13) Provide more than one night club; (14) Parents should retain respon- sibility for their children. During the course of these presentations, Mayor Sargent referenced the "Yes to Youth" efforts and encouraged anyone interested in providing input to attend the "Yes to Youth" meetings. She is hopeful the program has been reaching a number of people. This summer, the City has had over 5,000 youth participate in the summer Parks program and during the August "Yes to Youth" Days, over 2,000 young people participated in the activities. It would behoove all interested parties to attend the next meeting (September 11, 1990, 7:00 P.M., Vern Burton Center) in order to offer solutions to resolve this issue. For purposes of clarification as to the intent of the program, Mayor Sargent read the Mission Statement of "Yes to Youth". BREAK Mayor Sargent recessed the meeting for a break at 8:50 P.M. The meeting reconvened at 9:15 P.M. 4. Memo and Proposed Ordinance Required Because of Recent Disturbance at City Pier After referencing the memo from the Police Chief about the need for an ordinance that would allow for better management of some of the activities which recently occurred at the City Pier, Mayor Sargent read the Ordinance by title, entitled -4- 1680 CITY COUNCILMEETING August 21, 1990 ORDINA~GM 'NO. ~ ~<~'%612 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, relating to noise control; defining a public disturbance noise emanating from portable or motor vehicle audio equipment, providing a penalty for violation thereof and establishing Chapter 9.26, a new chapter of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. Councilman Nicholson moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hallett. - In response to an inquiry from Councilman Nicholson, Chief Cleland noted this Ordinance would be a tool used by the Police Department to enforce the law, similar to ordinances that have been working well in King County and Renton, particularly at those times when a crowd gathers around the music and subsequently "shuts off" pedestrian traffic. Councilman Nicholson addressed the youth in the audience by stating it is City Council responsibility to solve this problem in the least restrictive way. It is recognized there is a need for a place to congregate and the City Council will try to resolve that issue. At the same time, however, City Council has a responsibility to maintain the law. Councilman Nicholson felt that if this Ordinance works, no other ordinance would be required. If it does not work, then stronger ordinances must be adopted. It is the responsibility of the entire youth group to police itself in order to avoid further action on the part of Council. Councilman Lemon felt there is a small faction of youth causing problems for the remainder of the group. In asking for privileges without adult supervision, the youth must be mature and responsible enough to invite the troublemakers to leave. The City Pier was built with taxpayer money and is intended for the enjoyment of all citizens. Violence of any kind cannot be tolerated. If it continues, stronger laws will be considered. It is important to establish a win-win situation. Councilman Wight noted that over the last several years this Council has demonstrated commitment to youth and has been planning to dedicate more funds to youth programs. As a legislative body, the Council is committed to law and order and to the safety and welfare of all citizens, not just the youth. Councilman Hallett requested more information pertinent to locking the Pier. Chief Cleland indicated a chain and lock would enable the Police Department to close off the Pier parking lot when necessary. The Chief felt a curfew would be advisable only as a last resort. This noise ordinance is not as restrictive as a curfew. Chief Cleland further noted his support to the offer submitted by the Salvation Army. Councilman Hallett felt it appropriate for the Council to gather informa- tion relating to curfews; i.e., has it worked elsewhere; what are the legal implications. He noted citizen requests for a curfew had been submitted prior to this particular incident and are deserving of further City Council consideration. The motion was then voted on and carried unanimously. Councilman Hallett moved to direct staff to gather general information on curfews as to where they have been instituted and how they have or have not worked, to be submitted to Council as an information item in approxi- mately 30 to 60 days. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wight. Attorney Knutson reported he has a current file on research conducted regarding curfew ordinances in other parts of the country, as well as the Washington Supreme Court pronouncement on the issue. The motion was voted on and carried unanimously. -5- 1681 CITY COUNCIL MEETING August 21, 1990 5. Planning Commission Minutes of August 8, 1990 A. PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION ~CITY LIGHTS James and Julie Haguewood & John Doyle, 304 Viewcrest: Proposed Division of 4.65 Acres Into 14 Residential Lots Councilman Ostrowski moved to concur with the Planning Commission recom- mendation and approve the preliminary subdivision, subject to the following conditions, and citing the following findings and conclusions: Conditions: (A) Prior to final plat approval, the road serving the subdivision shall be improved to City standards, including curb, gutter, and paving to a width of 34 feet. Ail work shall be inspected and approved by the Department of Public Works and dedicated to the public upon final plat approval; (B) Prior to final plat approval, the applicant shall provide a storm water control plan, including storm calculations and storm water - improvements for review and approval by the Department of Public Works. Ail storm water improvements required by the plan shall be installed by the applicant prior to final plat approval; (C) Prior to final plat approval, the applicant shall construct a sidewalk along the south side of Viewcrest Avenue adjacent to the subdivision. The sidewalk shall be constructed to City standards and inspected and approved by the Department of Public Works prior to final plat approval; (D) Prior to final plat approval, a firehydrant shall be provided in a location acceptable to the Department of Public Works and Fire Department; (E) Prior to final plat approval, water and sewer and underground electric, telephone, and telecable shall be provided to each lot within the subdivision; Findings: (1) Residential Policy 5 of the Comprehensive Plan states: "Ail develop- ments should provide improvements such as paved streets, gutters, side- walks, sanitary sewers, storm sewers, power, water, street lighting, public open space and recreation areas in a manner that is complementary to the character of the four residential environments and in compliance with City standards."; (2) Circulation Policy No. 4 of the Comprehensive Plan states: "New streets should be designed and constructed to conform to the circula- tion element of this plan and to accepted design construction standards."; (3) Urban Design Policy No. 2 of the Comprehensive Plan states: "Develop- ment should capitalize on the scenic views and enhance the natural beauty of the community."; (4) The RS-7 Zoning District allows single-family dwellings on lots of 7,000 square feet in area. The proposal provides 14 residential lots, each of which has over 7,000 square feet in the RS-7 Zone; (5) The portion of the property adjacent to Mill Creek is zoned Public Buildings and Parks which does not allow residential development. The ravine provides open space for several lots in the subdivision; (6) The Department of Public Works indicated that the sub-division should provide certain improvements, including a street, water and sewer, storm water improvements, and a sidewalk along Viewcrest Avenue. The Department also indicated that only Lot 14 should have direct access to Viewcrest Avenue; (7) The Fire Department stated that a fire hydrant should be provided within the subdivision or that all dwellings be sprinklered, and that adequate access to the lots should be provided; (8) The RS-7 Chapter of the Port Angeles Zoning Code requires a minimum lot width of 50 feet as measured at the building setback line. Lots 6 and 7 of the proposed subdivision do not meet this standard. The Port Angeles Subdivision Ordinance states that irregular shaped lots may have less width than is required by the Zoning Regulations; (9) The Zoning Code establishes a front yard line adjacent to a panhandle serving as access to the lot; (10) The Subdivision Ordinance allows the Planning Commission to reduce the minimum lot width of the Zoning Code, provided each lot meets the minimum lot size; _ Conclusions: (A) The proposed subdivision, as conditioned, is compatible with and furthers the intent of the Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan; (B) The proposed subdivision, as conditioned, is compatible with the Port Angeles Zoning Code, the Port Angeles Subdivision Ordinance, and the Washington State Subdivision Act; (C) The proposed subdivision, as conditioned, is in the public use and interest and does not adversely impact the public welfare. Councilman Hallett seconded the motion. Councilman Lemon asked for clarification with respect to Condition (C) and asked whether or not a non-protest LID could be put in place regarding the sidewalk. After limited discussion and input from the Planning Commission Chairman, it was agreed it would be advisable to remain consistent concern- ing sidewalk requirements. The motion was then voted on and carried unanimously. -6- 1682 CITY COUNCILMEETING August 21, 1990 B. PARKING VARIANCE - PKV-90(08)4 - Colley/Gray Family Therapy, 634 East Eighth Street: Request for a Reduction in the Required Parking'Sp~es~t~.Develop a Counseling Service in the CSD, Community Shopping District Councilman Nicholson moved to concur with the Planning Commission recom- mendation and approve the parking variance, subject to the following conditions, and citing the following findings and conclusions: Conditions: (A) The applicant shall submit an accurate site plan drawn to scale at Ir = 10' and revising the parking lot layout in accordance with City standards and approval of the Public Works Department; (B) Any change of use from the current framing shop or proposed counseling office will require a new application for a parking variance or compliance with the City's off-street parking requirements; (C) Substantial reconstruction or expansion of the existing structures will require compliance with the off-street parking requirements; Findings: (1) The Port Angeles Parking Ordinance requires that prior to acting on a Parking Variance, the Planning Commission must hold a duly advertised public hearing; (2) Public notice, as required by the Port Angeles Zoning Code, has been given; (3) The Port Angeles Parking Ordinance states that the Planning Commission may impose such conditions upon the variance as it deems necessary to comply with the purpose of said Ordinance; (4) The 1,375 square feet of floor area for the child and family therapy counseling office, and the 319 square feet of floor area for the frame shop, require 7 and 2 off-street parking spaces respectively; (5) A total of 8 parking spaces are shown on the application site plan; (6) Single-family residential uses abut the property to the west, south and north; (7) The one-half block facing Eighth Street is zoned CSD-C1, Commu- nity Shopping District, and is in transition from residential to commercial uses; (8) The Public Works Department has commented that curb stops along the alley and a new curb cut, built to City standards, are required; (9) The purpose of the requirements for minimum off-street parking spaces are to allow traffic on public rights-of-way to move freely, to provide access to properties, and to make streets and alleys safer; (10) The location of structures on the lot and safe ingress/ egress close to the intersection of South Eunice and East Eighth Streets, do not lend themselves to the use of the front and side yards for parking purposes; Conclusions: (A) The proposal, as conditioned, would comply with the purposes of the Port Angeles Parking Ordinance; (B) Procedural requirements relating to public notice and public hearing have been accomplished; (C) Without removal of the frame shop and carport, as well as the sun porch, a parking lot layout that satisfies all of the off-street parking requirements may not be possible; (D) Substantial redevelopment of the entire site or construction of a new commercial structure in the future would permit the reconfigura- tion of the parking lot layout in compliance with the City's Ordinance. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hallett. Following a brief discussion, the motion was voted on and carried unanimously. C. Acceptance of Planning Commission Minutes of August 8, 1990 Councilman Hallett moved to accept and place on file the Planning Commis- sion minutes of August 8, 1990. Councilman Gabriel seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. 6, Resolution Setting a Public Hearing for a Street Vacation Request - Grimsley Mayor Sargent read the Resolution by title, entitled RESOLUTION NO. 21-90 A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles setting a hearing date for a petition to vacate a portion of East Sixth Street abutting Lot 10, Block 189, Lot 18, Block 190, Lot 1, Block 211, and Lot 9, Block 212, TPA. Councilman Ostrowski moved to pass the Resolution as read by title, setting the hearing date for September 18, 1990, and forwarding the request to the September 12th meeting of the Planning Commission. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hallett and carried unanimously. 1683 CITY COUNCIL MEETING August 21, 1990 7. Request for Consent to Future Transfer of Victoria Rapid Transit Leases and Related Agreements At a previous meeting of the Port Angeles City Council, approval was given for the execution of non-disturbance and attornment agreements for other businesses located at The Landing Mall. This particular consent to future transfer of Victoria Rapid Transit Leases and related agreements is similar in nature and provides for the future transfer of the sub-leases and related agreements in order to assure the tenants that their current agree- ments will continue in the event of a transfer of ownership of The Landing Mall. Accordingly, it was moved by Councilman Hallett to authorize the Mayor to execute the Non-Disturbance and Attornment Agreement for Victoria Rapid Transit. The motion was seconded by Councilman Gabriel and carried unanimously. 8. Consideration of a Resolution for Abatement of Public Nuisances (Public Comment Accepted) Mayor Sargent read the Resolution by title, entitled RESOLUTION NO. 22-90 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, declaring the existence of a public nuisance and requiring the elimination of such nuisance. Staff provided Council with a revised Exhibit "A". Public Works Director Pittis noted the original list submitted included 51 properties. The revised list includes 34 properties. Councilman Ostrowski moved to pass the Resolution as read by title. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hallett. Discussion followed regarding the need to revisit the ordinance concerning public nuisances, particularly in view of the fact many properties are repeatedly on the list every year. Public Works Director Pittis indicated he would be submitting a report in the near future as to the total prop- erties listed on the public nuisance list over the summer months, with possible recommendations as to other resolutions of the nuisance issue. Consideration might be given to attaching an administrative fee, due to the number of hours the Public Works Department commits to the public nuisance issue. After limited discussion, the motion was voted on and carried unanimously. 9. Consideration of Rescinding Automatic Aid Agreement With District In July, 1982, various Federal, State, municipal, and local firefighting authorities entered into a master Mutual Aid Agreement which was formulated prior to the adoption of the Medic I Program in Clallam County. It was intended primarily for fire incidents. Since that time, until August, 1989, Clallam Rural Fire Protection District ~2 experienced two events which resulted in a delayed request for mutual aid from the City of Port Angeles. In an effort to avoid recurrence of such events, an interim Automatic Aid Agreement was formulated to supplement the 1982 master Mutual Aid Agreement. The Interim Automatic Mutual Aid Agreement is no longer needed, due to an increase in personnel and equipment resources available to CCRFD #2. The cancellation of the Interim Supplemental Mutual Aid Agreement would have no effect upon the master Mutual Aid Agreement of 1982 which would remain in full force. Councilman Lemon moved to concur with Fire District ~2 Commissioners in cancelling the Interim Supplemental Mutual Aid Agreement and allow the 1982 Master Mutual Aid Agreement to remain in full force and effect. The motion was seconded by Councilman Gabriel and was carried unanimously. -8- 1684 CITY COUNCILMEETING August 21, 1990 10. Consideration of City Council Vacancy Applications Mayor Sargent reported three'applications have been submitted for consid- eration for the vacancy created by Councilman Gabrielfs resignation. Those applications were: Jim Hulett, Jerry Cornell, and Gary Braun. Mayor Sargent asked if the Council would like to schedule interviews. The group concurred it would be advisable to establish a special meeting of the City Council for 6:00 P.M. September 4, 1990, to interview the three candidates, with the intention of appointing a new Councilman at the September 4th regular meeting of the City Council. Councilman Gabriel indicated this would be his last meeting in an official capacity. -- All Councilmembers thanked Councilman Gabriel for his many contributions to the Council and the community and indicated that his talents will be missed. IX CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS/LATE ITEMS Councilman Hallett indicated the Utility Advisory Committee will be meeting August 28th and will be reviewing the draft Request for Proposals for Curbside Recycling. He requested that copies of the RFP be distributed to the entire Council for review. Additionally, he requested he be pro- vided with a summary of comments received by the Public Works Department before the Utility Advisory Committee meeting on the 28th. It is Council- man Hallett~s hope that the curbside recycling service will be in place and operating by the first of the year. Public Works Director Pittis indicated the Utility Advisory Committee will also need to consider the future role of the Recycle Committee in the City's recycling efforts. Councilman Hallett referred to the memorandum from Planning Director Collins concerning the Growth Management Act and the requirements set forth within that Act. Director Collins indicated he is working with the County Committee and there is a Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee working on this matter at this time. The Mayor and City Manager have been apprised of the deliberations thus far, and Director Collins would be happy to provide the City Council with more information if they so desire. However, at this time, there is no action required by the City. The City Council may want to become familiar with the requirements of the Growth Management Act; Mayor Sargent indicated that Initiative 547 was much more restrictive than the Act and may not be in the best interests of the community. Planning Director Collins indicated the City Council is welcome to attend the next meeting on this subject, which will be held Monday, August 27th, at 10:00 A.M. in the Council Chambers. Councilman Lemon reported on a recent meeting of the Real Estate Committee where consideration was given to leasing the old City Hall building. Two groups are presently interested in leasing space in the building and are presently meeting and discussing options open to them for sharing the building. Councilman Wight reported on his attendance at a meeting on Monday, August .-- 20, 1990, with representatives from the Public Power Council, where a presentation was made on such issues as the electric utilities in the Northwest and anticipated rate increases. Mayor Sargent reported she had received input from members of the community concerning the beauty of the plantings in the atrium, as well as the flowers Downtown. On behalf of the City Council, Mayor Sargent requested that a letter of appreciation be sent to City employee Ed Wallace, who is responsible for the planting and care of the plants. X ADJOURN TO EXECUTIVE SESSION The meeting adjourned to executive session at 9:55 P.M. to discuss matters of litigation. Approximate length, 15 to 30 minutes. -9- 1685 CITY COUNCIL MEETING August 21, 1990 XI RETURN TO OPEN SESSION The meeting returned to open session at approximately 10:30 P.M. XII ADJOURNMENT A motion was made for adjournment, seconded, and carried unanimously. The meeting adjourned at approximately 10:35 P.M. Clerk ~ --~ .... M~or CC.173 -10-