HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08/23/1944 ,... 32 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington AUgust 25, 1944 19_ The Commission Ijlet in regular session at 10 A.M. and was called to order by !.layor Robinson. Roll call showed the following officers present: Mayor Robinson, Commissioners Beam ani Master,S, ,Attorney Johnston and Clerk Hawkins. . The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. 'Under the head of Applications for Bull111ing Perm~t8 and Licenses the following~re grant'ed: Theodore Hansen, Remodel Dwelling, Lot 13, Block 4, Hartt & Cooke SUbd. Mrs. Earl M. Benedict, Build Dormer, Lot 4, Block 265, TOlfflship FraOk Pollow, Move House from 6th & Linooln to Lot 6, Block 227, Townsite · " Move Building from Lincoln Park to Lot 14, Block 21, N. R. "mith Subd. Dickie's Tavern, 2 Amusement Machines Brickie's Place, 3 Annex Tavern 2 .. 1 Music Machine Brickie's Place; l' " Dickie's Tavern, 1 La Cantina, Soft DrinR Annex Tavern, Soft Drink Brickie's Place, Soft Drink Dickie's Tavern," · La Cantina, Restaurant Annex Hotel, 20 Rooms Under the head of Introduction of Resolutions the following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION 200.00 200.00 200 .00 200 .00 48.00 72,.00 46.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5,00 12.00 20.00 I I I WHEREAS, lhe City of Port "ngeles owns the West one-half (wt) of Lot Five (5) and the ESst one-half (Et) of Lot Six (6), Block Four Hundred Twenty':two (422) of the Government Townsite of Port Angeles, Washington, and owns Lot Thirteen (15), Block Four Hundred Twenty-one (421) of the Government Townsite of Port Angeles, Washington, ' AND WHEREAS, RAYMOND S. PORTER and HAZEL K. PORT?.:R, l'Iis wife, own Lot Seventeen (17) in Block Three Hundred Seventy-nine (579), and FREDERICK GEOROE IIE~LE and DOROTHY BEALE, his wife, own Lot Eighteen (16) in Block ' Three Hundred Seventy-nine (579) of the Govenunent To,msite of Port Ang"les, And tl'le said PORTERS and BEALES have proposed to t he City of Port Angeles, the trade of the lots owned by them for the lots owned by the City, in order that the City migl'lt maintain a playfield on the said Lots Seventeen (17) and Eighteen (18) in Block Three Hundred Seventy-nine (579) for the children living in a reasonable radius thereof. AND WHEREAS, an ~ppraisement has been made of each of said lots and each of said lots' are of the reasonable cash market value of Three' Hundred ($500.00) Dollars, and no more and no less, and that an exohange of said I lots would be fair, equitable, reasonable and desirable, and there is no opposition to s aid exchange in the' vicinity thereof, nor has any opposition to the said exchange been expressed by any person in the City of Porl Angeles, to the knowledge of tl'le Commission. I NOW, TIlEREPORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of tl'le City of Port Angeles, that the City of Porl Angeles eXl!! cute a conveyance of all of its interest in Lot "'hirteen (l~), Block Four hundred Twenty-One (421) to RAYMOND S. PORTER aild HAZEL h. PORTER, his wife, in exchange for lot Seventeen (p), Block :rhree Hundred Seventy-nine (579), of the Government Townsite of Port Angeles, and convey all of, its right, title and interest in and to tbe West one-lialf (wi) of Lot Five (5) and the East one-l'Ialf (El) 51f Lot Six (6), Block Four Hundred Twenty-twc:: (422), to FREDERICK GEORGE BFALE and DOROTHY BMLE, his wife, in exchange for a conveyance of Lot Eighteen (18), Block Three Hundred Seventy-nine (579) all of the Government Town- site of Port f.ngeles. Ii It was moved by Commissioner Masters th:<t the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted.,' peconded by 'Mayor Robinson. On roll call all members voted aye. "he Mayor declared the motion carried. The CommisGl. on examined and allowed the following claws "nd orde red 1I'3rrants drawn for same: CURRENT ED'ENSE FUND Harry LeGear Insurance CITY STREET FUND : Harry L'eGear Insurance ,WATER FUND Harry LeGear Tower "uper Service Hoom r IIlectrochemical Co. Hugl'l G. Purc ell J.larckmann & Williams Insurance Repair~ Wheel Chlorine Jute Fi ttinge '''1 11f ,.,- LIGHT FUND Harry LeGe ar Westinghouse Electric:: IMg. Co. GeneI'll Electric Supply Co. Insurance Recording Chart Meters ~ PARK WND James Hardware Co. E. S. Ritter Hardware, ete. Shi pla p I. STATE AID FUND Ii Harry LeGear : Olympic Stationers ;Howard-Cooper Corp. Insurance Typewriter Repair Set of Manifold Gaakets ~.. 21. 56 . " lQ5.42 I 263.56 15.56 14.92 17.50 4.05 I 7h ./ 409.41 58~36' 11.99 t os.. I:>D . 6.67 51. 56 I' ?tL. 94.44 7.75 1.~4 I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington August 25, 1944 19_ U"'....~...........n.a,....._.._CIIl..1&77a II WAR LIOUOR TAl' reND I' I Harry LeGan t.I.D. GUARANTY FUND Insuran ce 150.05 Ci ty Trea surer Assessments 1~4.95 Tl'lere being no furtl'ler business the Comm:ls sion then adjourned. 11 ~~ ~JOf~ Mayor . City Clerk 33 "