HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08/24/1949 ". 576 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington August 24, 19~ The Corrunission filet in reguJEr session at 10:00 A.ro., and was called to order by !.layor F'eeley. Officers :;present were Mayor Feeley, Commissioner Robinson, Attorney Trumbull, and Clerk Lav,. :1 . :'Minutes of the previous session were read and approved. , dui1ding Permi ts; 'Kenneth Bergquist J. R. Wray Elsie Stahl WiHi8m Poulsen "''IIil Heggelund Jack oelGuzzi of applicatio~~ for building permits and licenses, the following were granted: I~ ).).5" - Build a Garage; Lot 17, dlk. 101, dakers Subdivision Construct 'I-Hoom Dwelling; Lot 6, Blk. 4, Hartt & Cook Add. Re-roof Existing frflelling; Lot 3, dlk. 271, Tmvnsite Garage, Temporary Living ,",uarters; W2 Lot 4, Lot 5, JJlk. 323, Tovmsite F'oundation of Existing Dwelling; Lot 1, dlk. 127, Townsite Construct 5-hoom Dwelling; Lot 14, JJlk. 340, Townsite 500.00 4,500.00 250 .00 1,000.00 7-5.00 I 7,000.00 I ,Under the head Licenses: Golden Gate Cafe , I . , l'Under the head of unfinished business, hios submitted for the sale of one Ford tudor were opened as follows:, I;George M. Oakes, $75.00; W. Patrick Dunbar, ~51.00. It VlaS moved by Commissioner Robinson that the bid byl Mr. Oakes for $75.00 be accepted. Seconded by Mayor F'eeley. Motion carried. 1'he bid submitted by Arthur E: Waldron for the purchase of Lots 1 and 2, Block 396, Townsite, in the amount of ~250.00, was also accepted. .J.1- 0" Amusement Machine 24.00 I The Engineer submitted the third and final estimate of the John Bruch Company for trenching and filling for water main on Francis and Raoe Streets, the total due $1,001.66. It was regularly moved and seoondad that the final estilr.ate be pa id. Motion carried. Under the head of new wsiness, and on behalf of the Lions Club, Joe Janish presented a letter requesting that the Commission attend the dedication of the soore board at Civio Stadium. The dedication would be to the memory of the late Nels M. Sutherland, vrho spent muoh time and effort on the project, and rill be in ,September during a high school game. The invitation was accepted qy the Commission. Havine sold his interest in The Marina, Archie Nailor reqllested in writing that the City lioenses be transferred to Charles Lind, the new ovrner. The request was granted and transfers ordered. ;,MayorF'eeley discussed ohanges possible in the meohanis~. of parking meters, making possible the deposit of I'more than one oent and less than five cents, thereby purchasing more than fifteen minutes and less than one hour of parking time'. Felix Gallaoci informed that meters could be altered for approximately 25~ each. ,There being no objections noted, Mr. Gallacci was instruoted to make the said changes. :Corrunissioner Robinson cited oontemplated enlargement of the boat haven and advised that if pOSSible, the I,street department should make arrangements to fill West Third Street rith material dredged. 'Under the head of reading and passage of Ordinances, the following two Ordinances were passed third reading and a d opted: ORDI NANCE NO. 1211 I 'AN ORDINANCE vacating a certain alley in BlOCk One (1) CaiIilSubdivision of Suburban Lot Tv1enty-one (21) of the Townsite of Port Angeles. ORDINA~~E NO. 1212 !,AN ORDINAIl:E of the City of Port Angeles granting to the United States of America, Department of the Interior, acting by and through the Bonneville Power Administrator, a right of way for the construction, operation: and maintenance of a six inch pipe line and facilities appurtenant thereto, across and under certain City streets of the City ,of Port Angeles, Washington. It was moved by"Commissioner Robinson that the two foregoing Ordinances be passed third and final readines and adopted. Seconded by Mayor F'eeley. All voted Aye. Motion carried. The Commission examined and approved the following cJEims and ordered warrants issued in payment of same: 3>r '17 ~ CURRENT EXPENSE FUND: Port Tie & Lumber Co. A. T. Stewart Co. Uni ted Janitor Supply Co. Natural Gas Corp. of Wash. Middleton Motor Parts :J.7 170 - Lumber Radio Tubes Paper Towels Natural Gas Flash Light Batteries, Parts 12.52 9.80 13.66 5.85 55.55 CITY STREET FUID: James W. Caven - Middleton Motor Parts Co. Automoti ve Parts Service ,'He stern Tractor & Equip. Co. 167~ e Janish li.otor Co. Olympic Foundry Co. paoific States Cast Iron Pipe Co. IPacific Water Works Supply Co. I:John Bruch Co. 13 I tfc.o - lCemington Rand, Inc. Park & Shop Store Uni ted Janitors Supply Co. Campbell Hardware Co. tine Material Go. Westinghouse Electric Supply Co. Graybar Electric Co. General Eleotric Supply Corp. Middleton Motor Parts Co. Pipe Aoetylene, Par ts Parts Alemite, Paint, etc. 7.55 12.62 63.28 87.02 I WATER FUND: Tire 3.70 39.56 14.10 16.49 1,001.66 I Charges on Fittings Pipe Bends Cutters Ditching LIGHT FUND: Parts Soap J ani tor Supplies Wrench Hardware, "i/ire, !Jolts, Anchors Wire Tools J Meters Meter Parts, Conduit Emery Cloth 4.74 .69 10.09 5.09 675.78 350.82 239.88 167.91 5.93 ..... ,I I I I I Au€Ust 24th. oontinued, Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 19~ ISANITATION FUND: /1_ Middleton Motor Parts Co. Samuelson Motor Co. rf '[ PAHK FUND: ;(,- II Middleton Motor Parts Co. I City Street Dept. Lining Set, La bor Head vasket Fan Belt Gas and Oil /..... f - Cement PARKTI1C METER & TRAFFIC CONTROL FUIlD: Armor-r~ex Distributors There being no further business, the session was declared adjourned. d. t ;frLAr' (j City Clerk ,;t-/ d fi;"1' Mayor 577 10.45 . .74 .93 15.95 4.12