HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08/25/1937 r' 516 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington AU.'Udt 25, 1937 193_ The Commission met in re'jular ses~ion flt 10 A.i.-i. and 1'la3 cflllA\ to ora lr bv Mqvor D,vis. Roll call showe,j the follo"/in.' of~icers present; 1.Ia;101' iiavis, Commis,' ion0;~ H~nson and Mas ters, "tturnay "onni cf 'lnd vl","k Ila','/'{ins. The minutes of the rreviou3 :c:'si on were read and fl!,.:>roved. Under the head of "pplicatiol1s for Buildin" Permits a.n::! Li,ccn1cs the follrr,'lin' Vlere grante::!; T. T. ~ldwell, RemodHl Buildin~, Lot 10, Blk. 16, N. d. Jmith Jim Cahill, Build House, Lot ~O, Bl~. ~9r, To~nsite Ella MaJ' Hales, Remodel House, Lot 10, Elk. 179, :"'ownsite L. ". xhompson, Remodel Buil1ini:, >). 1~.1 ft. of Lot 1 & E} of Tidelands ITest of Laurel ~~. Karl Linderkratz, Rebuild House, Lvt 14, Blk, 143, Townsite ~lestern States Grocery Co, Remodel Building, N~ Lot 1 & E~ Lot Tidelands ITest of Laurel St. SuM. 75.00 lC'(). nr 200.CO Lot ~, Blk. 1, 50,00 500.aO 2, Blk. 2, 1 $' L 0 I 0 150.0'" 5,00 5.00 Union Drug Co., Fountain Lunch " " " Soft Drink I Under the head of Introduction of Resolutions the following resolution was intrllduced: , R3S0LUJ:IOIl V/HER"'.~S, the Iii ty of Port ,lngeles is the oVlller of the follo11in] described property, having ao'cuired the same by Treasurer's deed dated Aucust ;;:,), 1937, under and by virtue of the authority of Section 9393 of Remington's Rovised 3tatutes c.:hapter 11'1 of the Laws of 19;;:9, page 355, to-wit: Lots ,'our (4) and Five (5), Block One Hundred Twenty-four (124) of D. ',"I. norse's Subdivision of Suburban Lot IIo. 8 of the Government Townsi te of Port Ang91es, ,'/ashington I and '1 WHERE,\S, Fred E. Stewart has offered to rurch~se the above described real p::'operty from the ~ity of Port Angeles for the sum of Two HUndred and lio/lOn (~~OO.OO) Dollars . payable in cash on delivery of deed, and ,/HERi':AS, 'rhe Iii ty Com."ission h'ls viewed the sud property and is of the opinion th~t the offer is fair value and is in excess of the "-mount naid by thp sai 1 Ci ty for said !J~on3rty plus all L.LD. assessments including all interest and uthe!' clhar,ies a!>;uinst 'he same; I NOW, THER~F0RE, BE IT HESJLVED that the said offer be accepted and that the ligy of Port Angeles sell the said 9roperty at private sale to the said Fred E. Stewart, for the sum ,hereinabove set for+h, subject to any other valid liens against the same; that the City II Attorney be instruoted to prepare a o.uit olaim deed conveyin;:: snitl rroperty to the p111'- chaser, and that the "ity Clerk of the City of Port "n,";eles be, Hnd he is hel'eby instruct-I ed to execute sa id \lui tela im deed, and tha t the Unyor 0 f sa 11 Ci ty be, ann he is hero b~, instruoted to countersicn said Quit clai~ d~en. I It Vias moved by Commissioner Henson that the Joregoin3 resolution be adopted. Seconded i by Commissioner Masters. On roll call all members voted aye. The J,!"~'or dDclared the 'Motion carried. _ Under the head of Introduc tion vf Ordinances the followin" ord in'.n ce was introdueed, read in full, and passed its first and second readini')3: ~ BEING .,N ORDINANCE relating to civil service in the City of Port Angeloes, creating n board of civil service oom~isJioners, providing a oivil service system based on exami- nation, investigation as to meri t, efficiency and fitness for alJpointment, employment and promotion of all oL'icers and men in the police department; reeul'ltin' the transfer, reinstatement, sus!,ension and disoharge of said ofcioers and poliocmen; Rnd adopting all .of the provisiuns of Vhaptel' 1.\ of the Laws of 1937, of the "'tate of "ashington. i The Commi ssion' examined and alloVled -':;he [ollo";1n('; claims and ordel'ed wal'l'an ts drawn for same; I CURR'.:NT EXPEHSE ?\JIID IThe 10dd Sales Co. Olyml,ic Printery IT II Hi bbon ins tall cd Suppli es Ofric e "l~P!)lies ,3. ~5 ...-'" 2.05 13 - 7.\10 CITY STRg'!:} FUIID IAutomotive Parts 3el'vice WA TER FUND Supplie s 5::\.18 Seattle Plumbing Supply Co. Hooker Electrwchemioal Co. Olym)ic Foundry Federal Pipe & xank Co. Materials & Met1r Parts Chlorine Meter Boxes Tees 8".6b ~" -14.:\1 is'4- .-- 40.39 17.48 gGHT FUlID General l>l"ctric Supply Co. Underwriters Laboratories Garland Affalter Engineering COIll. General ~lectric Co. Westinghouse Electric Mfg. Co. 56.20 ."7 7. 50 3 JIf./ 111.79 102,00 36.58 Supplies Servi ce Insula to t'S Timeswitches Me ter So eke ts .... I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington Augus t 25, 19::\7 193_ " 517 I I I I I There being no further business the Commission adjourned to meet 10 A,M. A~l, 193:. at 7t/)~ lJmf~ , l Cit;1 Clerk Mayor Au~st 31, 19:37 The COJ:u:Iission met pursuftnt to adjournment at 10 A.J!. and Vias called to orflel' by lbyor Davin, Roll call showed the following of"icers ,present: Mayor Davis, Commissioners Ilenson and 1'casters and Clerk Hawkins. The 00mmission examined and allowed the following olaims and ordered w1rrants dravm for same: CURRENT EXl'ENSE FUIW R, E,Davis Mareu-erite .Iue Ci t;1 Treasurer rl rl Car Hire Salary ;'/atel' 25.0Cl 75.00 no.oo 360.00 100.00 ~.'i.00 (). 58.0r) IblJ 117.00 185.87 .i ~5.00 J ,,0 ( 1180,14 1354.60 b" 3.00 i3{7. ,... 1~76.44 3fi.00 .\oj '3.0a /3) 1 5.00 10('.00 Martin J. 3ohnurigel' J. R. McDonald City Treasurer Edgar Filion Engineer's Dept. Salary Servioes ';ia tel' Lftbor Pay roll CITY STREET Fl1lD D: A. Masters Street Dept. Cftr Hire Pay ,to 11 \'IA'rEa FU1~D Water Dept. A. G, MoKniJ,h t Pay Roll Garage Rent , LIGHT FU~ Light Dept. S. Il. ;Ihi te . Chas. Beam L. T. "'1;7 Pay ,toll Car Hire Garage Rent Jan i tor .Ior\{ GEME~~RY FUnD Albert ". La ncto t Salary L.I.D. G2:l:~L'.L FlJllD Ruth ~. Beam Salar;y 100.0a There bein2' no further business the COlllr.lissiun th8n a<J.journed. k~~ };,?n1~ Ci ty (,;le :'J.:: Ma yor ..oiIl