HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08/25/1948 ... 476 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington August 25, 19~ , The Commission met in regular session at 10:00 A.lL., and was called to order showed the following officers present: Mayor Epperson, Conunissioners Steele and Clerk Law. Minutes of the previous session Yfere read and approved. by Mayor Epperson. Roll call and Johnson, Attorney Wilson l'Under the head of applicatig,ps for !:uilding permits and licenses the following Vlere granted: l'fi'sO - 6,000.001 350.00 7,000.00' 1,500.00j Building Permits: Petersen & Craver W. H. Smith Jack DelGuzzi ! John Trumbull Build 5-Room Dwelling; E 40' Lot 12 & Vi 10' Lt 13, Blk. 261, 'l'ownsite Re-roof Present Dwelling; Lot 13, Elk. 233, Tovmsite Build 6-Room Dwelling; Lot 12, Blk. 332, Townsite Remodel Roof on J.C.Penny Bldg.; Lot 16, Blk. 16, N.R.Smith Add. .~ Licenses: ~~ Annex Tavern Armex Tavern Annex Tavern 2 Amusement Machines Music Machine Soft Drink I 48.001 12.00 5.001 Under the head of unfinished business, the Commission discussed bid opening for building to house diesel ..power plant and approxima tely 1100 feet of fencing and gates. No bids having been submitted, it was moved Iby Commissioner Steele that the opening date be extended to Sept. 8th. Seconded by Commissioner Jchnson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. I'The Commission discussed extension of day-light saving time to comply with certain other cities. It was decided to not extend the saving time, but to set clocks back to Standard Time at midnight, August 31st. NO.TICE '1'0 :BIDDERS :) I bi~lJl~~lIlsl)~err~~~~j~~~el~:h~~w!;I'~~~'~l Pursuant to notices published, hearing for vacation of the Northerly three feet of" C!crk tl[ the elt)' o~ po'rt A,nee-le-sjJ the alley in block 200 townsite for a distance of 150 feet Easterly from the Wastllllglon, lit tllC CJt~. Hall of Raid " f~tftlr~:~\:1 f~~ tte t~g.h~ef~iJat;rtI1~~:,~:, ~ast rrargin of Lincoln Street, was opened. No objections having been made or file~, ! ~~;;,,('[?I';:~:~ln;'O(J~I~'.f('i~r~~t~~~~'o~~~e~~' l.t ~[as moved by cornmissio~er Johnson that the said port~on of t~ alley be vacated:. OlJta!IlOO at Llwj.uf(}('ff ,ur-tlle Llg1ltl ~~ot~on seconded by Mayor Epperson. All voted Aye. Mot1.on earn_ed. I SUllCI'llltenoenl. Tllo Cpmmlsslon Je. .. 3l?r\'(\!; the dghl wl'(lj;>l!t an)" amI I ' all bl<1!1.. J. E.,'r:',nv, Under the head of new business, it was moved by Commissioner Steele that bids be I, 1'.u.~II!'!t1lAURU.t !G s~i~;t~~:~;_~!: published for purchase by the Light Department, of one forced cooling system for diesel pOVler plant. Bids to be opened September 8th. !.Iotion seconded lrJ' Commissioner Johnson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Under the head of introduction and reading of Ordinances, the following was introduced and placed on first and second reading: ORDINANCE NO. 1/'1'1 I'AN ORDINANCE vacating a portion of the allay extending Easterly from the East margin of Lincoln Street, a distance of One Hundred Fifty (150) Feet in Block Two Hundred (200), T~msite of Port Angeles. IIrt was moved by Commissioner Johnson thet the foregoing Ordinance be placed on first and second reading. Seconded by l!.ayor Epperson. All voted Aye. Botion carried. Under the head of introduction of resolutions for the sale of real property by the 'City, the following was introduced: Gust Wonees Lots 7-12, Inc., Blk. 1, of Aldwell's "ubd. of Sub Lot 35, Townsite I I 250.00'1 It was moved by Commissioner Steele that the foregoing resolution be approved and the property sold. Seconded by Commissioner Johnson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. The Commission examined and approved the following claims, and ordered warrants issued in payment of same: CURRENT EiU'ENSE WND: 11 cc. J. E. Law City Treasurer Tri ck & Hurray Schreiner Chevrolet Co. Art Burnside & Co. Cash paid for Postage Stamps Registration Forms 1 Mirror Handcuff 2.38 5.00< 37.13' 1.80 30.85 oS CUY STREET FUND: .2 / iD & B Battery & Elec. Stn. WATER FUND: .31 r '1_0 City Treasurer Wallace & Tisrnan Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. LIGHT FUND: ~fSr. 't(. Remington Rand, Inc. Northwest Public Power Assn. Westinghouse Electric Supply 'Co. Viray & Ra her Radio Service Appliance Co. "Thos. Hutchings A-One Cabinet Shop Home Electric Co. Mrs. Sam Rand General Electric Supply Corp. General Ele ctric Co. ;l.. 'SANITATION FUND: .f>:! D & H Battery & Electric Stn. PARK RIND: 3G,j~' Port Paving Co. . .:z.. L.I.D. GUARANTY FUND: .n- City 'ireasurer Taxes and Recording Paid There being no further rosiness, the session'ifas declared adjourned. Parts & Labor 21.05 I 299.60 1.41 18.39 5.101 274.501 65.48' 1.08~ 11.77 7.201 1.80 3.61' 460.51 26.91' 5,098.50 1 5.92" i 363.00 I 89.02 1 Postage Fluid Sand, etc. Parts Adv. &. Dues J:harts Keys Batteries Expense Repairs Connectors Poles Hardware Controllers Parts & Labor Blacktop Around Skating Rink G, G~, u I I I e?AA\~~A/~ 1layor City Clerk ~. I I I .;.,. -I .... .1<< lJ;i' I/. ,. I~ ",.; 11'1