HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08/26/1936 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington ""'Ill ,117 AUglls_t 26, 1936 193_ I I I I I The Oommission met in regular session at 10 a.m. and was called to order by Mayor Davis. Roll call showed the following officers present: Mayor Davis, Commissioners Lutz and Masters, Attorney Conniff and Olerk Hawkins. The minutes of t he previous session were read and approved. Under t,he head of Applications for Building Permits and Licenses, the following were gran ted. : C. W. Bennett, Build addition to store, Lot Wi 9, Elk. 49, Townsite S. T. Merrill, Dwelling, Lot 7, Blk. 74, Townsite Elks' Temple Hotel, (21 rooms) W. M. Rideout, 1 card fable John Hehir, Barber ~hop (1 chair) Arnold Hakvist, Restaurant Annex Hotel 1,000.00 2,000.00 21.00 5.00 1.00 15.00 Under the head of Introduction of Resolutions the following Resolutionswere introduced: RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF TH.!!; CITY OF PORT ANGELES WHEREAS, there was on the 16th day of January, 1932, stricken off to the City of Port ~ngeles under and by virtue of proceedings for the foreclosure of assessments in local improvement districts No. 118 and 119 in the Oity of Port Angeles the following described real-estate, to-wit: The NOrth Seventif-five feet of the "est Half of Lot Nine and the north Seventy-five feet of Lot Ten, all in Block One of Tidelands West of Laurel Street, in front of the City of Port Angeles, in Clal1am ~ounty, Washington, And, VffiEREAS, a deed was issued to the Oity of Port ~ngeles on the 29th day of February, 1932, which deed was recorded in Vol. 123 of Deeds, page 654, and conveyed said property,. subject to lien for general taxes, and WHEREASL the said property thereafter was under general foreclosure for taxes on the 20th day od >>ecember, 1932, deeded to the County of Clallam, and WHEREAS, the said property was thereafter, under authority of Sec. 9393 of .iem. Rev. Stat., Chap. 143, of the laws of 1929; again acquired by the ~i ty of Port Angel es and deeded by the said county to said city, and WHEREAS, Thomas T. Aldwell has made an offer to purchase said property for the sum of $2250.00, which said offer is not disproportionate to the value of the property and is a fair and equitable price therefor: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY lRE CI'l'Y COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGEIES That the offer of Thomas ~. Aldwell be accepted, and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That said property be sold at priva~e sale to the said Thomas T. Aldwell for the sum of l2250.00 and that the City Attorney be and he is hereby instructed to draw quit claim deeds for the sale of said property to the said Thomas ~. Aldwell. BE IT ~JRTHER RE30LVED That the ~ity Treasurer be and she is hereb$ instructed to execute such 'a ,leed, and that the "ity Clerk and the Mayor be amd they are hereby instructed to execute such a deed, and the ~ity Treasurer is hereby instructed to deliver such deeds to Thomas T. Aldwell upon the receipt of ~~2250.00 all of which'is under and by virtue of Chapter 275 of the Laws of 1927 including ~ection 4 thereof, and aleo under and by virtue of Sections 9021 and 9025 of Remington's Revised Statutes of, '/ashington. BE IT ~JRTHER rtESOLVED That the ~ity Treasurer be and she is hereby instructed at the time of, or rpior to, the payment by the said ~homas T. Aldwell of the said sum of $2250.00, to pay in full all taxes and assessments now levied and which are due and . payable against the above described property, up to and incliiding the 26th day of August, 1936, and to deliver the receipts :0 the said ~homas ~. Aldwell evidencing the said payment of said taxes and assessmen ts. It was moved by Commissioner Masters that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seaonded by Commissioner Lutz. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. RESOLUT ION OF THE CITY COM1~ISSION OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES WHEREAS, there was on the 16th day of January, 1932, stricken off tothe ~ity of Port Angeles under and by virtue of proceedings for the foreclosure of assessments in local improvement distriats No. 118 and 119 in the City of Port Angeles 'the following described real estate, to-wit: The Eas;t one-half of the North One Hundred and "'.ifty (150) feet of Lot Nine (9) in Bloak One (l), Tidelands West of ~aurel ~treet, in front of the City mf Port Angeles, Clallam ~ounty, WaShington. And, WHlmEAS, a deed was issued to the City of Port angeles on the 1st day of April, 1930, which deed was recorded in Volume 121 of lieeds, page 92, and conveyed said property, subject to lien for general maxes, and, WHEREAS, said property thereafter was, under general foreclosure for taxes, onthe followilIg date~, tp-wit, December 18, 1922, December 24, 1923, and December 20, 1932, deeded to the wounty of Clal1am, and, VrREREAS, the said property was thereafter, under authority of Section 9393 of Remington's Revised Statutes, Chapter 143, of the laws of 1929, again acquired by the ~ity of Port Angeles and deeded by the said county to said city, and, ~ ,... 418 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington August 26, 1936 193_ WHEREAS, Thomas 1. Aldwell has made an offer to purchase said property for the sum of ~475.00, which said offer is not disproportionate to the value of the property and is a fair and e(jui table price therefor: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COWJISSION OF THE CITY OF PORT liliGELES That the offer of Thomas T. Aldwell be accepted, and, BE IT FURTHE~ RESOLVED That said property be sold at private sale to the said Thomas r. Aldwell for the sum of ~475.00 and that the City Attorney be and he is hereby instructed to draw claim deeds for the sale of said property to the said thomas T. Aldwell. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED ~hat the City Treasurer be and she is hereby instructed to execute such a deed, and that the City Clerk and the Mayor be and th~ are hereby instructed to execute such a deed, and the City Treasurer is hereby instructed to deliver such deeds to Thomas T. Aldwell upon the receipt of ~475.00. all of uhich is under and by virtue of Chapter 275 pf the laws of 1927 including Section 4 thereof, and also under and by virtue of ~ectlons 9021 and 9025 of Remington's Revised Statutes of "ashington. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the ~ity Treasurer be and she is hereby instructed at the time of, or prior to, the papent by the said :i:homasL. Aldwell of the said sum of $475.00, to pay in full all taxes and assessments now levied and which are due and payable against the above described property, up to and including the 26th day of August, 1936, and to deliver the receipts to the said Lhomas T. BIdwell evidencing the said payment of said taxes and assessments. It was moved by Commissioner Masters tha t the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by Commissioner Lutz. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. I I The Commission examined and allowed the following claims and ordered warrants drawn for same : CURRENT EXPENSE FUND P. A. Auto Supply ~o. Standard Oil Co. Robert O'Day " Standard Oil Yo. Supplies Oil Tires Oil. etc. ~... n."" 2.13 37.02 57.78 28.49 WATm FUND Seattle Plumbing ~upply Co. Hooker Electrochemical ~o. Palmer Supply Co. Crane Co. Crane Co. Crane Co. Meter Parts Chlorine Pipe Fi ttings Pipe Fi ttings Pipe and ~ittings Pipe and ~ittings 9.40 14.34 9~n 59.75 593.96 1050.18 I i-t 113(, - LIGHT FUND IA. S. Knight Co. I Graybar Electric Co. I General Electric ~o. L. '~. Guy Meter Boxes Lugs Transformers Jani tor ,iork 1/-1 >~3 - 39.91 12.20 446.30 5.00 PARK FUND Schlager Bras, Associated Oil Co. Ernest Charest J. W. Reesman Geo. DorvaU C. L. Sarff Willson Hardware Co. Fred Wescott Willson Hardware Co. Seed Gas Cutting Grass on golf course Repairs to Lawn Mower La bor Grinding Lawn Mowers Hardware Sharpening Lawnmower Volley Ball 5175 6'.43 16.00 3.50 12.00 4.25 13.49 4.00 3.85 "" ..~ ... GUARANTY FUND City Treasurer Taxes 178.00 I There being no further business the ~ommission then adjourned. Ci ty Clerk j ! \ l" I 17,nvI~ ~