HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08/26/1953 I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington AugUst 2$ 19~ 351"" '"".. "M",R'''''''"''~''', '"'"""..... .... Tho City Counoil met in special session at 7:'YJ P.M., and was called to order by Mayor Smith, Officers present were Nayor Smith, Councilme.'l Brown, Neer, Sandison, Powell, 110lfe and McFadden, ganager Vergeer, Attorney Severyns and Clerk Law, }\anager Vergeer advised that the meeting Has called for the purpose of considering the .Ennis Street hill paving project, also the .re)?J.s" from Clalla'll County P.U.D, to the offer by the City for cancellation of the present power contract, and for consideration of the 1954 budget. First considered was the Ennis Street concrete.pavement. I1anager Vergeer informed that as Rayonier, Inc. and the City are each paying half of the cost, they alone should be concerned. Also read recommendation frqm the .Rayonier, Inc. wherein representatives of that company recommended two lifts of black t op over the Iconcrete, each to be one and a half inch in thickness, to extend from the alley between Caroline and Columbia Streets North. Engineer Ahlvers advised that he favored removal and replacing oertain sections JOf the concrete, although it is thE opinion of compa..,., managers and engineers, the City l"anager and others that this would not aliminate ridges. I'layor Smith questior.ed acceptance by the bonding compa1Y to which '[Mr. Vergeer replied that ll1is does not concern acceptance of the entire project, only the Ennis Street 'hill and it is to the best interest of Rayonier a.'ld the City to accept the recom~endation. It was moved j'bY Councilm~n Brown that specifications be amended as requested by Rayonier, Inc. and blacktop finish (PPlied to the Ennis Street hill. Seconded by CounCilm":,, }:cFadden and unanimously carried. . iNext considered was the reply from Clallam County P,U.D. to offer from the City for cancellation of the ,power contract which expires in July, 1956. Y.anager Vergeer advised that the offer of $400,000.00 is 'rejected and suggested that the offer remain open for 60 days. Also that the record is, clear and Port IAngeles citizens are aware of taxes paid to the PiU.D. in addition to terrific rate charged the City, iThat he cannot understand wby they would not accept, .as they have stated they want only to realize enough ,[profit to amortize bond issue and the offer by the Cit~. admittedly is sufficient. Also sighted the amount ,of $88,$00.00 profit to the P.U.D. the first six months of this year, and suggested, that if offer is rejected after 60 days, the City.also refuse to enter into contract as the City has never experienced a 'fair deal under existing contract. It was the opinion of Councilman HcFadden that the Council should 'not saddle the City with a long term contract and that the P,U.D. commission should be invited to meet. ';'lith the Council. Councilman Brown replied that they do not,wDJlt to meet here with Council but think that the Council should meet with them at their convenience.. Also he can think of many reasons wby the City "should not sign contract but no reason why the P.U.D. should decline our offer. Councilman I'Tolfe questioned las to what per cent of profit the P.U.A. are now realizing from the City power bill. II,",. Vergeer replied 'that the percentage of profit is 105%. It was the opinion of Council members that power rate to the City 'could have been adjusted years ago. ,Councilman Neer then moved that the P .U.D. be notified the offer is 'still open for 60 days ,dth invitation to meet with the Gouncll and disc].lss. ' Motion seconded by Councilman randison, All voted Aye.. Hotion carried. According to statutes governing, the Preliminary Budget, showing estimates of receipts and expenditures Was filed -.tth the Council for consideration. Hanager Vergeer advised that the budget is entirely preliminarf as the assessed valuation is not available, a state hearing being scheduled for September 17th. The Council then considered departments and items of the same, j.;r, Vel'geer pointing out certain ~tems as follows: From Current EKpense to Utilities, Water $5,000.00; Light $11,094.00; Election E,,;pense $;3;?00; State Au:iitor $1,400.00. Police and Firemen" $10.00 increase to make more comparable ~th other Cities. Also informed of need for street sweeper, trailer and bulldozer for the Street Dept., :amount being a 50% payment on two year basis. Amount included in Engineering Department for preliminary ~urveys of anticipated Local Improvement Districts was set by the Council at $10,000.00 at t he Manager's reconnnendation. Amount. included in Firemen I s Pension Fund and millage as required to be appropriated, ' I ?ne Council reouested that the Board of Trustees for the Firemen's Pension Fund be oonsulted regarding j,equirements f';r next year. j Manager Vergeer cited reduction in anticipated freceipts from the State due to amount per capita decrease. I There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned, I I I i I I I i I I J ;;t~. + ~~ d::~ Mayor [-:,' City Clerk NO'l"ICE 70 BIDDEBS 1 I~vita~on. ro Snbm.1t Proposals :';';OTJCE is hcrcb;r gi\'(~n tnat Pro . tj~~S Of'i]lh~l(, cf(}~e~~ec~oh;~ the City I Wll.I,hillgtlJlI, at the Cllv ~/:ft'(''i said CHy, nOl later tha"1l 5:00 ~.I ~~l~f~~st f~~:' ~hctc~~crlJl7p~:;3'AI\~ g~les the followlIlg equipment: ']'wc> Olsh Reg.!!;t!:!!'s flml .one lidd- ing machIne. Unlt ~I-'st Shall be 1n-! f~fl~~~': DcscrJlllion {If item~ ifJ ns' in },t('g~c'~JJ;~l~~i!~'g t{)f~a~/1~~I~~ ~a ~I\ ~~: (als with I)dated deslglJaUOn RIIO j>l'Qc1uclng lL tape. Rlld wllJe]) may 1:l11$o be ~o J':et as to allow IntOI" mittclIL use liS a ('ommon addll1g machine which llse shall In 110 Wfl.:',' affecl the four total :LClding fQatur_ C\S. Whim used as straight adding ~~a('.hllle. It should oe nhle to "1(1<1 ~~~~'~ltl~o~~1. t~;~~~cit~n1o l)~'O~I:~~~~ cplunm liS rt<'lOlIlg mnchillC alld fo;lx am1 S,""Ol1 column as fOlU' LOlal macl1lnc. . . Itr~'.n 2. A vall(latlng CU.':lh Rcglsl('r macl!Jl~e to be UGCU f'ty windllw C1lf;hlel'!'l, valiclating bill and stu\) r~l[fJr;~:;l~o obfO ~~l~h i3at,::e'b~1;~~~t1I~~- ;a6\~'~::NdCa~I~~I:ff ~~:b ~~~l~I;:llfli~t :~~m)~C:~:ll;: ~;~;~~gca~ ~t~~~~:d ~~~~: OlJt In any ~'ny affcQting the {~ash ~~r~:~~u c~~~~~~;. ~nI11sbi~nf,c O~"a~?c1~Ct~ $~I~~lieOill~I~L~~~t~~~n ar~~us:~~ ;XS:i ~~~aj,i~T~l ~~~~~ Tccei\'ed l'!igfster ~'l~~l~C to C~~c~piO~~,IC~.~je~~S:JI;;C6T t~w ~~~liu. on 1\'hJ.ch 1l1'Opo8als are re- , . . . E. L~l,Y Pl1hil:;J]IO!l: Se tembcr :; anfl~''''3~e;f ....