HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08/27/1941 r" 326 August 27, 1941 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 19_ ..... The Comrr,ission met in regular session at 10 A.E. and was called to order by Mayor Beetle. Roll call showed the following offioers present, Mayor Beetle, Commisoicner Lind, Attorney Conniff and Clerk Hawkins,. I , I The minutes of the previous session were read and aPf~roved. Under the head of Applioations for Building Permits and Licenses the follrrNing werc granted: Donald Cassel', Addition to House, N~ Lots 9 & 10, Block 202, 'Iovmsi te Earl Fox, Romodel House, Lot 5, Block 126, TO"TIsite Carl ~. Anderson, Build House, Lots 15 & 16, Jlock 341, Townsite WID. Corsegner, Build House, Lot 18, Block 110, E. C. Baker, Subd. C. E. Jolmson, Build GarPge & Repair House, Lot 3, Block 51, Townsite Ceoree Day, Build Garage, Lot 4, Block 13, P.S.C;C. Subd. Dew Drop Inn, 1 Music Maohine Eubanks Drug Store, 1 ~fu.sic Machine Essen Roans, :2 Music Machines Loop Cafe, 1 Music Machine I Little Brick, 1 Music Machine I Shamrock Tavern, 1 Music ,Machine Club Cafe, 1 Music Machine Willmer's Cafe, 1 Music Machine 1 Tuter's Ice Cream Parlor, 1 Musio Machine !'larine, Drive Lunch, 1 !'usic Machine Diokie's Tavern, 1 }!usio Me chine 500.00 100.00 2500.00 1500.00 350.00 50.00 12.00 12.00 24.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 RESOLUTION Under the head of Introduction of Resolutions the follewing resolution was introduced: WHEREAS, The City of Port Angeles is the owner of tho following described real property, having aCCi.uired the same by Treasurer's deed, dated August 2~, 1941, under and by virtue of the authority of Section 9595 of Remington's Revised Statutes, Chapter 143 of tho Laws of 1929, page 365, to-wit: lot Four (4), Block Three Hlmdred Fifty-two (352) of the lovmsite of Port ftngeles, Cla11am "ounty, Washington, and VffiEREAS, Victor V. u~in has offered to purchase the above descrired real property from the City of Port Angeles for the s~~ of ~100.00, and WHEREAS, The City Conmission has viewed the said property and is of the opinion that the offer is fair value and at this time it is to the best interest of the City that it should be accepted and the sale rr~de NOVl, THERE?'ORE, BE IT RESOLVED tha t the said offer be accepted and that the City of Port Angeles sell the said property at private sale to the sdd Victor V. Ulin for the, swit' hereinabove set forth, subject to any other valid liens aga~nst the same; that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare a quit claim deed conveying said property to the purchaser, and thot the City Clerk of the City of Port Angeles be and he J is hereqy instnlcted to execute said 4uit claim deed, and that the Mayor of the City of Port Angeles be and, he ishereby instructed to countersign said qui.t cIa in: deed. ., It was moved by COffiffiissioner Lind that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Soconded by Mayor Beetle. On roll call all members voted aye. The t:ayor decla rod the motion carried. CURRENT EXPENSE FUND The Commission examined and allovred the follm\1.ng claims and ordered warrants drawn for same: Ci ty Trea surer " Repair Fountain Pen Stamps Postage Suppli es Services Civil Service Com. Service #126 " #1332 Groceries Pistol Service #800 & #872 Olympic Stationers N. M. Hawkins Pacific Tel & Tel Co. " Benjamin Franklin Thrift Store Lyonell E. Dilling Pacific Tel & Tel Co. " Wayne Peters P.arold Jones Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Lm or " Service #561.W WATER FUND Water Department Hersey Mfg. Co. . Pay Roll l.letcr- Hooker Eleotrochemical Co. Northern Radio Co. Chlorine Batteries LIGHT FUND Zellerbach Paper Co. General Electric Co. General Electric Supply Corp. Pacific Tel & Tel Co, J.~rs a Sam Rand Adding M.ochine Papcr l~ete rs Seals Telephone Poles LIBRARY FUND Pacific Tel & Tel Go. Service #467 PARK FUN:, Alfred Jensen Cit~. Treas"rer Pacific Tel ft Tel Co. Willson Hardware Co. La bor ~~~~r~~ #:t5~b~se Hardware .52 l.00 l.00 33.33 20.00 1.65 2.75 12.51 35.00 8.45 10.95 ~.50 r~ 30.00 r16 - 4.90 318.50 156.00 .,... 10.40 5,0; -- 29.75 .67 7.17 nO.33 b~ 4.94 ').\ 0 ~ 25.50 202.70 4.25 6.00 'It lq:16 ,I,. , :L3.64 I I I I I "" Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 327 August 27, 1941 19_ L.I.D. GUARA.NTY FUND City Treasurer " . Assessments Taxes q+ loll> :./' 115.95 40.89 454 .10 Under the head of New Business the following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION I WHERBAS, on December 27, 1939, the City Co~~ission adopted a resolution authorizing and directing that the outstanding bonds in certain old Local Improvement Districts be cancelled and that the cash in the respect- ive funds of the said districts be transferred to the Current Expense Fund, and WHEREAS, it appearing now that the cancellation of the said bonds and transferring the cash in the funds of the respective districts to the Current Expense Fund had been an error, as there does not appear to be any law authorizing and directing the cancellation of such bonds or the tr,nsfer of the cash in the funds of the districts to other funds. I NOW, THERE], ORE, BE IT RESOlI,vED that the said resolution above referred to, adopted December 27, 1939, and recorded in Volume 20 of Commissioners' Proceedings on page 119, be and said resolution is here~' and that the City Treasurer is hereby instructed to clear the bond record of all evidence of cancellation of the bonds referred to on "Exhibit A" hereto attached and made a part of this resolution, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the caeh due the respective funds of the said Local L'Ilprovement Districts referred to and shown on said "Exhibit A" be and said amounts are here~ ordered transferred from the CUrrent Expense Fund to the respective funds of the said Local Improvement Districts. "EXHIBIT A" Dist. Due No. Date of Bonds Date of Bonds Bond Numbers Amount Total Cash in Fund 2 June 27, 1912 June 27, 1922 119 $ 100.00 145 bal. 16.17 146 to 159 inc. 1400.00 1516.17 1.30 3 July 10, 1923 July lO, 1923 98 II 180 II 8300.00 116.81 6 Feb. 27, 1914 Feb. 27, 1924 114 bal. 50.64 115 to 128 1400.00 1450.64 .04 10 Dec. 10, 1914 Dec. 10, 1924 113 to 115 II 300.00 19.97 11 !~ay 20,1911 May 20, 1924 981 II 1251 27100,00 .00 12 May 20, 1914 May 20, 1924 173 II 242 II 7000.00 298.04 16 Feh. 13, 1915 Feb. 13, 1925 49 II 90 4200.00 55.54 I 20 July 24, 1915 July 24, 1925 87 II 199 11300.00 .00 21 Sept.lO, 1915 Sept .10, 1925 181 bal. 24.33 182 to 192 1100.00 1124.33 .00 22 Feb. 17, 1916 Feb. 17, 1926 36 hal. 72.22 37 to 41 500 .CO 572.22 .00 24 Apr. 24, 1915 Apr. 24, 1925 101 II 104 II 400.00 113 II 243 13100.00 13500.00 5.41 29 Nov, 6, 1915 Nov. 6, 1927 6 " 14 900.00 .35 33 June 6, 1916 June 6, 1926 140 II 292 15300.00 12.77 34 July 8, 1916 July 8, 1926 157 bal. 13.15 158 to 217 6000 .00 219 " 701 II 48300.00 54315,15 .00 37 Mar. 1, 1916 Mar. 1, 1923 57 tl 59 300.00 6.89 39 Apr. 14, 1917 Apr. 14, 1929 2 II 33 3200.00 23.80 40 " 14, 1917 II 14, 1929 <I II W II 2800.00 26.60 43 Oct. 19, 1917 Oct. 19, 1929 144 hal. 46.26 145 to 183 3900.00 3946.23 .OC 53 June 17, 1918 June 17, 1925 37 " 57 2100 .00 2.18 $159222.77 $569.70 Total Bonds cleared on record of cancellation $159222.77 Total Cash transferred from Current Expense Fund to respective funds of above Local Improvement Districts 569.70 I It was moved by Commissioner Lind that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded ~ Mayor Beetle. On roll call all members voted aye. The !.~or declared the motion carried. The ~ornmission then adjourned to meet at 10 A.M. on Saturday, August 30, 1941. ??~~ -IJ1~ City Clerk l~~:{or I ..4