HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08/27/1947 ,.. 374 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington AllI<U8t 27. 19f1.- _The !Commission met in regular session at 10:00 A.M., and was called to order by Mayor Epperson. Roll call ot ':of.t'icers showed the following present: Mayor Epperson, Conunissioners Steele and Johnson, Attorney Wilson I 'and Clerk Law. 1 Minutes of the previous session were read and approved. I . - Under the head of applications for building permits and licenses, the following were granted, ~ o' lW.lding Permits: :J!,lrJO - Arnold Hirsekorn Remodel, Put in Partition; Lot 8, Blk. 16, N.R.Smith Add. Petersen & Craver Build 5-Room House; Lot 5, Blk. 192, Townsite Petersen & Craver BUild 5-Room House; Lot 5, Blk. 192, Townsita Petersen & Craver Build 5-Room House; Lot 1, Blk. 192, Townsite Archie Helgeson Remodel Garage; Lot 6, Blk. 501,. Townsite Standard Oil Co. Build Boiler House; Lot 9, Blk. 48, Townsite Jack Del Guzzi Build 5-Room House; Lot 15, Blk. 107, Townsite i~ack Del Guzzi Build 6-Room House; Lot 17, Blk. 420, Townsite ;Jack Del Guzzi Build 4-Room House; Lot 15, Blk. 551, Townsite Jack Del Guzzi Addition to Drug Store; Lot 17, Blk. 251, Townsite Oscar Ostrand Build Addition; Lot 15, Blk. 228, Townsite A. E. Rogers Remodel & Reroof !),veIling; Lots 9-10, Blk. 120, Townsite Jasper Shawver Build Garage; ~ts 4-5, Blk. 276, Townsite i~ohn Sellers Build Store; W Lot 5, Elk. 24, N.R.Smith Add. t> o' ILicenses: 1/ - Sunset Do-Nut House Madison Beauty Shop 500.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 I 5,000.00 200.00 800 .00 5,000.00 6,000.001 5,000.00 2,500.00 250.00 250.00 ' 500.00 2,500.00 10.00 1.00 Restaurant, 10 Months 1 Beauty Chair Under the head of unfinished business, Engineer Dodge submitted recommendation for payment of 15% retained on construction of sidewalks in L.I.D. 148 in amount of $5,799.78. There being no evidence of incomplete or defective work, it was moved by Commissioner Johnson that the recommendation be approved and the cleim I'E'id. Seconded by Mayor Epperson. All members voted Aye. Motion carried. 1 I Police Chief Ide infonned that one hour I'E'rking signs have been placed on First, from Lincoln to Chase sts., I' and regula tions will be enforced. - _ Xoll('~li~'~;,'~\'h~'! ~~.~~tllll{~~~ :'N\INl Under the head of new business, Light Supt. Lean requested that bids be published I hi:~~l, '~",~1 \ ~p(~~~:'~S"1 ~~:I\ ~1;1("~:i ~t for the purchase of a line truck for his department, bids to be opened September g:;;;:'il\r:O~}'~;,lll~~,r s~):;(.~~t~:r l1d~~ 11,~14'7: 24th" and delivery in first quarter ot 1948. It was moved by Commissioner Steele I I ~~cnl~~ll"::;;~i \:!'~~"r,I:,I;.': l~i~~,~I\,,~~~~J~i:'(~- that the said call for bids be publislled. Seconded by Mayor Epperson. All voted ~.il~'l\\ i;;"I;r~,I;. t1~l":~i\r~("~lt~7r'~TI~ai\)~~ Aye. Motion carried. ~~:~~II:);;'1 ~tr\.i:;~. tl"Lf' 1'1~hl to i"".1"(,t - ;'-i.\S M,~~: '- . The report cf Police Judge Taylor for the month of July, showing 96 cases tried I r~:~I~~I~hNi A~j;I,"W'l ~!l. ~i>11t(\1Il1l1'r 5, and $1,,227.00 cOllected in tines, was approved and ordered rUed. . I Ur. George Sylvia appeared before the Commission regarding construction of a sign board at Valley Street and i MariAe Drive tc which he was opposed. The Mayor infonned that such construction is not prohibited in this ' area. Attorney Wilson advised Mr. Sylvia that civil action would be necessary, as the City eculd not i interfere. It was moved by Cbmmissioner Steele that the City Attorney or Clerk request in writing that the Bill Poster Companies co-operate with the Commission ragarding location of sign boards before construction. ,I Motion seconded by Conunissioner Johnson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. ~r. Waldron, owner of a grocery store near First and Ennis Streets was brought before the Conunission regarding -sale of gas from pump inst~lled on curb. The Fire Chief recommended removal of pump to property line, and covering tanks by filling. It was moved by Mayor Epperson that the Chief's recommendation be accepted. Seconded by Commissioner Johnson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. 'I I Henry Davies of the Port Commission informed the Commission that the ArIIJy Engineers will hold a hearing I Iragarding the protection of Edtz Hook road at 2:00 P.M., September 25rd, in the Commissioner6~ Room. , Mayor Epperson opened discussion of the Retirement plan for City Employees. A meeting date was set for all ,employees, Wednesday, September 5rd, at 7:50 P.M., in the Elks Club Basement. Under the head of reading and passage of Ordinances, the following was passed third and final reading, and adopted: ORDINANCE NO. 1185 1 AN ORDINANCE approving and confirming the assessments and assessment roll of Local Improvement District No. '1-, 148 of the City of Port Angeles for the improvement of 8th Street from East Margin of Lincoln Street to West Margin of Racs Street, 9th Street frcm East Margin of Lincoln Street to West Margin of Francis Street, 10th Street from East Ilargin of Lincoln Street to East Margin of Eunice Street, 11th Street from East Margin of Lincoln Street to East Margin of EAmice Street, 12th Street from West Margin of Chase Street to West Margin of Vine Street, Chase Street from the South Margin cf 8th Street to North Margin of 12th Street, Peabody Street from the South Margin of 8th Street to North Margin of 11th Street, Eunice Street from the South Margin of 8th Street to North Margin of 11th Street, by the construction of ccncrete sidewalks on both sides of the portions of said streets, which was provided I tor in Ordinance No. 1170, as amended by Ordinance No. 1182; levying and assessing the amounts thereof against the sevoral lots, tracts and parcels of land and other property as shown in said roll; authorizing ~he collection of such assessment, creating and establishing a special Local Improvement fund for said ~istrict, and ordering that the said assessments be paid into such special fund. ~t was moved by Commissioner Johnson that the foregoing Ordinance be passed third and final reading and I.dopted. Seconded by Commissioner Steele. All members voted Aye. Motion carried. The Commission exBlllined and approved the following claims ~RRENT EXPENSE MID: ;/ '1 'f ~ 'j !l'rick ~ Murray Puget Sound Navigation Co. and ordered werrants issued in payment of the same 100 -Columnar Sheet s Frt. on Signs 2.42 2.09, I I ~ I I I I I I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 'CURRENT EllPENSE FUND:. continued I \Washington State Penitentiary ,Olympic Laundry & Cleaners Automotive Parts Service 'Port Angeles Army & Navy Store IPacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. Jport Angeles Auto Supply Co. ,Tower Super Service 'lIiddletcn Motor Parts Co. 'iThe Natural Gas Corp. of Wash. , . ~ 3.2- 'CITY STREET FUND: ,/-07_ c.)!1st..P. & P. Railroad _Angeles Gra vel & Supply Co. ,Port Angeles Auto Supply Co. ,lAutomoti ve Parts Service M~dleton Motor Parts Co. Unit Crane & Shovel Corp. IITo;.er Super Service 'Duckett Eros. Service ~ c-Z )VATER FUND: 'l~3-: 'Angeles Rediator Shop -Hooksr Electrochemical Co. H. D. Fowler Co. '!Hersay Mfg. Co. . -Seattle Plumbing Supply Co. ~ 7:2- ,LIGHT RlND: I J''fl ~ \Amsterdam Printing Co. ' Pacific Telephone & Telograph Co. ,West Disinfecting Co. Line Meterial Co. lGeneral Electric Supply Corp. ,-HOme Ele ctric Co. . 'Westinghouse Electric Supply Co. I .T /3 "SANITATION RlND: //- Angeles Radiator Shop 'Port Angeles Auto Supply Co. ,iFroehauf Trailer & Equipnent Co. I . .. /".>f P,AIlK FUND: '7.J~- School Dist. #7, Recreation Revolving Fd. [Angela s Gravel & Supply Co. I,port Angeles Auto Supply Co. Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. 'I 'PARKING METER & TRAFFIC OJNTROL RlND: Automotive Parts Service Westinghouse Electric Supply Co. 'A. Contesti M.' H. Rhodes, Inc. 'I. J- 7/ IL. I. GUARANTY FUND: //Y-, City Treasurer I . ..y r 72 _L. I. D. NO. 148 FUND: .17 f . 'Oll'~ns Brothers, Contractors I . 'There being no ,I 'I Ii Augus1....Z7-o---CJlllUnUad, I I 19.47- Street Signa Cleaning Belts & Blankets--School Patrol One Dclt . 5 Gas Cans Phone SerVice Parts, TOOls & Hardware, Chem. Cloth, Moss Glaze Starter ASsembly Parts I Gas. Frt. on 2 ~loads Liquid Asphalt Cement, Sa",d, Gravel, Drain Tile Parts, Tools, Hardware Tools & Hardware Parts . Head and II-i1i:dfold Gaskets Acetylene Steam Cleailing Repairs Chlorine Pipe Meters Pipe Forms Phone Servic e Cle aner Conne ctors Wire, Meters, Meter Cases, Meter Sockets Meter Scckats and Parts CUr. Trans!., Radio Tubes Repair Radiator Tools & Hardware Castle Nut, Stad Recreation Supervision, Aug. Payroll & Expenses iConcrete, Sand Tools & Hardware Phone Service ~5s :!~ 5 Gal. Thinner For Light Signal System Curb & Sidewalk at Front & Lincoln Meter Parts Assessments Paid further business, the session was declared adjourned. Retained on Contract, 15% for 50 Days o C. :in"r- {J Clerk Bvu J c-;:- . C U-.-" 'I.l... i.- uY-'....._ Mayer 28.641 11.74' 19.05' 4.60 54.85!1 17.98 48.01" 25.511 1.00, I r 514.78 8.05[ 11.67' 14.451 21.51 2.62. 5.10 29.56, I 7.7S! 55.41! 724.22 j- 120.51' 17.15 6.05'1 46.05, 1l.9B- 45.181, 1,542.62 109 .26 82.601 , 8.241 2.54 .551 671.87_1 48.81 6.571: 8.541 j 8.241 557.64 :1 525.00 ' 84.241 I 114.711. I 5,799.78, I I ,I II I 375 ~