HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08/27/1951 F164 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington a'1ll"5 t <7, 1951-- ,." . ,'",.. ..."". ...,,-,.. .""",,. ..... ..... The Conunission met in regular session at 10:00 A.M., and was called to order by Mayor Feeley. Officers present were: Mayor Feeley, Commissioners Robinson and Taylor, Attorney Trumbull and Clerk Law. Minutes of the previous sessions were read and approved. Under the head of applicati~J1" for building permits and license renewals, the follovdng were granted: :r3/{JO - / Construct Residence; Lots 3-4, Blk. 40, N.R. Smith Add. Add to Existing Bldg.; Lot 17, Blk. 119, Townsite Build Double Garage; Lots 1-2, Blk. 355, Townsite Build Garaee; Lot 4, Blk. 42B, Townsite Build 4-Room Residence, Unfinished Attic; Lot 5, Blk. 223, Townsite Build 2-Car Garage; Lot la, Blk. 10, P.S.C.C. Add. Remodel Kitchen; Lot, 18, Blk. 163, To,msite Re-shingle House; i1" Lot 17 and Lot 18, Blk. Build Garage & Tool Shed; Wf Lot 4, Blk. 323, Remodel Store Bldg.; Lots 15-16-17, Blk. 128, Building Permits: Albert Roblan Mary Petroski L. O. Madison Hot Rod Club Dan. Beutler George Knorr Carl Daugaard A. L. Chapman Wm. H. Paulsen DelGuzzi Bros. 00 Licenses: (;.3- Port Angeles Hotel Shamrock Tavern Shamrock Tavern Shamrock Tavern Shamrock Tavern 290, Townsite Townsite D.v;. I>!orse Add. B,OOO.OO 300.00 1,500.00 400. 00 9,000.00 500.00 250.00 450.00 500.00 2,200.00 Hotel Operator Amusement Machine Restaurant Music Hachine Soft Drink 28.00 6.00 12.00 12.00 5.00 )Mrs. Greenbrook appeared regarding the condition of vlest 8th Street and requested that the Street Department surfac\j'with asphalt, oil, or sRray with liquor. Conunissioner Taylor infonned that surfacing this fall could not be considered, but assured that the street .rill be graded and rock applied as soon as possible. Conunissioner Taylor advised the Commission that a four inch main owned by the Golf Club must be replaced. Also if the City takes over and installs, the possibility of necessity to secure franchise from the County if replacement is more than 300 feet. Mr. Taylor will acquire information regarding procedure and report the same. The Park Board requested in writing that due to numerous requests of property owners, the City increase the width of Eunice Street from Second Street to Fourth Street, from thirty-five feet to seventy feet. It was moved by J1ayor Feeley that the request be referred to the Engineers Department. Seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. ~lotion carried. Commissioner Taylor discussed the Housing Project, disposal of sewage and storm water, also Sewerage and Drainage District No. 1 of Clallam County. Mr. Taylor infonned that he has been assured when a storm sewer project is undertaken, the Housing Authority will contribute financially toward construction of the same. Under the head of reading and passage of Ordinances, the following were placed on third and final reading: ORDINANCE NO. 1257 An Ordinance of the City of Port Angeles, providing for the improvement of Twelfth Street in the City of Port Angeles, by excavating, grading, ballasting and surfacing with asphaltic concrete certain portions thereof, and constructing concrete curbs and gutters in connection therewith where needed, doing such other work as may be necessary in connection with said L~provcment, all in accord with a Resolution passed by the City of Port Angeles July 16, 1951; creating a Local Improvement District for such improvement; and pro- viding that payment for said improvement be made by special assessments on the property in said District especially benefited, payable by the mode of payment by bonds, all in accord with maps, plans and specifica-'O. tions prepared by the City Engineer and approved by the City Commission. It was moved by Commissioner Taylor that the foregoing Ordinance be passed third and final reading and adopted. Seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. ORDINANCE NO. 1258 An Ordinance of the City of Port Angeles, providing for the irr,provement of Vine Street, Peabody Street and Tenth Street, by constructing concrete curbs and gutters thereon and creating a Local Improv~ffiant District to provide for the payment of such improvement. It was moved by Commissioner Taylor that the foregoing Ordinance be passed third and final reading and adopted. Seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. It was moved by Commissioner Taylor that bids be published for construction of curbs and gutters, and asphalt paving in Local Improvement Districts Nos. 158 and 159 as provided by Ordinance No. 1257 and Ordinance No. 1258, bids to be opened September lOth. Motion seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. The Commission examined and approved 50 CURRENT EXPENSE FUND: 37- Naore Business Fonns the followir~ claims and ordered warrants issued in payment of same: 499 Traffic Violation Books 87.50 :1.3 CITY STREE'f FUJ<1J: 7- Janish Jf'Otor Co. 77' WATER FUND: :< f'o - Clallam Adjustement Corp. Olympic Printery Robt. Bamford Clallam County P.U.D. No.1 Kenneth H. lihalen Homelite Corp. Hooker Electrochemical Co. Federal Pipe & Tank Co. puget Sound Navigation Co. Hugh G. Purcell Co. Tail Lamp, Lock 7.23 Collection Expense Office Supplies Expense Electric Service Refund Water Charge Parts Chlorine Pipe Bands Frt. Chgs. Joint Hate:-ial 5.00 38.42 17.44 5.44 2.30 14.68 53.23 18.66 1.43 84.19 ..... I I I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 165-' August 27th. continued. 19.5J_ ""' . "'''. ..... n.".... ""m...... .... LIGHT FUND: f-;{ ~ J" Olympic Printery " Lunt I s Battery Service Port Angeles Salmon Club L~xor Lighting Products, Inc. \'/estinghouse Electric Supply Co. Ken H. Best Demick Electric Supply Line Haterial Co. 27.66 3.35 15.00 1l.B8 256.47 30.08 16.5B 61. 34 Office Supplies Repair Battery Adv. Lamps Meters Tools Tape Connectors ~. PARKING METER & TRAFFIC CONTROL FUND, /):<. - H. ,li. Rhodes, Inc. Head Assemblies ".4 IJ2.00 L. 1. REVOLVING FUND:.J - City Treasurer Excise and Doc. Taxes J.02 . There ! I being no further business, the meeting "as then adjourned. o .g () :1~"v City Clerk -t&r/dL-t' . Hayor c :o,'(l'rJCg '1'0 BIODl!:IlS . !\'otice Is l1ereb)" glvt!o .that sealed bids will be received bv the City Clerk of the City or Port Angeles, {~;l~h~!;i~~do ~!g~ck S~~~~~~~ ~g{ ls.tor. at the office of the CJt~. Clerk ftf~;~~. 1;:[tt~"ll~f t :~t~~<\.~nlt';I!JYcri~~ 'I'll.. WU)'i{ eontl'lnlllatClrj. . r 1111:' .: luq'l'O\"l;IIH-'lll nf Twelt1h ~nt..frdlll ~~~~'-I~}~;~~;;;'~(~rl~~~e ~iiii;::i~~t~ 'tlOll ('onrl',! :l\Id {.rl11fl'w>d....lfI-ol1c ttip l('Qur~1' tben'Oll. AU tlu'_IHock from ,('lWHC ~tr('et 1.11 J"JnbOd)l~"treet, flllly; t:,.llj~lJ';()~~I~~I'~~\I?~~'!lll t\'l~~;~t~ :~~ed~~~~;~~ ;11~~1 l~~~~ ~ft1?d, 2'\.'~1)~ I :~~i~i~61~~r~<;ls~3 lrIal of Hspl1altic ('lII1CI'"t~ pllvpment. . ,\llurnat<: ],id" fn" Un' layIng '!If (+. l;ix \&) inell Cl'111('nt concrete p;n'umill11 un lhllL BlOl'\' will also b~ 1'1)11~itl<Jr"11 ~'i:. thut tI/'ln. All bld~ l:ll1all \"'1(' H..~.tJ\lllp:).ni8{] IJ~' a certlfled r~~;';~~ ~t1}g~nl;lU~:dO~~lf?tu~~~~ t~::~ ~~~"I 11.0 1hl' CU,- 'rreaSUrH o( the eit:,' ~ of I'Qrt ,~ng(>les. "-aOlhington, or El. Hid H'_'lId in tlta1 :lmOUll" otllerwlse I,he hill wIll lIot VI:! ('onsldl!.red. A bond Of J rJ{!.',~ of !ll.., RItIOunt of the "Qlttr~,"l 1,rlceo mu!::,! be iurnlslleu IJ~' tile l'll('('essfltl 1J1d<ler. Plans and l!p<Jdfl"atlQI1I; mar be nbtalned frDJTI tl1D t'IL:- Cl"l'Jt ~pon il"po!'lltlng the ',- :-\J1lI nf $",011, whIch S\.1m will be fe- n~~lcJR('~ r~r r~J~~;I'I~~~ n~o ~~l~ b~:i~rt~::, "lr(' l.he b!d~ :1rC op"Il~d. TIIC CIty ~~OlTllld!3>;lOn r('sel'\'~ll tJ\(: right to r(!. ,Jcd :"IQ'.1~r/IL1j{t~: Clt~' CIHk. h~rt.II)Jiljh{ld: Augu>;l ~l, :ieptember 7, _Jt+---:---_---..:. '-H'I'Il:"~ '1'0 JIIDOEKS ;\(,li~," Is ll\'r~b" given that lIel'lled tlids will be reC"f,j"e-d" I"" tJl(l City {;l'~rl{ of thr, C(ty uf 1-'0"1'1. Angeles, ,Vuf'hiagtDIl. \II\UI }:('ptember 10, J!lH, r+t 10:00 :1,111.. and not latc1', at th..~ ()Hi"t\ of the City C]~rk of llHl \;ity llf 1'01'1 ^"gt'lN!, Wll,lihingtoll, nt till' Clt~' _lIa.1] (\f.saIGl Cil~'. Tile WOl'], ,r"l1te'''IJJ.atj?d 18 for Ute ('on- f:trudlOlt o{ approximatel!>- 1621 Linear Peet of Cement Concrete Cur\) R1H] Gutter on Tenth Street: the east<Jrl!-' l'llde of Peabody Street ;<nd the weEterl~. ~jde of Vine Street rrol11 tl"} ll([~~' !J(>twecn Ninth and Tenth t'lrceLe, sontberh' to the alley hctWC\'ll 'I'euth and Elc\'lmth Streets. ..:~~t:fli~~] ~i::~~ II~ l~~i~~l~a~ll~~N~s~ jthan :;% Qf tl1o-a'mo\ml bid and tnado IHlFltllc 1+.J th~! ell'" Trl'a.\iUl"cr .of Ole- '~i~iWI3r 11~Q,:.,~ ,;::gti~~_~' ~~~~al\~~~Sie~~ t :~'jr.~l1tt'~ fhigo~,~n:.; ~I~ ~~16~~I~I~rrt'i~e ; i'~~ tt'~~~.!.~lJ~'f~ ~~ll~~id~.;~. fUPI':~~l]~Cd a.~~ I fi~r\~j ;~~ t:'~\l~~km~t"l:lQ dO~pt~~:~1'~frt~~ I,.unl ,,1' ~~,ljl) whll-It sum ",:111 \)1:) r,.. funlj!'d Ir~thl' plan,; :lnd spl;lcl(lea- 1Jon~ ar.~ return~t1 10 tho t;ltv Clerk hefo)'" nIP bId!! are (ll)"lled, T.he CJty ~ 'ommls!;i+Jll res<!r.Y~B tho. right to'ro- ;ICCt :\:l~'J:~.fl~A\\~I.S'Citr Clork. P\lbli<,h~d: Aug\Jst 3J, Septem- 1'0\' 'i, J9;il. I j 'I ! i I i \ I I I i \ 1 I I I I I I ~