HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08/27/2002 4739 CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington August 27, 2002 CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Wiggins called the special meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at SPECIAL MEETING: 6:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Wiggins, Councilmembers Braun, Campbell, Erickson, Headrick, Rogers, and Williams. Members Absent: None. StaffPresent: Manager Quinn, Attorney Knutson, B. Collins, T. Riepe, Y. Ziomkowski, L. Haelmlen, and M. Permino. Public Present: T. Price, and L. Rasmussen. PLEDGE OF The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Councilman Gary Braun. ALLEGIANCE: LATE ITEMS TO BE Mayor Wiggins informed the Council of the AWC Regional meeting set for October 8, PLACED ON THIS OR 2002, at 6:00 p.m. at the Howard Johnsons in Bremerton. FUTURE AGENDAS: RESOLUTIONS: Councilmember Erickson abstained from the discussion and the vote for personal reasons. Resolution Expressing Support for Passage on the Mayor Wiggins discussed the issue, mentioning pros and cons from public input. The September 17, 2002, County is looking at $1.5 million dollar short fall in its budget, and even if the 1/10th primary election ballot: of 1 percent is passed, the County will still be looking for ways to cut its budget. If this 1/10th of 1 percent sales is not passed, the City will be looking to cut the budget an additional $185,000.00, most tax of which will come from the Parks and Recreation Department, according to Finance Resolution 10-02 Director Ziomkowski. Councilmember Rogers added that, in her opinion, the increases in criminal justice expenditures were not well explained, including medical and drug problem costs. Additionally, when advocating a tax increase, it is perceived as the easiest way to fix the problem. Jobs are what increase revenue, and it is this topic which the debate failed to explain. Police Chief Riepe explained that it costs the community tens of thousands of dollars to close a meth lab, but that is only the beginning. Medical and criminal justice costs are the largest expenditures and are increasing exponentially. He feels that the public needs to be informed about these issues and also about the efficiency of dollars spent within the department. Councilmember Rogers added that County and City monies are appropriated, and it is difficult to move funds from one department to another; funds cannot be co-mingled. Manager Quinn further explained that because of the rising costs and in considering the public safety, this particular increase will not be borne by the community alone. -1- 4740 CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING August 27, 2002 RESOLUTIONS: Mayor Wiggins related that the parks within the community, which currently need more (Cont'd) attention, will suffer if this is voted down. Resolution Expressing Finance Director Ziomkowski pointed out that only four departments within the City Support for Passage on the are General Fund departments: Police, Fire, Parks, and Community Development. September 17, 2002, Additional cuts in the General Fund are basically cutting Parks' funds and programs. primary election ballot: 1/10th of 1 percent sales tax Following further brief discussion, Mayor Wiggins read the Resolution by title, entitled Resolution 10-02 (Cont'd) RESOLUTION 10-02 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, endorsing the passage of Proposition No. 1 on the September 17, 2002, primary election ballot, which would impose a sales/use tax of one-tenth of one percent for costs associated with financing, equipping, repairing, maintaining/or operating the County Jail, Juvenile Detention Center, and Forks City Jail. Councilman Braun moved to pass the Resolution as read by title. Councilman Williams seconded the motion, which passed 6-0, with Councilmember Erickson abstaining. WORK SESSION: Following a slide presentation and discussion regarding billboard and signage issues, Community Development Director Collins reviewed the proposed amendments to the MCA 01-02B Municipal Code. Municipal Code Amendments Beginning with Chapter 14.36, Director Collins pointed out the new section on Maintenance, changes made to the Purpose section, and changes in the Definitions section, including banners, fluttering devices, mobile signs, and temporary signs. Discussion ensued regarding the removal of the word "temporary" or the removal of the 90-day time limit on temporary signs, definition of the word "temporary," and the other sections of the code which would be affected by these omissions. Further Sign Code issues mentioned by Director Collins were regulations copied from the Zoning Code, off-premise signs, height and total signage area. Councilman Campbell expressed the view that the furore of the City is tied to commercial activity, and to restrain that would create problems. The sign code does not necessarily need to be loosened, but other issues, such as clutter, need to be addressed first. Following further discussion and debate by Councilmembers, it was suggested that billboard signs should not exceed 300 square feet. In response to Councilman Williams' question regarding conditional use permits for 600 sq. ft. signs, Director Collins stated that the size of the sign is not affected by the permit. After brief discussion, Mayor Wiggins moved that the Code reflect off- premise signs not exceed 300 square feet. Couneilmember Eriekson seconded the motion. Regulations and placing of the signs 1000 feet apart were discussed, and Manager Quirm responded that this issue would have to be covered in the creation of a new section of the Code. Director Collins suggested that staff return in December with changes to the Sign Code. Councilman Williams indicated he would vote in opposition to the motion, considering comments by various businesses and communities. He added that he supported the 600 square foot size, but that it be placed under public scrutiny. The motion passed 4-3 with Couneilmembers Williams, Braun, and Rogers voting against the motion. -2- CITY COUNCIL spEcIAL MEETING 4741 August 27, 2002 WORK SESSION: Director Collins then pointed out further changes to the Sign Code, including the (Cont'd) addition of temporary commercial event signs and A-frame signs. MCA 01-02B Aria Holzschuh, 105V2 E. 1st Street, clarified the preference of the Port Angeles Municipal Code Downtown Association, stating that the minimum height for safety issues regarding A- Amendments (Cont'd) Frame signs would be 44 inches opened, 48 inches overall in height. Following discussion, Director Collins stated that the 30" minimum would be included in the £mal draft, as well as a 44 inch maximum. Regarding the matter of "Prohibited Signs," Director Collins stated that the minimum industrial standard for electronically changing messages is every 30 seconds. Other modifications to the Sign Code included fluttering devices, mobile signs, banner signs, and non-conforming sign removal clauses. Break Mayor Wiggins recessed the meeting for a break at 8:00 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 8:15 p.m. Returning to the matter of the Sign Code, Manager Quinn suggested that examples be added to the Maintenance section to illustrate and define terms. He also suggested that the Sign Code be tackled in its entirety, rather than addressing it now and again in December. The Council concurred. Director Collins then directed attention to the proposed changes to the Off-Street Parking section of the Code by explaining that most changes are the removal of archaic language uses, and changes in the number of parking spaces required for businesses. Councilman Williams suggested that this entire section be deleted, based on past problems with new development. Councilman Williams strongly recommended the repeal of Chapter 14.40 with the following suggestions: leaving in "Definitions," putting in a Section 14.40.015 stating "Parking Space Requirements shall be determined by the Department of Community Development;" taking 020 to 090 and reserving them, eliminating the rest of the language; leaving in 100 - the Cooperative Provisions; eliminating and reserving 110, 120, 130, leaving in 140, 150, amending 160 after the first comma to delete the words "either as specifically provided by Sections 14.40.030 through 14.40.060 and 14.40.070, or as determined by the Planning Director for an unspecified use under Section 14.40.070; taking wherever the words "Planning Director" occurs in the rest of the Code and changing it to the current title." Councilmember Erickson suggested that the Chapter 14 be repealed in its entirety. Councilman Williams, therefore, moved to repeal Chapter 14.40 in its entirety. Councilman Braun seconded the motion. Director Collins stated that changes could be made regarding the use of the word "maximum" instead of the word "minimum." Following further explanation by Director Collins and discussion, Councilman Williams stated that he would like to see the private sector drive the parking. Councilmember Erickson commented that her preference is to eliminate Chapter 14, thereby removing the City from another form of regulation. Councilman Headrick countered that given the choice not to have parking and to continue to build businesses might prove problematic in the future when the City is asked to provide more downtown parking. The incentive then, according to Councilman Williams is to put something in for centralized parking in certain areas - or parking garages. Because parking is more severe downtown, according to Councilmember Rogers, these Codes penalize other areas of the City; therefore, further development is prevented. -3- 4742 CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING August 27, 2002 WORK SESSION: Director Collins noted that parking ordinances are not generated by planners. Primary (Cont'd) standards have come through the transportation engineers and through businesses who have identified what parking standards ought to be. Parking ordinances identify MCA 01-02B problem areas, places where you can't park, and other major concerns for fire Municipal Code personnel, utilities, and street operation. He agrees that parking requirements should Amendments (Cont'd) be reduced but thinks there is a danger in eliminating all of them. Manager Quinn suggested that staffprepare a draft ordinance removing parking requirements but which addresses the issues of prohibitive parking, safety, and other necessary concerns. At this time, the Council directed its attention to the motion previously made and sought clarification as to the motion's intent. Councilmember Erickson restated the motion to rewrite the off-street parking ordinance and eliminate references to businesses having to supply so many parking spaces and that the staff confirms in other Code regulations that minimum standards exist for the construction of parking lots. Councilman Williams seconded the motion. Councilman Campbell observed that what the Council was proposing to eliminate was the reason for limiting development downtown and elsewhere, adding that this might cause opposition. Councilman Headdck related that with the possibility of the conference center, more parking was needed. Should builders decide to limit parking, a problem could develop where a center might not succeed because of limited parking. Following further brief discussion and a call for the vote, the motion passed 6-1, with Councilman Iteadriek voting in opposition. Director Collins, moving to the Subdivision Ordinance changes (Title 16), stated that mostly they involved consistency with State Law, and consistent terminology in classifying streets. Other issues brought to Council's attention for review were future changes in existing standards to more Iow-impact development-type standards, sales agreements, standards and guidelines, and safe-walking conditions. Changes also involved standardizing terminology and updating titles and references. As explained by Director Collins, Title 17, Zoning Regulations, standardized the use of the term "special use permit" and repeated purpose wording in the Zoning Code. EXECUTIVE SESSION: The meeting adjourned to Executive Session at 9:00 p.m. to discuss possible real estate litigation for approximately 45 minutes. RETURN TO OPEN The meeting returned to Open Session at 9:45 p.m. SESSION: ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 p.m. B~cky J.'UI~n, C~ Clerk -4-