HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08/28/1950 I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington " ., 41 August 28, 19~ "... """".'~"".''''_"'. """'''' um ~ The Commission met in regular session at 10:00 A.M., and was called to order by Mayor Feeley. Offlcers I present were: Mayor Feeley, Commissioners !(obinson and 1'aylor, Jlttorney Trumlull, and Cle rk Law. Minutes of the previous session liere read and at request of Commissioner Taylor amended as follows: The bid of.J. M. Bruch was rejected because it was not signed when submitted, and not because he is not a responsible bidder. , 'Under the head of applications for luilding permits and licenses, the following were granted: I . ~~ IBuilding Permits: 4-10D . Stan Yoder Construct Garage; Lot 4, ,;lk. 161, Townsite Gustav G. Brolin Construct Garage; Let 15, Blk. 588, Townsite Hobert Venable BUild Dwelling; Lot 15, 8lk. 242, Townsite L. .A. Hardecopf NeVI Siding on Existing Dwelling; Lot 2, Blk. 12, P.S.C.C. Add. ,,0 Lic.mses: /(,&- Hansen's Beauty Salon Beauty Uperator, 5 Years Pagoda Hoom Restaurant Brown)s Second Hand store Second Hand liealer Brown's Second Hand Store Junk Dealer Brown's Second Hand btore Pawn Broke r Fox Studio Traveling Photographer Icrescent Beauty Salon Beauty Operator Under the head of unfinished business, one bid was submittea by F. C. Waldron for the purchase of Lots 11 rand 12, rllock .396, Townsite, amount of bid ~250.00. It was moved by h;ayor ~'eeley that the bid be accepted. Seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. . 'Bids for instsllation of a chlorination system and accessories were received as follows: ~allace and ITiernan Sales Corp., $6,574.41; H. D. Fowler Co., Inc., $5,708.00; Karl H. Norby, $6,124.00; Bparling Meter Company, $7,111.00. It was moved by Commissioner Taylor that the bids be referred to ~upt. uodge. Seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. IThe rene.,al contract between the City and Clallam County Fire District No.2 v,as presented for approval by I the COllUllission and it was moved by Mayor Feeley that the City accept contrnct and enter into agreement with I th~ Fire lJistrict. Motion seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Uotion carried. Undor the head of new business, Mayor Feeley informed that the term of Errett fleener, member of the Park Board, expires September 1, and Mr. Fleener has refused re-appointment. Mayor Feeley announced the appointment of Arnoki Carlson replacing Mr. Fleener, and it was moved by COnIDlissioner Hobinson that the sai~ appointment be confirmed. Seconded by Commissioner Taylor. All voted Aye. Motion carried. 800.00 500.00 5,000.00 500.00 9.00 12.00 15.00 25.00 100 .00 4.00 l.00 Mrs. Mclaughlin, Mr. Nielsen and others, appeared requesting discontinuation of rent control and submitted a petition signed by Landlords requesting that said controls be discontinued. hlrs. McLaughlin cited increases in union wage scales and cost of living while Landlords are still required to operate under controls. It was the opinion of Mr. Nielsen thet rent contol should have been discontinued as on other IcommOdities. That painting and repairs are not permitted under present control and price of material, and if control is lifted rent charges would only increase ten to fifteen percent thereby permitting upkeep and repair. Ray Peterson als 0 spoke in favor of lifting the rent control. Neil Pendley of the Central Labor Council and John Gort advised withholding any changes at present as the Government is replecing more controls. Mayor Feeley informed that the City has an Advisory Board which should make recommendations, and it was jmOVed by Mayor Feeley that the matter be referred to the Advisory Board and they hold public hearing as soon as possible. Motion seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. I It was understood thet if the Commission is not in agreement with the decision of the Advisory noa,'d, this Commission may act as they see fit, and it was moved by Commissioner Robinson that the time permitted for II report to the COllUllission be limited to two weeks. l1otion seconded by Commissioner Taylor. ,,11 voted Aye. fuotion carried. jIJr. and ~'rs. George Linkletter appeared regarding sewer connections for their property, requesting privileges as exterided to Petersen and Craver. Mrs. Linkletter considered it unfair to permit unbuilt houses ,to connect and refuse others with years of residence the same priVilege. I!layor Feeley expressed opinion thet City laterals might permit more connections if County storm water is diverted to storm sewers, but advised that the proper solution is a Count" sewer district. Conunissioner Robinson agreed thet the Conunission could make recommendations to the County Commissioners and suggested I that the property owners meet with County Ufficials as it is their problem. J.lso that the connections permitted are only temporary until district can be formed. Hay Petersen was questioned regarding co-operation with other property owners and creation of a sewer district ,Mr. Petersen informed of his intention to contact County commissioners and pledged co-operation with other I property mvners. II Commissioner Taylor again informed that City laterals are overloaded and the City cannot install storm sewers at present time. Alao that County property ovmers may finance a district for lateral and storm sewers by revenue bonds. The reports of Police Judge l11illips for the months of June and July were. submitted as follows: June, fines collected, $1,655 .00; July, fines collected, $1,836.50. The reports were approved and ordered filed. Fire Chief 'IIolverton again requested consideration of purchase of an emergency generator which will be considered at the next session. Under the head of reading and passage of Ordinances, the following was placed on third and final reading: ORDINANCE NO. 1237 AN ORDINANCE stating the fncts of an emergency affecting the public safet)', welfare and convenience of the City of Port Angeles; requiring the unforeseen expenditure of funds; providing for the issuance of emergencY1 warrants and declaring an emergency.. I It was moved by Conunissioner Robinson that the foregoing Ordinance be passed third and fwal reading. ,Seconded by Mayor Feeley. All voted Aye. Motion carried. I I ~ ~ 42 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington ~.". ..'"". "'m...",,..' .""",,...'" ~ The CommiSsion examined and approved the following claims, and ordered warrants issued in payment of same: CURRENT EXPEIl5 E: Rl ND: 3 1 "-.' Puget Sound Stamp Works City Treasurer 'Pioneer, Inc. Hichfield Oil Corp. ~'rederick 's Electric Ralph R. Jones 'olympic Laundry & Cleaners cp I :L CITY STREET FUND: 1~5 - Dobson Auto Electric !Ilenshew's Service plass Specialty Co. flestinghouse Electric CO. ~IATER HIND: rlc, '!.1 ;Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. :Daily Journal of Commerce iHooker Electrochemical Co. Pacific States Cast Iron Pipe Co. ~ensselaer Valve Co. \;:. N. Hallgren Co. :l'uget Sound Express ~estern Utilities Supply Co. ~pacific Water Works Sup~lJ Co. ,LIGHT RlIID: /~/O:2.- Clallam CD. P.U.D. No.1 'Pacific Tel. & TeL Co. Eugene E. Williams City Treasurer ~ellerbach Paper Co. 1.ine Material Co. :1\. E. Uptsgraff I1fg. Co. Ihen. Electric Supply Corp. 33 IF. IRWEIl'S PENSION RJND: 13 GS' City 1'reasurer r. J. C. Hay & Associates IClallam Co. Iled. Service Corp. I r' "-;'" = ;''''~'''';M''' ,", ,,,",,. 'M ',d.re' "j"'"'' Aup,ust 28, 19~ Sta ple s Pos tage Supplies Motor Oil Plugs Batteries Laundry & Dn' Cleaning 1 Arma ture Tire Glass Reflector s Phone Service Adv. Chlorine Valves Hydrant Extension Fittings .Frt. Bill Fittings Valves July pmver Phone & Pole Rentals Car Exp. Cash for Express Janitor Supplie s Holts Transformers Hardware Investment L.LD. 152 Bonds Sept. Med. Fees--1<'iremen Sept. !.led. Fees--Firemen ~~d4-~7 1.77 .63 5.92 6.43 1.40 2.16 19.60 6.57 '(5.~1 29.24 14.14 85.44 9.90 51.08 91. 70 19.57 154.28 1.25 39.48 485.79 16,170.20 126.65 29.40 .90 41. 97 16.58 1,656.69 59.71 7,532.53 15.00 18.00 "ayor I I I I