HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08/30/1939 ,. 82 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington Au;rust 30. 1939 19_ ~Aie"" ..u...y,"UTTl~..TAT''''''"".."'Nn"8. .,a"IlO The Cor.F..issicn :!let in regular session at 10 A .j.;. and "/as called to order by M8yor Davis. Roll call showed the following officers present: Mayor Da,~s, Commissioners Bea~ ~~d Masters, Attorney Conniff and Clerk Hawkins. The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of Lpplications for Building Perrr~ts and Liconses the following were granted: John f'.. Tl'UlIlbull, Shingle house and garage, Lot 14, Block 71, Townsite Union Drug Co ., Fountain Lunch " " ", Soft Drink Woods Barber Shop, 2 Barber Chairs I Jack Miller, Restaurant (Dog House) Mrs. Fletcher Lake, 1 Beauty Parlor Chair City Electric Co., Master J>lectrician 250.00 5.00 5.00 2.00 15.00 1.00 10.00 Under the head of Unfinished Business,- I I I I I I I I by conunissioneJ Pursuant to the following call for bids the City Clerk reported bids on file for the construction of a Concrete Box Culvert on Peabody Creek as follows: .. :-:()TH'I~:.\ISI'.tli'~~:~,:Nl\~)!'lC; 1 Y 1'; ~.. \ l~~.la~]l~\'t}ll(;. ~!I:,l:'k \y~v N;c J~~:~\~\~':_~ \ j'ort ,\IlRe!<-l1, \\':wllil1l-l"llJll. \llllil 11~ ~ ii~:~f~~;,~f~;~,~'~i~~~ I! rl~t~t(! l'thi]~eh;\I\hall,t;\~:IIl~f l\~~U~~'~t i N. ;\1. 1I,\\Yl(IXS. j cay Clerk. 1[uu. AUK. 1:1-::::-28. _. . Inc. $7,447.45 7,993.50 8,119.50 9,255.00 Sig Larson Wm. Gorsegnor Geo. Taylor Allen & Goven, It was moved by Gom~issioner Masters that the contract be awarded to Sig Larson. Beam. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. Seconded Pursuant to the following call i'or bids the City Clerk reported bids on file to furr,ish series and multiple Mazda L!Illps for the various City Departments as follows: ):;~~i;:~::r~X~!!I';~~~1;:;::::~~.,J, :;'::~.~.!~f:( j AU$;'mll :\11, I'l:~!l, lit III :1.111., allll l!()l hlU',' ilt tilt' nffl('(' f'!' tllf" ('It)' ('](>1"1.:. lIf 11\1' ('it.I' "r I'LlI'! .\111.\"'],'1'. \Ya:>1I111i--:IOIl. Tit fUI'I\i~h ",."1(>14 amI !lIt1I11I'l(' 2~r:I~~::~ Itl~:~'~~::l' ~'~lll;': l\~;;'~"~{:l\~l~I(~{'i\ ~ r\~I'J :-L'lllt'lIIlot.'1' 1. 1!l3H.. l'l~~~lr I ~;i ?:.j,::,'.lllll;\\i,~~~i:': ~Lll'~'llt'I\;!;~,' h f' \;:~":~':r;~'i~;';:H:~~~ ':"'N':"<"'" City "'lectric 60., 26% off of billing price of standard packages 21%"" n broken II 2% additional if paid within 10 dayS. Willson Hardware Co., Same as above James Hardware ,Co., \I Rudy's Radio Shop, Automotive Parts Service," Mulholland Music Shop n It was moved by Commissioner Masters that the contract be awarded to the City Electric Company. Seconded by Commissioner Beam. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. The Commission examined and allmved the following claims and ordered warrants drawn for same: CURftENT EXPENSE FUND Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. II. nil" II Service 3.50 3.26 2.75 3.00 1.13 115.74 92.36 \{, 318.92 ./ 124.00 Icq~ 16.00 12.50 20.86 2.45 149.74 ~ 16.26 10' ./ 1.74 y11 40.60 6.00 4.25 18.42 .'\ .40 ~, ;- 40.00 27.95 192.88 ..",j, 70.41 3.00 ?;>o\ 6.00 4.25 7.24 1.53 12.24 1.33 E. E. Nichols City Treasurer Exide Storage Battery Co. Universal Tool & Mdg. Co. Angeles Gravel & ~upply Co. R. L. Jones H. L. Banderob Miss Henrietta Howley Letter Files Express Alarm System Batteries Fire Alarm Box Lumber, etc. Special Police ~t II Services CITY STREET FUND Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. T1 11 tt II Cement, etc. B,.~shes Freight Parts & Supplies Freight Car Hire Labor C M ST P & PAC RY Automotive Parts Service City Treasurer D. IA. Masters W. Burgess WATER FUND Pacific Telephone & Teleeraph Co. Olympic Foundry Co. City Treasurer Purmaid Dairy Service Pipes & Hubs Cash Payments Sept. Rent LIGHT FUND Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. Line Material Co. City Treasurzr Osta E. Eddy II Service Line Material Cash Payments June Garage Rent July and August Garage rent LIBRARY WIJD Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. I J ennilu Norris - j C. LeRoy Sarff Epperson & Sons The Caxton Printers, Ltd. Servi ce Petty Cash Grinding Lawn Mower Book Racks Book I I I' I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles; Washington .., 83 August 30. 1939 19_ ,".oK" ..U;;".....Un...OlT~TIOf'.K.. ."'..U.... ..1I4gg The Junior Literary Guild Mrs. Cynthia Jacobson florence McLane The Puget Sound News Co. Books Emergency Help n n fj.. ,f~ 11.66 3.75 7.65 109 .96 Books L.I.D. GUARANTY FUND City Treasurer Taxes 139.49 I Under the head of New Business,- A coIDiaunication from the Recreational Council was read reconunending that the following named persons be , removed from membership on the cooncil for lack of attendance and interest taken in the activitiee of the council: I Mr. Henry Charnell Mr. A. B. Crowley Mr. Fred Radk e Wr. J. G. Karstatter Mr. Chester Gagnon Mr. Leon Sutton Mr. J.~. J. Benz 1\r. Wano Saari Mr. Rollin Bowles Mrs. Will H. Taylor Krs. J. R. Eldridge Mrs. Pete McGoff Mrs. Chas. Heckman Mrs. Les Bel ton Upon the foregoing recommendation it was moved by Commissioner Masters that the above named persons be removed from membership on the Recreational Council and that the City Clerk be instructed to remove their names from the record as members of the Council. Seconded by Commissioner Beam. On roll call all members vote~ aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. Theni beir.g no further business tbe Commision thena:ljourned.to meet Thursday, Aueust 31, 1939, at 10 A.M. ?1,~~~ ~~ City Cle rk Mayor I AUGUST 31. 1939 The Commission met pursuant to adjournment at 10 A.M. and was called to order by Mayor Da',is. Roll'call showed the followine officers present: Mayor Davis, ComT.issioners Beam and Masters, and Clerk Ha~xins. The Commission examined and allowed the following clai1ns and ordered warrants drawn for same: CURREIIT EXPENSE FUNQ Hayes Evans, Jr. Dr. t. E. Powers Misshice McKay J. R. McDonald Louis Howser Hugo Olson City Treasurer P. T'. Poulsen James Mallory VIm. Jordan Services Services as Dog Catcher Extra Fireman II 11 Firemen '5 Pension Fnnd Salary Labor 1t (0 " '!> 110 100.00 360.00 150 .00 25.00 12.50 25.00 15.68 19.50 .72 150.00 130.00 115.00 City Treasurer " . flush Tanks F1.re Hydrants Salary " CITY' STREET MID I City' Street Department II 11 11 Pay Roll " , ~ 2725.78 370.91 642.42 }'1;~ WATER FtlNt Water Department It' " " ' Pay Roll " 13- ,..'i~ ." 891.13 1324.80 646.80 I LIGHT FUND Light Department Pay Roll 1758.37 CEMETERY FUND Albert A. Lanctot Salary 100.00 7(~ ~~ /':-c: ~, There being no further business the Conunission then adjourned. Ci ty Clerk Mayor ..olII