HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08/30/1973 .... 30H PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES, WASH. AUGUST 21, 1973 (Continued) A motion was made by Councilwoman Ross, seconded by Councilman Lukey and unani- mously carried to delay any action on the North Olympic Library request regarding the parking lot and certain improvements to the main library building until such time as the City Manager has a chance to check with the new owners of the property east of the library.regarding acquisition of ?dditiopal property for parking lot. A motion was made by Councilwoman Ross, seconded by Councilman Olson and unani- mously carried to request the Chamber of Commerce's consideration in the City of Port Angeles partlcipattng~in~the~Bi~Centennial?Celebration in 1976. I OthBr subjects of discussion were the possibility of acquiring greenbelt areas by general obligation bonds; sewer job, 16th &- F, has been completed and a very good job was done; West End Park progressing very well and o~d~8hedule, no name as yet has been decided upon for this park; Police and Fire/Snows being worked on to stress importance of 911 ca~~; Einar Hendrickson reported on comprehensive plan now in progress, making up land use study; City must wait until such time as the County acts on the gambling tax; EPA Power indicates that they are ~ launching a program in cutback of power and utilities at least 7% as this is the amount they foresee we will be short this winter; and Swan Wooster will be at the Port August 22nd for a report on the pier and multi purpose center, and at Birney's for a breakfast meeting on Thursday, August 23rd. Meeting adjourned at 9:40 p.m. ~ - -~ ;( ~-I~ Deputy Clerk ~kL~ 4~ Mayor . 'I PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON SPECIAL MEETING OF AUGUST 3m, 1973 The Council met in special session at 7:30 p.m. Officers present were Mayor Basom, Councilmen Haguewood, Hordyk, Lukey, Olson, Ross and Wray, Manage~ePuddy.; and Acting Attorney Taylor and Deputy Clerk Hobbs. The purpose of this meeting was to decide what the City would do about the 1/2 mill the City has not been levying as per R.C.W. 41.16.060. As the City -was.notlevying..this half mill,-it..was then received bY Hos.pital District No. 2. After considerable discussion with the Hospital Board of Commissioners, a motion - was made by Councilman Olson, seconded by Councilwoman Ross and unanimously car- ried that the City waive its right to the additional half mill for the year 1973 and allow the Hospital District No.2 to receive this tax revenue. This would mean that the City will keep. at the 7.5 mills for the year 1973, but will take the full 8 mills beginning next year. Meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m. ~~~~ D~ uty Cler ~2ie~M~ 4~ Mayor ,I 11973B NOTICE OF HEARING ON FINAL BUDGET NOTICE is hereby gfven that ~ ~nn~ ~go ~ ~3=~ 2.-g~g-6~~ o-gc.>t.J5"~~~:r z~thepreliminarybudgetforthe a -----.g g g 0t"!:J iVl>m -tg([).g ().....~ ==0 t!) OJ Co~ 3~ Q~2:rtglO;; ;:r~5 0 year 1974 has been filed with the :. ~ ~ ~ B;3 a.-=-.!l~ ~~,:;.~ ~-g ~:1 g,~~5 Q;QJ.,:J ~ ~:-'"O *~t:) tp ~ -t -t .. City Clerk. A copy of said budget ~'- -='=-:l~~o~~wn ~:l~"OnD"(flflJg-~~~iii;;~~:;-< 3r''' og~nn;::) will be furnished to any ~ ~()~3"!!g-Q."'C~.;-: ;:;a;~rn'-'Q.~3;;=.a.-<ro~101lI~. ~"U-<ntlm~m taxpayer who will call at the '< ~&=~ ~-<: ~ g!!1 0"" ~ ~ ~~ to) E~ e.lll fig 0.. C":"~ -Q~OJ QItO a-ra Clerk's ?ffiCe the:efo~. -::5("1 .....3'J-nll-c1:Sf'l"'l1i> ~Q.ollJQ"~O~_"'::~QlCD,..=.g......~ \O~ ~g,a:(j)r "'-l The City CQl,lncli WIll meet at ~~ ~ g 103 g~ g.!.~ ~ ~~ c:;:a ~&:c8:::;. ~O'w 5.~, C::a: ;x- ~ ~ ~ 3 [D~:r ~ ~c;8~ 7:30 P.M, on,December ], 1973, ;-'0 ., .or ---< ~C1>Olll~~ o(")~~c:~~:i'g, ......=;;:~o:t:'m~.;u;uz~ in the Council Chambers at 134 .....-n (fI~r:r::J~QlnG;~~ -n-1:SlII c.n- c- _.I>o-lO -. ::....gxoo.=m -i W,FrontStreetforthe-purpose j~~ ~~."'::~~~~-g.g:r ~=; ~c:~~._~cuQ1=:' ~ Q./ ~g~-o....,::E-<g\JJ~~ otfixingthefinalbudget.Atfhat " -+m "'-lw,,:~~g,,~;o;":~~ ~~[=-g o..~m~'~-<~- ~ . ~~:::ntm.,-<O() time,anytaxpayermay.appear >:J =rro'" "w. ~~g-Q...,oQ.a",::JQ.Vl~~<-g3 OODl'~- _~~{j)v.-1 and be heard for or againsf any ::1'10 011'\:I "i';- ~ ~ ii11O' rtl-<; 0 <;; 0 III ...,-g g,~ "tI~:;'CE.< ~ parI at said budget. ~~' '?()n~ 3 c' ~ -<~iri~~ 'O.:..:;.~~~~:,:)(; ~ <"" B B M N e ~~ ~~~g' ~~2 0 ~miii'~~~;~'~3~'" :r, - ~~g~:~~~~ V> J~ . 'cit~c~e~: ... ~ ~ .. ._.._ ~ _.. -... I' P~b:..: N~V. 9, 16. l:'~ ____...J ....