HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08/31/1937 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Wasbington "'lIII 517 "'u~ust ~5, 19,17 193_ There being no further business the t.:ommission adjourned to meet 10 A.M. 17m1~ , ( A::./l, 19;5:, at 7\E ,,19 .....--v Ci t;; Clerk Mayor I I ;\ugust 31, 1937 The t.:Omr.lission met pursuant to adjournment at 10 ".11. and was called to oriel' by M'lyor Davis. Roll call showed the followinz of'ioe1'S uresent: Mayor ilavis, Commissioners Hens on and Has tel's ane! Clerk Hawkins. ~ - The ~ommission examined and allowed the following claims ana ora~rea v,lrrants dravm for same: CURRENT EXl'ENSE ?lITID R, E.Davis Margueri te .'me Ci t" Treasurer " . rl Car Hire Salary ~Ia tel' " ~5.0(1 75.0(' ?GO . 00 360.00 100.00 ~.'j.oa ~'). 58.0" " 117.00 I b~ ; 185.87 Ii ~5,aa ,....o! 1180.14 )3(7.~ 1354.60 3.00 1~76.41 3~.00 J.j 3.00 p11 5.00 lOr.ao Martin J; 3chnuri,",er J. R. McDonald City Treasurer Edgar Filion Engineer's Dept. Salary Services ;Ia tel' Labor Pay roll I CITY STREET ","Ni) D: A. Masters Street Dept. Car Hire Pay "011 '{lATER FUND '!fater Dept. A. G. MoKnigh t Pay Roll Geraee Rent LIGHT FUND Light Dept. S. H. ./hite Chas. Beam L. T. ~;J Pay 'toll Car Hire Garage Rent Jan i tor .Iork CE11ET-;:qy FUIlD Albert ". Lanctot Salary 'L.LD. G:<:I:;;L"L li'l"!D Ruth .:::. Beam Sala I'~T lor.Or) I There beincC no furthp.l' busine s" thCl Commissi In then adj ournea. ?;,'m1~ k..()~ Ci ty (Jle 1"1< Mqyor I ~