HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08/31/1939 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Wasbington August 50, 1959 19_ "'IIIl 83 I I I I I The Junior Literary Guild Mrs. Cynthia Jacobson Florence McLane The Puget Sound News Co. Books Emergency Help . " /j. IJ~ Books L.T.D. GUARANTY FilllD City Treasurer Taxes Under the head of New Business ,- 11.66 5.75 7.65 109.96 159.49 A co~~unication from the Recreational Council was read recommending that the following named persons be removed from membership on the council for lack of attendance and interest taken in the activities of the council: Mr. Henry Cha rnell Mr. A. B. C~owley Mr. Fred Radke Mr, J. C. Ka~statter Mr. Cheste~ Gagnon Mr. Leon Sutton Mr. t'. J. Senz llr. Wano Saari l.!r. Rollin Bowles Hrs. Will H. Taylor I'rs. J. R. Eldridge Mrs. Pete McGoff !.Irs. Cha s. Heckman Mrs. Les Bolton Upon 'the foregoing reconrnendation it was moved by Commissioner Masters that the above named persons be removed from membership on the Recreational Council and that the City Clerk be instructed to remove their na:r.es from the record as members of the Council. Seconded by Commissioner Beam. On roll call all members vote~ aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. There being no further business the Commision then adjourned ,to meet Thursday, Aueust 51, 1959, at 10 A,M. ?1,/r;A~~ ~~ City Clerk Mayor AUGUST 51, 1959 The Commission met pu~suant to adjournment at 10 A .M. and was called to order by Mayor Davis. Roll'call show7d the following officers present: Mayor Davis, Comnissioners Beam and Masters, and Clerk Hawkins. The COlnmission examined and allowed the following claims and ordered warrants d~awn for same: CURREIIT EXPENSE FUND City Treasurer " .. Flush Tanks Fire Hydr ants Salary " Hayes Evans, Jr. D~. L. E. Powers Miss 'hica McKay J. R. McDonald Louis Howser Hugo Olson City Treasurer P. T'. Poulsen James Mallory I'hn. Jordan Services Services as Dog Catcher Extra Fi ~eman II II Firemen's Pension Fund Sala ry Labor ~. ;' '3 110 CITY' STREET F'u'ND City'Street Department II II II Pay Roll " I~ }..,,,,~ 'KATER FUND Water Department " Pay Rell " " 13- ,..i~"'" It ' LIGHT FUND Light Department Pay Roll CEMETERY FUND Albert A. Lanctot Salary There being no further business the Commission then adjourned. ~~ /~-<8, 'J(~ Ci ty Clerk Mayor 100.00 560.00 150.00 25.00 12.50 25.00 15.68 19.60 .72 150.00 150.00 115.00 2725.78 570.91 642.42 891.15 1524.80 646.80 1758.57 100.00 ~