HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08/31/1949
32.87 I
51.01 :
I !
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
Au,gust 31.
'[ The City Commission convened in re~ular session at 10 A. 11. and was called to order by Mayor Feeley. The
II officers present were: lI.ayor Feeley, Commissioners Robinso~ and Taylor, A ttorne)' Trumbull, and Clerk law.
Minutes of the previous session were read and approved.
,:Under the head of applications for l::uilding permits, the following were granted:
t.wO ~
1800.00 I
150.00 I
John Bottgenbach
Donald Whipple
Daniel Beutler
Harry W. Delo
Mr. Harry Arnold
Beven P. Roth
Addition to dwelling, 80. 50' of Lots 1 & 2, Elk. 441, Townsite
Cor~truct Garage, Lots 15, 14, Blk. 1, Doyles Subd. of Sug. L. 20
Construct gagage, Lot 17, Blk. 2, hart & Cooke,
fuild House, Lots 19 & 20, Elk. 149, Townsite
Build garage, Lot 5, Elk. 106, Townsite
Build House, Lot 7, Illk. 175, Townsite
Under the head of unfinished business, the bids submitted for timber on Ci ty pro~erty in the Ennis Creek
water shed were opened as follows: A. H. Jones and L. L. Newell, 40% of gross receipts on all old growth
'~~~;: ~~::~~; i~OO:OO C~~~h~:d ~~dYf:a~:~~~~e:~d ~~~k~~S:r~~~s ~:l~~% o~/;:~r S~~1:~5~ :O~ .l~~~e:~m. :
'Products, Inc., $14.30 per M. Norman Cermean, 55.75% of the market Price. After inspection and due considera-
tion, it was moved by Comm. Robinson that the bid suumitted by Jones and Newell be accepted. Seconded by I
Comm. Taylor. All voted Aye. Motion carried. I
MayorcFeeley announced the appointment of a new Park Board as follows: Ceorge Johns, Errett Fleener, and I
'Mrs. Elizaheth Burt. When questioned regarding change of members, the Mayor informed that lack of co-opera-'
,tion vrith the Street Con;missioner was the main reason. Commissioner Robinson was interrigated regarding ,I
co-operation of the Park Board during his term as Ala;,'or, to which he admitted appointment of the same, and i
'that he had gotten along beautifully with all possible co-operation. Cor.unissioner Tayitor informed that it
"was impossible for the Park Board to assume duties of the Supt. and get efficiency. That appointment of a
Sutp. was sanctioned by the Far~ Board Chairman and others, and that later the Chairman had reversed his
"decision. Also that,the Park Board should make recorr.mendations and the Corrmission and employees carry out I
the same. Commissioner Taylor also pointed out the need of sP!lcial attention at the Cemetery due to erosion,
,and that a drain will be instelled to pre:vent said erosion. Mayor Feeley informed th,t the Parks, Playfieil.d;
,and Cemetery have not had proper supervision and that the City is now facing legal action from an accident ':
'due to defective equipment. In reply, ',rs. Jensen denied the accusation of inefficiency in the park personnel,
that the Commission is being unfair to the Park Board, and made plain that at no time have Mrs. Van Scoyoc or
herself approved appointment of another Park Supt., or paying said employee out of the Park :fund. The Mesda~,es
Hogg, Janish, Shelleberger, Tackett, and others, argued emphatically that the fomer Park Board be retained,
and requested information as to how mall)" individuals other than Mr. Adams had been interviewed as to I
qualifications, or had others been considered. The condition of restrooms at Lincoln Park was discussed, I
"and Mrs. Hayden Morris emphasized the fact that it is impossible to keep restrooms in order with terrific I
crowds using the same ~or garbage disposal. ~xs. Jensen ad~itted that she had inspected restrooms on
"different occasions and always found them immaculate unless over-crowded. Also that another Park Supt. was
not needed. Mrs. Janish inquired as to whom the new Supt. would be responsible, the Commission or new Park
,Board, if appointed. Also pointed out that new appointments are not confirmed. The Mayor immediately
announced that a motion was in order, and it was moved by Commissioner Taylor tua 1, the Appointments as
announced by the Mayor be confirmed. Seconded by Mayor Feeley. Conllllissioner Robinson considered the move
to oust the Park Board unwise, and voted opposed to the motion. Roll call was requested, shov<ing Mayor
'Feeley and Cor,-m. Taylor voting Aye, and Conun. Robinson Nay. The Mayor declared trle motion carried.
,Attorney Trumball was questioned as to whether the Commission could change their mind and re-instate the
fonner Board. It was the opinion of the Attorney that the appointments become irillllediately effective, and
the Commission could not rescind their action. The Mayor requested that the Attorney file in writing his
"opinion regarding appointments. Alrs. Jensen and Mrs. Van Scoyoc thanked each and every citizen for help
19iven the Board. Commissioner Taylor also expres3ed a,Jpreciation to the former Board for all time and
~ffort spent while serving. To ~~rther discussion and inquiries, the Mayor remimded that the New Park
Board is appointed, and a,ll matters appurtenant thereto were referred to them.
~tltfN' '1'0 11i11r!t-r,ot .\
.I\toti('.c i:; llCI'nh.l'. El"JVCIl tha~ !;~lt~c~!~ Under the head 0" new busines<:' COlTI.'TLissioner Taylor requested that bids be published
~J:~~~l{\\'~~1 ~:)c ~~~;JI.~;I ~~~:l tl~g~i~Lf.' "or j'nstallation.L of 8rldrain f;~m the Tumvmter reservoir. Engineer's estimated cost I
Wllsl1., untll ~eIlleJllI)l>'I' 14. 1949, at~ ... . l .'. ,
I. It) tl;~l.cil~;l (\I~~'ltr~cl~' t11tC t~~~I!,llt~.~~~:' fixed at $1800.00) . and opening date will be Sept. 14. It was regularly moved j
~,~~1~ro\~o11,~cwcJ" drain fur lIle J.: lllr!~ct and seconded that the said bids be published. Motion carried.
.\IJ)Jl'oxil11ate I,jUalllitics al"e i:,:; Jill.
n. il"Cllt'lI, 77r. JIll. ft. "ewcr ]Jivc lIUU !
I 3 J!la"rl\l~f\I;~~lSl~;:}~~lr~:<1t1('n~ ma'- I", Under the head of reading and passage of Ordinances, the following was introduced
'(I1!tI~illerl fn>lll the ell)' Cltrk 1.11)011 and re-read to conform with legal process.
{IC~I:~I~:llG' tjr~Il~I~lil~(iY!II$~~~I~r\'c:; ihe
irlg'l\l to I.cjelll 11lIY ()I' nil hlull.
.J.. K LA'\\',
CIty CIerI..
!'uolh,hl.Jd' ~CI)tcllll)er 2. 9, l!l~~
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles granting to the United States of America, ,I
Department of the Interior, acting by and through the Bonneville Pmver Administrator, a right of way fQr the
construction, operation and maintenance of a six inch pipe line and facilities appurtenant thereto, across
,a,,,, under certain City streets of the City of Port Angeles, Washington.
:in was moved by Commissioner Robinson that the foregoing Ordinance be placed on first reading.
i'by Commissioner Taylor. All voted Aye. Motion carried.
'Commissioner Robinson informed that the Commission is becoming more aware of the alanning condition of the
'water system, especially the wood pipe water lines, and that replacement of the mains is contemplated. I
C,' ommissio~r Robinson also advised that replacement~ may ba made, by issuing revenue bonds, a',,!- ather possible I
~ncrease In water revenues. l'/hen questioned regardl.ng l.nstallatlon of water meters, COlfJJll.SSJ.oner Taylor
assured that if customers did nrt want meters, they would not be installed. '
IThe Commission examined and approved the following claims and ordered warrants issued inFPayment of the Same I,
'Current Expense "'und: I<>S. ~
'JQ!iIlJ': Dr:!. sc 011-
Harold McLaughlin
The Stationers, Inc.,
City Light Dept.
Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co.
Conducting Civil Service Exams.
" n II II
1 quire stencils
~ Street Fund: ?J/, go/
Jani sh Motor Compall)"
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
-August ~l ~ ~nnh1nllj;ln
,,_. "-'.."_ ...__... ..n. .-.
) Viator ~Un:l: :3 :$/. .:::z
City Light Dept.
Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co.
Harris & Schuller
rEo N. Hallgren CO.
II Todd Hiller
Pacific Wa ter Works Supply Co~
T; r- Eil.
J,ight Thnd, "3 'of.,. ~
Addressograph Sales Agena:!
Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co.
Schreiner Chevrolet Co.
Samuelson Motlr Co.
i City Water Dept.
VIray P.aber,
,IWillson Hdwe. CO.
'I' General Electric Supply Corp.
Puget Sound Express
Puget Sound Power & Light Co.
I James Hardware Co.
James 11. Caven
I ' ....'If
Park Fund: 9". ---...
I Pacific"Tel. & Tel. CO.
II Fredericks Electric
'parkil1fi ~ ~ ~ Control Fund: ,S'Z
Cit,' Treasurer
I Firemen I s Pension FUrrl:
Clallam Co. MedicalSeriice Corp. .3:3. ~
Rent & Lights
Se rvice
Pipe & Valve
Hydrant Ext.
Repairs & Oll
Tires & Tubes
Water at Sub.
lamps & Supplie s
r'reight Charges
Test Me te r
Fi ttings
Medical Fees - Sept.
There being no further business, the session was declared adjourned.
J ~ ;iaMr'
81. 75
. h~dL-1t
579 ~