HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08/31/1976
Port Angeles, Washington
August 31, 1976
The special meeting of the Council was called to order by Mayor Olson at 7:30
P.M. The purpose of this special meeting was for discussing the presentation
of the City of Port Angeles' position before the Washington State Energy Siting
Council, and, for discussing projects for the 1976 Public Works Employment Act.
Members Present: Councilmen Anderson, Buck, Haguewood, Hordyk, Ross, Wray.
Members Absent: None.
Staff Present: Manager Whorton, Attorney Taylor, Clerk Parrish, D. Flodstrom,
R. Orton, K. Cameron, R. Parrish, P. Carr, J. Honnold, D. Frizzell.
Guests Present: M. Coffey, M. Anderson, W. Lindberg, T. Haley, S. Feiro, A.
Feiro, R. Miller, J. & K. Cooper, K. Greubel, R. Moulten, A.
Anderson, W. Vetter, R. Richards, L. Sunny, W. Eden, Mrs. K. J.
Tonkin, Z. Santos, T. Santos, J. Sargent, R. Sargent, M. Baker,
R. Richmond, D. Ward, M. Oakes, J. Parker, L. Schultz, S. Brown,
C. Cantrell, J. Ducceschi, J. Butler, E. & H. Berglund, M. Watson,
L. Lawrence, A. Lawrence, M. Davis, D. Rolodph, R. Hubbard, R.
Roebuck, C. Whidden, J. Spade, P. Gall, L. Thomas, B. Matte,
J. Lunt, P. Churchley, R. & R. Leudeke, S. Haverfield, R. Haver-
field, B. Grier, H. Kailin, J. Wesley, F. Tallmadge, B. Bu, A.
Busenbark, J. Orr, H. Franzi, J. Jackson, J. Richardson, S.
1. The legislative proceedings relating to the presentation of the City's
position before the State Energy Siting Council began with Mayor Olson
requesting comments from Attorney Taylor on this matter.
Attorney Taylor advised the Council that a communication has been received
from the Siting Council which outlines the format to be followed at the formal
informational public hearing on September 2, 1976.
The first item on the Agenda at the Siting Council hearing is presentation and
explanation of application by Northern Tier Pipeline Company, followed by pre-
sentation of evidence by Northern Tier as to whether or not the proposed energy
facility site is consistent and in compliance with County or regional land use
plans or zoning Ordinances. After Northern Tier's presentation, the plan is to
invite the County and City to present any evidence or make any statements relative
to the relationship of the proposed oil port with the County, regional or city
land use plans and zoning regulations. At this point, Mr. Taylor explained it is
important that everyone realize that this meeting is basically confined to this
aspect of the problem, and that is the situation in our area insofar as land use
requirements, limitations, and zoning are effected by a proposed oil port.
Continuing on, Mr. Taylor explained that following the presentation of the two
municipalities, the hearing will be opened for public testimony, and, finally,
the Council is supposed to make a determination regarding the status of the -
land use plans and/or zoning ordinance. Later on in the fall, the Siting I
Council expects to have an additional public hearing on the "merits" where it
is expected various problems, objections, proposals for or against will. be
heard and considered by the Council.
Mr. Taylor concluded with the statement that it has to be recognized that the
September 2, 1976 public hearing is a rather limited hearing.
Mayor Olson then read the minutes of the Planning Commission August 23, 1976
meeting. The purpose of this Planning Commission meeting was to hold a public
hearing on the request of No Oil Port, Inc., for an amendment to the Comprehensive
Plan to include provisions for the protection of tourism, fishing and forestry
August 31, 1976
1. cant.
industries from the adverse effects of the proposed oil port, and, to provide
an advisory recommendation to the City Council on whether or not the Compre-
hensive Plan should so be amended.
After the public hearing was concluded at the meeting, the Planning Commission
passed a motion to add a new section to the Industrial Development Section of
the Comprehensive Plan of the City of Port Angeles setting forth that the
establishment of an oil port in the City is hazardous to the community and
detrimental to the environment and general ecology of the area, and accordj!ngly
should be prohibited.
Councilman Buck moved the minutes of the Planning Commission August 23, 1976
meeting be accepted and placed on file as read by Mayor Olson. The motion was
seconded by Councilman Wray and passed by the Council.
Councilman Hordyk moved that action on the minutes of the Planning Commission
be tabled until the December meeting and that the issue be placed on the General
Election Ballot for an advisory vote of the people, with the results of said
election being the basis for determining this issue. The motion was seconded
by Councilman Haguewood. A discussion on the motion followed.
Councilman Hordyk was of the opinion that an answer to this emotional issue
can only be decided at the polls. He also expressed .his concerns regarding
the possibility that if the Comprehensive Plan was amended to include an oil
port ban and was judged illegal, the Comprehensive Plan in its entirety might
be declared invalid and his main concern is protection of the Comprehensive Plan.
Attorney Taylor commented that from a legal standpoint. he did not believe that
approving an amendment would invalidate the Comprehensive Plan as the Council
has the authority to amend the Comprehensive Plan.
Councilman Anderson spoke in opposition to the motion indicating that in his
opinion the will .of the people is clear, that Northern Tier has not admitted
to any fiscal responsibilities, that the life style of the Citizens would be
changed, that his main concern is for the citizens in Port Angeles, and that he
doesn't need a ballot to tell him his responsibilities.
Councilman Haguewood felt that all the citizens should be provided the opportunity
to.express their opinion on this issue by private vote.
Councilman Ross commented that the environmental impact assessment presently
being developed will address the concerns that are currently being expressed
in various Energy reports.
On call for the question on the motion before the Council, the motion carried with
Councilman Anderson and Buck voting "NO."
Councilman Anderson moved that the Council make no testimony before the State
Siting Council until such time as the vote is received and the Council take
action on it. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck.
After a brief presentation by Councilman Hordyk concerning the issue at hand,
Councilman Anderson withdrew his motion contingent upon Councilman Buck with-
drawing his second.
Councilman Buck expressed his concern regarding the posture which will be
presented by Attorney Taylor at the September 2, 1976 Public Hearing before
the Siting Council.
Attorney Taylor advised the Council that the proposed testimony before the Siting
Council would be informational in nature such as familiarizing the Siting Council
with the geographical area, informing the Council of the problems associated with
availablility of land on Ediz Hook all of which is under lease, making the Council
aware of concerns of the City should an oil port be located in our harbor, and
advise them about our Comprehensive Plan and zoning regulations.
August 31,1976
1. cont.
Councilman Buck withdrew his second to Council Anderson's motion.
Councilman Anderson then moved that testimony given before the Site Evaluation
Council be reflective that Northern Tier's Application will not cost the City
of Port Angeles one red cent.
The aspect of fiscal responsibility was then discussed among the Council I
members at some length.
Councilman Anderson's motion died for lack of a second.
Councilman Haguewood moved that the Council reaffirm that the proposed testi-
mony that Attorney Taylor would be presenting before the Siting Council will
be as Attorney Taylor stated above. Councilman Ross seconded the motion and
the motion was passed by the Council.
2. The next order of business related to "projects" under the Publ ic Works
Employment Act of 1976 Grant Program.
a. The first project discussed was the public pier. Manager Whorton re-
quested Council authorization to expend up to $3,000 for the purpose of
engaging an engineering consulting firm to develop the preliminary
engineering data required to complete the grant application for a public
pier. He explained that although a site has not been selected as yet.
the feasibility study by Swan-Wooster has been completed for some time.
Councilman Buck moved the Council approve the expenditure of $3.000 for
the preliminary data required to complete the application for a public pier.
The motion was seconded by Councilman Anderson and passed by the Council.
b. The next project considered was renovation of Civic Field. Manager
Whorton requested Council authorization to employ Bennett, JOhnson.
Slenes. and Smith to develop data for the grant application for the
renovation of Civic Field at a cost not to exceed $2,800. Parks Director
Frizzell has been working with this firm and the data that would be ob-
tained would provide the information needed to complete the grant applica-
tion. and, in addition, would also provide the information necessary to
start the preliminary work on renovating Civic Field. Manager Whorton
exp la i ned.
Councilman Ross moved the Council approve the expenditure of $2,800 to
employ the firm of Bennett, Johnson, Slenes and Smith to develop data
for the grant application for the renovation of Civic Field. The motion
was seconded by Councilman Haguewood. During discussion on the motion,
Attorney Taylor advised the Council that the City is not required to call
for bids on professional services. On called vote, the motion was passed
by the Council.
c. Discussion of the Corporation Yard was the next matter taken under consi-
deration by the Council.
Referring to a layout plan of the proposed Corporation Yard at 17th and "B"
Street, which was drawnup inhouse, Manager Whorton reported on the progress
of this project to date. Areas discussed included the status of acquisition
of certain property, the planned locations for the various Departments to
be housed in the facility, the designated parking areas for the equip- I
ment, visitors, and employees, the vacation status of 17th Street,
access to arterials, type of construction for the buildings, estimated .
cost of the project, and sale of City property currently in use by
Departments after completion of yard. Manager Whorton reported that the
staff will proceed with acquisition of the lots, if they are required, and
preparation of the grant application, i,t: the Council have no objection.
It is noted that the Council did not state an Objection.
August 31, 1976
2. cont.
d. In conjunction with this matter, Manager Whorton informed the Council
that Clallam County plans to submit a.grant application for funds to
construct a new jail building under Title I of the Public Works Employment
Act oL1976. The jail facilities to be constructed, if this grant is
approved, would serve the people of Port Angeles and Clallam County, and
therefore, it would be proper for City Officials to endorse Clallam County's
grant application.
Councilman Buck moved the Council authorize Mayor Olson to sign a letter
endorsing Clallam County's grant application for funds to construct a new
jail building, with said letter being forwarded to the C1allam County
Commissioners. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wray and passed by
the Counci 1.
3. Mayor Olson requested comments from the audience at this time.
Several citizens voiced their objection to action taken by the Council at
this meeting to defer a decision on the proposed amendment to the Comprehensive
Plan to December by placing this issue on the General Election Ballot for
an advisory vote of the people.
The Council members responded to all the questions and comments made by
vari ous members,.of the audience.
The meeting adjourned at 9:10 P.M.
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