HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 09/01/1937 ,.. 518 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington Sept. 1. 19~7 193_ ,"",. ~ ..u....". ."..... OT"T...~<n.. r~....nn. os.. !The IJommission met in regular session at 10 A.U. Roll can showed t~e followinz officers prlsent: Mastexs, Attorney vonniff and Clel'~;:: Ha':JkiYls. ani \"8.8 called to orde!* bv l!'1vor uavis. Mayor Davis, Commissione~'s H~nson and The minutes of the previous session 'i19re read r.nd aprroved. Thomas :ieisness, Pol ice Judge, rcepoeted ,i} caSGS tried and ,)280.00 collected in Lnes for the munth of August, 19b7. Report ordered filed. IUnder the head of fipplications for Build in,; Permits and Licenses the following were I"rant~d: ~lSle McDonald, Roof hOlme, Lots 1 & 2, Blk. 172, ~ownsite D. E. Farmer, Build Gara~e, Lot 19, Blk. &5, P S '~C Subd. of Sub r,Dt ".) Ip. E. J.1ulhol1and, Remodel "'tore, Lot 5, Blk. 31, N. R. Smith's SuM. ,'r. :,:. Sanby, Build .Addition, Lot 15, Blk. 2'10, '.'ownsite [Byron .Iinter, l.Ias'er .Electricirln C. ". Ovi'ltt, 1 Baroer Chair H. 3. Ilar, 1 3arbcr Chair jEast En1 Tradine Co., Second Hand Dealer jReliable ru.l'ni ture Co., Second nand ",,"19r ,House of a Million Parts, Secund 1Bn1 ~0alcr 'Under the head of Introductio:l of Resulutions thH follo'.'line resolution was intr,)~uced: 7.5.00 75.08 150 J10 5.5.GO 10,00 LOr' 1. 0,0 15.1'0 ' l.i .rr 1.~.(10 R::SOLUTI ox IWH~RS.A(3, The Jity of Port .Angeles is the O\'Jner of the fol-:"o1:Jin~" describEd I1ropert~.rJ havin,: !acquired the same by Treasurer's deed dated September I, 1937, und~r and by virtue of Ithe authority of "ection 9393 of R"mington's R,viserl "tatutes, Chapter l'n of the LaViS of 19;; 9, page 365, to-\'!i t: Lot Five (5), Block One Hundred Fuurteen (114) of the Governt'lent TO':lnsi te cf Port An 3'"1 ss, ~7ashington, Hnd ....IIi.::;;R::':-~s, Ben D. .Tacob..S has off81'ed to purchr.se the abovc described real pro,.erty from I the "ity of Port An"eleG for the sum of Two Hundred Ji::ty and No/lOa 0260.00} Dollars, Rayable as follows, )60.00 dOl'm lJayment and ';;25.00 on the 1st day of October, 19:37, r;I<:;5, CO of the firs t day of Ilovem ber, 1937, JlO. 0'1 on the Is t dEY of De cer.lber, 1937, and . .];110.00 on the lS.t dflY of each and every r.1.ortth thereafte" until p'li'j in full, Vii th interest (n all deferred payments at the rate of 7% pe,' a::num, and 1'~'1H.":1r:AS, The City lJommission has viewed the o'1id I'roperty and is uf the opinion that the 10ffer is fLir v"lue and is in excess of the amount paid by the said City fur said I'rolJcC'ty, plus all L.I.D. assessments including fill interest and other 'Jh8ri:es aeainst the same; I l'INOI'!, TH~1l3}'Or{ '. B~ IT RSSOLV3D That the said of Cel' be aCClJp ted and tha t the ':i ty of Port ' Angeles sell the said property at priva,;c sale to the s3id Ben D, Jacobs, fur ",he sum :!hereinabove set forth, subject to any other v~lid liens apainst the 8~me; th!l.t ":he Oi ty ~ttorney be instl'uced to prepare a (,11i t-claim deed conv~yinf' s~;j prO[1erty to the pur- chaser. and thR t the uity \:1 ark of ';h8 Ci t~. 0 f :gor t Angele s be, 8tld he is here by ins true t- Iled to 8YCcute said "'uit-e~aim deed, and that the Hayor of said City be, and he is hercb:! .instructed to ccuntersi6I1 said oui t-claim deed, when the purcha"c price and all accrued linterest thereon has been 1)aid in full. i . irt was moved by Commissioner Henson that the fOl'e,oooin.' resdllution be adonted. Seconrred bv t . iComm~'ssiofler Masters. On roll call all members voted aY'3. The Mayor de~lar'Ji tl'e motion' I Icarned. .Iunder the head of Introducti OIl of Ordinances the foll01'lin? ordinance was intl'o'luced, .r,:ad in full, and passed its first ,md secvnd readings: I ' :BEIIlGAN ORDIN,iliCE relating to civil service in the "ity of Port Hn'lJ=les, creating a : "board of civil service cOr'1missidIlel'S, providing a civil se;'vice system based upun examina-I !tion, investigation as to merit, efficiency and fitness for appointment, emplo:/ment and iprumotion of all officers and men in the police department and fire 'lepartment, regulating :the transfer, reinstatement, suspension and dischar<:e of sa id officers and policemen and ifiremen; and adopting all of the provisions of "hapter 13 of the Laws of 1937, Chapter 31 !of the Laws of 1935, and Chapter 59 of the Laws of 1937, of the State 0" \'Iashington. i !jThe "ommssLlll examined and allov/ed the folloning "laims and ordcrc,j warrants drawn {'or ,same: 'i :CU:lREIlT EXPEllSE FIDI D I~. . A. !.lasters r"ulck Print 'R. L. Jones IJames ./. Caven ~oward-Gooje r ':orp. ~. Howard Seevers Union Oil Co. IStandard Oil Co. ,Gehrke & JOhnson Kaufman & Leonard Co. "ilillson Hardware Co. Hoods Canal "uta FreiGht Harris & Jchuller !Todd Cycle ShOll ,Frank Vannausdle Howard Seevers James Hardware Co, Expens e "ccount Supplies Spe c ia 1 Po lic e Bushing Sup pl~e s Pyrene Gasoline Gas " 10, GO 4.~5 ~1.00 .45 67.55 ;:'7.70 2",10 20.or' 25,22 34.50 .58 .75 1.40 1.50 }.~~' a. .).) 3.00 Linoleum, e tc. Blank Shells Freight Iron Sharpen La'm 1.10Vler Rear Axle A~~~~~re ....... I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 519 ., SeD tember 1 19:'1 193_ I I I I I ~."'" . ~Ufl~''', .....'IU....."""".... ."~<<"IO. ...... James Hardnare Co. Citv Electric Co. Mulhullands Melody ShOll Fire J.lepartment Hardware Flash Lights Pa in t Pay Roll 9. .,0 '1.50 .r8'3- 13.55 '31 99.00 lb. C1.~ . f),S g I 109.81 IH - 1,',. ,\0 40.00 14.85 .. .55 rf - 2.30 68.95 b.05 101.83 1. ):1 5L~,r 11.01 ,,5.69 1';" 2.65 :>-~ ~ t.-.:l).4i.:: 4.25 .a.eo 11.<:0 G. 5 0 2,3.21 5.60 & .5'1 2,35 <;.10 8J. &.00 )33 10.:'11 18.00 !O 3.00 r1 - 14.50 CITY ST:n 'T FU'~lD V. A. Samuelson & Co. puget Sound Navigation Co. An~eles Gravel &'Supply Co. Isaacson Iron ;iorks Repairs FreiJht Sam, Lumber, e tc, SUPlllie s \'/.\TER FUND Purmaid Dairy Hooker ~lectrochemical Co. Pu~et ciound Navigation Co. An~eles Gravel & Supply Co. Store Rent Chlorine Fre i ght Ha ter ia 18 LI:}H1' "'1JJ'lD Gen era 1 "'Ie c t!'i c Co. Stewart ihite General "l"ct:'ic Co. Olympic Erinter~ Aw>;eles Gravel & JUllply Co, Puge t Sound Wa "iea t io n Co. Graybar Electric Co. Angeles d~operative Creamery C..uic:< ?rint Meters Exne,lse Ac~ount Meters SU!1;Jlies Ma tel' ials Fre i;91 t Ran(je Repairs Cups Forms , LIBRARY ''DIID Pacific Telenhone & Telegraph Co. The 1I. ,I. "i"lson Co. Packer-Scott Co. O. H. e:mi th Anna T. ~Ie bs ter Library of Congress Gaylord Brus. Inc. Bostitch Northwest, Inc. Citv Ji:lectric Co. Jen'Uilu Norris The P'.get "ound News Co. Florence McLane Olervi ce Bo ,oks Supr lie s BOoks 11 Suppli es " La mps Petty Cash Books E1Jle r"ency !tel p PARK Fmm Charles ", Faussett Angeles Gravel & Jupply ~o. Labor Gra vel, Cemen t and "and GU.,RAl: TY FU'lD City Tr8asurer Taxes The IJommission then adjuuened to meet at 3:00 P.H. '7 6'+. 45 v~ ~??1/~ City Cleek Mayor Septe~!?~, 19:)7 The Jommission met pursuant to adjournrlen~ "t 3:0r P.ll. and 'liaS called to order bv f,!,,"or Davis. Roll call showed the follcwinl" of'fice: 8 present: Mayor Davis, COMmissiun'ers . Henson and I:asters 'lnd ~le 'k Ha"lkins. ... Under the head of Introductiun of Or1inances the followinr drdinance "IaS introduced, read in full, arJ,i passe.i on its first readin-: AN ORDnLj)'~:: grantino; to Sewera'e & D"8inage District 110. 1 of Jlnllam Count:', ~Iashington. its successors and assic:ns, the ri:ht to lay sewer pipes for the d.r"ina~e and cO"'lcyence of "later in 3.nd "long certain streets, alleys 'J.nd !JUolic rbces in the (;it~' of 1'0rt Angeles. // I'There bein5 no further ))usiness the Comnission then adjourned. ~.~ ,() ~ /J,~ / ( Ci ty ';10 rk 1.!3~ror ....