HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 09/01/1948 I I I ~. 1- :1. ';.I.' Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 477 September 1, 19~ jThe Commission met, in regular session at 10:00 A.M., and was called to order by Mayor Epperson. present were: !{.ayor Epperson, Commissioners Steele and Johnson, Attorney nilson and Clerk Law. I iMinutes of the previous s~ssion were read and approved. Officers I Under the head of applicatipns for building permits and licenses the following were granted: S'"ocJ ~- Building Permits: C.' Churchill Vernon 11. Stewart Eric Lambert 'Arthur Trudeau I Frank Holm I Ralph Gribble , .:2-- o~ Licenses: Pinto Barber Sho!, Remodel Kitchen, Add Porch; Lot 7, Blk. 177, T~msite , Build Dormer Window; Lot 10, Blk. 25'1, Townsite Build 4-Room Dwelling; Lot 1'1, Elk. 300, Townsite Build Hot House; Lot 20, Blk. 414, Townsite Repair Foundation; Lot 10, Blk. 95, Tovmsite Build 2-Car Garage; 935 Georgiana, Perkins Subd. 500;00 I 300.00, 4,000.00,1 100.00 I 100.00 600.00 I 2.00 2 Chairs Under the head of unfinished business, pursuant to calls for bids' published, the bids for construction of a fiTe station were submitted as follovrs: Brazier Construction 'Co. $70,499.00; Harfst Co $'14,353.00; : E.' F. Shuck $75,867.00; Jack DelGuzzi $77,114,00; Odegard Construction $7'1,500.00; Ole v Boen Construotion ""I '$71,800.00; Cotton Engineering Co. $'19,949.00; S.S. Mullen, Inc. S84,968.00. It was moved by Mayor Epperso~, that all bids be held for consideration, and contract be awarded at the next session. Motion seconded by : Commissioner Steele. All voted Aye. Motion carried. LaTry Venable and Waino Saari appeared before the Commission protesting change of daylight saving time to standard time until all cities did the same. The Commission informed that com:nitments have been made and time changed, to which reversal would cause more difficulties. The report of Police Judge Taylor for the month of July showing 115 cases tried and $1,107.00 fines colle cted vras approved and ordered filed. : Under the head of reading and pessage of Ordinances, the following was passed third reading and adopted: ORDIl/ANCE NO. 1199 AN ORDINAl/CE vacating a portion of the alley extending Easterly from the East margin of Lincoln Street, a distance of One Hundred Fifty (150) Feet in Block Two Hundred (200), Townsite of Port Angeles. ,: It VlaS moved by Conunissioner Johnson that the ! finally adopted. Seconded by Hayor Epperson. foregoing Ordinance be passed third and final r.eading and All voted Aye. Motion carried. I I 1,800.00 I sold. Under the head of introduction of resolutions for the sale of real property by the City, the follrn<ing was introduced: Harry and Paul Cohen Lots 11 and 12, Blk. 34, Townsite of Port Angeles Ii was moved by Commissioner Steele that the foregoing resolution be approved and the property Seconded by Commissioner Johnson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. .1 The Commission examined and approved the following claims and ordered warrants issued in payment of same: CURRENT EXPEl/SE FUND: (,1 ~ r ; City Light Dapt. I Natural Gas Corp. of Wash. WATER FUIID: I 7.! ! 1 Loop Auto Wrecking Co. I Elk Drug Co. I City Light Dept. Hugh G. Purcell Co. Johns on & Bork Willson Hardvrare CD. LIGHT FUND: 'Luick Print Lunt's Battery Service Schreiner Chevrolet Co. City Water Dept. 1 U,\ited Janitors Supply Co. Epperson & Sons Boyd's Irood Specialty Co. Westinghouse Elec. Supply Co. United State Rubber Co. pqget Sound Navigation Co. ShNITATION FUND: .J if f I LeRoy Jagger PARK FUND: .:c" 0 7 Epperson & Sons Willie V. De Vine , PAHKING METER & '!RAFFIC CONTROL FUND: I Lunt 's IJa ttery Servi ce II. H. Rhodes, Inc. FIREMEN'S PENSION FUIID: JJ Clallarn County !.ledical Service Corp. Rent Gas 50.00 11.49 Parts Repair Pens Rent and Lights Joint Mat '1 Paint Tools, Etc. 6.08 1.75 30.65 39.14 91.00 9.89 17.< 7 tl Cards Battery Service Water at Substn. Janitor Supplies Plywo od Vro s s Arms 'rransformers Wire Frt. 10.56 19.05 5.14 44.02 28.43 .93 18.03 1,529.77 71.27 2.21' Car Mileage for AUgust 34.51 OU Lumber Typing 7!3..:<3 Battery Recharged Co. 's Share of Aug. 24.07 2.00 ' 'Collections 15 .19 770.04 Medical Service ,'ees for Sept. 33.ooi There being no further business, the session vras declared adjourned. f'" I ,II I I I u, (J ~, Xaur. City Clerk u) ,~ 7.-A.........-1A ~____Wf' "--- ~yor ~\