HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 09/01/1955 ". 460 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington September 1 19>L ~,~. ...... "on.,""'""'"', ..,,,.. ..... ..... I jThe City Council met in regular session at 7:30 P.}l. and due to absence of Mayor Smith, was :called to order uJ """. jby City; }!anljger Vergeer. It was moved by Counci1Jnan McFadden that Councilman Sandison serve as Mayor pro- I j'tem. Seconded by Councilman vlolfe and carried. It was mov ed by Councilman Neer that minutes of the previous meeting be approyed. Seconded by Councillnan I jBrown. All voted /we. Motion carried. "' "' lUnder the head of unfinished business, one bid ,Jas received from Del Guzzi Construction Co. for alteration lof the City Building in amount of $27,982.25. Architect Field explained deductions as listed which could Ibe deleted until funds are available, also cited. necessary repairs.. The Attorney was questioned regarding Ilegality of awarding bid in excess of budget appropriation. Recommendation was not to exceed budget. After 'jfurther discussion, it was moved by Councilman McFadden that architect make complete analysis of the bid and report at the next meeting. Seconded by Councilman Wolfe. All voted Aye. 14otion carried. The 3:ogineer submitted for approval, pay estimates for work done and material furnished in Local Improvement 'Districts as followa. ALBINO CASILlO, Georgiana st., L.I.D. No. 168, 15% retained, $2,170.J8. 'It was moved by CouncilI!laILM,ltthieu. that p83Illent of 15% retained be approved. Sew:mded Ir.f CounciJlllan Wolfe and carried. OSBERG IXlNSTIJRCTIOU ce., Eighth Esti.JMte, (August), L.I.D. No. 167, Tumwater Access Road, Unit A, n' ,.' ", ^' . $4,55:1..73 J!lANSON-OSBERG m., Sixth Estimate, (August), Unit C., L.I.D. No. 167, Front Street and Alley,' i ." .. . ^ . . . . "' $2,211.94 It ,'ras moved by Councilman Neer that the foregoing pay estimates be approved and warrants issued on L.I.D. No. 167 Construction Fund in payment of same, and the City Clerk authorized to issue warrants numbered . "' 1344 to and including 349 for $1,000.00 each, and ."arrant no. 350 in amount of $763.67, on the L.r.D. Uo. 167 Fund, bearing interest at. the rate of 3 3/4% per annum, and dated September 2, 1955, t,o supply .the necessary funds to be deposited in the L. 1.0. No. 167 Construction Fund. }lotion seconded by Councilman IMatthieu and unanimously carri ed. It was lllO'led by Councilman Neer that the following payrolls and claim vouchers be approved covering fixed estimate expense on L.r.D. Nos. 167, 168, and 169 and warrants issued on respective Constnnction Funds ,i n payment of same: L.I.D. NO. 167, Payroll, August 1 - 15 $872.45 . H. B. Hansen,. hubs and. stakes, 30.74 Manson-Osberg C~ rip-rap, Tumwater Road 503.04 L.LD. UO. 168, Payroll, August 16 - 31 1,12~84 L. ID. NO; 169, Daily Journal of Comrr.erce, Publicat- ion 26.40 Norside Blue Print Co., Prints for Penn St. Sewer and 'rrestle 33.68 iHotion seOlDnded by Councilman Brown and unanimously carried. IUnder the head of new business', cJaims paid August 25, 29, 31 and September 1 were approved in total amount lof $10,679.34. It was moved by Councillnan McFadden that claims be approved as paid. Seconded by Council- man. Brown. All voted Aye. Motion carried.. !council considered publication of call for bids for the sale of Lots 9 and 11, Block 160, Townsite. It was moved by Councilman Brol'ffi that call f or bids be published. Seconded by Councilman Neer and carried. !ReqUests for renewal' of beverage licenses were as follows: B.P.O. Elks, Naval Ledge, No. 353; Conrads Cafe, l'ialt's 101 Service and Grocery, IOcGlenn's Food Stor"" Rose's Place, B. and M. Grocery, Chinook I 1 Tavern,. and Grandview Grocery. .'"' lit was mo\<ed by Councilman HcFadden that license transfers be approved. Seconded by Councilman Neer and carried.' I IThe J~onthl;y report of utilities operations was submitted for Council consideration. It was moved by council1 :ma.n HcFadden that report be accepted and placed on file. Seconded by Councilman vlolfe. All voted Aye. I Motion.carried. I 'Communication was received from School District No. 17 informing that Easement Deed has been acquired for !property on which road from Eighth Street to Tenth street will be constructed as per agreement. It ~Ias .also stated that action >dll be taken at the next Board of Directors meeting, granting Easement Deed to Ithe City. }lanager Vergeer informed Council that he has received applica.tion for electrical energy to operate lumber :mill to be loca.ted on Port Fill west of l'ufts Lumber Co. The mill will be owned and operated by Falls Creek Lumber Co., now ;Located on the South side of Lake Sutherland. ICouncilman Neer spote briefly regardi~ removal of Oak Street zig-zag from private property, also hazard !.to pedestrians caused by scooters and bicycles using sidewalkS. It is understood that zig-zag will be 'removed to street in near future and hazard reduced with school term opening. :CO~Cilman Wolfe cited enforcement of Ordinance recently adopted restricting parking on East First Street,~as inconvenience to attendants of activities at Carpenters Hall and vlashington School. It was decided to !investigate and if necessary amend the Ordinance to comply with downtmm parking regulations. ICounCilman Matthieu suggested that for benefit of children attending school, the Curfew Ordinance should be lenforced with opening of the school term. IPreliminary estimates of expenditures for the 1956 Budget of certain City Departments we~e submitted for ;Council consideration. Forms showed amounts as requested, proposed and recoJlllnended. Mr. Vergeer advised that Budget esti.JMtes are preliminary and subject to changes~ IUnder the head of introduction of Resolutions, the follo,,"i.ng ;ras introduced and read in full: RESOLUTION NO. 16-55 A RESOLUTION, pursuant to Subsection 3, Section.3 of Chapter 4, Lal.rs of the State of l'iashington, I ,E>:traordinary Session 1955, amending RCW 41.48.030, that the Governor. be r"1lested to authorize a referendum lelection as provided therein, and amending Resolution Uo. 15, and providing for two per cent (2%) reduction ,in the present contribution in order to make the Port Angeles plan uniform with the Statewide City &tployees~ 'Retirement System. ; BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY CODlICIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES as follows: I Section 1. That the Governor be requested to authorize a referendum pursuant to Subsection 3, Section , ...... . .~ 1~1' I I I I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 461 September 1 continued 19~ '"" . "'"""". "m". ""~'"'. ,"."... ..... .... 13 of Chapter 4, !laws of the State of Vlasllington, Extraordinary Session 195~, amending RCl, 4l.4S.Q30, 1> r the purpose of submitting to the City of Port Angeles employee members of the Statewide City Employees !letirement System the adoption of a proposed pan of the board of trustees of said Statewide City Employees' Retirement System, providing for coordination of the benefits of Federal O.A.S.I. ooverage with the benefits provided by the Statewide City Elnployees' Retirement System with a reduction of two per cent (2%) in the present contribution rate to the said system, and in the event said plan is adopted the City Council of the City of Port Angeles is hereby authorized to enter into approprai te agreerr.mts "ith the Employment Security Depilrtmel1t and' the Board of Trustees of the Statewide City l'inployees' Retirement System to implement said plan, the coverage provided by said plan to be effective as of the First Day of ,fanuary, 1955, with 100% prior service credits. Section 2: The above mentioned agreement with the Employllllll!lt Security Depl!rtment may contain provision for payment.by the City of Port Angeles to the Employment Sec\:::oity Depa.rtment of the pro-rated share of the costs of a\lministeri!1g Social'Secuti:ty allocable to the City.of Port Angeles.. It was moved by Councilman !.lcKadden that the foregoing Resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by Councilman !leer. Alllnembers .vo1e! Aye. }lotion carried. No further business appearing, the meeting -"a<i declared adjourned. iJ~, .'Law- . . . . . City Clerk that .by: l~~ ~/Cle~k :i~l ~: Jl.\trlUI $:O~ 'o'clock p.m., '1J s' mU:l 6~5~cc:~i~pa~fetd I~)~e~~ depos:lt of Dot le~ than ten per- cent of llmGUlUlt bid or the aifer ~ill "UlJt b~ consldered.'rhp City ~ec~~:ll~e;e~ile~id~~e r1<<P~.to re- J. E. LAW~ Cjiy Clerk Pub: September" 16. 23, ,1?S5T. I _~--"L:. NOTICE OF 'FILISP NOnCE is hereby given that the City Council of the eitv oi Port :' Ang~les hag placed on 'flle their prel1m:nnry bUdg-ct of estimated expenditurE's and revenues for the y.e~r1956; that a public hearing on siud bUdR'ct will be held and con- ducted.Monday, October 3, 1955, atf 17::rocr,{;'l. ock P OM..., 1n tl.le co.un~il QJj.~r:~Q-NOl'th Oak Stree.t. ~t ~ft" an4 place any tax- e, S): a ato:Rnd be heard 'fo =Ji agaj~e:'Cy part of said . get. G, S.:t'V~F.R, City Mall~cl' ub: Sep~.~. l~T. _