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Port Angeles, Washington
September I, 2009
CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Braun called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 6:03
ROLL CALL: Members Present: 1Vtayor Braun, Deputy Mayor Wharton, and Councilmembers
Di Guilio, Kidd, Perry, and Williams.
Members Absent: Councilmember Rogers.
Staff Present: Manager Myers, Attorney Bloor, Clerk Hurd, G. Cutler, T.
Gallagher, D. McKeen, S. Roberds, Y. Ziomkowski, T.
Pierce, R. Bonine, B. Coons.
Public Present: Harry Bell, Edna Petersen, Gary Kenworthy, Shirley Nixon,
R.J. Nixon, Brooke Nelson, Patrick Downie, and Alan
Barnard. All others present in the audience failed to sign the
PLEDGE OF The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Deputy Mayor Wharton
PUBLIC CEREMONIES/ Mayor Braun started the meeting off by introducing the new City Clerk, Janessa Hurd.
EMPLOYEE 1. Public Safety Awareness Week Proclamation
Mayor Braun read a proclamation recognizing Public Safety Awareness Week for the
Public Safety Awareness week of September 11`h. The proclamation was accepted by the Chair of the Public
Week Proclamation Safety Tribute Committee, Alan Barnard, who was joined by Police Chief Gallagher and
Fire Chief McKeen.
Port Angeles Regional 2. Port Angeles Regional Chamber of Commerce Update
Chamber of Commerce
Update Russ Veenema, Executive Director ofthe Port Angeles Regional Chamber of Commerce,
presented a report on the Chamber's marketing efforts throughout 2009. He addressed
the difficulty of the current economic times, citing the closure of the Hood Canal bridge,
mandatory passports, and the general lack of tourism related to the downturn of the
economy. He expressed that the Chamber wanted to take a more aggressive approach to
its marketing plan, focusing advertising in the I-5 corridor, otherwise known as its "bread
and butter" market. Mr. Veenema reviewed the current marketing campaign, that
included television advertising with Kiro 7, Comcast, as well as ads with Seattle Times,
USA Today, City Living, Washington State Visitors Guide, and Discover America. Mr.
Veenema summarized 2009 lodging tax revenues as compared to 2008, down 21 % so far
for the year. He believes that the Twilight phenomenon is helping the overall tourism in
the area and that it will contir-ue to be profitable for the area for another 4 to 5 years. He
answered questions regarding the Victoria Ferry and Kenmore Air traffic. He indicated
that the ferry traffic had no significant change from last year, but that they have been
steadily decreasing over the years. Kenmore Air had some increases in traffic due to the
Hood Canal bridge closure. He also indicated that Kenmore Air was applying for a
$400,000 grant for promotion and advertising.
September 1, 2009
Pacific Unity Partners Visit 3. Pacific Unity Partners Visit to Lincoln Park
to Lincoln Park
Director Cutler displayed pictures from the Pacific Unity Partners Visit to Lincoln Park.
He expressed what a success the trip was for the local economy, citing that there were
approximately 600-800 people at port. He explained that on August 24, the City was paid
a visit from Coast Guards that represented 6 different countries; Japan, South Korea,
Russia, China, Canada, and our own Coast Guard of the United States. They were here
from Sunday through Wednesday morning, with a sports day being held at Lincoln Park.
The Mayor and City Manager went out to greet the senior officials and welcome everyone
to the community. He also expressed what a positive visit it was for the visiting countries,
and what a good job Port Angeles did in welcoming them to our area. He believes this
will go a long way towards the possibility of future visits.
PUBLIC COMMENT: Shirley Nixon, PO Box 178, addressed the Council, welcoming the new City Clerk,
Janessa Hurd. She expressed interest in the NOAA proposal package being made
available to the public either at the front counter of City Hall or on the City's website, as
well as her frustration at comments regarding the Model Toxics Control Act being
submitted before being reviewed by Council.
CITY COUNCIL There were no reports submitted at this time.
WORK.SESSION: I. Elwha Valley Road Project
Elwha Valley Road Project Director Cutler introduced the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe Vice Chair, Russell Hepfer,
Resolution No. 19-09 and invited him to introduce his members and make a few comments. Vice Chair Hepfer
thanked the City Council for having them, and additionally thanked elders, veterans, and
police officers for their service. He introduced Secretary/Treasurer Ed Johnson, Tribal
Councilmember Anthony Charles, Tribe Attorney Steve Suagee, and Director Carol
Brown. He explained that Chair Francis Charles could not be attendance tonight because
the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe was one of 150 tribes invited to meet with President
Obama for a listening session, and Chair Charles would also be receiving the Woman of
Valor Award for community service. Vice Chair Hepfer then read a letter endorsing the
easement agreement, addressing the many years of hard work on the project, as well as
how the project will help reduce evacuation times, ambulance response times, increase
safety for school buses, and overall traffic. He expressed their appreciation with the
diligence and professionalism of the City Staff, as well as the willingness of the Council
to act in a timely manner. He also acknowledged that the passing of the two easements
and the Resolution will facilitate continued positive government-to-government
interaction, as well as provide a foundation for the upcoming three-party interlocal
agreement between the Tribe, City, and County, allowing transition from construction to
public road.
Director Cutler continued his presentation by thanking Director Brown, Attorney Suagee,
and Attorney Bloor for all the hours spent working on the project. He used PowerPoint
slides to provide an overview of the project, which included maps of the existing road,
proposed new road, municipal water line, industrial water line, and phases ofthe project.
He explained that the project is split into 3 phases. Phase 1 is already under contract and
starts at the end of Lower Elwha Road. Phase 2 will be under contract as soon as
September 8`h or 9`h, and Phase 3 will bring the road back up to the beginning of the
Lower Elwha Road and will be constructed at a later date. Director Cutler explained that
the action desired of Council tonight was to pass the two easements, and the Resolution •
to allow for construction on the Lower Elwha Road project. The first easement is a
temporary easement between the City of Port Angeles and the LEKT on Kacee Way. He
September 1, 2009
Elwha Valley Road Project explained that the first easement allows the LEKT to start Phase 2 ofthe project, allowing
Resolution No. 19-09 them to construct a road over City property containing the City's Industrial Waterline,
(Cont'd) utilize Kacee Way as access for construction, and to construct an approximate 800 foot
gravel road on the eastern portion of Kacee Way. The temporary easement between the
Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe and the City of Port Angeles will provide access to the City
to relocate utilities, access to Elwha Valley Road, and the City will have fmal approval
on road design over City property. The LEKT will install and maintain access to control
gates, and they will be allowed to transfer the easement to the County once all standards
have been met. He also explained that the LEKT agrees to mediation, waives limited
sovereign immunity, and intends to relocate utilities on Kacee Way for future projects.
Director Cutler described that the second easement is a permanent easement between the
United States of America, through the Bureau of Indian Affairs, and the City to grant a
permanent right-of--way to the area that contains the City's industrial waterline by means
of a service road. He indicated that the easement included conditions that the City would
immediately notify the LEKT of cultural resources discovered and would not interfere
with intended use of lands. He also explained that these two easements do not allow for
approval of Phase 3 of the project; however, they are proof of a positive movement
forward. He mentioned the final deadline for agreement between the City, County, and
the LEKT for the third phase is December 21, 2009. He continued to describe that the
road project had been discussed and reviewed with the Real Estate Committee, and the
Utility Advisory Committee. Attorney Bloor complimented Director Cutler on an
excellent job done on such a complex issue, and answered questions regarding title issues.
Mayor Braun read the Resolution by title, entitled
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
(City), authorizing the Mayor to convey temporary and permanent
easements to the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe (Tribe) for construction
of Elwha Walley Road.
Councilmember Di Guilio moved to pass the Resolution as read by title, and Deputy
Mayor Wharton seconded the motion. Councilmember Williams commented that he
would be voting in opposition, stating it was a real estate matter, and he would vote in
favor if we had a preliminary title commitment. He believed the City's waterline is too
important to go ahead without this. A vote was taken on the motion, which carried 5 -
1, with Councilmember Wiilliams voting in opposition.
Break Mayor Braun recessed the meeting for a break at 7:27 p.m. The meeting reconvened at
7:41 p.m.
Discuss Department of 2. Discuss Department of Ecology Issues with Exponent
Ecology Issues with
Exponent Manager Myers summarized the Department of Ecology review and update procedures
with cleanup of hazardous materials. He explained that the DOE had come out with
seven new papers for review and comment, and that these papers were very technical so
Exponent was hired to review the four issues that directly impacted the City. He
introduced Michael Garry, an Environmental Toxicologist from Exponent.
Mr. Garry used PowerPoint slides to present his review of the issue papers published by
• the DOE. He explained that the papers he focused his comments on had to do with the
Models Toxics Control Act and the Sediment Management Standards. He summarized
how the two standards are applicable in marine environment investigations, but not
September 1, 2009
Discuss Department of always consistent on how to protect human health. He addressed that the possible DOE
Ecology Issues with rule changes will affect all marine investigations including the Port Angeles Harbor. He
Exponent also explained that the DOE thought that they should integrate the two programs, focusing
(Cont'd) on key issues, such as fish consumption rates, biota-sediment accumulation factor, and
sediment background concentrations. He indicated that the DOE is deciding where to set
the level for clean up that will affect all marine sediment investigations, and that the
summary papers described the changes they are considering. He addressed DOE
concerns, such as what factors they should use in there equations, because fish
consumption rates differ based upon area, as well as sediment accumulation levels. He
also explained that there are background concentrations of chemicals in sediments based
upon global and naturally occurring events. Lengthy discussion followed regarding
recontamination, unfunded mandates, purpose of issue papers, dioxin levels, local fish
consumption rates, and time line of rule changes. Mr. Garry addressed all questions he
could answer. Councilmembers also inquired about the review of comments submitted
to the DOE. Manager Myers explained that there was little time to submit comments on
the issue papers to the DOE, but that the City had many conversations with Exponent, as
well as many chances to review the comments submitted. Attorney Bloor expressed that
Exponent was hired to review the issue papers and explain them to the City, not make
comments about policy.
2010 Budget Process 3. 2010 Budget Process
Manager Myers explained that Director Ziomkowski and himself were in their first round
of budget meetings with each department. They were asking questions, requesting cuts,
and addressing personnel expenses. He indicated that they would be able to provide an
update as to how to reduce costs, as well as continue to have additional budget meetings
with departments next week. He proposed that the full Council conduct the Budget
reviews as opposed to those typically conducted at the Finance Committee level. He also
proposed a,separate budget session for September 29"', and October 27`h, at 5 p.m., and
changing November 3`d Council meeting to Wednesday, November 4`h, because of the
General Election. Manager Myers indicated that the current budget would not include
any changes due to I-1033 passing, but if it does pass, then more changes will need to be
made in the future. He addressed some of the reasons for the difficulty in balancing the
budget this year. Unions are not willing to reopen their contracts to renegotiate cost of
living increases, and health insurance rates will be increasing by closer to 12.5%, rather
than the anticipated 8-10%. Manager Myers and Manager Coons addressed questions
regarding ways to decrease rates for the City's health insurance plan. Councilmembers
supported Manager Myers' Budget review proposal and schedule.
Councilmember Williams moved to change'the regular meeting schedule from the
3'd to the 4"' of November. The motion was seconded by Deputy Mayor Wharton,
which carried unanimously.
HarborWorks Board 4. HarborWorks Board vacancy
Manager Myers indicated that he had received a letter of resignation from Karen
McCormick for her position on the HarborWorks Board of Directors as of October 31,
2009. He extended his appreciation for all her hard work. He addressed the process for
filling this vacant position which included: the Council's current policy for filling board
and commission vacancies, solicitation of applicants until the end of September, initial
interviews at the October 13`h Council meeting, and the policies and procedures for filling
vacancies in the HarborWorks Charter. In response to Deputy Mayor Wharton's
question, Manager Myers indicated that evaluation of a new HarborWorks board member
can include backgrounds in cultural heritage issues, creek restoration, and environmental
September 1, 2009
Break Mayor Braun recessed the meeting for a break at 8:55 p.m. The meeting reconvened at
8:59 p.m.
LATE ITEMS TO BE There were no late items added to the agenda.
ORDINANCES NOT 1. Establish Stormwater Utility Fund
HEARINGS: Director Ziomkowski indicated that this would be the first reading to amend the existing
Stormwater Ordinance and establish a Stormwater Utility Fund. She explained that the
Establish Stormwater scope of the utility is growing, and it would be wise to formalize the process by adopting
Utility Fund a Stormwater Fund. Mayor Braun conducted a first reading of the Ordinance by title,
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, creating a fund for
the administration, maintenance and operation of the Stormwater
Utility, and adding a new section, 3.34, to Chapter 3 of the Port
Angeles Municipal Code.
Following discussion, the Council agreed by consensus that a second reading of the
Ordinance should be conducted at the next meeting.
RESOLUTIONS: 1. Establishment of City Employee Wellness Program
Establishment of City Manager Coons requested that the Council approve the establishment of a City Employee
Employee Wellness Wellness Program. He indicated that AWC would provide a 2% premium reduction to
Program the City ifthe City's employees met wellness standards. He informed Council of how the
Resolution No. 20-09 City is already working towards a wellness plan, and how AWC is moving towards
preventative treatments that allow everyone to benefit from better health and increased
savings. Discussion followed regarding expenses for the program, programs already in
place, the Olympic Wellness program, and anticipated overall savings forthe City budget.
Mayor Braun read the Resolution by title, entitled
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington,
establishing a City Employee Wellness Program.
Deputy Mayor Wharton moved to pass the resolution as read by title. The motion
was seconded by Councilmember Kidd, which carried unanimously.
OTHER 1. Gateway Use Regulations
Gateway Use Regulations Deputy Director Bonine used PowerPoint slides to address the new Gateway Use
Regulations. He indicated that new rules govern the renting of the plaza area. He
discussed each item contained on the list ofregulations and answered questions regarding
them. Lengthy discussion followed, and Deputy Director Bonine addressed concerns
over parking space, one vehicle on the plaza at a time, oil leaks from vehicles, maximum
number of trailers, and alcoholic beverages.
September 1, 2009
Gateway Use Regulations
Deputy Mayor Wharton moved to approve the Public Works & Utilities Gateway
Use Regulations for "The Gateway" plaza area controlled by the City. The motion
was seconded by Councilmember Williams, which carried unanimously.
TIGER Grant Application
Continue Meeting Past
10:00 p.m.
2. TIGER Grant Application
Director Cutler used PowerPoint slides to present information regarding the TIGER grant
application. He explained that the City was working in cooperation with the County, Port
of Port Angeles, as well as Gary Kenworthy from Exeltech Consulting, Inc., who has been
contracted to develop the grant application. The cost of the application is not to exceed
$15,840, and Director Cutler noted that the cost would be shared between the three
groups. He emphasized that the grant would contribute to the economic stimulus, make
the area more livable, as well as add or preserve jobs. He indicated that the grant would
provide approximately $37 million for projects with $7.8 million in matching funds
included. He listed the projects covered under the grant including: SR117 at US 101
Interchange, Lincoln/Laurel Street Rechannelization, Lauridsen Boulevard Bridge
Widening, Race Street Bicycle Lanes, First/Front/Race Street Nodes and Rehabilitation,
Peabody Creek/Lincoln Street Culvert Rehabilitation, Upgrades to Blackball Ferry
Terminal, International Waterfront Promenade, Marine/Tumwater Pedestrian Overpass,
and Deer Park Scenic Gateway Center/Safety Rest Stop and Overcrossing Access
Improvement. He also indicated that the City had sent a letter to Secretary Hammond for
support, but that there are at least two other submissions for this grant. He explained that
the Governor favors projects in Seattle and King County, which contributes to the
competitiveness of the grant. Lengthy discussion ensued and Director Cutler answered
questions regarding the Peabody Creek Culvert instability, improvements near or over
private property, right of ways, Race Street as a truck route, and other project
considerations. Director Cutler indicated that the City would be informed no later than
February 17, 2009 as to an award of grant monies.
Councilmember Williams move to extend the meeting past 10:00 p.m. The motion
was seconded by Deputy Mayor Wharton, which carried unanimously.
TIGER Grant Application Councilmember Di Guilio moved to authorize the City Manager to sign and submit
(Cont'd) a TIGER Grant in the amount of $36,935,000 for projects identified in the Port
Angeles Capital Facilities Plan (CFP) including the Port of Port Angeles and
Clallam County projects. Councilmember Perry seconded the motion. A vote was
taken on the motion, which carried unanimously.
CONSENT AGENDA: The Low Income Home Heating Energy Vendor Agreement was removed from the
Agenda. Councilmember Perry moved to accept the Consent Agenda, to include: 1.)
City Council Meeting Minutes of August 18, 2009; Special Meeting of August 25, 2009;
2.) Expenditure Approval List from 8/8/09 to 8/21/2009 for $913,930.76; and 3.) Front
Street Storm Drain, Proj ect DR99-20, Final Acceptance. Councilmember Kidd seconded
the motion. A vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously.
September I, 2009
INFORMATION: Manager Myers' report noted the Planning Commission minutes and Building Report
included in the packet. He mentioned that the City just finished permitting a major, $36
million project for Peninsula College's new building. He commended Police Chief
Gallagher for an excellent presentation to the Chamber of Commerce. He noted the
request for the NOAA proposal, and indicated that he will talk to the Port Authority to try
and make it available. He mentioned that he will be scheduling a meeting in the next few
months between the City Council and the Port Commission at the suggestion of
Councilmember Kidd. He also noted that Councilmember Di Guilio mentioned that
several years ago local area managers would meet on a quarterly basis. Manager Myers
indicated that he would co-host the first meeting with Jim Jones, and would also include
the School Superintendent, Port Authority Director, Transit Director, and others. He
explained that HarborWorks had reached a major milestone, approval ofthe due diligence
agreement with Rayonier, signifying overall improvement as well as providing an
exclusive option on the property over the next 13 months.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 10:07 p.m.
Gary Braun, ayor
r~~~~~~~i6~~~' " " `
Janessa Hurd, City Clerk