HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 09/02/1936 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 419 " September 2. 1936 _ _193-,- I I I I I The Commission met in regular session at 10 a.m. and was called to order by Acting Mayor Lutz. Roll call showed the following officers present: Commissioners Lutz and Masters, Attorney Conniff and ~lerk Hawkins. The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of ~pplioations for Building Permits and Licenses the following were granted: Wm. Gorsegner, alter sohool building, 8th& C ~t., Blk. 259, Townsite Wm. Gorsegner, Build home, Lot I, Blk. 379, fownsite Aroangelo Mariano, build house, Lot 14, Blk. 285, Townsite C. J. Keeling, build home, Lot 6, Blk. D, Grover's Add. Byron Winter, Master Electrician The Rhododendron Tea ~oom, Restaurant Mrs. F. C. Reynolds, Second Hand Store East End Trading Co., Second Hand ~tore 3.800.001 4,000.00, 150. OO~ 500.00 10.00;.. 15.061 15.00 15.00 Polioe Judge, Thomas Geisness, reported 17 cases tried and 47 traffio violations and $132.00 collected in fines for the month of August, 1936. Report ordered filed. Under the head of New Business,- A petition was read, signed by Phil B. Morio, et als, asking the City Commission to construot a fenoe or guard rail between" the side walk for pedestrians and the thorough- fare for vehioles on the two ~ighth Street Bridges recently opened for public use. The ma tter was laid over to be re ferred to the state Highway Department. The City ~ler~ was instruoted to issue a call for bids to furnish series and multiple Mazda r,amps on the basis of $600.00 net value for the various City Departments. Bids to be received up to +0 a.m., September 16, 1936. Under the head of Reports from City Officers the following was read: September 2, 1936 To the Hon. Mayor and ~ity ~ommission Port Angeles, Washington Gentlemen: "r herewith submit the ninth and final estimate of v.ork done and material furnished by the Angeles Gravel & Supply ~ompany, Contractors, on the Eighth Street Bridges, PWA Project ~ooket No. Wash. 1245R. ., Item 775 cu. yds. footing exc. @ ~3.00 per cu, yd. ~ 2,325.00 453" " abutment exc. @ $6.00" " " 2,718.00 377 " channel change exc~ @ $1.50 per cu. yd. 565.50 1,485 lin, ft. removal old pipe @ 40lt' per lint ft. 594.00 1,585 " " 3,', trenoh @ 50lt' per lin. ft. 792.50 456 5" drain pipe in plaoe 0 11.00 per l~n. ft. 456.00 2 Standard wood sand boxes @ $10.00 each 20.00 70 Lin. ft. 6" concrete pipe inlet connections @ 75r/ per line ft. 52.50 550 cu.~ds. footing cono. @ $23.00 per cu. yd. 12,650.00 181" " abutment cone. @ $;06.50" " " 4,796.50 766 M.B.E." oreo. timber in place @ ~37.50 per M 28,725.00 10 Fire Uraft stop curtains, eaoh ~120.00 1,200.00 1,502 linJ ft. concrete roadway and sidewalks @ $22.65 34,020.30 1,718" lAin electrical conduit @I 31lt' 532.58 350 3 4" electrical oondui t @ 25r/ 87.50 ;:i,064 #6 stranded oopper wire @ .06 303.84 576 #10 solid copper conductor @ .035 20.16 10 light-posts @ $120.00 each 1,200.00 8 light posts on abutments @ $120.00 each 960.00 2 feed service equipment @ $250.00 500.00 90 conorete fehoe posts @ $25.00 each 2,250.00 2,940 lin. ft. wire fenoe mesh, panel and steel frame @ $3.00 8,820.00 432 sq. yds. class A oOllcrete abutment roadway approaches @$4.00 1,728.00 Removing existing structures @ $8,000.00 lump sum ___~,OOO~ $113,31'1.38 " 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 9. 10. 11. 12. , 13. 14. 15. 16.. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. " Change order 4-1-2 5-1-3 6-1-4 7-1-5 8-1-6 9-1-7 10-1-8 927.50 156 . 98 477.'55 50.16 78.38 144.97 481. 81 ;ji1l5, 634. 73 17,345.21 98,289.52 96.319.77 $ 1,969.75 Less 15% retained Less previous es tima te Amount due oontractor Very truly yours, H. ~. DOdge, City tngineer ~ ,... 420 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington September 2, 1936 193_ Previous estimates: none $12,636.10 6,271.72 16,868.68 12,939.97 19,586.30 14,335.17 13,681. 83 $96,319.77 It was moved by Commissioner Masters that the ~ity ~ngineer's 9th estimate on the 8th I Street Bridges, PWA proJeot, Dooket No. Wash. 1245R. be approved and the City Clerk be instruoted ~ issue a warrant for the sum of $1,969.75 in payment of same, on the 8th St. Bridge Cons;truction Fund. Seoonded by Commissio~er Lutz. On roll cal1a11 members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. Deoember, 1935 January, 1936 February, 1936 March, 1~36 April, 1936 May, 1936 June, 1936 July, 1936 .J I The Commission examined and allowed the following claims and ordered warrants drawn for same; I CURRENT EXPENSE FUND y TI 420.00 25.00 300.00 1054.23 33.00 125.80 90.00 25.00 1.25 8.40 123.00 12.00 9.50 10.15 12.00 7.35 67.50 1.50 3.65 4.21 G.00 4.00 6.GO 56.47 7/75 80.50 I Ci ty Treasurer D. A. Masters Engineer Dept. Street Dept. IT t1 " Water Car Hire Pay "011 n 11 W. D. Morrissey J. R.Mo.uonald Pac Tel & Tel Co. City Treasurer Fire Dep t. Harland Hutcheson Howard-Cooper corp. Pao Tel & Tel "0. Robt. Kilmer Howard-Cooper Corp. I Thos. Hibben City Treasurer Pao Te:j. & Tel Co. Pao Tel & Tel Co. City Treasurer Pac Tel & Tel 00. H. E. Dodge Pine Hill Service n If II "'pecial Polioe >.iervic es as dog oa tcher Servic e Stamps Pay roll Extra Fireman 1 Bracket Servic e Extra Fireman Supplies Pa tr alma D Flashl1gh t Servi 0 e TI Stamps Service .i!lxpens e .-OC' t Repairs " Harry Johnson Hauling Gravel 6 ,,'\ '10 WATER FUND Go. II Repair ~aw Meter Parts p~pe ~ Fit~ings Fi ttings To ols Garage Ren t Sept. Rent Pipe & Fittings If 11 II Se rvi ce Misc. Cash Payments 3{ ttq.1' -' 1720.76 628.00 353.50 1.00 24.24 57.49 34 .81 149.70 4.85 3.00 40.00 844.69 1040.09 4.25 .97 Water Dept. .. " Pay Roll If II Wash. .Saw Filing I'lorks Seattle Plumbing Supply Palmer Supply Co. Crane Co. Seattle Plumbing Supply n " II Co. A1 McKnight purma id J)airy Crane Co. II II Pac Tel & Tel 00. C1 ty Treasurer Light Dep t. Water Dept. J. Lloyd Aldwell, Ino.. Quick Print Ci ty Treasurer S. H. White Chas. Bea m General ~lectric Co. Pay Roll Water Rent Insurance pn ranges Printing Misc. Cash Payments Car lIent Garage lleIli t Meters & Vases 1060.50 2.01 7.50 22.03 3.33 35.00 3.00 476.43 I LIGHT FUND. 'lD I\?~ ,,; I CEIvIETER Y FUND Todd Cycle Shop GUARANTY FUND Sharpen Lawn Mower 1.25 City Treasurer II " Recording Fee Assessments .~ .90 ,..n1+'/ 2773.18 8th ST. BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION FUND Angeles Gravel ~ Supply Co. 9th estimate 1969.75 ~ Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington SeDtember ~. 1936 193~ 421 " I I I I I LIBRARY FUND Extra Help Tl IT VivienHall Doro thea Gagnon Ethel Osterhaut The CommissiOn then adjourned to meet September 3, 1936 at 10 a.m. ?;,Jn4~ ;:!/)~ 01 ty Clerk Mayor d 9.50 );" 8.75 ,..1 -- 3.25 .4