HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 09/02/1942 Proceedings of the City Commission of tbe City of Port Angeles, Washington 441~ September 2, 1942 19_ ni': ~ "V"".., .a:;'TTC'r..'IT."Q;'",,," 'R'.~n:".. gg400 I I I I I The Commissioners met in regular session at 10 A.M. and was called to order by Mayor Beetle. Roll call showed the following officers present: Y.ayor Beetle, Commissioner Lind, Attorney Conniff and Cle rk Hawkins. The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of Applications for Building Permits and Licenses the following were granted: A. Austin, Put composition roof on residence, Lot 5, Block 177, Townsite i Pinto's Barber Shop, 2 Chairs Olympus Barber "hop, 1 Chair Earl Bodle Barber Shop, 2 Chairs City Barber Shop, 2 Ghairs Jack's Barber "hop, 2 Chairs Hibbs Plumbing & "eating Co., Master Plumber's License 150.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 25.00 Under the head of Reading and Passage of Ordinances the following ordinance passed its third reading and was finslly adopted: AN ORDINANCE setting forth an emergency affecting the public health and safEity; requiring unprovided expenditures; providing for the issuance of emergency warrants; and declaring an emergency making the ordinance llfu~ediately effective. It was moved by Mayor Beetle that the foregoing ordinance be placed on its final reading and finally adopted. Seconded by Commissioner Lind. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. Under the head of Introduction of Resolutions the following Resolutions were introduced: RESOLUTION CONSENT TO USE AND OCCUPANCY OF PREMISES BY THE mUTED STATES OF AMERICA 1'i1JER~S, the United States of ~merica is desirous of leasing, purchasing, or otherwise acqulrlng certain premises, described below, from the undersigned owner for use by the United States Army during the present existing Wars, and the undersigned Ol'fner is willing to co-operate with the Government of the United States to the fulles extent, and to lease, sell or otherwise make available to the United States the said premises for such use or uses: NOW, THEREFORE, the undersigned, in view of the existing Wars, hereby authorizes the United States of America to take immediate possession of said premises and to prepare and occupy the same in any manner necessary for its uses and purposes, it being understood that negotiations for a formal lease or purchase of ~he said premises shall be continued until a mutually satisfactory arrangement is concluded. The premises referred to are described as follows: The right to lay a two inch water main from the connection to the City of Port Angelss Water Department's four inch water rr~in on Sixth Street and what is commonly known as Evans Avenue, or the first street west of "II," Street; said to inch water pipe is to parallel Sixth Street approximately thirty-two feet South of the North margin and to run in a Westerly direction a distance of 750 feet more or les8 from the above named connection; said two inch pipe to be buried not less than two feet. It was moved by M~yor Beetle that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by Commissioner ~ind~ On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. RESOWTION WrlEREAS, the United States of America is desirous of leasing the following described property to-wit: Surburban Lots 110, Ill, and 112, in the City of Port Angeles, Clallam County, Washington, consisting of thirty (50) acres, 'more or less, and being a part of the Lincoln Park; the said property to be used exclusively ~ the United States Army for any military purpose for a period beginning August 29, 1942 and ending June 50, 1945 with the privilege of further renewal of said lease for the duration of the War. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles that a lease be entered into by the City of Port Angeles and the United States of America for the hereinabove described property to be used exclusively by the United States Army for any military purpose for a period beginning August 29, 1942 and ending JUIle 30, 1943. with the privilege of renewal of said lease for the dur~tion of the War. It was moved by Mayor Beetle that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by COITJllission Lind. On roll call all members voted aye. The Ita YOI' declared the motion carried. The Commission examined and &llowed the following claims and ordered warrants drawn for same: CURRENT U:PENSE FUND Heman Ahlvers Edw. W. Horton J. R. Shry Emerson Lawrence J. R. McJJonald Charles Lind Evening News Press, Inc. Port ~geles Evening News QuiCk Print Tidewater Associgted Oil Co. City Light Dept. II Treasurer " Pacifi c Tel & Tel ~o. City Treasure r Ivor SlT.i th Don ::'mi th Sala ry " 97, ED 72.50 62.50 66.66 25.00 2.65 67.72 27.79 55.02 29.40 50.00 555.70 390.00 5.07 54.96 21.00 15.00 Services Expense Account Registretion Supplies Publications Vouchers Gas Rent Street Lights Fire Hydrant Water Hent Service Light & Water Volunteer Fireman " " ~ ,... 442 September 2, 1942 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Wasbington 19_ 21.00 18.00 6.00 12.00 15.00 9.00 12.00 6.00 6.00 3.00 5.00 55.90 53.90 14.70 2.50 10.50 30.87 16.48 18.54 7.30 100.00 4.90 56.57 66.00 52.00 78.00 2.59 5.90 8.60 7.20 2.92 12.75 2.59 "'of 2.39 ,- 4.50 ?-" I '1 15.17 55.05 1007.98 1.55 48.81 24.15 4.63 d 5.00 ) \7 ~ /' 5.88 7.51 25.57 963.40 695.00 49.10 52.15 14.59 1.85 0" 10.00 /' 17 q <I 29.93 8.00 2.00 1.56 5.00 1.90 14.45 1.57 13 .77 Jt' r 105 .82 16.96 25,00 ,0 5.61 "?D -' 1.49 34.20 4,25 6.80 5.77 27.68 15.97 58.20 '" 4.69 "./ 1-'1 25.50 20.65 Y 4.96 18.55 Volunteer Fireman II . D William Watts Frank Hickok Virgil Johnson Douglas Porter Carl Jacobson o. E. Ullstrom Hugo Olson Irving Hansen Ken Nichols Clay Stewart Robert Staeger Don Jacobson Ray Ellis Clay Stewart City Treasurer Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Middleton Motor Parts Co. Orville Hagaman Dr. R. L. Gilliam City Treasurer - " " _ ft Extra Fireman ft Firemen's Pens ion Fund Servi ce Parts Foam Recharges Jete. lIea t Inspa c ti on Fees Light and Water Flush Tank Water Rsnt Service Labor Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Bert Middlet.on George Trade;1ell Doreen Roberts Margueri te Vane Ci ty Trea sure r Pacific Tel & Tel Co. II 11 Salary " Light lli ty Hospital Service n Evening News Press, Inc. The Stationers, Inc. Cards & Passes Suppli es CITY STREET F1JND Street Department Washington Saw Filing Works Uni on Oil Co. Central Motor Parts Middleton Motor Parts Port Angeles Evening News James Hardware Co. Port Angeles Motors Tidewater llssociated Oil Co. Pay Roll File Saws Asphalt Parts & Labor Parts Adv. Nails Tire Exchanged Diesel Motor Fuel WATER FUND Water Department . " Pay Roll n _ City Street Dept. " Light " Middleton Motor Parts James Hardware CD. Union <<hI Co. Hooker Electrochemical Co. Gas & Oil Rent. & Lights Supplies H. S. Blades Barrel Chlo rine LIGHT FUND Jack Wilder Port Angeles Evening News " "Thrift tlarket Homer Black City Water Dept. A. W. Ward Middleton Ilotcr Parts James Hardware Co. Line Ma terialCo . Arco Company of California Labor Adv. Soap Garage Rent Water at Store Car Expense Lenses Solder Line Hardware Sand CEMETERY FUND Donald Hawkins Washington Saw Filing ~orks North-we st Toro Co . Labor Grind 2 Lawn Mowers Grinding Compound LIBRARY FUND Mrs. Mildred Ea ton Pacific Tel & Tel Co. City Treasurer Jennilu Norris Emergency Help Service Light & Water Petty Cash Expense Account Repairs Books Ga rds Supplies Books Cards 800ks Hibbs Plu~bing Co. The R. W. Wilson Co. Remington Rand, Inc. Gaylord Bros. Inc. The Macmillan vo. The Library of Longress Wilcox & Follett Go. ..... I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington September 2, 1942 19_ ""'l 443 I I I I I PARK FUND Fred E. Pullen Clifford I Fuller McClel:j.an Hardware & lrurniture Co. City Treasur er Thos. H. GuptiiLl Pacific Tel & Tel Go. James Hardware 1:0. Vannausdle Junk Go. City Treasurer Labor . Furni tu re Light & Water Board Signs Service Hardware, En~el, etc. Sink, Bed, etc, Light & Water ,I. ').'",1 ./ LIGHT INVESTMENT FUND Ci ty Treasurer Purchase of Warrants There being no further business the Commission then adjourned. ?;J7rtf~ 7~1iJ~ City Clerk Mayor 50.00 50.00 ll,5~ 27.02 9.27 2.65 21.65 56.81 22.55 4661. 91 ..4