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Port Angeles, Washington
September 2, 1997
CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Ostrowski called the special meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at
ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Ostrowski, Councilmembers Braun, Campbell, Doyle,
Hulett, McKeown, and Wiggins.
Members Absent: None.
Staff Present: Manager Pomeranz, Attorney Knutson, Clerk Upton, B.
Becket, S. Brodhun, B. Collins, K. Godbey, S. Ilk, J. Pittis,
and B. Titus.
Public Present: R. Borgeman, D. Tfiana, R. Gruver, C. Kirkman, K. Williams,
J. Jones, P. Murphy, D. Yakovich, M. Roberts.
Interview Applicants The City Council interviewed the following applicants to fill vacancies on City Boards and
for Vacancies on Commissions: Andrew May, Elinor (Tody) Saar, Diana Tsehimperle, Leslie Perrizo, Bob
Boards & Commissions Ocanas, Fred Hewins, Frank McPhee. Jack Harmon was unable to keep his appointment
for an interview due to a demanding work schedule.
ADJOURN SPECIAL The special meeting was adjourned at 6:50 p.m.
CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Ostrowski called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at
PLEDGE OF The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Mayor Ostrowski.
APPROVAL OF Counciimember McKeown moved to approve the minutes of the special meeting of
MINUTES: August 19, 1997. Councilman Campbell seconded the motion, which carried
Councilman Braun moved to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of August
19, 1997. Councilman Wiggins seconded the motion. Councilman Doyle pointed out
that the last motion of that meeting should read "authorize the City Manager to spend u_~
to $5,000". A vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously.
September 2, 1997
FINANCE: 1. Bids for Ediz Hook Sewer Project
Bids for Ediz Hook Sewer Mayor Ostrowski reviewed the information provided by the Public Works Department.
Project Councilman Campbell moved to accept the bid from Strider Construction, Inc., in
the amount of $440,517.94 and authorize the Mayor to execute the construction
contract. Councilman Braun seconded the motion. Following brief discussion and
clarificatio, n, a vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously.
Revision to Library 2. Revision to Library ConsultantAgreement
Consultant Agreement
Mayor Ostrowski reviewed the information provided by the Public Works Department.
Councilman Doyle moved to authorize the Mayor to execute Addendum #4 for the
design of the library in the amount of $14,673.75. Councilmember McKeown
seconded the motion. Director Pittis explained that this had to be aPproved by Council
pursuant to an agreement with the Library Board, A vote was taken on the motion,
which carried unanimously.
CONSENT AGENDA: Councilman Braun moved to accept the Consent Agenda, including: 1) Payroll o
August 24, 1997 - $362,889.46; and 2) Voucher list- August 29, 1997 - $237,706.13; and
Progress Payment #5 - Library Project. Councilman Hulett seconded the motion.
Discussion followed, and at Councilman Doyle's request, Chief Ilk described the "new"
used police cars which were purchased from military surplus. Councilman Doyle noted
that some of the benches along the Waterfront Trail and the Spit are losing their paint and
beginning to mst. When these benches are replaced, he asked ffthey could be galvanized
metal. Staff will check into this. A vote was taken on the motion, which carried
ITEMS FROM THE Claire Kirkman, 1006 Glenwood Street, distributed a letter to Council from a group of
AUDIENCE/COUNCIL/ Glenwood Street residents. Ms. Kirkman also had a petition signed by the residents, as
STAFF TO BE well as photographs and videotapes of the traffic on Glenwood Street. Glenwood Street
CONSIDERED OR is located on the "S" curve from Highway 101 near the Fairmount Restaurant. Ms.
PLACED ON A Kirkman stated that three residents have been reported to Child Protective Services (CPS)
FUTURE AGENDA: for allowing children to play in the street, and CPS has declared this road as hazardous to
children. She stated that the children must use this street to access the school bus stop.
She asked the City to help make this street a safer place for the children by adding
additional speed bumps and better signage.
Randall Borgeman, a resident on Glenwood Street, echoed Ms. Kirkman's concerns. He
stated he had video taped people speeding down this street, and he was concerned that
someone would eventually be killed.
Discussion followed, and Councilman Doyle suggested the possibility of closing the street
to through traffic with a barricade. Councilman Braun suggested the road be closed to all
but local traffic and emergency vehicles. Manager Pomeranz stated that staff would be glad
to sit down with the neighbors, examine the situation, and propose various solutions.
Director Pittis suggested that staffbe allowed to view the video tapes to examine the traffic
flow and schedule a meeting with concerned residents. Staff will report back to the Council _
regarding resolution of the problem.
Lorraine Mallory, Glenwood Street resident, also expressed concern. Her son is in a
wheelchair, and there is no place for him to negotiate the wheelchair except on the edge of
the road.
Teny Spragg, 201 Ocean Drive, Manhattan Beach, California, informed the Council that
he has a meeting scheduled with the Utility Advisory Committee. He asked to address the
Council at its next meeting regarding taking water from the Rayonier Mill industrial
September 2, 1997
ITEMS FROM THE pipeline for usage in Seattle or another city.
STAFF TO BE Director Piths pointed out that the next Council meeting is Tuesday, September 16, 1997,
CONSII)ERED OR which is the cla~. ? ~, ,~tl~ .~AC~ts, and a report could not come back to the Counci! ?at
PLACED ON A soon. Further, he did nrt feel he had enough information at this point to g~ve an opnnon
FUTURE AGEN1)A: with regard to the City's water supply. There are a lot of questions regarding furore water
(Cont'd) supply for the City, and more time is needed to do research on this issue.
Mr. Spragg asked for a meeting with staffto give them a fuller explanation of his plan, as
he was under the impression the next UAC meeting was on September 8, 1997, and he
would not be in Port Angeles on September 15. Director Pittis stated the UAC meeting
had to be changed due to a scheduling conflict. Councilman Campbell asked Mr. Spragg
if he could put his proposal in writing. Mr. Spragg said he had given this information to
the City Manager, and he was hoping for a resolution fi-om the City of port Angeles which
would then be presented to the State Assembly, Senate and U.S. Congress. This
information has already been reviewed by Congressman Norm Dicks, who is aware of the
circumstances. Some new details have arisen, which he would like to discuss with staff.
Director Pittis asked if Councilman Braun, Chairman of the UAC, could meet with Mr.
Spragg and staff to hear his presentation. Mr. Spragg, Councilman Braun, and Director
Pittis agreed to meet at 10:30 a.m., Wednesday, September 3, 1997, in Director Pittis's
Councilmember McKeown asked to move discussion of the teen center/veteran's facility
to the top of the agenda under Other Considerations, as several people were present to
address this issue.
Councilmember McKeown asked to add Item 6. under Other Considerations to receive a
repoa from Public Works on the downtown sidewalk and watermain project, as it was her
understanding this project should have already been underway.
LEGISLATION: 1. Ordinances Not Requiring Public Hearings: None.
2. Resolutions not Requiring Public Hearings: None.
3. Planning Commission Minutes/Action Items: None.
4. Other Considerations
Teen Center/Veteran's 1. Discussion Teen Center/Veteran's Facility
Councilmember McKeown gave a brief history of this issue. She stated that the PATH
grant expires in March, 1998, and action must be taken soon. The Teen Task Force joined
with the YMCA to address issues pertinent to the Teen Center, particularly the need for a
building and funding. The Veteran's have a proposal regarding the acquisition and
restoration of the Carnegie Library. Terry Roth and Bob Bingham were present on behalf
of the Veteran's Center to answer questions, and members of the YMCA were present to
discuss funding. Councilmember McKeown then asked the members of the YMCA present
in the audience to give their presentation.. Ray Gruver, President-Elect of the YMCA and
Chairperson of Youth Services Committee, reviewed the Y's efforts to locate a Youth
Cen r in the Port Angeles area. He stres the importance of youth
to congregate. He concluded by saying that the greatest challenge is the ~~' .o~-~'~<~
reasonable multipurpose facility and a stable income for the ongoing operations of that
facility. Mr. Graver then introduced Dan McGuire, Executive Director of the YMCA and
September 2, 1997
LEGISLATION: member of the Youth Task Force.
Dan McGuire distributed a packet to the Council summarizing the subject under
Teen Center/Veteran's discussion. Mr. McGuire reviewed current thoughts and plans for obtaining a multipurpose
Facility (Cont'd) facility and funding for same. He stressed how the Veteran's Center would be an ideal
place for a Youth Center as it is centrally lOCated, near downtown, Erickson Park, Civic
Field, Webster Park, and across from the YMCA. A new teen center should not replace
the Downtown Teen Scene, but would be another type of facility for teens. Mr. McGuire
then reviewed a proposed budget and possible funding sources. Discussion followed, and
Manager Pomeranz suggested the formation of a partnership with the City, County, School
District, and YMCA to fund such a project.
Terry Roth, President of the Clallam County Veteran's Association, gave a history of the
Veteran's building and its current uses and how it is funded. Mr. Roth noted that, if the
City were to approve the Youth Center, the Veteran's could apply for a lease for the
Carnegie Library Building. Mr. Roth stated he and Mr. Ingram, Vice President of the
Veteran's Association, have contacted the Marine Corp Reserve Unit of Whidby Island for
help in restoring the Carnegie Library. The Reserve Unit is interested in this project, and
the only cost would be billeting, transportation, and fuel. Mr. Roth described how this
could all be accomplished.
Discussion followed, and clarification was offered on several issues, including the legality
of using volunteer labor on a City project. Manager Pomeranz again stressed that all the
governmental entities should work together to achieve this goal. Councilmember
McKeown suggested a meeting between the City, County, School District, and YMCA so
everyone has the information presented this evening. She asked for cooperation in
achieving this project. Councilmembers Hulett and Campbell volunteered to help
Councilmember McKeown in setting up a meeting, and new information will be brought
back to a future Council meeting.
Appointments to 2. Appointments to Fill Vacancies on City Boards and Commissions
Boards and Commissions
Mayor Ostrowski noted there were two vacancies on the Parks, Recreation and
Beautification Commission. Clerk Upton polled the Council, and there was a unanimous
vote to appoint Diane Tschimperle to the Parks Commission for the unexpired term ending
March 1, 1999. Clerk Upton then polled the Council for the vacated position with the
unexpired term ending March 1, 1998. Mayor Ostrowski and Councilmembers Doyle,
Wiggins, Braun, Hulett, and Campbell cast votes for Leslie Pemzo, and Councilmember
McKeown voted for Andrew May. Therefore, Leslie Perrizo was appointed to the Parks
Mayor Ostrowski noted there was one vacancy on the Planning Commission. Clerk Upton
polled the Council, and Mayor Ostrowski and Councilmembers Wiggins, Doyle and Hulett
voted for Fred Hewins; Councilmembers McKeown and Campbell voted for Bob Ocanas;
and Councilman Braun voted for Frank McPhee. Therefore, Fred Hewins was appointed
to the Planning Commission for the Unexpired term ending March 1,2001.
Food Bank Plan 3. Adoption of Final Food Bank Plan
Mayor Ostrowski reviewed the information provided by the Public Works Department.
Councilman Wiggins moved to adopt the New Port Angeles Food Bank Plan.
CounCilman Campbell seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
September 2, 1997
LEGISLATION: 4. Request to Participate on the 2% Hotel/Motel Tax Allocation Committee
Mayor Ostrowski reviewed the information provided by Councilmember McKeown, who
Hotel/Motel Tax Allocation provided ~:~l.,a~ifioa~,,. Discussion followed, with consideration being given to
Committee whether or not a representative fi-om the Downtown Forward Executive Committee could
be a voting member on the Tax Allocation Committee, and Attorney Knutson provided
clarification. Further discussion was held regarding how to choose a representative from
the Downtown Forward Committee. Councilman Campbell felt it might be useful for the
Council subcommittee to review criteria for the selection of representatives to this
After further discussion and clarification, Conneilman Wiggins moved to appoint
someone from the Downtown Forward Executive Committee to the 2% Hotel/Motel
Tax Allocation Committee. Councilman Campbell seconded the motion, which
carried unanimously.
Lockbox Contract 5. Contract with Retail Lockbox Corporation
Mayor Ostrowski asked Finance Director Godbey to give background on this issue.
Director Godbey reminded the Council that the City had awarded the RFP for banking
services to U.S. Bank, and the second part of that package was for lockbox services. She
explained bar coding and how this will eventually save time and money for the City.
Discussion followed, and Director Godbe~ responded to questions and offered clarification.
Councilman Campbell moved to authorize the Finance Director to negotiate a
contract with Retail Locking, Inc. for lockbox services. Councilman Braun seconded
the motion, which carried unanimously.
Downtown Sidewalks and 6. Update on Downtown Sidewalks and Watermains Project
Watermains Report
Director Pittis explained that Slrider Construction will be performing this work. The work
in the downtown area has not begun; however, a walk-through was performed today with
staff. Strider has opened a downtown office to handle questions and complaints, and it is
expected that work will begin this week. Director Piths explained some of the new
technology Strider will be using to accomplish the work and stated he is confident with this
Mayor Ostrowski asked Planning Director Collins to update the Council on the meeting
with Victoria B.C. Director Collins stated the meeting was scheduled for Monday,
September 8, 1997. It is essentially a city administration workshop between the two cities
to explore projects which can be started within the next year.