HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 09/03/1936
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
September 3, 1936
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The ~ommission met pursuant to adjournment at 10 a.m. and was
Mayor Lutz. Roll call showed the following officers present:
Masters, Attorney Conniff and ~lerk Hawkins.
Pursuant to the following Notice ~o Bidders the Ci~ Clerk
reported 3 bids on file for the construction of a 22 ft. con-
crete pavement for Marine .Drive from the east margin of
Valley ~treet to the east end of the Third ;>treet Tr~stle and
from "K Street to the north boundary of Block 147, .ownsi te,
the bids being as follows:
:,,\'o'rJ('Jo; 'l'U .II1Dnl':II~
Xullc\J III 11~I'l'hy giV"ll th~t !lell.l-
\;,(1 1111111' will 11{' r~cd\"c,l l,y tilt-
Cit\' l;lf'l'l< or 111(' Cil\' of ,I'ort ,\11-
Ke]('B. \\!~\f;hinp'loll. imtil l-'q>lI'Ill-
lip I' :~ . 1 ~.:Hi, all () iI. 111 "' a 11 II 11111
latel", Ill. tlw flrrk..: uf Un.' ('il.'-
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11\ f(Jr Llw cV11111rul:lioll "r-'J! 2:::-ft.
COJICl"l'tl' ]JI\\'{-f11ellL fur :\I:\l'lllc.l)ri\'",
from till' I':a~t ln~rglll uf Yalll'~'
Slre...t 1.-. tilt' ]';afit. ('-1114 of till'
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l:Judi: 14j, T()II'II~'It.{', All Illlls shull
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In 11\(' :sum I'f lHtl If':n thun ;:'% of
flu: ,,,nount hid HlI(1 l\1lld... 1)[1~'HhJto
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tlw 11[1[ will 11(>1, he COll~ldr'reo,
.\ IJoll~ nf 11)(1% of thl' amount
'Jf tIle ('{)Iltr<l{'l price nitHlt be fur-
Ili1!J~~~", I, ;;l1~lh<'~]~l~~\~'i~:[~~Il~Jh~: ,~': I".
obtnillCIT fl'Ulll till' Cit\, ('I~'l'l, llll"lI
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'<lUll 11'111 b~ 1'.'fUliclNl If tlh' 1'1:1'1~":
am] l<peelflcaU011R arp J'elurllcrt to
tho.: ('krk 1;,-,(01"1' the bid~ an: (ll)~'n-
'1'11(' ('It,l- ('()l11l\li!'!ll!(!1I rl'Sel'\'I'i4
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",", 1\1. H,\WI{INS,
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I'Hh. Jug. ZlI-.fi-S1. l~J:il;,
called to order by Acting
Commissioners Lutz and
Proposal Proposal I
No. 1 No. 2
i\. L. Watkins 24,140.65 15,931 .25
F. E. Wilder 24,707.40 17,007.90
H. P. Dorsey 29,814.25 22,637.00
Certified ~hecks as required by the specifications accompanied
each bid. The bids were referred to the City Engineer for
The Commission then adjourned to meet at 2 p.m.
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Ci ty Clerk
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
September 3, 1936
The Commission met pursuant to adjournment at 2 p.m. and was called to ordcr by Acting
Mayor I~tz. Roll call showed the following officers present: Commissioners Lutz and
Masters, ""ttorney Conniff and (;lerk Hawkins.
The Engineer reported back to the Commission on the bids for the improvement of Marine
Dri ve. the bids being as follows:
'1131/75 oPENi"O
SEPT. 3,/73 (,
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4 DO">i/! s'<t,,J./ps IO'ZO .zt.. 2-24-'!!I .n. :7:5 -25So"
5 PAVE.IjEAD~1t 6S0/'H.{,' ,70 !4SS"-!. .sof 3tS.oo .50 32.5".
faT/US j k J 1 ~. ,.-
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A. L. Watkins' bid being the lowest bid, and whereas the said A: L. Watkins being
desirous of entering into a contract on the terms and conditions set forth in Proposal
No.1 I)f the specifications to furnish the materials and construct the improvement as
called for in Propos,al No.1, with the express proviso and condition:, however, that in
tlw event that the "ity is unable, for any reason, to secure or provide the additicnal
funds l1ecessary to pay for the furnishing of mater ials and the constructing of the im-
provements under said Proposal No.1, then the said contract in that event, will con-
stitute a contract only for furnishing the materials and constructing the improvements
as described and provided for in Proposal No.2 of the said specifications.
Now, therefore, it was moved by Commissioner Masters that the ,bid of A. L. ~atkins be
accepted and a contract be entered into with the said ". L. ,Iatkins for the construction
of said improvements under the terms and conditions proposed by the said A. L. Watkins
as set forth above. Motion seconded by Gommissioner Lutz. On roll call all members
voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried.
There being no further business the Commission then adjourned.
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