HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 09/03/1953 ,.. 352 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington ~~p+pm'h...,.. 19-53- J, '""'. ',"'''''''n..''..,,",~ "'"n.."''' ~ tThe City Counci+ met in regular session at 7:30 P. M., and.was called to order by Mayor Smith. Roll call of (Officers revealed the.following present:}~or Smith, Councilmen.Bro>m, Neer, Sandison, Powell, Wolfe and 'Mcfadden, Manage~ Vergeer, Attorney Severyns and Clerk Law. lIt was moved by Councilman HcFadden that the minutes of' the last regular meeting and the special meeting of August 28th be approved as received. Seconded by Councilman Bro>m. Motion carried. 1 ' , jUnder the head of unfinished business, claims were filed for approval as 'follows: 1953 Street Improvement Con~truction Fund, $73,285.27. Fixed Estimate, $3,354.01. L. I. D. No. 164, Second Estimate, DXJ August, '$34,175.32, and Johnson & Bork .for Paint, $1.03.. It was moved .by Councilman Wolfe that the estimat.es and Iclaims be approved and warrants issued against the. 1953 Street Improvement Construction Fund, the L. I. D. No. 163 Fund, and the L. 1. D. No. 164 Fund in pa;yment of the same.. ~lotion seconded by Councilman~.Neer and. I tUllllllliJnously carried. IAlwo submitted for approval was Treasurer's Monthly report for July. It was moved by Councilman Brown that lthe report be approved and filed. Seconded by Councilman PO'lell. All. voted Aye. Motion carried. I 'Manager Vergeer re~ reply f.rom Rex G. Still, State Traffic Engineer, acknowledging receipt .of request by th~ 'City for autlhority; to install traffic signals at First and Peabody Streets and First and Race Streets, I ladvising that the request has been fOI'\1arded to J. C. Claypool, District Engineer, instructing his department to contact City Officials regarding the requested installations. I I , ' ] Hearing on the proposed rural water main extension on a guaranteed revenue bailis South of the Boulevard was 'opened. . A contract having been signed by 36 property o)mers, not including five customers now being served ~direct from the reservoir, which will be included in project, it was moved by Councilman Wolfe that the City .proceed with construction program as outlined. Seconded by Councilman Brown. All voted Aye. I~otion carried. I !Pursuant to previous instructions by the Council to enforce Ordinance regulating pl1rldng on First street ~uring night hours, the Council received signed requests that the parldng restrictions be eliminated from .2:00 A. M. to 5:00 A. M. in this.district. Manager Vergeer cited requests as having been signed more than a year ago and in his opinion the same are invalid. Also that signatures were placed after comments which may have influenced prejudice altho signed in good faith.. Council members advised that it the merchants want parldng regulations changed, they should make known and the Council will concur. The matter will be discuss- r with the Merchants Association and Chamber of COJJ'Jllerce. . : . I Jd. errill Oakes of the Olympic State. Bank, presented Council what he hoped would be final sketch and drawing ofl proposed inprovement of Laurel at First Street by drivew8i}" and buLld1ead. J.\r. Oakes informed that plans were prepared under supervision of the City Engineering Department and a.hired architect.. Also submitted.was I proposal by Del Guzzi Brothers for construction of stairs from bulkhead to top of bluff at approximate BOst of $2,400.00. Marnlger Vergeer requested that no action be taken on stairw8i}" proposal on account of lumber to be used, also it is necessary to call for bids., I t M. Davis and Herton Davis, Jr., registered complaints that a former sketch of project provided for pal?ldng space next to Erickson building and it \'1as their opinion that the project would be develpped with co-operation of all concerned. Now it appears to be a one w8i}" proposition for the .benefit of one Institution and hereby regist;ered their objections to a plan of complete disregard for consideration to them and their Landlord and contrary to former promises. Mr. Davis then advised that further: discussion is useless and they. will settle their complaint in the Courtroom. I . Mayor Smith assured that the project is not unfair to anyone. That the plan had been discussed with Mr. Erickson and he approved the same after consulting l-lr. Davis. Councilman Brown considered the parking of cars in that area a hazard to pedestrians. J.~ger Vergeer cited project as public benefit and the only objection is elimination of parldng which Mr. Davis has enjoyed for several years. I . Attorney Severyns was questioned regarding ~ght to park on side\1alk area and advised that the parking has been permitted by sufferance of some ldnd, not by any arrangement with the City of which he is aware, and only because said parking had caused no inconvenience. Counci1Jjlan Neer admitted that the Bank is benefitting, but they are also p~ng the bill and the City is benefitting by the improvemEnt. : ill'. Oakes suggested that the Council enter into contract for the improvement as the same is on public propert~. AttornEr.{ Severyns hesitated to reply without further consideration, also the City would be required to call for bids. It was moved by Councilman Neer that the Attorney and Manager be authorized tc follow out proced- Ure" for the improvement as ,are legally proper and proceed with the same. &tion seconded by Councilman Brown and unanimously carried. I '.l'he Council considered a resolution introduced, declaring findings of the Council relative to the proposed inmrovement. After due consideration, the following resolution was approved as amended: I' j Resolution declaring the findings of the City Council relative to the proposed improvement of the portion 01' , Laurel Street abutting upon and adjacent to the South line of the intersection of First and Laurel Streets in rhe City of Port Angeles. I Whereas, there has been presented to the City Council a plan for the improvement of that portion of the Laurel Street area J;vj.ng south of and adjacent to the south line of the intersection of First and Laurel Streets in the City of Port Angeles, being the construction of a retaining wall approximately Fifty feet back from the intersection and the paving of the intervening portion of Laurel Street so t)1at the same may be used as a turning place for automobiles requiring the same and the Council finds that the plan presented would increase the use of said area and protect the area and First Street from slides and the unsightly condition of a main intersection of said city would be removed and that said improvement would be a benefit to the City and increase the safety of the area. I Now, therefore, be it revolved by the Council of the Cit~. of Port Angeles: RESOLUTION ..... I I I I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 353 ., September Continued. 19..53_ ), '"'' . ""'"'". ""'". "..~~"'. .""""'...,, .... j (1) That the plan of said :i111provement, as prepared apd presented to the City Council on the 20th day 0; August, 1953 will enlarge the use of that area of Laurel Street agutting upon and adjacent to the intersect- ~ion of First and Laurel Streets in the City of Port Angeles and increase the public use and safety of the 'area for public travel and inure to the general l1elfare and' safety of the City of Port Angeles. I (2) That the general plan of improvement as presented and the proposed, use thereof be and the same is hereby approved as a proper use of said portion of Laurel Street. I It was moved by Councilman Wolfe that the foreg6ing resolution be approved and adopted as amended to eliminate ,Section Three, and that the salne appear in record in amended form. Hotion seconded by Councilman Brown. 'All voted Aye. Motion carried. . . 1 . Pursuant to notices pubiished for sale by the City of Lots 15, 18, 19, Block 4lJ. Tmmsite, one bid was 'received from Pa.ul E. Beers as follows: for Lots 18 and 19, $202.75. For Lot 15, $101.25. It was moved by Councilman Sandison that the bids be accepted. Seconded by Councilman Wolfe. All voted lye. Hotion carried. I Under the 'head of new business, it was moved by Councilman Brown that '~l;e City call for bids to replace 'stairway at Laurel Street from bulkhead to top of bluff. ~Iotion seconded by Councilman HcFadden. All voted 'A:J'e. Hotion carried. I rhe Council received requests for renewal of beverage licenses as follows: Walter Akeley Post, American Legion. 1'iest Side Grocery by Guido Gallacci. Naval Lodge No. 353. Corner Cupboard by A. T. Filion. .Fleener' 5 Grocery. Don Feeley Distributor. Chinook Tavern by K. R. Nason. Cherry - Eight Grocery by Thos. ,Cl'"ens. .K. & K Fine Foods by T. .1"/. Kish. Safeway Stores, Inc. ,Shamrock Tavern by Lena Farrington. OlympiC Distributing Co. by K. Wallace. EcGlenn '5 Food Store. Club Billiards by Gilbert and Ruth Bre.."r. Walt's 101 Service & Grocery by 1'l. E. Dier. Grandview Grocery by Ralph Gallacci. Manager Vergeer informed that renewals had been investigated and approved by the Police Department. It was moved by Couu.cilman Brown that lau requests be approved by the Council. Seconded by Councilman J.lcFadd~n. . All voted Aye. 110tion carried. I . 'Claims paid August 21, 25, 26, and September 2. >lere filed for approval by the Council in amount of $50,654.9l. It was moved by Councilman JolcFadden that the claims be approved as paid on dates stated. Seconded by ! Councilman \'Tolfe and unanimously carried. . I . Under the head of reading and passage of Ordinances, the following were read in full for ccnsideration by the ~ouncil: . ! No. 162 of .the City of Port Angeles, to pay the cost and expense of the improvements in said district .as ,ordered and provided for in Ordinance No. 1293 of the City of Port Angeles, creating said IOcal Improvement District No. 162 and providing for the p~ent of the cost and. expense ther'eof by special assessments upon the property within said district, according to law and by the mode of pa;yment by bonds; providing for the term of such bonds and fixing interest rates th'ereon. I . It was moved by Councilman Powell that the foregoing Ordinance be approved and adopted, and the Mayor and Clerk authorized to sign the same. Motion seconded by Councilman Sandison. Ail voted Aye. Motion carried. I ORDINANCE NO. 1313 AN ORDINANCE amending Section 13 of Ordinance No. 1000 passed by the City Commission May 16, 1934. Entitled; An (li'dinance relating to intoxicating liquors, prohibiting the manufacture, possession, sale or ?ther disposition thereof, in the City of Port Angeles, except in certain cases; Providing penalties for .the violation thereof; Repealing .ordinance No. 985,of the City of Port Angeles; and declaring an emergency I . It was moved by Councilman Brown that the foregoing Ordinance be approved and adopted. Seconded by Council- ina,y McFadden and unanimously carried. I Manager Vergeer discussed the preliminary budget of the Light Department for the year 1954 and cited required provisions for changes and new installations thereby sustaining capacity and eliminating overload. Also I advised that unless steps are taken now, within two years the City will encounter trouble if the system is not kept up to development and provide for future expansion. Hr. Vergeer also explained sketches of proposed inst&llations and alternates which in his opinion will be necessary to provide power for industries and private consumers. Also advised as to size of transformers required for the replalrements and expansion, and as delivery for the equipment requires about eighteen months; requested that bids be published for the same. ~t was moved by Councilman Brown that the Council approve plan of development as outlined and bids published for equipment .required. Seconded by Councilman HcFadden. All members voted Aye. Motion carried. I Manager Vergeer referred the Council to reports showing comparison of last and present six months of financial operations in the Light Department. ) , " There being no further business, the meeting was declared adjourned. I I. ORDINANCE NO. 1312 AN ORDINANCE authorizing the issuance and sale of local improvement bonds for Local Improvement District '0., E, (j x Cl.Mf. City Clerk ~~b J.'"ayor NOTICE Is Ah';reb;: ~ that the City of Port Angeles wlU sell to the highest and be15t hld<ler the follow_ ng described prOTlerty. to-wit: Lot,16, Block 127. Townsite. , Notice is further given that seal- ed bids for the same will. be reo ceIved by the Cily Clerk nt the City Hnll untll 5:00 .o'clock P. M., Sep- tember 17, 195:1, lind not later. F..ach bid mllSt be Rccumpflnled bJ.' n de posit of not leSIR tha.n 10% or am: ount bid Qr the offer will not be cODllJdcred. Minim 11m price as fixed oy tl~() CH}' COuncil, Jl!iO.OD. The C(lUncl] reBerYe13 lhe right to reject any or all bllIs. 3'. E. La.w, City Clerk :r>u~U~_fk~~I1tem.bl:'r.~~12,..!!l5L ~CA.LL ro:a'BI~ ~ Notice Is rerC'by given that sealed bldg will be racel\'ed b~' the City ~~~~i~;t~,e u~ur ~O~.~rbct~:ce;etJ ~~~\lOt tflciJ':ri~:'~'Af .~g8g t:~: Ft. Of ~ ,Clasa 150. water -pipe. t ~~~/!:~~~I:f;c;~enC~ l~~: ',t~~~O~t~~of~:~ 'rjll~~e to C~~'(1etC~~~C[~I' ~~t~:;I':,e; tho 1 City of Port Angelesj by: J. E. LAW, City Clerk. I Pu!lltshed. Sept,,!.mber 17 _and 24, 1963, 1i'Q!l"tCJE OP PILING i N'OTICF.' Is hllreby ch'eo that the ell}' COllomL._ of the Cfty I}( P.ort Anrel('s has. .plll.eed ,L'tn tile their prellmfnary" Gudget;of ~~n(llturcs and revenues for._ 'the )'ear HISL That a publiC heal1nw on Mid bud- gM wlU be tie.J.~ nnd ,conducte4 on lI~omla}., Octobitr,.5, US~, at 7 :30 o clock, P. M., at the Council Room, ~20 North Oak Stret!t, ",t which time and plaee any ta.xPII.1-er may ap- pf'ar and be heard fur or ,ngalnat any part (If stlld bUdget.. J. E. LAW, Clt). Clerk r9fi~1.lshea: September a-f, October 1, ..oiiiiiii