HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 09/03/19963352 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington September 3, 1996 CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Ostrowski called the special meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to SPECIAL MEETING: order at 5:10 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Ostrowski, Councilmembers Braun, Campbell, Doyle, Hulett, McKeown, and Wiggins. Metnbers Absent: None. Staff Present: Manager Pomeranz, Attorney Knutson, Clerk Upton, S. Brodhun, B. Collins, K. Godbey, S. Ilk, J. Pittis, B. Titus, G. Leaf, and G. Kenworthy. Public Present: J. Michalczik, B. Myers, P. Lamoureux, J. & T. Breitbach, M. Johnson, T. Lipman, A. Lionstone, D. & L. Reynolds, and T. Mattie. BPA Power Sales Joining the City Council members in this special meeting were Utility Advisory Committee members Joe Michalczik and Bill Myers. Light Director Titus introduced Chuck Forman, Bonneville Account Executive, and Terry Mundorf, Attorney for the WPAG group and primary negotiator and author of the agreement. Director Titus advised the Council and the UAC that the LG&E agreement was not ready for consideration or action this evening. Further, the transmission agreement with Bonneville will be presented to the Council at a future date as well. Mr. Mundorf distributed a summary sheet delineating the current contract options, as well as the options under Amendatory Agreement 7 and the new power contract. He discussed the option of diversification up to 10 % of load under the AA7 and the option of diversification up to 15 % under the new contract. Councilman Wiggins posed the question as to potential savings by virtue of purchasing power from the market, and Director Titus approximated the savings at $2.8 million over the next five years. Discussed at length was the inclusion of liquidated damages in the contract, whereby Bonneville would be required to pay damages if it is unable to meet the contract requirements. Also discussed was the requirement that City Light have a conservation plan in place. Director Titus indicated cost effectiveness must be considered in meeting this requirement. Mr. Forman felt the contract to be a good one; administratively, it is a big improvement over the 1981 contract. Discussion ensued, and Director Titus noted that a notice of two years is required of City Light should it decide to bring any of the load back to BPA. Mr. Mundorf, however, felt that it is possible such a requirement will go away over a period of time, as BPA will want to be as competitive as possible. Mr. Forman agreed, except in those cases when the BPA rate might be under the market and might, therefore, result in an influx of unexpected utilization. Lengthy discussion followed about the possible scenario of one of the mills purchasing power directly from BPA. It was pointed out that the existing transmission lines would have to be used, and if the City is the enabler in this instance, liquidated damages would have to paid if the utilization is lower than that which was committed. After further discussion, Mr. Mundorf reviewed the various aspects of the proposed agreement with LG&E. Other cities and counties participated in the negotiation process and they will, therefore, have similar contracts. Director Titus then reviewed the need for a separate transmission agreement with BPA, which he expects to bring to the Council for consideration in the near future. Manager Pomeranz addressed the need for a press release concerning the reduction in electric rates, a matter of which the Council should be extremely proud. He cited the hard work and effort on the part of the Council, staff, and the Utility Advisory Committee in this regard. -1- 3353 September 3, 1996 ADJOURN SPECIAL The special meeting was adjourned at 6:45 p.m. MEETING: CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Ostrowski called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to REGULAR MEETING: order at 7:00 p.m. PLEDGE OF The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Mayor Ostrowski. ALLEGIANCE: APPROVAL OF Councilman Braun moved to approve the minutes of the special meeting of MINUTES: August 19, 1996. Councilmember McKeown seconded the motion. Councilman Campbell recalled that Congressman Dicks had indicated the surcharge on buses was exorbitant and that he would look into the matter, but that the charge to individuals serves to generate revenues to offset budget limitations. He asked that the minutes be corrected to reflect Congressman Dicks' position on this matter. A vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously. Councilman Hulett moved to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of August 20, 1996· Councilman Campbell seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. CEREMONIAL I. Yard of the Month - September 1996 MATTERS/ PROCLAMATIONS:. Yard of the Month Awards for September, 1996, were presgnted to: Carol & Ron Foss, 909 West 16th Street; First Presbyterian Church, 139 West 8th Street; Jim & Yard of the Month Tonya Breitbach, 1914 South Pine Street, #Fl4; and Caf6 Garden, 1506 East First Street. Employee Suggestion 2. Employee Suggestion Program Award Award Manager Pomeranz explained the Employee Suggestion Program and presented Gary Leaf with the Employee Suggestion Award for finding an error in the City's utility tax which resulted in a refund in excess of $45,000. FINANCE: I. Bids for TV Inspection Camera Bids for Inspection Mayor Ostrowski reviewed the information provided by the Department of Public Camera Works. Brief discussion followed, and Councilman Wiggins asked if this item was so specific that it made it difficult to get more than one bid. Public Works Director Pittis explained that the bid specifications were written specific to the City's system, and only one manufacturer felt it could be competitive. Councilman Campbell, asked the age of the current equipment and how it worked. Director Pittis explained how the equipment functions. Councilmember McKeown moved to award the bid for a television inspection camera to North American Crane and Equipment Co., in the stun of $36,712.44, tax included. Councilman Braun seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Eunice Street Waterline 2. Bids for Eunice Street Waterline Replacement Replacement Bid . -~ Mayor Ostrowski reviewed the information provided by the Department of Public Works. Councilman Wiggins moved to accept the bid from Aldergrove Construction, Inc., in the amount of $60,614.75, and authorize the Mayor to execute the construction contract. Councilman Doyle seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Mill Creek Pump Station 3. Bids for Mill Creek Pump Station Improvements Improvements Bid Mayor Ostrowski reviewed the information provided by the Department of Public Works. Councilman Braun moved to accept the bid from Aldergrove Construction, Inc., in the amount of $336,870.27 and authorize the Mayor to execute the construction contract. Councilman Wiggins seconded the motion. Discussion followed, and Councilman Campbell asked what the relationship was between this project and the PUD requirements. Director Pittis responded this is one of .the joint projects in the proposed PUD contract which, if accepted, would result in the PUD paying approximately 34% of the costs. A vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously. -2- 3354 CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 3, 1996 CONSENT AGENDA: Councilman Braun moved to accept the Consent Agenda, including: 1) Out-of- State Travel request - City Attorney to attend National City Attorney's Conference in Little Rock, Arkansas; 2) New BPA Power Sales Contract; 3) Payroll - August 25, 1996 - $369,737.67; and 4) Voucher list - August 30, 1996 - $1,379,084.89. Councilman Wiggins seconded the motion. After limited discussion, a vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously. ITEMS FROM THE Paul Lamoureux, asked to address the Council regarding summer water rates, AUDIENCE/COUNCIL/ crosswalk problems, and power rates. Mr. Lamoureux asked if a rate decrease now STAFF TO BE would lead to a rate increase in the future. CONSIDERED OR PLACED ON A Referring to the crosswalk situation, Mr. Lamoureux noted that in Canada he took FUTURE AGENDA: pictures of the crosswalks and presented them to Manager Pomeranz. Canada appears to have good luck with their crosswalks, and he felt the City of Port Angeles might learn something from their neighbors to the north. Mr. Lamoureux felt staff should study which crosswalks have the highest incidents of accidents and pursue an arrangement with the State to fix the problem. Regarding the water rates, Mr. Lamoureux stated he was saddened by the number of brown lawns in Port Angeles. People who are proud of the town and try to maintain a beautiful yard should not be penalized with high water rates. He asked staff to find some way to have an incentive program in place for those who wish to keep Port Angeles beautiful. Tina Lipman, 144 Striped Peak Road, asked to address Item D.2., Shotwell's Woodwaste Facility. Darlene Schanfald, speaking from the audience area, also expressed interest in addressing Item D.2. Councilman Braun thanked Light Director Titus for the good job he did on the power sales contract and rate negotiations. Councilman Doyle stated he was asked by the AWC to serve on its legislative committee. Meetings are held in September, October, November, and January. He asked Council's approval to attend these meetings and stated in-put regarding these meetings is welcome. Manager Pomeranz indicated he, too, will be attending these meetings, as he will be representing the City Managers Association. Mayor Ostrowski asked to add Agenda Item D. 3., the AWC Regional meeting. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. Street Vacation Petition - STV 96(08)04 ~ LIONSTONE - STV 96(08)04, Portion of Center Street in Hlinois Addition Street Vacation - Lionstone Mayor Ostrowski reviewed the information provided by the Planning Department and invited the Planning Director to comment prior to opening the public hearing. Director Collins displayed maps demonstrating the area under discussion and clarified the vacation area. Mayor Ostrowski opened the public hearing at 7:40 p.m. There was no public testimony; therefore, Mayor Ostrowski closed the public hearing and read the Ordinance by title, entitled ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, vacating a portion of Center Street in Block 17, Illinois Addition, Port Angeles, Washington. Attorney Knutson pointed out that the amount of compensation must be ascertained prior to adoption of the Ordinance. Because the amount was not available for this meeting, he suggested the vacation be deferred to the next meeting to which the Council agreed. Street Vacation - Severson 2. Street Vacation Petition - Severson - STV 96(08)05, Portion of Vine Street Ordinance No. 2927 between Whidby and Vashon Streets Mayor Ostrowski reviewed the information contained in the packet and deferred to Director Collins who used the maps to clarify the area under discussion. He informed the Council that the property lines had been inappropriately used when building occurred; due to surveying errors, lot lines run through the center of buildings. The street vacation is necessary to resolve the property line issue. Director Collins further detailed the nature of the errors which needed to be 3355 September 3, 1996 PUBLIC HEARINGS: corrected in order for the applicant to short plat this area. (Cont'd) Discussion followed, and Director Collins responded to questions posed by the Street Vacation - Severson Council. Concem~ was. ~xp~sed over the legal description in the ordinance not Ordinance No. 2927 referring to th&~Wfii:d~yN~iSl~n alley. Attorney Knutson suggested this be corrected (Cont'd) by inserting the words 'and the Whidby/Vashon alley rights of way abutting Lot 10" after the words 'Vine Street". The title would need similar correction. Mayor Ostrowski opened the public hearing at 7:47 p.m. Bob Winters, 261641 Highway 101, representing the applicant, thanked staff for all the help tendered during this process. Responding to Council's questions, Mr. Winters then explained why the alley needed to be vacated, as well as the street. Director Collins commended Bob Reed for taking the responsibility of clearing up the situation created by past errors. There was no further public testimony; therefore, Mayor Ostrowski closed the public hearing at 7:50 p.m. Attorney Knutson further clarified the legal description, after which Mayor Ostrowski read the Ordinance by the corrected title, entitled ORDINANCE NO. 2927 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles vacating a portion of Vine Street in Block 6 and the North one-half of the Whidby/ Vashon alley, Puget Sound Cooperative Colony's Second Addition, Port Angeles, Washington. Councilman Braun moved to adopt the corrected Ordinance as read by title, subject to Condition 1 and citing Findings 1 - 12 and Conclusions A - D, as set forth in Exhibit 'A", which is attached to and becomes a part of these minutes. Councilman Hulett seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Municipal Code 3. Municipal Code Amendment - MCA 96(08)09 - City of Port Angeles, City- Amendment - wide: A proposal to amend Chapter 15.24.060 (Wetlands) of the Port Ordinance No. '2928 Angeles Municipal Code to allow for clarification with SHB 1724 in the processing of land use permits. Mayor Ostrowski reviewed the information provided by the Planning Department and asked the Planning Director for comment on the issue. Director Collins pointed out that this is an instance wherein SHB 1724 is speeding up the process, because one public hearing is eliminated. Mayor Ostrowski opened the public hearing at 7:55 p.m.. There being no public testimony, the public hearing was closed at 7:55 p.m. Mayor Ostrowski read the Ordinance by title, entitled ORDINANCE NO. 2928 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, modifying the permit processing provisions in the City's wetlands protection ordinance and amending Ordinance 2655 and Chapter 15.24 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. Councilmember McKeown moved adopt the Ordinance as read by title, citing Findings 1 - 5 and Conclnsions A - C, as set forth in Exhibit 'B", which is attached to and becomes a part of these minutes. Councilman Wiggins seconded the motion, which carried unanimonsly. Municipal Code 4. Municipal Code Amendment - MCA 96(08)10 - City of Port Angeles, City- Amendment - wide: A proposal to amend Chapter 15.08 of the Port Angeles Municipal Ordinance No. 2929 Code revising the City's Shoreline Management Regulations in compliance with SHB 1724 Mayor Ostrowski reviewed the information provided by the Planning Department and offered Director Collins the opportunity for comment. Director Collins explained that this completes the process started with SHB 1724 and the adoption of the Shoreline Master Program. Mayor Ostrowski opened the public hearing at 8:00 p.m. There being no public testimony, the public hearing was closed at 8:00 p.m. Mayor Ostrowski read the Ordinance by title, entitled -4- 3356 September 3, 1996 PUBLIC HEARINGS: ORDINANCE NO. 2929 (Cont'd) AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, revising the Municipal Code City's shoreline management regulations, amending Ordinance 2033 Amendment - as amended and Chapter 15.08 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code, Ordinance No. 2929 and repealing Section 10 of Ordinance 2595 and PAMC 15.08.105. (Cont'd) Councilman Wiggins moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title, citing Findings 1 - 6 and Conclusions A - C, as set forth in Exhibit 'C", which is attached to and becomes a part of these minutes. Councilmember McKeown seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. LEGISLATION: A. Ordinances not Requiring Public Hearings City Light Rates - 1. New City Light Retail Rates Ordinance No. 2930 Mayor Ostrowski reviewed the information provided by the Light Department. Light Director Titus gave a brief presentation to the Council explaining the new contract, reviewing the revenue summary, and disclosing the new rates. The City is committing to the new rates for three years and hopes to be able to keep rates the same for five years. Director Titus reviewed the cost savings for the various customers and responded to questions directed by Council. Manager Pomeranz suggested a letter be sent out with the utility bills informing customers of the rate reduction; it is hoped the media will also disseminate this information. He further thanked the Council, the Utility Advisory Committee, Director Titus, Mr. McLain, and City Light staff for the leadership and effort that went into the negotiation process. Mayor Ostrowski read the Ordinance by title, entitled ORDINANCE NO. 2930 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, altering the rates for the sale of electricity and amending Ordinance 2776, as amended, and Chapter 13.12 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. Larry Leonard, 1030 Olympus, lauded the City for the rate decrease. Councilman Campbell moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title. Councilmember McKeown seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. B. Resolutions not Requiring Public Hearings None. C. Planning Commission Minutes/Action Items Planning Commission Minutes of August 14, 1996 Councilman Campbell moved to accept the Planning Commission minutes of August 14, 1996. Councilman Braun seconded the motion. Councilman Doyle noted the minutes reflected one Planning Commissioner being present as well as absent. The minutes will be corrected. A vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously. 1724 Permit Fee D. Other Considerations Policy Direction 1. New 1724 Permit Fee Policy Direction Planning Director Collins reviewed the information provided in the packet regarding the proposed implementation of a money back guarantee policy to assure the timely processing of permit applications. He requested direction from the Council. The program, once it was designed, would be brought back to the Council for approval. Manager Pomeranz stated this program has worked effectively in the City of Tacoma. Staff believes this program would continue to build the public confidence in City services. Discussion followed, and it was the general consensus of the Council that this would be a good program to initiate. Therefore, Councilman Hulett moved to direct staff to further investigate this process and prepare a proposal. Councilman Campbell seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. -5- 3357 September 3, 1996 LEGISLATION: 2. Shotwell's Woodwaste Facilit~ (Cont'd) Mayor Ostrowski reviewed the information contained in the packet and explained that Shotwell's Woodwaste Rayonier has asked the~ ~ty to. send a letter to the County Commissioners supporting Facility the Shotwell WoodwaSte Facility. He read aloud the draft letter to the County Commissioners and invited public comment. Darlene Schanfald, a Port Angeles resident with a Sequim Post Office box, stated Shotwell is now called the Rayonier landfill. Ms. Schanfald stated Rayonier has no issue before the County Commissioners. Rather, the issue before the Commissioners is the adequacy or inadequacy of a final Environmental Impact Study. She then went on to rebut the letter from Rayonier on this issue and summarized what she felt to be the true facts of the issue. Ms. Schanfald stated the landfill was in the Port Angeles UGA and support of this landfill expansion will declare that industrial landfills of any nature and quality can be placed in any Port Angeles residential area. Tina Lipman, 144 Striped Peak Road, a small business and property owner in Port Angeles, spoke in opposition to the City's endorsement of an industrial landfill. She felt it was irresponsible on the part of City Council and out of its jurisdiction. The City should review the technical analysis before making a decision. Ms. Lipman went on to state why she felt an industrial landfill should not be endorsed in this area and reviewed its negative impact on the environment. Mayor Ostrowski then read aloud a letter from the Executive Director of the Economic Development Council addressed to the County Commissioners. Larry Leonard was dismayed at the innuendos put forth by Ms. Schanfald and Ms. Lipman. He observed that Ms. Lipman stated businesses were leaving the area under discussion, yet she could not name one, and Ms. Schanfald has never spoken in favor of any project. He hoped the public testimony would not dissuade the Council from supporting Rayonier, and he reminded the Council that this decision was very important to the City of Port Angeles. The livelihood of many depends upon Rayonier's continued business in the City. The only thing that should stop the expansion of the landfill would be if it were environmentally unsound. Discussion followed, and it was the general consensus of the Council that the question of the environment belonged to the County. The City is simply being asked for its support, and this is a reasonable request. However, some changes should be made to the letter of support regarding the environmental safeguards exceeding the requirements. Mayor Ostrowski, Councilmembers Wiggins and McKeown, and Manager Pomeranz will work on a rewrite of the letter, which will then be sent. AWC Meeting 3. Association of Washington Cities Regional Legislative Meeting Mayor Ostrowski advised the Council that the AWC Regional Legislative meeting will be held in Poulsbo on October 10, 1996, at 6:00 p.m. He invited Council to attend, as this will be an opportunity to meet the candidates. Mayor Ostrowski asked any Council members wishing to attend to advise Sam Martin so reservations can be made. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 8~. ~ Becky J. Up[on Pr6sp~r Ostrowski City Clerk Mayor -6- 3358 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 3359 Exhibit "A" CONDITION, FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS IN SUPPORT OF VACATION OF A PORTION OF VINE STREET AND THE WHIDBY/VASHON ALLEY - STREET VACATION - STV 96(08)05 - SEVERSON: Condition: 1. An easement shall be retained for utility purposes as required by the City's Light Department for that portion of the Whidby/Vashon alley that abuts Lot 10, Block 6, PSCC Second Addition to Port Angeles, extending west to the eenterline of vacated Vine Street. Findings: 1. The applicant for the requested vacation is Dr. J. A. Severson. The application/petition is attached as Attachment "A" of the August 14, 1996, Planning Depmhnent Staff Report for STV 96(08)05. 2. The requested vacation is for the east one-half of the Vine Street fight-of-way abutting both Lot 10, Block 6, PSCC Second Addition, Townsite of Port Angeles and the north half of the alley within said Block 6 identified in Attachment A of the August 14, 1996 Planning Department Staff Report for STV 96(08)05. 3. The adjacent portions of the west one-half of Vine Street were previously vacated. 4. As evident on the site plan included in Attachment "A" of the August 14, 1996, Planning Department Staff Report for STV 96(08)05, the applicant's apartment building and each of the residences on the three lots to the east extend onto the adjacent lots by a considerable amount. The owners of these four lots, in an effort to correct the resulting non-conforming status of the existing structures, applied for a short plat in order to match the lot lines with the physical locations of the existing development. 5. The vacation of Vine Street is required before final approval of the short plat. 6. The vacating of a street is categorically exempt from threshold determination and Environmental Impact Statement requirements per Section 197-11-800 (2) (h) of the Washington Administrative Code. 7. The subject right-of-way and adjacent properties are designated Low Density Residential by the City's Comprehensive Plan and are zoned RS-7. 8. There are no utilities located in the subject fight-of-way adjacent to Lot 10, Block 6, PSCC Second Addition, Townsite of Port Angeles. 9. City Light facilities are located in the south half of the alley located in Block 6, PSCC Second Addition, Townsite of Port Angeles. 10. The Public Works Department's comments are included as Attachment "B" of the August 14, 1996, Planning Department Staff Report for STV 96(08)05. 11. The Planning Department reported that the City's Light Department corrected their memorandum, Attachment "D" to the staff report prepared for STV 96(08)05, in the 3360 opening presentation for the public hearing by stating that a representative of the City Light Department identified the utility corridor in the Whidby/Vashon alley as being the south one- half of the alley and therefore there is no objection to the request as proposed. 12. The applicant's representative suggested at the public hearing that a utility easement be retained by the City in the north one-half of the Whidby/Vashon alley where it is vacated. Conclusions: A. Vacation of the east one-half of the Vine Street right-of-way abutting Lot 10 and the north one-half of the alley within Block 6, PSCC Second Addition, Townsite of Port Angeles, is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan's Land Use Policy B.2 and 3, and Transportation Policy B. 18. B. Vacation of the east one-half of the Vine Street right-of-way and the north one-half of the alley abutting Lot 10 within Block 6, PSCC Second Addition, Townsite of Port Angeles will not diminish the level of vehicular access to any lots in the area. C. Vacation of the east one-half of the Vine Street right-of-way and the north one-half of the alley abutting LOt 10 within Block 6, PSCC Second Addition, Townsite of Port Angeles will not impact the surrounding grid street pattern. D. Retention of the east one-half of the Vine Street right-of-way and the north one-half of the alley abutting Lot 10, Block 6, PSCC Second Addition, Townsite of Port Angeles does not serve a public purpose, while its vacation will allow collection of property tax for the property and benefit the applicant as well as adjoining neighbors by allowing the correction of the non-conforming status due to past surveying errors.  ~k~~by ~ty Council at its meeting of September 3, 1996. r Ostrow~ski, Mayor ' B~ky ].-UI~, CiqClerk -- 3361 Exhibit "B" FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS FOR APPROVAL OF MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDMENT - MCA 96(08)09 - PROCESSING OF WETLAND PERMITS: Findings: 1. The Comprehensive Plan has been reviewed with respect to the proposals. The following goals and policies have been identified as being most relevant to the amendments: Land Use Element Goal A, Goal I, Policy I. 1, and Policy 1.2, and conservation Element Goal A, Policy A. 1, Policy A.2, Goal B, Policy B. 1, Policy B.2, Policy B.4, Policy B.5, Policy B.6, Policy B.7, Policy B.8, Policy B. 14, and Objective B.6. 2. This action is exempt from SEPA review under WAC 197-11-800(20). 3. Public heatings were scheduled for August 14, 1996, before the Planning Commission and for September 3, 1996, before the City Council. 4. The City is required to comply with the provisions of Engrossed Substitute House Bill (ESHB) 1724. 5. The amendments are procedural in nature. Conclusions: A. The Municipal Code Amendment is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan Goals, Policies and Objective, specifically those found in Finding No. 1. B. The Municipal Code Amendment is consistent with the intent of Chapter 15 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. C. The Municipal Code Amendment is in the public use and interest since it provides a permit review process that is timely and gives an opportunity for the City's legislative body to hear public testimony under appeal. _ /~--~ed by the Port Angeles City Council at its meeting of September 3,1996. '~ms~e~ Ostro~,ski, Mayor - - - B cky i. U(qon, Clerk - 3362 Exhibit "C" FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS FOR MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDMENT - MCA 96(08)10 AMENDMENT TO MUNICIPAL CODE REVISING SHORELINE REGULATIONS.' Findings: 1. The Washington State Legislature passed Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1724 during the 1995 legislative session. 2. ESHB 1724 required cities and counties to change local permit review processes in accordance with the statute by March 31, 1996, and to process development permits in compliance with the state mandated requirements starting on April 1, 1996. 3. Representatives of the Port Angeles development community and the public were asked to identify ways in which the local permit review process could be changed and to help educate future permit applicants about the requirements of ESHB 1724. 4. The proposal or adoption of legislation, rules, regulations, resolutions or ordinances, or of any plan or program relating solely to govemmental procedures containing no substantive standards respecting use or modification of the environment is exempt from the State Environmental Policy Act [WAC 197-11-800(20)]. 5. The City Council and Planning Commission held public hearings on amendments to the Port Angeles Municipal Code for compliance with ESHB 1724 in March, 1996, but inadvertently did not amend administration sections of Chapter 15.08 (Shoreline Management) in that review. 6. A public hearing was held per Section 17.96.140 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code before the Planning Commission on August 14, 1996, and before the City Council on September 3, 1996, for consideration of the proposed amendment. Conclusions: A. The public and development community participated in changing City ordinances governing local permit review procedures. B. The proposed and recommended PAMC Amendments meet the requirements of the State statutes including ESHB 1724. C. The proposed PAMC Amendments are in the public interest and can be implemented within the resources allocated for permit review and action by City officials. ~xl..oNpted by the Port Angeles City Council at its meeting of September 3, 1996. "'l~sper Ostrowski, Mayor B~ky J. Upt~, ~ity~lerk l- --