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Minutes 09/04/1895
. Oc Record of the Proceedings of the City Council of Port Angeles. Washington. /)1-./ / - f . /1 /?I:-- //<;;/~L'''7~<f~~f/< 2~/7( ......... 1880 - <'~/ / &- _; /',; r <' ~,("~ ~- " I ) / Ii J" f ./ ~ /./ . , ':: 1/ '/ll; ~~,:;f KA' iU:- 'n flU'::' n:; '/ # M<>>::~U'<,f/ / (> /:;p/< <' n/1 I ,.<WH /UJ v'y""'''/d/;:/ /I"/"""nl'"~__ ____ -------,J ii; ~ ;,J/ . '//;/ ',y .//;' '_/ '/ . "" ~ ~!, UU,/f/c;t-'-7:y //'/i'/j!;/;(;//y.lu/?:P?/--i/ '//-51# rz/ /h'// (Ii/ ~:>/- t: ;"////rY~ : ! ;..; !IJP.'/;:U//////'Y.Z-CZ::/7/L'--<.~. /. ,.rJ'.LL".tt //':7V/= ZJ/ZY c~ /",,/.cIv' ~/-1f:.~ L-'-;/2/C/>~.1 "j ~ //1<:'// nl/ J/!C';?/I/4,{/a7v;", dPlc:tb~ .L//I!//AYo d/ j~j?;.f/ ":-/.~/IA/%7~~ - 'I / / / ' -, ~/~ --r;h'-<, C :! r ~ , ( /J -, 4' ../ -",y, ;1 11' ii ii ,.: f?-!-tle/(< j>//#UiYrZ/ /M/'V-a/~/.:V":?XFZ,cb #/c"/ (!!L?N//j",C'';bLd ,r:Z-rZ/"'/O h'./, q ;.~ i.1 tf J ::l i ~. i[ ':;r.~, ~~11 (~.t//0~~<~1hz::7~-z-/,~//: " I Jt,t;yf!l ,]),< /ti:n.- (/ 67'- &;;-f 227 ,. '- ii !I ~:h'lUtk1f/ ~I/ 4/;r/ /f2J'<,r ~ u : d'ly iPdr (1nFH4fP/~IU'/ .. _ . ;1 .. t > r?Jl:uL/;U/UtYf~/W/! @'~cr4"/,' B 5 ~/tfdl1/-b;/tJffC42/(~?C:'11 1!/w:h;V ~t{/~/;ca'/ (;~nt( a-2YP~e~7a.,{ / 11 . II ,(..etZU.4W'/ kit:;? ~#-~2/z/~t:J @EPt/~&I/:a>~'~U7n-N/LC/~~/~ '! atr.'!~U!d~1'l?l./rwv1U'-d/ /0 # u:?/n# mdn/'/t:hPZ/ dtJ5.( // //t /c:l;?O d/ tJf2 ,i 11/ #/,/ ~ Vi ',-fUUV' ,7j -"i d t1 -:y.? 77-Z-; (/1 II (/ f 1/ ! ir~, ~Afi,lj ;1 ~j#1 /Ii/! pfi;-/lJ , ! / // / // /// H j ,7//:' ./ il f2?//ta {' I: /~4i.1'-1/ J : {/ 81/ r!J&tb:' Ii.. / ----, /! Ii 11'. I: :l // / ./ il ., / :'k?1 ,/ II :i II I; , il .__~ II. //