HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 09/04/1952
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
SeptenJber 4
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~The City Council of the City of Port Angeles met in regular session at 7:30 P.M. an:! was called to order by I
',~or Smith. Roll call of officers revealed..the following present: Mayor Smith, Councilman Powell,
,Councilmen Brown, NeeI'" Sandison, Wolfe and McFadden, City Manager Vergeer, Attorney Trumbull, an:! Clerk Law.
'It was moved by Councilman Brown that minutes of the previous meeting be accepted and approved as received.
.,Seconded by Councilman McFadden. All voted k;'e. Motion carried.
'Under the head of unfinished business, the hearing on L.I.D. No. 161, Lincoln Heights Sewer District, was
:opened. Elton Warren.at 607 South H Street informed theCouncU that he now has sewer service by connection
to trunk for wbi<:h he paid cost of installation. . Being the owner of Lot a, and the North half of Lots 9
'an:! 10, in Block 152, Townsite, '''ro. l'larren was not opposed to the improvement, but onJ,y protesting charge fOr
the two half lots which are already served. He asked to be relieved of further sewer assessments. It was
nbved by Councilman NeeI', that the. request for waiVer be. allowed. The motion was withdrawn. Attorney
Trumbull advised that according to Statutes, all property shall be included in the improvement for lateral
.'sewers although the matter should be. checked further to ascertain if assessments were previously paid.
~.anager Vergeer recommended that the request for exemption be recorded in the proceedings. It was then moved
by Councilman Wolfe that the. request for exemption be referred to the Attorney and Engineer to ascertain
I. the legality of eliminating assessments .on property included in a Local Improvement District. Motion
1 seconded by Councilman Bt'own and. carried. .
John W. Belongia, owner of Lots 18, 19, an:! ll.0, Block 128, also .informed that he is now connected with sewerl
having ins.talled his own lateral at cost of $463.00 and requested that he be relieved of paying further .
assessments alJ;hough not opposed to the improvement.. The request was ordered recorded, decision contingent
upon Attorney's findings.
Two oppositions to the District were filed. in writing as follows:
) Rose B. McCullock, South ~, Lots 9, 10, Blk. 152
Alta Mae McDonnell, Lots 1,2,3,4, Blk. 144
There being insufficient objections filed, it was moved by Councilman Brown that the attorney be instructed I
I to prepare an Ordinance creating the Improvement District, the SSllle to be introduced at the next meeting.
I Motion seconded by Councilman Wolfe and unanimously carried.
IPursuant to notices published, bids for purchase of Lets 11, 12, Blk. 152, Townsite, were received as
follows: Joseph M.. "eegan, $275.00. Alden T. Nelson, $302.00. It was moved by Councilman Wolfe that
the bid by Alden T. Nelson for $302.00 be accepted. Seconilled by Councilman Brown. All voted Aye. Motion
I carried.
'j Under the head of new business, request by James W. Spencer to purchase timber in the Morse Creek watershed
was discussed. A committee of Councilmen, also Health Inspector Morrison will inspect the timber and
I report at t~e next meeting.
tManager Vergeer read a letter of request for water service to property South of Highway 101, being outside
the City. As per fonner decision, the request could not be considered until all City consumers have
!adequate service or outside property is incorporated with the City.
,IRequests for approval of beverage license. transfers and renewals were as
I K and K Fine Food
I Safeway Stores, Inc.
I Parkway Grocery
fnternational Brotherhood, Pulp and Sulphite Paper Workers
M and C Tavern
Fleener's Grocery
Brickies · Place
Walter Akeley Post No. 29
Bailey's Grocery
Ol,ympic Distributing Co.
;Petition for extension of swwer in the alley between 115h and 12th Streets., from D Street to F Street was
filed for consideration by the Council. It was moved !!.y Councilman Wolfe that estina te of cost be obtained
land presented to the Council. Seconded by Councilwoman rowell. AU voted k;'e. Motion carried.
'Requests for appraisals to be filed on parcels of property were as follows: Lots 19 and 20, Blk. 150.
:Lot 3, Blk. 34. Lets 1 to 10 Incl., Blk. 434. Lots 11 to 18 Incl., Block 434. It was moved by Council-
,woman PO'.ell that the matter be talhled until the next meeting, thereby making possible, inspection of the
;property for proper appraisal. Motion'ssconded by Councilman Sandison and carried.
,The report of Police Judge Reynolds for the month of August, showing $2,341.00 fines collected, was approved
land ordered filed.
,The Attorney was questioned regarding proper procedure concerning the annexation of outlying territory to the
,City. Methods explained were as follows: Special election by petition signed by at least 20% of electors I
.in the territory, the same approved by the (;ouncil and filed with County Commissioners. Petition method, the
same to represent 75% of property on valuation basis, filed with Council, public hearing conducted and
'ordinance adopted providing for the annexation.
'IThe Port Angeles Savings and Loan Association and John Sandas filed written request for tax rebate in amount
of $136.20 paid on ten foot strip of land on West Front Street formerly owned by John Sandas and cileded to the
City to be used as thoroughfare.. Attorney Trumbull advised that the petition should be addressed to the County
Assessor. Also that the County has properly assessed the property as recorded in their records and cannot
~e rebate. It was moved by Councilman Brown that the request for rebate of $136.20 or any portion thereof
be refused. Seconded by Councilman Sandison. All voted Aye. Motion carried.
Under the head of introduction of resolutions, the following was introduced and read before the Council:
WHEREAS, it appears to the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, and said Council hereby finds, that
in the budget of the Street Department of said City, under the cass1fti:ation "lIoaintenance and Operation",
.there has been an excess appropriation under the item "Maintenance, Repair, Streets and Sidwalks". and a
deficiency in the item "Auto, Truck and Equipment Repair"; an:!
! WHEREAS, it 'i!i'thM- appears, and siad Council finds, that in the budget of the Engineering Department
of said City in the classification of "Salaries and Wages" there has been an excess appropriation in the
item "Duilding and Plumbing Inspector" and a deficiency in t he items "Engineer and Draftsman" and "Extra Labor",
and that the sum of $2,500.00 in said Street Department budget should be transferred from the item "Mainten-
,ance, Repair, Streets and Sidewalks'! to the item "Auto, Truck and Equil'llent Repair", and in said budget
,of the Engineering Department the sum of $190.00 should be transferred from the item "Building and Plumbing
,Inspector" to "Engineer and Draftsman", and the further sum of $2,585.00 should be transferred from the
item "Building and Plumbing .Inspector" to the item "Extra Labor"; an:!
I WHEREAS, all such transfers are hereby found to be within the same classiil cation in the respective
budgets; now, therefore,
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
SeptenJber 4
,.".. "".." '''H... ~"".". '''"no'. ..... ~
i BE IT RESOLVED by the q ty. Council of the City of Port Angeles that in the budget of the Street Depart-I'
ment of said City, under the classification of "Maintenance and Operation" there is hereby transferred
,the sum of $2,500.00 from the item "Maintenance, Repair, Sfreets and Sidewalks" to the item "Auto, Truck
and Equipment Repair"; and in the budget of the Engineering Department of said City, un:Ier the classifi- ,
cation "Salaries and Wages", there is hereby transferred the sum of ~190.oo from the item "Building an<l1 I
Plumbing IJIS~ctor" to the item "Engineer and Draftsman", and the sum of $2,585.00 from the item "Building
and Plumbing Inspector" to the item "EOCtra Labor".
It was moved by Councilman Brown that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by
Councilwoman Powell. All voted k;'e. Motion carried.
On reconunen<l1ation by "'anager Ve'rgeer the meeting was recessed for ,30 minut'es pending completion of copies
of the preliminary budget for 1953, as revised by direction of the council at an informal budget meeting
held on August 25th.
Budget copies having. been completed, the Council considered each Fund individually and alterations if al\Y,
which were necessary. The Library Memorial. Fund was discussed, and there being insufficient funds for
jbuilding construction, the Manager was instructed to contact the Library Board and ascertain if there is a
specific purpose for use of the fund. .
After further checking and consideration of each budget item, it was moved by CounCilman McFadden that the
!City }'anager be instructed to make necessary changes in the. Police Department budget, and that the
preliminary budget be. tentatively approved as corrected., }lotion seconded by Councilman Wolfe. All
'memllrs voted Aye. Motion carried. .
No further business appearing, the meeting was declared adjourned.
Q. e. :Z~.
U City Clerk