HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 09/04/1979CITY COUNCIL MEETING
Port Angeles, Washington
September 4, 1979
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Haguewood at 7:30 P.M.
Mayor Haguewood, Councilmen Anderson, Boardman, Buck,
Duncan, Hordyk, Wray.
Manager Whorton, Attorney Miller, Deputy Clerk Caso.
J. Honnold, D. Frizzell, M. Cleland, R. Orton, D. Flodstrom,
A. Rose, E. Johnston, P. Carr.
Brady, J. Sobieck, R. Black, H. Pollard, A.
Fahnestock. G. Plute, L. & G. Thomson, M. Thomas,
Brocato, W. Quasi.
Councilman Buck moved the Council accept and place on file as received the
minutes of the August 21 and 28, 1979 meetings. The motion was seconded by
Councilman Hordyk and carried.
Mr. Tom Brocato addressed the Council to express his dissatisfaction with not
being able to secure a business license permit to operate an arts and craft stand
during Derby Days. Manager Whorton explained Mr. Brocato's situation to the
Council, noting that the Derby Days Committee declined to sponsor Mr. Brocato
which is a requirement of the "Exhibitor" license. Mayor Haguewood then informed
Mr. Brocato of the special Council meeting scheduled for Tuesday, September 25th
during which the proposed business license ordinance will be discussed, and in-
vited Mr. Brocato to attend.
Mayor Haguewood reviewed the project descriptions and costs for the
Six Year Comprehensive Street Program, and opened the public hearing
for comments or questions from the audience. Subjects discussed in-
cluded a signalization project at the intersection of 8th and Peabody,
improvements to Race Street and "L" Street, repair of the street damage
caused by the Courthouse construction, and the need for widening Cherry
Street. There were no further comments and the public hearing was closed.
Mayor Haguewood then introduced and read in full Resolution No. 29-79
declaring "that the City has reviewed its Six Year Comprehensive Street
Program and has filed a copy of this program with the Director of High-
ways of the State of Washington. Councilman Hordyk then moved the
Council adopt the Resolution as read in full by Mayor Haguewood. The
motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and carried.
Mayor Haguewood read the Certification of Final Assessment Amounts, and
the Certification of Mailing of Notices of Final Assessments for LID
No. 201, as submitted by City Engineer Andrew Rose, and opened the
public hearing for comments from the audience.
September 4, 1979
1. Cont.
During the discussion which followed, Public Works Director Flodstrom
and various property owners in the LID area discussed several issues
which the property owners felt should be resolved. Mr. Gordon Plute
requested the Public Works Department regrade his driveway; Mr. Gordon
Thomson suggested that property owners be notified if their property
will be below street level following an LID, and requested speed re- '
ducing devices in the area of "E" and "F" Streets; Mr. Harry Pollard
commented on his assessment and questioned returning his lot to its
original condition; and Ms. Ann Guthrie questioned how the property
assessments were set, and if the LID contractor was penalized for the
delay in completion of the project. There were no further comments
and the public hearing was closed.
Tt is noted for the record that protests from three property owners
were filed with the City Clerk totaling $13,766.33 and representing
3.3$ of the total amount spread on the assessment roll.
Mayor Haguewood then introduced and read by title Ordinance No. 2042
Ordinance No. 2042
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles,
Washington, approving and confirming the
assessments and the assessment roll in
Local Improvement District No. 201 for
the construction of certain improvements
within the city and levying and assessing
the amounts thereof against certain prop-
erty as shown on said assessment roll. ,
Councilman Buck moved the Council adopt the foregoing Ordinance as
read by title by Mayor Haguewood. The motion was seconded by Council-
man Hordyk. During discussion on the motion, Attorney Miller pointed
out that a percentage rate needed to be inserted on page 2, line 6 of
Section 2, and suggested the line be amended to read "at a rate not to
exceed that permitted by law." Councilman Buck then amended his motion
to include that page 2, line 6 of Section 2 be changed to "at a rate not
to exceed that permitted by law." The amendment to the motion was
seconded by Councilman Hordyk and on call for the question, the motion
as amended was passed unanimously by the Council.
A motion was made by Councilman Hordyk, seconded by Councilman Wray and
carried unanimously to approve payment of $37,433.20 to J.D. Shotwell
Co., Tacoma, as the retained percentage on LID No. 201, 16th and "E"
Streets, and accept the project as complete.
C. L.I.D. No. 202: 5th and Evans Street
Mayor Haguewood read the Certification of Final Assessment Amount and
the Certification of Mailing of Notices of Final Assessment for LID No.
202, 5th and Evans Street, as submitted by City Engineer Andrew Rose,
and opened the public hearing for comments from the audience. Mr.
Richard Black, of 2104 West 4th Street, then questioned Public Works
Director Flodstrom in regard to the amount of his assessment. Mr. ,
Flodstrom and City Engineer Rose both confirmed as correct the amount
Mr. Black was assessed for his lot. There were no further comments
and the public hearing was closed.
It is noted for the record that no written protests were filed with the
City Clerk prior to the public hearing.
September 4, 1979
1. Cont.
Mayor Haguewood then introduced and read by title Ordinance No. 2043
Ordinance No. 2043
AN ORDINANCE of the City o£ Port Angeles,
Washington, approving and confirming the
assessments and the assessment roll in
Local Improvement District No. 202 for
the construction of certain improvements
within the city and levying and assessing
the amounts thereof against certain prop-
erty as shown on said assessment roll.
Councilman Wray then moved the Council adopt the foregoing Ordinance
as read by title by Mayor Haguewood, with an amendment to page 2, line
6 which reads "at a rate not be exceed that permitted by law." The
motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and carried unanimously.
Councilman Wray then moved the Council approve payment of $5,569.23
to J.D. Shotwell Co., Tacoma, as the retained percentage on LID No.
202, and accept the project as complete. The motion was seconded by
Councilman Duncan and carried unanimously.
D. Peterson/DelGuzzi Annexation
This agenda item was left on the table.
' Councilman Anderson moved the Council accept and place on file the Planning
Commission minutes of August 22, 1979. The motion was seconded by Councilman
Duncan and carried.
Mayor Haguewood introduced and read by title Resolution No. 30--79 entitled,
Resolution No. 30-79 N0.30-79
- . A RESOLUTION of the City
of Porl Angeles seNing °
A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles hearing date for a petition to
setting a hearing date for a petition to vacate the cost/west OII@y in f
Block 69, TPA. I
vacate the east/west alley in Block 69, WHEREAS, the owners of
TPA. I Interests in real estate
abutting upon the eostlwest
alley in Block 69, TPA, have 1
Councilman Buck moved the Council adopt the foregoing R filed ° periuon with she Gry
i Clerk to make vacation of
by title by Mayor Haguewood, setting a public hearing d said alley; and
1979 for consideration of this petition, and refer the WHEREAS, said petition
appears to hove been signed
Planning Commission for a recommendation. The motion w by the owner of more than
Councilman Wray and carried. two-thirds of the property
abutting upon sold alley
soughlto be vacated;
Mayor Haguewood introduced and read by title Resolution ANGELES os follows:
Section 1. The pefitkon to ~.
make such vacation shall be
Resolution NO. 31-79 heard anti determined by this
Council not more than sixty
(60) days nor less than twenty
A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles (20) days hereaher, to-wit: on
settin a hearin date for a etition to the 2nd day of October, 1979.
g 9 P Sec);on 2. The Gty Clerk is
vacate a portion o€ Vine Street abutting 'hereby directed to give
Block 6, Pu et SOUnd CO-O EratiVe COlOn ' s twenty (20) days notice of the t
g P y pendency of said petition I
Second Addition to Port Angeles. ~ according to the provisions of ~
N _ __ _ - RCW 35.79.020.
o o m y ~^ t `o d m a~ M m c ~- c n7 c >b ~~~ o m .+ >> c ~ m m c •~ PASSED by the Council of
U ptc~ ~'~a° om~omr oe OCL t~o uo: ~L zc aP-.>t.0° c= of the City of Port Angeles this
m c o a o N o ° mt a ° ._ ~- Q~ mwZO c_ r~N m_PY ~I _ N ^ o. lthdayolSeprember, 1979. i
t~=a•ocio cm wumic=o'^ n'"m°oamOa. °N.ac;3-voma.~ ~vay; Samuel J. Haguewood,
Z ,°, m Y 3- a m ~Q 3> m c o at ~ -uw v o c o d o m ~ MAYOR
{ o, o o. v m o o c rA-r c c m ° a w m c ro s o- >.~ ~- >
~n oco? m>>c-om'- mmE m a>o: O' a°c-z .A- ~~O V °c'mo ATTEST:
o-~ c a ~c> ~ aOw o~- ~
~~~Ou~'-rng~ = coo oa°'Eo NmoLi~w~y oLO£ou+~ ~mc,°~~ is Ey Marian C. Parrish,
FF ONOj a«n~n~ ~u,-'ru aoa °vocP~}~o~ omE-°101m~~do',rsd $ay City Clerk
wZ~¢ o - °Q o o m~0 0-~ viz c ms=mu „ >~- o a o - _v o °s~a. m ° APPROVED AS TO FORM:
m O t-°~o „Q„ m= vs- 6p3 >j`W °-F„v~croa"Or>.rn°'oo-E Craig L. Miller,
~`ocm°~~mwy_c co,~o~mm w~mr m'"3>~~~~°-oo'~~>-^ c~ui ~n=a.`^ City Attorney
a•c°a=oex ~a_"'u® =oc umv'v„n ~ m ~wVO Pub.;Septembe4~979
Q ovao~m3mS-o9m r m- m00 t9mr ° mvcv V Q '°
ua-om° c~s°ova~~~3QTOA~+zWwz'ao°ma'oom'"mma`~ ~dmt
or >NNUfQ ._° 3 ,oat 3 Y.- ~-O~'a~._-
ouQ.cuoo a.a~v sOQ Etv-_-~~ r-aox v Q~tJQt~va'~
September 4, 1979
1. Cont.
Mayor Haguewood then introduced and read by title Ordinance No. 2043
Ordinance No. 2043
' AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles,
Washington, approving and confirming the
assessments and the assessment roll in
T,ocal Improvement District No. 202 for
the construction of certain improvements
within the city and levying and assessing
the amounts thereof against certain prop-
erty as shown on said assessment roll.
Councilman Wray then moved the Council adopt the foregoing Ordinance
as read by title by Mayor Haguewood, with an amendment to page 2, line
6 which reads "at a rate not be exceed that permitted by law." The
motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and carried unanimously.
Councilman Wray then moved the Council approve payment of $5,569.23
to J.D. Shotwell Co., Tacoma, as the retained percentage on LID No.
202, and accept the project as complete. The motion was seconded by
Counci]man Duncan and carried unanimously.
D. Peterson/DelGuzzi Annexation
This agenda item was left on the table.
Councilman Anderson moved the Council accept and place on file the Planning
Commission minutes of August 22, 1979. The motion was seconded by Councilman
Duncan and carried.
Mayor Haguewood introduced and read by title Resolution No. 30-79 entitled,
Resolution No. 30-79 No.30-79
. A RESOLUTION of ti>• City
of Port Angeles setting a
A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles hearing date for a petition to
setting a hearing date for a petition to vacate the east/west a11ry in
Block 69, TPA.
VdCate the east/west alley in Block 69, WHEREAS, the owners of
TPA. interests in -real estate
abutting upon the east/west
alley in Block 69, TPA, have
Councilman Buck moved the Council adopt the foregoing filed a petition with the city
b title b Ma or Ha uewood settin a ublic hearin d Clerk to make vacation of
Y Y Y g r g P 4 said alley; and
1979 for consideration of this petition, and refer the WHEREAS, said petition
appears to hove been signed
Planning Commission for a recommendation. The motion w by me owner of more than
Councilman Wray and carried. two thirds of the property
abutting upon said alley
sought to be vacated:
Mayor Haguewood introduced and read by title Resolution ANGELES mslollows:
Section 1, The petition tv
make such vacation shall be
Resolution NO. 31-79 heard and determined by this
Council not more than sixty
(60) days nor less than twenty
A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles (20)doyshereafter,to~wit:on
settin a hearin date for a etition to the Ind day of Octmber, 1979.
9 g P Section 2. The City Clerk is
vacate a portion of Vine Street abutting 'hereby directed to give
twenty (20) days notice of the
B10Ck Ei, Puget Sound Co-operative Colony's pendency of said petition
Second Addition t0 POrt Angeles. according to the provisions of t
_ RCW 35 F79.020. i
o o ~ m!^'- `o m oar m c ~- v c >.v ~~i- o m ~ >rc ~ m m c- ~ ~~ - ~ Council of 111
` t~ mc> m~a N o m~ c mr o s o m a t a .- u~ ~r x c ova".>~ o o uL ~O .ngeles this
4 ~ c~
z ~ ~ a' o m mv+N m rnr ° a •0 °~- o,^ mm~LL °_ o x-m 3 ~O-~ `m mom o rn 3Q ber.1979.
°„ m° a u o c m v~° 3 i m a c` a o V O = „'° a ; -v o a a;N ~ m ~ m g ~ laguewood,
~Q o• o N o cY ~ o a5 m'aa c m c m E a mw~vQ ~i .nt dr o °~ ~'' ro o V a'm` O1 O MAYOR
ai$_ c m>a c ~ o~> ~a m amOW .°_~ r ~ o~ c'- cam= o• i
~ 2 y 'moo m 0 o... rs x a m ,~ m v ~ a mQ E~ O n
=t':Omo mom.. r c~u oaO°~-Eo m o ~'~~-}-i$~o mm m s~m~ L r-
al" a C m~ O V m ~ ` ~C F-H m m OOL V >` r
0Q~ mO.~a„O ~Gy QOa am OC WTI-.r0 ayE-m..-ya.~ n>a Gm ~
mZ.~Qco ~o< Q'-moma m-z NLO oatFmV N- a-`o m>ar; ~-~ooO~aNV i Qu FORM:
~ O~O)a OV W~~~6C mYm WOO'C~~ OWN NLCCL~ ~a (CtVU~tP.O WOG Y~~`a
a d G O~ C O m= ~' ~ n~~ V m S a L L ~ N 3~~ J u m~ ~ -a ~ r 0~ >. m v~ N~ p'" ~ a m Q ~ O N
ou~~om3m5~o~-m r m~ m00 l9m~cc mm~~o Qvv w._Vxo~Q.. t~979
os oN~n vrQ cpa'oap=`~3°o.a.°; .n'mZWLLZNOd O•~pNLN V;mvva mr ~`a~y'e Z'~
oVQsvoo o.a.-on cOQ SzV..._.- r~aoo: ..v QFvQVVa~-
September 4, 1979
4. Cont.
Councilman Buck moved the Council adopt the foregoing Resolution as read
by title by Mayor Haguewood, setting a public hearing date of October 2,
1979 for consideration of this petition, and refer the petition to the
Planning Commission for a recommendation. The motion was seconded by
Councilman Hordyk and carried.
Mayor Haguewood introduced and read by title Resolution No. 32-79 entitled,
Resolution No. 32-79
A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles
providing for informal bidding procedures
for purchases of materials and supplies
with a cost of between $2,000 and $4,000.
Councilman Wray moved the Council adopt the foregoing Resolution as read
by title by Mayor Haguewood. The motion was seconded by Councilman Duncan.
During discussion on the motion, Attorney Miller briefly reviewed the in-
tent of the proposed Resolution, which is to create procedures by which
certain smaller purchases may occur without using the formal bidding pro-
cedures. What is dispensed with is the necessity for advertisement and
opening of bids in regard to these smaller purchases. On call for the
question, the motion was passed by the Council.
This agenda item was left on the table.
Mayor Haguewood read in full a PROCLAMATION proclaiming the week of
September 17 through 23, 1979 as Constitution Week.
Mr. Leo Sunny addressed the Covncil in regard to the need for public restrooms
in future local shopping centers, and suggested an Ordinance be adopted to re-
strict the use of burning barrels within the City.
Mr. Werner Quest addressed the Council to request that attention be given to
Front and Penn Streets and the problems developing with the various entrances
and exits.
Councilman Wray moved the Council accept the items listed under the Consent Agenda
including Vouchers Payable of $319,643.77 and Payroll of $139,796.35 and $140,621.44
The motion was seconded by Councilman Duncan and carried. Items listed under the
Consent Agenda are as follows: '
1. Authorize payment of $18,180.34 to Pacific Construction as the first
progress payment for cleaning, grubbing and grading work on. the City's
Corporation Yard.
2. Notification has been received from the Washington State Liquor Control
Board of a class E, F license renewal for Tradewell Stores, 1016 E. First
September 4, 1979
Mayor Haguewood introduced and read by title Resolution No. 33-79 entitled,
Resolution No. 33-79
A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles
' creating a small works roster, for con-
tracts of $20,000 or less.
Councilman Buck moved the Council adopt the foregoing Resolution as read
by title by Mayor Haguewood. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk
and carried.
Mayor Haguewood read a letter from Mr. William Fitch, Executive Secretary
for the Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council, informing the Council that
EFSEC has received an application for site certification approval from the
Trans Mountain Oil Pipe Line Corporation. A portion of this proposed pipe-
line route would cross through Port Angeles, and the letter requested that
the Council consider appointment of a representative to serve on the Energy
Facility Site Evaluation Council during consideration of the Trans Mountain
During discussion on Mr. Fitch's request, Attorney Miller briefly explained
the time demands which can be expected by a representative to EFSEC. Mayor
Haguewood then directed the Council members to think about a representative
to EFSEC and the matter will be discussed at the next regular Council meeting.
Councilman Buck then moved the Council direct Attorney Miller to seek inter-
venor status in the Trans Mountain site certification application. The
' motion was seconded by Councilman Boardman and carried.
1. Councilman Hordyk: Commented that he has seen numerous sandwich signs on
City sidewalks. Questioned Public Works Director Flodstrom about enforce-
ment of Ordinance No. 1225 which prohibits obstruction of alleys and side-
walks by trees, shrubs, etc.
2. Mayor Haguewood: Acknowledged and thanked all those involved in the Salmon
Derby and Derby Days.
3. Councilman Wray: Noted that the Milwaukee Railroad line is still in good
condition and suggested a "pleasure" train be run from Port Angeles to Port
Townsend. Commended the fast action of the Fire Department in answering calls.
4. Councilman Anderson: Discussed the Badmaiton Club's use of the Roosevelt
gymnasium with Parks Director Frizzell. -
5. Manager Whorton: Informed the Council that the Community Action Council
is working on a program for 75 additional housing units for the low income
elderly. In order to proceed with the application a joint public hearing
must be held between the City Council and the County Commissioners, and
Manager Whorton suggested the public hearing be held during the October
' 2, 1979 regular Council meeting.. Councilman Buck then moved the Council
direct staff to facilitate a joint public hearing between the City and
County on October 2, 1979 in regard to housing for the elderly. The
motion was seconded by Councilman Wray and carried.
Informed the Council that the Downtown Development Group has requested a
work session with the Council to discuss their plans for improvement of
the downtown area, Mayor Haguewood directed Manager Whorton to check into
a date for the work session and notify the Council.
September 4, 1979
6. Attorney Miller: Updated the Council on the status of the weenie wagon's
lawsuit against the City.
The meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.M.
Cv .
City Clerk