HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 09/04/1984 I I I CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington September 4, 1984 I CALL TO ORDER Mayor Duncan called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. II ROLL CALL Members Present: Mayor Duncan, Councilmen Gerberding, Haguewood, Hordyk, Schermer, Quast, Whidden. Members Absent: None. Staff Present: Manager Flodstrom, Attorney Knutson, Deputy Clerk Anderson, P. Carr, M. Cleland, R. Saville, J. Marsh, M. Campbell, J. Pittis, R. Orton, T. Sterner. Public Present: F. & F. Carr, R. Gans, C. & M. Beutler, E. Anderson, C. Nenow, B. Gibson, D:Brewer, D. Price, G. & A. Langebartel. III MINUTES Councilman Hordyk moved the Council accept and place on file as received the minutes of the August 21, .1984, meeting. Councilman Whidden seconded and the motion carried. IV CONSENT AGENDA Councilman Hordyk moved the Council accept the items listed under the Consent Agenda including (1) Payment to Michael Tapps (Waterfront Trail Logo work) $550; (2) Request permission to call for bids on overhauling of City Light aerial manlift; (3) Payment to Economic Development Council for administration work on Community Development Block Grant, $594.61; (4) Cor- respondence from Washington State Liquor Control Board; and (5) Vouchers of $871.966.67, and Payroll of $197,932.95 and $209,315.31. Councilman Gerberding seconded the motion. Councilman Quast noted that Item No. 6 on the Consent Agenda indicated payroll but did not indicate the amount. Manager Flodstrom noted that the amount was included on the voucher Approval List but not on the Consent Agenda. councilman Quast inquired regarding the expenditure of $594.61 to the EDC in the administration of the Community Development Block Grant. City Planner Carr explained the basis for the costs incurred. Councilman Quast asked if the funds would be expended from the General Fund. City Planner Carr stated that the City would be able to keep the money already paid out toward the project if the expenditures were proper and legal, in the unfortunate event that the project did not continue. Councilman Quast also discussed with staff the Port Angeles Waterfront Trail Logo. It was decided to use a statewide shoreline public access logo in conjunction with the Port Angeles Water- front Trail Logo. Councilman Quast instructed staff to obtain a copyright for the Port Angeles Waterfront Trail Logo. On call for the question, the motion to approve the Consent Agenda carried. V FINANCE 1. Progress Payment of $7,559 authorized on Blue Water View LID No. 206 to J. B. Excavating Councilman Quast moved to authorize payment of $7,559 to J. B. Excavating. Councilman Schermer seconded. Following discussion, on call for the question, the motion carried, with Councilman Gerberding voting "No" because of cost overruns. 2. Progress Payment Authorized to Lakeside Industries on Race Street Project Councilman Whidden moved to authorize payment to Lakeside Industries in the amount of $52,993.44. Mayor Duncan noted that there was a discrepancy in the amount listed on the agenda. Councilman Quast seconded, following clarification on the correct amount. The motion carried. 197 198 CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 4, 1984 3. Release of Retainage Authorized to o. M. Hendrickson for Vern Burton Memorial Community Center Reroof Councilman Whidden moved to authorize release of retainage of $2,291 to O. M. Hendrickson for work completed on the Vern Burton Memorial Community Center reroof. Councilman Gerberding seconded. Following discussion, on call for the question, the motion carried. VI ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE TO BE PLACED ON THE AGENDA None. ITEMS FROM THE CITY COUNCIL TO BE PLACED ON THE AGENDA Councilman Hordyk: Discussion of Parking Ordinance. Councilman Quast added Item No. 13, Discussion of Weed Control on Vacant Lots Within the City; Item No. 14, Discussion of Pedestrian Crossings on one-way Streets; Item No. IS, Decision on Brochure. VII LEGISLATION 1. Certificate Presented for Dick Anderson - Retirement from Planning Commission Mayor Duncan reviewed the many accomplishments of the Planning Commission during Dick Anderson's years of service from January 20, 1976, through May 2, 1984. She then presented a Certificate to Mrs. Anderson on Dick's behalf . 2. Conditional Use Permit - St. Matthew's Lutheran Church Pre-School - Motion Renewed, Conditional Use Permit Granted Councilman Schermer abstained from participating in this portion of the meeting and stepped down, leaving the meeting room. Following clarification from Attorney Knutson, Councilman Gerberding moved to renew the previous motion to deny the Conditional Use Permit in order to state findings of fact. Councilman Whidden seconded for the sake of dis- cussion. Councilmen Gerberding and Whidden voted "Aye", with Councilmen Haguewood and Hordyk voting "No". Councilmen Quast and Schermer abstained. Mayor Duncan cast an "Aye" vote to break the tie. The motion carried. Pastor Nenow of St. Matthew's Church addressed the Council, presenting material requesting the Council's reconsideration on denial of the Condi- tional Use Permit. Clarence Fidler then addressed the Council, speaking in opposition to the Conditional Use Permit. Dave Brewer of 111 East 13th, who lives directly across the street from the proposed pre-school, spoke in support of the Conditional Use Permit. Amy Meisner of 113 East l3th, a resident of the area, also spoke in favor of the Conditional Use Permit. Robert Ganz, a property manager from Sequim, addressed the Council opposing the Conditional Use Permit, indicating that it may cause creeping commer- cialism. Jerry Cornell, a resident of Eighth Street, addressed the Council. Mr. Cornell indicated that he was not speaking as a member of the Planning Commission but as a parent of a former student of the pre-school. He spoke in support of the Conditional Use Permit. Debbie Leonard of 320 Lopez addressed the Council. Mrs. Leonard lives across the street from another church and stated that she has had numerous problems with cars parking in front of her driveway, prohibiting her from leaving her residence during church functions. The Council discussed with Pastor Nenow at length the possibility of off- loading children in the Church parking lot; the possibility of making the alley a one-way alley going west; future plans of the Church regarding expansion of the pre-school, or the possible addition of grade school. Pastor Nenow indicated that should the Church decide in the future to establish a grade school, it would attempt to obtain property on Lincoln Street. He stated that it was not likely that a grade school would be developed. He indicated that enrollment of 15 students was all the Church was interested in achieving. The Council discussed with P~stor Nenow the purpose for the sign. He stated that the sign was for identification of the facility as a Christian pre-schOOl. Councilman Hordyk stated that the pre-school should remain in the Church facility in order to maintain the residential neighborhood. Pastor Nenow stated that there were far better facilities in the house. I I I I I I CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 4, 1984 Following further discussion and clarification from the City Attorney on proper procedure, the Council instructed Deputy Clerk Anderson to read the renewed motion, as follows: Councilman Hordyk moved to deny the request for the Conditional Use Permit with Councilman Haguewood seconding. Fol- lowing further discussion and clarification, Councilman Hordyk moved to call for the question. Councilman Haguewood seconded. The motion carried. The motion to deny the Conditional Use Permit failed, with Councilmen Hordyk and Haguewood voting "Aye" and Councilmen Gerberding, Quast and Whidden voting "No". Councilman Schermer abstained. Councilman Quast then stated that based on the objection of some residents, Councilman Hordyk's motion to deny the Conditional Use Permit would be justified. However, new evidence had been presented at this meeting that an equal number of residents in the area approve of the pre-school. He then moved to grant the Conditional Use Permit, subject to the following conditions: (1) That a floor plan be submitted for review by the Public Works Department; (2) That a dry chemical fire extinguisher be installed, address numbers be provided, and the pre-school be in compliance with Chapter 212-62 WAC) (3) That the size of the sign be restricted to one square foot; (4) That all parking be off-street parking; (5) That the City be notified of any changes of ownership and that this permit shall be considered void if ownership changes from the Church to a privately owned organization; (6) That there be no fencing of the front half of the prop- erty; (7) That the City be notified of any structural alterations and approval be obtained; (8) That there be an average enrollment of 15 pupils, with no class larger than 20 pupils, with an age limit of 6 years; (9) That the alley between 13th and 14th Streets be a one-way alley going from east to west) (lO) That parents be encouraged to load and off-load children in the alley and the Church parking lot; (11) That if the school should expand in the future, additional off-street parking be required. Councilman Gerberding seconded the motion. Following discussion with staff, Council- man Quast added Condition No. 12: That the proponent pay for the necessary signs for the one-way alley (signs to be installed by the City). Council- man Quast cited the following findings of fact: (A) The site and general layout of the site are satisfactory for a pre-school) (B) A pre-school is both compatible with the surrounding use and desirable in a residential area; (C) The site is located in proximity to a public park and playground. Following further discussion, on call for the question, the motion carried with Councilmen Quast, Gerberding and Whidden voting "Aye"; Councilmen Hordyk and Haguewood voting "No"; and Councilman Schermer abstaining. MrS. Frances Carr then addressed the Council to express her appreciation for the Council's time and concern in dealing with this matter. Councilman Quast then moved for a three-minute recess. Councilman Whidden seconded and the motion carried. Mayor Duncan called the meeting back to order at approximately 9:05 P.M. 3. Public Hearing Set for Consideration of Amendments to State Environmental Policy Act Regulations Councilman Schermer moved to instruct staff to prepare the Ordinance and set a public hearing for September 18, 1984, for consideration of amend- ments to State Environmental Policy Act Regulations. Councilman Gerberding seconded and the motion carried. 4. Public Hearing Set to Declare Equipment and Property Surplus Councilman Hordyk moved to set a public hearing for September 18, 1984, to declare nine pieces of City equipment surplus. Councilman Whidden seconded. Upon request of Manager Flodstrom, Councilman Hordyk added the discussion of declaring property located at 1105 South Race Street surplus to the same public hearing. On call for the question, the motion carried. 5. Acceptance of Work on Blue Water View LID No. 206 Councilman Quast asked Public Works Director Pitt is if everything was ironed out with the LID. Public Works Director Pittis stated that once the Council accepted the work on the LID, it set into motion releases from the Department of Revenue, the Department of Labor & Industries, etc. 199 200 CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 4, 1984 Councilman Quast then moved to approve and accept the work of J. B. Excavat- ing on Blue Water View LID No. 206~ Councilman Schermer seconded and the motion carried. 6. Public Hearing Set to Discuss Block Grant Application Councilman Quast moved to concur with staff's recommendation to pursue a 1985 Community Development Block Grant application for the sidewalk project and to set a public hearing for September 18, 1984, to discuss the Block Grant application. Councilman Whidden seconded and the motion carried. 7. Funding Authorized for City's Share of Traffic Safety School I Following discussion with staff, Councilman Gerberding moved to authorize an additional appropriation of $2,837 for 1981, 1983, and 1984 allocations to the County Traffic School. Councilman Schermer seconded. Councilman Quast suggested that the agreement be reopened for negotiations for the 1985 Budget. Councilman Gerberding concurred that the authorization for appropriation would be for this year only. On call for the question, the motion carried. 8. Participation in Washington Public Utilities I Intervention Group Authorized - Mayor Authorized to Sign Contracts Following discussion with City Light Director Saville, Councilman Quast moved to approve expenditure not to exceed $10,714 for participation in the Western Public Utilities' Group and authorize the Mayor to sign contracts with the legal firm of Williams, Novack and Hansen, and the economic consulting firm of Economic and Engineering Services, Inc. Councilman Gerberding seconded and the motion carried. 9. Ordinance Adopted Allowing City Clerk, City Light Director, and City Light Conservation Manager to Sign Satisfaction of Mortgage Forms ORDINANCE NO. 2310 I Mayor Duncan read the Ordinance by title, entitled ORDINANCE NO. 23W-- AN ORDINANCE of the City j of Port Angeles authorizing ~~~t~:~n~l~i~ fji~ht l~:~s~;: ! vat ion Manager to sign forms fa satisfy mortgages , placed on properties belong- ing to homeowners who par- ~~~a;:roi~nt~~:stC~~~~ :;~~~ dential Weatherization ~~i~~r;:t SPA has offered l1omeowners with outstand. ing loons, executed under the Pilot Residential Wea. therization Program and :hermer moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title. Council- ~~loW;~:h:~:za~~:~ p~~~l;ae;: ~conded. The motion carried, with Councilman Quast abstaining, the o~portunity to "cosh-out" ~he consti tutionali ty of BPA I S decision to forgive a portion of ~~i;~ ~~~~i:~~~:r ~~a~~ig~f ation loans. the loan in lieu of 0 full re- payment when interest in the property changes; and WHEREAS. pursuant to this ~~~r ~f U~O~~g~g~~or~~jS~aoC; :oncurred to set a Utility Advisory Committee meeting for __--' ~:~~ ~la~~Si~;ett~~r~~~:~ jh at 5:00 P.M. to discuss new electric service charges, OWllers' properties; and c ~ 5.] WHEREAS, these forms are q ~ g ~ ~ ~ 8 }q ~ tJlO: .~~. - ~ currently being signed by ~ ~ ~ 'j, ~ :!. ~ ~ ~ ~ B~' , the Mayor and the City ~ oO.~ Clerk; H!l:i ~g~NC~rE~~~~EE ~7iyC~~ .:: Gl: ~ ~ ~l PORT ANGELES DOES OR- ~ ~ l'~. ~t ~~~o~S ~~1I~t:: City Clerk, 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ M'~~ a.f~ City Light Director and City r--. ;;; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ C"(.c( i.:; gJ Ligl1t Conservation Manager ci t: 1O).f arl are hereby authorized and Z ~ ~lD1 dlrilicted to sign properly .~ '0 ~~~ ~:!r~~;~ ~~/~~ac~~~~e:~ ~ .~: a October I. 1984, and March C u ~i 31. 1985. for outstanding I 0::.1 0.. loan executed under the 0: E! ~ BPA PIlot ReSIdential Wea. ~ Ql S therlzatlon Program end ~ ~ ~ _ Zero Interest loon Reslden. :,2 :: c .~. tiol Weatherization Program. ~ 2:E ~ PASSED by the City Council o c ~<l of the City of Port Angeles o-a.$ 01 at a regular meeting of said >.:;: -::: Council held on the 4tl1 day . ~ &..5 q- of $epJ~~~~;~~~~n, -Mayor- -~ ATTEST: Merri A. lannoye City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Craig D. Knutson City Attorney Pub,: Sept, 14. 1984. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles authorizing the City Clerk, City Light Director and City Light Conservation Manager to sign forms to satisfy mortgages placed on properties belonging to home- owners who participated in the City's Pilot and Zero Interest Loan Residential Weatherization Programs. dvisory Committee Meeting Set for September 11th at 5:00 PM ~~~~~~~c.? ..o..<riIl'iNOIl'i -------..~ o _ 0 ~~ '- E:~ E C C"-- E 15 1: 8.~~ ~z~g_ ~~ ~~~~~o~c. ~-VE .~ ~!!!_So .!~~1iIE ~~ ~;;; ~ e-5 ~~~.E ~ g.~ g g ~ ';.0 .0 5.~ 5 ~ 0 ~ ~ ii ~.2 ~ ~ ]-~~I~~~~~~~~ ~ ~~~&~~~&g ~~ ~ ~ ~~~~;~~~1 ~.g ~ Q' ~ g ~~~:g1~~ }~ c w~. ~ N.~~o3.~foo ~~ ~ ~ S ~g6J:~g~ ~ g ~ ~ ~:~$ ~c~ C1l~O~ '=6 ~ 0 oo-.;:oo.....E~l'-c (; mE cg ~ ~Jro.3i~o~~u~ 0 -0 ~ ~ 62~1~l3~:.z~~ <~ ~ ~ &~e~:g 0 e2 ~~u 2 .... ~1 ~~i ~~[12rg5 ~ G 1~ ~1 ~~~:o81 j ~ Ii it ;H:j~HHj~ ~ .( ~~~ Nl] ~~.g] ~~~E~' ~ ~~ ~~ .g.~~~: -=~1]~2 $ ~ l~ ~~ ~iij~ ~ ~j-E~~} -... ~ ~ "- :-.... G' I .. c- ~~~~~~~ :! 2~~~;;;~~vf;; ~ 2 :E;;: o.~ . ~':~ oi. >-a- 'E < ;:!- ~-tS~i ~~~~~ ~5~3~ 200 CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 4, 1984 Councilman Quast then moved to approve and accept the work of J. B. Excavat- ing on Blue Water View LID No. 206. Councilman Schermer seconded and the motion carried. 6. Public Hearing Set to Discuss Block Grant Application Councilman Quast moved to concur with staff's recommendation to pursue a 1985 Community Development Block Grant application for the sidewalk project and to set a public hearing for September 18, 1984, to discuss the Block Grant application. Councilman Whidden seconded and the motion carried. .SO::l 'paad~ s"SjOOlfM ~ Authorized for Cl.ty I s Share of Traffic Safety School a~IIjM 4~IM sa.Jl~ U!OJJ6t t liD JOI.J91Ul 4tOlJ AOJ6 uss~on W1 th staff, Councilman Gerberding moved to authorize 11I"d titMJ~~4~~4Z8;'~ appropriation of $2,837 for 1981, 1983, and 1984 allocations . .... O^"Ploo4M,nojPUD Traffic School. Councilman Schermer seconded. Councilman peed5' ~ 'W;t/wv 'slee"iM d that the agreement be reopened for negotl.ations for the ~~~I~~:II,j~J~~~ ~~~t~ ~ Councilman Gerberding concurred that the authorization for anlq llUM :J!IlDI9W enl'i3 would be for this year only. On call for the question, the 160M '1'9 Rloqns 1861 .........A.IUQ 'slap"M puo saJ!~ ID!Jads 'l.cilit,.f&.1C MOPU!M 6LJ'~ ..~') 'IOOJuns '.lG~ anlq 4J!M al!4M dn13!d unS40Q 0861 "...........s91!W MOl 'I.douo) 0 puo MOP-U!M JoeJ 6u!PHS 'euasso) peeds S" 'Jo!Ja~u! \.flol:> A.eJ6 \.filM ")j::H)19 qo) 6UllI unS4DQ 0861 .... .:~~~~.~.~. 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Adopted Allowing City Clerk, City Light Director, and City servation Manager to Sign Satisfaction of Mortgage Forms ead the Ordinance by title, entitled ORDINANCE NO. 2310 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles authorizing the City Clerk, City Light Director and City Light Conservation Manager to sign forms to satisfy mortgages placed on properties belonging to home- owners who participated in the City's Pilot and Zero Interest Loan Residential Weatherization Programs. Councilman Schermer moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title. Council- man Hordyk seconded. The motion carried, with Councilman Quast abstaining, questioning the constitutionality of BPA's decision to forgive a portion of the weatherization loans. 10. Utility Advisory Committee Meeting Set for September ilth at 5:00 PM ,... -------.----~ The Council Concurred to set a Utility Advisory Committee meeting for September 11th at 5:00 P.M. to discuss new electric service charges, &i::q&:g:Q~~8::q~ :::~NC")-otU");!~~~ ~ ~ ""- ~. <:}: ** ~ ~ ~ " - C D ~ ::; '0 5i _ 6 ~ ~ J~ ,~:~ f.... ~ e c C'- E 15 ~ ~ ~, ~~~ ~~2~_ ~I- ~'~~~~!~2!~]~ ~~~~E ~~ ~ ~.~ ~<h 0....... '" '" ~ 2 E '-:E >- ~; c.~ 00 a ~ ~ ~ ~E l ~ ~ ~ ~ 5.~ ~ i 5 ~ ~ ~ ~ -2 ~ ~ 'u; ~ ~ 8:~ .~ g e g- .~~ Qj g ~ a: .0 '0 ~~~~ w~~~~ ~>>:E:E:E O~5:]O :; ~-E3 g>-:'l;;' 0 -..., flihl ~ ~a z ~&:~. ~- jl'~.~ 6. <( -'= -Cl"'OEElI"I I- 0)0:)11 M-~! Q.t~ 0.. 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Public Hearing Set to Discuss Block Grant Application Councilman Quast moved to concur with staff's recommendation to pursue a 1985 Community Development Block Grant application for the sidewalk project and to set a public hearing for September 18, 1984, to discuss the Block Grant application. Councilman Whidden seconded and the motion carried. I -SO) 'paacis s.'sla~M ~ aH4M llHM S9J!J U!OJJ9J 110 'JopaJu! 4101' };aJfi llJ!M paq poys ~JDI13 1~3!d tXt unSIDQ Zll61 ......."..S^!Jp 18e4M Jnol pUD 'peeds: t 'W~/WV 'slooLlM a}(ods a'!4M 41lM SoU!, UO!POJ, 'Jo!Ja.u! 4.01' anlq 4UM J!lIDlew anle 16DM '1'9 lIJDqnS Ill61 .........AluO '!qap"M pUD SaJl1 jopads 'Arf~ID MopU!M 6LW "'Vl'J 'IOOJuns ,..eI' ~ clnlQ 41!M a'!4M dn13!d unSIDQ 0861 ,...........'s8l1!W MOl '^dOUOJ 0 pUD MOPU!M JDeJ BU!PlIS 'auaSSD) 'paeds S 'JOP9IU! "flOp ^~u6 'tHM :'POI8 qDJ 6u!l1 unSIDQ 0861 ...................s)juOJ so61onp 'paeds r '6U!J80JS JaMod 'JOIJaJU! anlq !.111M anlS I!d UO~'o/t AA8qJ llL61 ...............'^douo~ 'e6D~~Dd pods 'laeLfM ~IH '6u!JaafS JaMod '9-^ 'Sf09S J9)pnq llJoP ^9J6 '+IIM J<MIIS 'lflld 01'5 AA8qJ 1:861 Authorized for City's Share of Traffic Safety School IUSSion with staff, Councilman Gerberding moved to authorize appropriation of $2,837 for 1981, 1983, and 1984 allocations Traffic School. Councilman Schermer seconded. Councilman d that the agreement be reopened for negotiations for the Councilman Gerberding concurred that the authorization for would be for this year only. On call for the question, the tion in Washington Public Utilities' Intervention Grou _d - Mayor Authorized to Sign Contracts cussion with City Light Director Saville. Councilman Quast ove expenditure not to exceed $10,714 for participation in the c Utilities' Group and authorize the Mayor to sign contracts ,1 firm of Williams, Novack and Hansen, and the economic trm of Economic and Engineering Services, Ine. Councilman onded and the motion carried. Adopted Allowing City Clerk, City Light Director, and City servation Manager to Sign Satisfaction of Mortgage Forms I ead the Ordinance by title, entitled ........saJ!w OOO'6l $ ^IUO 'OaJafs/w~!W'V 'Joes J!lds O~'09 'SMO PU!M JaMod '6UIUOifIPUO) J[O i ',aa4M Jll+ 'IOJJUO~ es!nJ::t , "Ofno '9-A 'JO!JaIU! lJlOp ,(aJ6 41!M ^aJ6 euo,-oMl 011118 ~Iaa SPIO &861 ...................Jo::t JeUMO auo ID::tOI 'paads \7 'Jo!Ja.u! anrq !.I'IM anrq 'JOOp.~ XOJ lpny tL61 11M ID-",:~~ ORDINANCE NO. 2310 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles authorizing the City Clerk, City Light Director and City Light Conservation Manager to sign forms to satisfy mortgages placed on properties belonging to home- owners who participated in the City's Pilot and Zero Interest Loan Residential Weatherization Programs. Councilman Schermer moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title. Council- man Hordyk seconded. The motion carried, with Councilman Quast abstaining, questioning the constitutionality of BPA's decision to forgive a portion of the weatherization loans. 10. Utility Advisory Committee Meeting Set for September 11th at 5:00 PM The Council Concurred to set a Utility Advisory Conuni ttee meeting for September 11th at 5: 00 P.M. to discuss new electric service charges, ~lectrical permits, remote metering study, and secondary treatment. Ordinance Adopted and Contract Authorized Implementing Labor Agreement Between City of Port Angeles and International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers I : . . ! . I ~~:':~;:i w.o-...o'lll : ~ : ~ :: rayor Duncan read the .:.:.::tIO:...:"":....: "'........"'.w.o .0..0.0..0.0..0.0.0 "'''''''''''''''''''''' . . . . . . . . ...: .................. -...NOO......o-OO ......oooow"'..ooo ..0......0.00000.000 ""...."""""""''''''' Ordinance by title, entitled ORDINANCE NO. 2311 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, establishing a pay plan for the employees represented by IBEW Local 997 in the Light Department and the Equipment Rental Division of the Administrative Services Department for the period of April 1, 1984, through March 31, 1985, and providing for the payment thereof. 0" . ~ ~.~- ~ e' ;g ~.~~~ : :@.q~ ~ "~~8:' ~ ~~i 1. ;~ 3 )of- ~.()~ ;: ..,..' q.....:: :: l~ ~ 00 o!=l- iIr .f:a ~s.f $DR. f ~.~ ~ ~.~ ..: ;f.r'! ,,;: __~f~~t : .. [~~ ~~ CO~~i:i~ .,. .- Ii' Z. '" ~ 0 ~ " ------- ..000..0..0..0..0..0 000000...................... ~W~~....DO..... ;.. G,...... 9 I: ;;' I: 1:5.5." D., 0 n~~c""'a 'f':IlInnlt;l" -.0 CD t'-:laC: n '-~1.2}.~!- i- i:=!:~ ~ at E It I I CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 4, 1984 Councilman Gerberding moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title. Councilman Quast seconded and the motion carried. 12. Discussion of Parking Ordinance I Councilman Hordyk requested that staff look into the possibility of amend- ing the Parking Ordinance to prohibit over-night parking on main arterials. Councilman Hordyk's specific area of concern was the parking of big trucks who use motels on main arterials. He stated that these vehicles should be parked in motel parking lots or on side streets to avoid hazardous traffic conditions. 13. Weed Control on Vacant Lots Within the City Following discussion, Councilman Quast moved that the Council directly and through the Association of Washington Cities, contact the Legislature and our legislators to amend legislation in order to give the municipalities greater authority in regulating overgrown weeds in privately owned lots. Councilman Hordyk seconded. Councilman Quast also instructed staff to work toward greater regulation within the current legislation. On call for the question, the motion carried. 14. Discussion of Pedestrian Crossings Councilman Quast requested that the City Attorney review legislation to ascertain whether or not the City has authority to state in an ordinance that traffic in both lanes on one-way streets must stop when a pedestrian enters a cross-walk. The City Attorney will report back to the Council. Councilman Quast also requested that the Police Chief delegate motorcycle patrol as much as possible to combat reckless driving within the City. 15. Discussion of Port Angeles Brochure Following discussion at length, Manager Flodstrom suggested that~due to the renewed and expanded commitment to the Chamber of -Commerce this,year that the City consider that as its promotional effort in the area of brochures. Councilman Gerberding then moved that the City select neither ~~e Paul Bragg nor the OPTA brochure. Councilman Schermer :seconded and~the motion carried. .." " VIII LATE ITEMS None. IX ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE NOT ON THE AGENDA None. ITEMS FROM THE CITY COUNCIL NOT ON THE AGENDA Councilman Gerberding thanked the Fire Department Paramedics for recent life-saving courses. He stated that the classes were very well received and well done. Councilman Gerberding also discussed with Council and staff the bringing down of the NOAA warning display station. Councilman Hordyk informed the Parks & Recreation Director of problems with some low branches on the trees ,on Front Street. Councilman Whidden discussed with staff the new style of curb cuts being installed for handicapped individuals within the City. He noted concern that these curb cuts should be marked to prevent accidents. Public Works Director Pittis stated that the Public Works Department is attempting to install wheelchair ramps (curb cuts) off the traveled path as much as possible. Councilman Schermer indicated the need for changes in the language of the ordinance regarding Conditional Use Permits to clarify that the Planning Commission makes recommendations regarding Conditional Use Permi~s, rather than granting them. He also discussed with staff plans for changing the lanes between First and Front Streets on Race Street and plans for synch- ronizing the traffic signals there. 201 202 CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 4, 1984 Mayor Duncan then reported on a recent seminar she and Parks Director John Marsh attended regarding public access to shorelines. She then directed the Council's attention to the upcoming workshop on goal-setting to be set with Lyle Sumek and Associates. Councilman Whidden moved to authorize Manager Flodstrom to establish either September 21st and 22nd or October 5th and 6th as dates for the work ses- sion and to authorize expenditure of funds for the work session. Councilman Quast seconded and the motion carried. The Council then scheduled a special meeting/work session with the City I Council and other outside agencies to discuss the Department of Transporta- ~ tion's proposal to eliminate the Port Townsend/Keystone ferry and. to discuss the proposed Edmonds/Kingston Bridge. The special meeting was scheduled for September 25, 1984. Manager Flodstrom updated the Council on the status of the electrical inspector position. He informed the Council that the position is being advertised and applications are being accepted. X ADJOURN TO EXECUTIVE SESSION Mayor Duncan adjourned the meeting to executive session at 10:25 P.M. XI RETURN TO OPEN SESSION The meeting returned to open session at 10:30 P.M. XII ADJOURNMENT Mayor Duncan adjourned the meeting at 10:40 P.M. J/:(l /V-r~ ;:1. rth/V//W/Q.UC c;erk / . ~~~ I NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thol sealed bids will be received by the City of Port Angeles, Port Angeles, Washington, until 2:00 p.m., Tuesday. September 11, 1994. All bids snail be opened and tabulated for ,,; the City Council at this time. Bids will cover lcbor to: set poles, frame and install three phase overhead con. ductor approximately 550 feet on Third Street, 700 feet on Golf Course Rood. and 920 feet east of Golf Course Rood on 0 cleared, and graded easement. Conductor installed sholl be 336 AAe phose, and .4/0 neutral. Line is to be energized by the Contractor and one three phose service conned ion made. The Contractor is also responsible for setting 011 required guys and anchors. All necessary material shall be supplied by the City. The work shall be started no later than Mondoy, October 1, 1984 and sholl be comp- leted no loter than MOrlday, October, 22. 1984. Bids may be mailed or del- ivered to CITY OF PORT AN- GELES. OFFICE OF THE CITY tI ClERK, PORT ANGelES. . WASHINGTON, to arrive no I later thon 2;00 P,M" Sep- tember 11, 1964. All bids sHoll be plainly marked GOLF COURSE RD. DISTRIBU. I nON LINE. Specifications and/or plans may be examined at the of- fict:! of City Manager, Port Angeles, Washington. Spec- ifications may be purchased at $5.00 per set. No refund will be mode for the return of the specifications. :~dsa ~eur~:fj:d ch:~~m~~n;h~ sum of not less than five (5%) per cent, of the propos- I 01 or bid bond of equal amount, payable to the City of Port Angeles. AnV exceptions to the spec- ifications, contract or gener- al-conditions shall be noted ~~;~~~i~~~~'cil res~rves the right to waive any informali. ty in bids and to reject any/or all bids. OffiCial acceptance, rejection or' continuation by the City Council will be made in the City Council Chambers, Sep- tember 18,1984. David Flodstrom City Manager Pub.: Aug. 24, 31. 19B4. I