HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 09/05/1950
Proceedings of the City Commission ofthe City of Port Angeles, Washington
43 ..,
SeDtemOOr 5,
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j The Commission met at 10:00 A.M., and was called to order by Itayor Feeley. Officers present were:. !!.ayor
i Feele:,., Commissioners Robinson and Taylor, Attorney Trumbull and Clerk Law.
i Minutes of the previous session V<ere read and approved.
I Under the head of applications for building permits and licenses, the following were granted:
Building Permits: .,:2? ,;)..()(J
Dick Viray Build a Dwelling; S2 Lots 17 & 18, Blk. 57, Leighton Subdivision
I Vlayne S. McClaflin Build Garage; Lots 15-16, Elk. 102, Townsite
'T. 1'. Aldwell Remodel Existing Building; Lot 11, Blk. 51, TO'lfl1site
M. C. Adolphson ltemodel Existing Office; 502 N. Laurel; Harbor Area
Leon Monpas Construct Garage & Complete Existing Basement; Lot 12,. Blk. 150, Townsite
llJ'ron Winter Remodel & Build House; Lots "/ & 8, ~lk. 42, N.R.Smith
,Louj;" Gebhardt Rebuild Existing. Building to Garage; Lots 11-12, Blk. 135, Townsite
IK. G. l7ahlsten Build Fireplace; Lot 2, lJlk. 204, Townsite
IF. C. Waldron Storeroom &. Utility Room; Lot 11, Elk. 396, Townsite
Elite Beauty Shop Beauty Operator
Union Cabs Taxicab Operator, 2 Cars
500 . DO
150 .00
Under the head of unfinished business, Commissioner Taylor reported that bids for Chlorination system have.
been returned from Engineer Geisinger ...i th approval and specifications have been referred to the State
Health Board for approval by that Department.
i Commissioner Robinson questioned the Attorney regarding peyment of balance due for construction of building
lat Second and Valley Streets, also other charges in connection with the diesel plant. Attorney Trumbull
I informed that obligations may be paid from current budget if provided in said budget, but if not so pro-
vided, an Emergency Ordinance may be passed for payment of the same.
I Under the head of new business, the Engineer filad the first estin.ate (August) for material and labor
: furnished by J. lJ. BruCh. Co., cn Cemetery Flood Control Project No. C-l, in amount of $1,770.53. It was
Imoved by Commissioner Taylor that the estimate be approved and paid. Seconded by Commissioner Robinson.
All voted Aye. Motion carried. _ .
I Ray Faussett appeared before the Commission requesting approval of application for taxi cab license to
loperate two cabs at present and two more later. Also requested permission to use space for stand at Front
and Linooln or in front of Lee Hotel. Mr. iitoner, hotel manager, advised that a taxi stand should be in
I front of the hotel for convenience of visitors and the stand would be an advantage to the hotel and City
ias:well as visitors.
ICommissioner Taylor considered parking problem and space eliminated if more taxi stands permitted. Also
I ci~ed complaints filed regarding limited parking spac~.
I Bessie Malesky informed that she hought the taxi stands she uses and hlr. "aussett is asking something for
I no~hing. She also protested granting more stands.
[Commissioner Robinson cited inability of the Commission to
responsible, but informed that he previously had voted not
I tha t no j>lrking !TEters are installed in front of the Salad
I .
lIt was the opinion of Commissioner Taylor that no more parking space should be sacrificed for taxi stands on
either Front or l'-irst Streets. After further discussion, it was moved by Commissioner llobinson that the
I application be approved and license issued. Seconded by Mayor Feeley. All members voted Aye. Motion
I carried.
reject applications for license if operators are
to permit more stands. Mr. Faussett replied
BOVll at l'ront and Lincoln.
Commissioner Taylor requested that bids be published for a building to houee the Chlorination plant if
specificationn are approved aod it Vias moved by Commissioner Taylor that the said bids be published.
Seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried.
'After a five minute recess declared, E. H.. Gehrke appeared for the Olympic State Bank regarding excavation
.at. Pi.rst and Laurel Streets, informing that dirt can be removed while shovel is in 'operation and without
i cost to the City. Fred Strange, member of the Planning Commission, could foresee no immediate use of Laurel
Street bank, but advised that the City should protect. itself against a time when too cut might be made and
Istree.t opened. lt was the opinion of Mr. Strange that if tha City can approve excavation without jeopardiZ-,
ing advance of the City, the work should be done.
I .
IMr. Gehrke snggested that property owners acquire that portion of Laurel Street by vacation of the same,
lana sign an agreement to deed back to the City if required for future use by the City. Also that excavat,ion
,should be done now.
ICO~iDSioner Taylor considered excavation essential while shovel is on location, also considered was
replacement of stairway. Mr. Gehrke agreed that material for replacement would be furnished, the Uity
lpr~viding labor.
,Mr. Strange questioned the Attorney regarding an agreement whereby the City could acquire property after it
lis.vacated. It was the off-hand opinion of Mr. Trumbull that property can be deeded to the City before
,vaoation. If leased, can be demanded for City use immediately. Tr~t vacation eliminates publ~c easement,
land that vacations are not legal without 60% approval of property owners.
'On.motion by Co~ssicner Hobinson, the meeting was recessed to 4:00 P.M., permitting Mr. Strange
to.contact K. O. Erickson regarding vacation and agreement.
The Commission met et 4:00 P.M., and was called to order by Commissioner Robinson, acting Mayor. l:xcepting
Mayor Feeley, all officers were present.
Under the head of unfinished business, Mr. Strange reported on interview with Mr. Erickson. Interview
Irevealed that Mr. Erickson would not be opposed, but would not assist in any way or sign an agreen~nt. It
was the opinion of h~. Strange teet Mr. Erickson vmuld not oppose, but also would not co-operate. Mr.
IGenrke quoted J. M. Lavis as informing that if excavation is accomplished, he can handle Mr. Erickson alone
much better, thereby acquiring what is desired.
ICO~iSSioner Taylor inquired regarding responsibility of the City if dirt '1rare removed and chance of come-
back on the City. Attorney Trumbull admitted that the City could be held responsible, but if kept '1rithin
I ~
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
Septembar 5th, continued,
"",."'"".""".."'"..........,,......oo ....
confines of street improvement, then the City could not be held as this would be considered only partial
improvement to Original grade.
Commissioner Taylor also asked regarding City's responsibility for the Government owned .property. Mr.
Trumb.111 informed that the same rule applies.
It was moved by Commissioner Taylor, seconded by Commissioner Robinson, the the meeting be recessed until
Wednesday, September 6th, l:OO..P.IJ., at which time the equipment of utilities will have been inspected by
Supts. !lodge and Mclean and Engineer Ahlvers for removal required. Motion carried.
September 6, 1950.
: The. Commission convened at 1:00 P.M., with all officers present.
. . .
COllljllissioner Taylor reported that a water main must be moved or lowered. Also in contacting Mr. Erickson,
he is informed that Mr. Erickson hae spent about l!7,000.00 to make embankment what he considers fairly.
permanent and advised that the same be left as is. It was the opinion of Mr. Taylor that if excavation. is. done,
Mr. Erickson would not complain, but if damage by sliding occurs, Mr. Erickson would consider the City
responsible. Mr. Taylor would also prefer full agreement with both property owners. Also if plans call
for making embankment immediately permanent to prevent slides and sluffing and provide for drainage and
wa ter disposal.
T. T. Aldwell informed that he planted grass and trees which eliminated slides on his property. Also that
all the Chamber of Commerce requests is co-operation in helping to beautify the City and make more
attractive for tourists.
Commissioner ltobinson asked Engineer Ahlver5 if removing the peninsula of embankment would cause more slides
and erosion. Mr. I>hlvers informed that there is no assurance how long any of it wi.ll stay either if moved
or undisturbed.
After further discussion, it was moved by Commissioner Robinson that the Commission request the Telephone
Company to take care of their line at First and Laurel, also for the Water and Light utilities to make
necessary arrangements, and that permission be granted for the requested excavation. Motion seconded by
Mayor Feeley. On roll call, J.layor Feeley and Commissioner Robinson voted Aye. Commissioner Taylor voted
No. The Uayor declared the motion carried.
The Commission examined and approved
/9<1-5 -
the following claims and ordered warrants iSBUed in payment of same;
Trick & Murray
Olympic Printery
Evening News Press
Preston, Thorgrimson & Horowitz
Petersen & Craver
J. 1'. Christensen
Barbara E. Sawby
IChinOOk Motel
Louisa H. Rains
Josephine L. Sobieck
\Marion G. Fryar
Rose E. Hurley
Eunice A. Fountain
I""'xine E. Gilliland
Ruffles Court
Gertrude hlattson
Elizabeth E. Jensen
Tura M. Smock
Laura D. Lowry
Jeannette W. Uellor
lIadene Botnen
Edith Hale
jEliza beth J. 71illiams
!IBeseie Bolster
Ora M. Knott
jEdith Egloff
Ida M. 1iorehead
~neva Gilliam
:lthea Ida Harris
lGrace F. Harrison
,Anna lJ. Riggs
IcarpBnters Club
IAda F. Loomis
Myrtle M. EltBrich
pi'lorence A. Hassell
.Ethel M. Weisse
!Dorothy Mae Clausen
IHu by De 'Jine
Jessie B. ~~sher
IGertrude O. hancis
jicdward H. Creelman
Fraternal Urder of Eagles
Minerva E. Trey
~Sophia M. Shay
IEdith F. Bay ton
Baptist Church
:Iva Kemp
:Emma O. Ralston
:M~belle E. Goodwin
jFreS byterian Church
Bertha M. Cnurch
ISadie G. Brownrigg
IE. lihea Shelleberger
,'Jean 11. Mickel
IAda Armstrong
Nancy M. Adams
'Cherry Eight Grocery
11ent for Polling Place
Jo:lection Supplies
Office & Election Supplies
Election Ballots
Legal Service
Voting Booths
July 25th, Prec. 1, Election Official
221. 76
101. 97
13.50 I
13.00 !
July 25th, Prec. 2,
1\ II
Rent for Polling Place
Election Official & hent
Election Official
July 25th, Prec. 3, Election Ufficial
II II 11
" "Rent fcr Polling Place
. July 25th, Prec. 4, Election Official
fl II II
July 25th, Prec.
" 11
Rent for Polling Place
5, Election Official & Hent
.Election Official
July 25th, Prec. 6, Election Official
'1 II 11
II II 11 & Rent
July 25th, Prec., 7, Election Official
II 11 II
July 25th, Prec. 8, Election Offic ial
II II 11
July 25th, Prec. 9,
Rent for Polling Place
J;lection Official & Hent
Election Official
July 25th, Prec. 10, Election Official
July 25th, Prec. 11, Election Official
11 II Hent for Police Place
July 25th, Prec. lot, J;lection Official
II II 11
II " Hent for Polling Place
Jul,y 25th, Prec. 13, Election Official
II " !tent for Polling Place
July 25th, Prec. 14, Election Official & !tent
" " Election Official
July 25th, Pr€c. 15, Election Official
u 11 II
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington \ 45 .,
September 5th, continued, 19~
..,~^ . "'J..''', .....".. 0"""""_" ""'N'O.'. aD",,, .....
Tenna Bourm 'July 25th, Prec. 16" Election Official & Hent 23.50
Estelle 11. lhssing II II Blection Official 13.50
James R. Gallagher II " " 13.50.
I Irma E. Horstman July 25th, t'rec. 17, Election Og'icial & Hent 23.00
Elnora K. Brown " II i!.lection Official 13.00
I Relda Randall " " 11 13.00
Frank Wonder .TuLy 25th, Prec. 18, Rent for Polling Place 10.00,
Marearet 0 'Day " " Election Official 13.00
I !::lva O. ;Yilliams 11 II " 13.00
, EB.a It. Steele " " " 13.00
Eveline Macklin July 25th, Prec. 19, Election Official & Rent 23.00
Eliza Larrick " " blection Official 13.00
Alice Anderson " " II 13.00
Letha E. ]';llis July 25th, hec. 20, Election Offic ial 13.00,
Laurel T. Swartz II " " 13.00
Alice C. Apps " " Election Official & Rent 25.00-
Helen M. Madsen July 25th, Prec. 21, " " 23.00
Lizzie L. VanScoyoc II " Election Officia 1 13.00
Leona B. Steike " II " 13.00
Doris Carmichael July 25th, Prec. 22, Election Offi cial 13.00
Marion Hood " " " 13.00
l~ry Catherine Wheeler II II II 15.00
Mary Solf 11 " Rent for Polling Pla ce, 10.00
Gladys 1. Sickles July 25th, Prec. ~, Election Official 13.od
Beatrice M. Snelling II " II 13.00
Doris ,V. Cor fee II II Election Official & Hent 23.00
Lila C. Lawrence July 25th, .t'rec. ~4, Election Official 13.00
Margaret A. Coryell n " " 15.00
J'.attie Roddy " " " 13.00
COmmu1n. ty Church " " !lent for Polling Place 10.00
I Mary lJ. Kyes July 25th, Prec. 25, Election Official & Rent 23.00
Elmer O. Rappe " " Election Official 13.00
Alice F. ;Jutler " " " 13.00
William J. Ware July 25th, Prec. 26, Electi<ln Official 13.00
Ruby O. Waldron " " " 15.00
Hona Curren " " II 13.00
OlYmPic Motel 11 11 Rent for Polling Place 10.00
lluth A. Hooker ,,2. July 25th, Prec. 1, Election Official 15.00-.
I,IBRARY l'UND: /15 -
City Treasurer Light, Water, Garbage 9.97
Sturgis rr~nting Co., Inc. Application Cards 7.83
VhUson Hardware Co. l"ertilizer 4.45
R.' L. Polk & Co. City Directory 36.05
jPerSOnal Book Shop, Inc. Books 103.32'
The Nat'l Education ,~ssn. Year Book 3.12
A., C. McClurg & Co. Books 22.03
I Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc. Year Book 2.95
Doubleday & Co., Inc. j I Books 5.30
I 'Ia~Wilkins, Cole & Weber Adv. 488.31
I J., M. Bruch Construction Go. First EstiJnate, Cemetery Flood Control 1,770.53
I I L.' 1. D. GENERAL l<UND: 7 - Filing Fee 7.00
I Ci ~y Trea surer
There being no further business, the session was declared adjourned.
a. C: ;;e (j~ _ ~/4 -.#7
(J City Clerk Mayor,