HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 09/05/1957 ,.. 560 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington Septembe r 5 19~ "'" . """" ..mo, "",,,,.., ..,.,,"' ..." .... The City Council met ,in regular session at 7:30 P.M. and 1'!3'i. cal~~d to officers revealed,the following present: Councilmen B,own, San~son, Maxfield, Manager Vergeer, Attorney Severyns and Clerk Law. o <der by Mayor S11l1 to. Roll call of Mattljieu, liqUe, McPadden and, It,was moved by COttncilman.\Volfe that minutes of the previous meeting be approved. Seconded by Councilman Matthieu and carried. i Unqer the head of 1!nfi~ished business the hearing on final assessment roll for L.I.D. No. 171 was opened. 'I Pursuant to notices posted and published, the foll'lwing protests were filed: , Anna H. IlcDonald, Lot I, Dlock ,87, Tmmsite f Walter Lafeman, Lot 1 and E. 25' of Lot 2, Block 200. Townsite I warrenDand Mabel Madison, Lots 15 and 16, Block 379.1bwnsite !Ignes ougherty Lot 9 Block 420, TQwnsite No other objections ~aving &ien made or hIed, it was moved by Councilman Brown th~t hearing be clos ed. Seconded by Councilman Sandison ~d carried. ' ,. The following Ordinane~ approving and confirming assessment roll was introduced and read in full: ORDINANCE NO. 1399 AN ORDIN!\NCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, apJ;>roving and confirming the assessments and assess- . ment roll of Local Iml?rovement lJistrict No. 171 f<lr the'improvement of a certain area within the city by the construction and 1nstallatioD of trunk and lateral sewers and for the improvement of certain streets' within the city together with all work incidental thereto and necessary in connection therewith; levying and assessing the anounts thereof against the seyeral lots, tract~, parcels of land and other property as shown o~ said assessment roll, and providing for the payment of such assessments into the Local I I Improvement District No. 171 Pund created by Ordinance Ho. 1369.-passed and approved May 24, 1956. i It was moved 'b~ Councilman McFadden that the foregoing Ordinance be,approved and adopted. Seconded by ;Councilman Maxfield and carried. I I'Results of traffic survey at Eigbth and Cherry Streets were as follows: August 21. 12 hours. East, West; 1620. North, South, 693. State requirement being 700 per hour, a traffic signal was not recouended. I The City Engineer filed first estimate (August) for work done an1l material furnished in L.I.D. No. 175.: 'I Matt Malaspina & Co., Pirst Estimate (August), L.I.D. No. 175 Alley, $10,000.00 It was !'lOved by Councilman Brown that estimate be approved and warrant issued on L.I.D. No. 175 Const!llUction Pund in payment of same. Seconded by Councilman Wolfe and carried. . - I Council consic;leredf' procec;!lIre for ins1;allatio~ of culvert in Valley Street floQd_j;Olltr~l. There l}avhi"R heen I no b1ds rece1ved or sutl 1nstallat.1on, 1t was moved by <.:ounc1lman Brown that tllel,;1ty proceed. W1t 1t11prove- ment, the work to be done by City employees and forced account help. Motion seconded by Councilman Sandison and carricc;l. The 3O..day periOd having expired since completion and'@Fceptante of work done and material furnished by Randall Kilmer Construction Co;, in L.I.D. No. 171, the City Engineer recommended that lS% retained, or ' $3,438.20 be paid the contractor. It was moved by Councilman Sandison that recommendation be accepted an1l warrant issued on L.I.D. No. 171 Construction Fund in payment of lS% retained and the City Clerk authorized "0 issued warrants no~ 141. 142 ald 143 f<\L$l,ooO.O()" and warrant no. 144 for7$438,20 On Lt.I~D'dNO. 171d Fund. Dear1ng 1nteres~ at ~be ra~e of 4 5/~ per annum, d~te~ ~eptember 9, 195 . p!8Ceeds 0 De epos1te iD the L.I.D. No. 171 Construction Pund. Motion seconded by Councilman McFadden and carried. 'Under the head of new business, claims paid August 16, 21. 27 an1l September.4, were approved in total amount of ~43,824.00. It was moved by Co~cilman Wolfe that claims be approved as p~id. Seconded by Councilman -McFadden and c!uried. Council discussed proposed petition requesting a Local Improvement District for imp~ovement of Second, Third, Fourhll, and Fifth Streets from Race Stroot to Ald...r Street by construction Of dra.~nage, curbs and paving, City property included in the area. It was moved by Councilman Bewn that the manager be 31 thorized to sign petition if City owned property is included. Seconded by Councilman Wolfe and carried. ..., I It was moved by Councilman Wolfe that the following reports be approved and placed on file: Police JUdge, i Fire Dept., Police Dept., Street, work report of Light Dept. and budget rllports of receipts and expenditures for City Departments. Motion seconded by Councilman Brown and carried, . I I By suggestion of Councilman Matthieu, Council camnended the Police Department fo~ conducting orderly traffic control during Playfair celebration and parade August 31. I Mr. Vergeer read communication from Lake Crescent-Nursery ccncerning landscaping of Light Department pto!,- II erty at Pourteenth and Boulevard, enumerating varities of shrubs and flm.ers donated. It was moved by C01!Dcilman Wolfe that the Mayor send letter of appreciation to the Nursery. Seconded by Councilman Brown and carried. I Council reviewed preliminary mdget for year 1958 as preparatory to hearing of October 7. Spokesmen appear.! ed for the Street and Water Departments citing salaries as much less than recommended by department heads I and requesting flat $ao.oo increase instead of 3%, this being the sentiment of employees. Also vacations I according to seniority. Chief Kochanek requested that seven days be added to vacation time for his patrolmen, they having to work hqlidays. The 'Council will meet Sept. 12 to further consider budget items and requests. ~{~ ~fir~~Ifi r~e2~tiqlon.~~Etfu~ wtthmtUe P8fkf~o~d ~d discussing use of 6ivic Pield for softball! thereby :LacR of'1la\lliient; anll aS1ng P1H~ H~er ~~ta"l1s~eCl /Hlurs. Also request for VOlley ball equipment 1n . Erickson Park. Counc'ilmal Wolfe cited condition of tennis c;ourt at Lincoln Park. Repaill of sJ"'e or construction of nel1 court was discussed, estimated cost to be obtined. Under the head of introduction of Resolutions, the following was introduced and read: RESOLIlTION NO. %1-57 A RllSOLllTION authorizing the Treasurer to redeem bond number 207 of Local Improvement District No. 104 of the City of Port Angeles; said bond being issued September a, 1925 and in the anount of '$500.00 I It was moved by Councilman Brown that the foregoing Resolution be adopted. and carried. I Seconded by Councilman Sandison I Under the head of introduction and reading of Ordinances. the following was introduced and read in full: ORDINMCE NO. 1400 ~ I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington ~pptPmhpr 5 Cant inued 19_5.7_ 5611 I I I I ~~ . ..~". .""". n."~,",. ",,",,"'....... .... AN ORDINANCE amending Sec.tion 16 of Ordin~ No. 1000 of the City .of PortAngel~s as anended by Ordinance No. 1309, which ordi~ance and amendment ~re ofdinance rel~ting to i~toxi~ating liquprs. prohibiting the manufacture, possess10n, Salc or otHer diSPoS1't~on tnereot m the C1ty ot Per'!: ~geiLes. , It was moved by Councilman Sandison that the foregoing Ordinance be approved and adopted. Seconded by Councilman Matthieu and c'arried. There being no further business, the meeting was declared adjourned. (j t. ;f _a-ur .0 Ci tyClcrk i~~ ayor ~