HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 09/06/1944 ,.. Q6 v Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington September 6. 19411 --,--19_ The Commisaion met in regul..r session ..t 10 A.!.l. ..nd .....s called to order by Mayor Robinson. Roll can showed the following officers present: Mayor Robinson, Commissioners Beam and Masters, Attcrney Johnston and Clerk Hawkins. The m1nutes of the previous session we're read and !'o.pproved.. Under the he,d of Applications for Licenses the followinf.; were granted, M &: C T~vern. 1 Music Ma.chine Salmon Club J 1" 11 Nite Spot, 1 Pastime Tavern I 1 14 &: C Tevern, The !'e1IlC~. OlymPQS Fountain. Pastime Tavern, Bungo.1ow Inn, Hote 1 Olympus lount..in, Ni te Spot. Club Billil.rds C~f.. Brock's Street Shop, James w. ~aven, Master Plumber James L. Zahrobsky, Master Plumber Miller's Recreation, 6 Bowling Alleys " . 5 Pool &: Billiard 12.00 12.0J 12.00 12.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 15.00 13.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 25.00 25.00 60.00 Soft Drink " (J 3 Rooms) Restauront " Tebles VI. F. PhillIp., Police Judge. reported 15 Mses tried and $901.00 collected in fines for the month of August, 1944. Report ordered fHed. 1Jnder the heod of Introduction of Ordin.."ces the following ordbance _s intronuc.ed, ...ead in full, and p~ssed its first readir~. AN ORDINANCE amending Ordinance No. 1101 of the C1t~. of Port Angeles, ..dopted by the Cit;,' COll!:'lission April 15. 1942. declaring an emergency and m~king the ordinance effective immediately. Under the head of Unfinished Business: The matter of the bid of Owens Bros. opened August 30. 1944, for placing stone Rubble Ripr..p along the , existing Bulkhead betmen Lincoln Street and ORk Street on the Waterfront cfUIle up for further consideration ..nd it wa.s moved by Commi.sioner Masters that the bid of Owens Bros. be ..coepted with the understanding the.t the Angeles Supply and Grave 1 Co. pay 16% of the cost of the improvement. Motion seoonded by Mayor Robinson. On roll 00.11 ..11 members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. The COUlIIlission examined and allowed the followi.n~ claims and orderl'l'd warrFlnts drawn for same: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Port Angeles Evening News City Light Dept. Qui ck Print 195.8B "(,, '1 50.00 ,P .. 9.19 26.55 3.7B 14.64 ~~ 3.81 ~b .... 37.41 1..22 32.42 ),7.411 ""1 .77 Ib "l 18.44 1.90 13.95 7.40 2.16 2.20 .,~ 31.93 3.61 ~\ 68.24 9.37 ( 10.59 ,.,,1 14.00 7.67 !~ ~ 25.23 11.31 {o 5.0C .,- 2.10 .1 [ I Publicati ons Hllll Rent Supplie. CITY STREET FUND D. A. Masters, Sr. Port Angeles Evening News Cr\Von Zellerbach Piper Corp. I West"Tn Tractor & Equipment Co. 11 n 11 11 tt Car Expense Publi o..ti. ons Supplies Parts WATEP FUND City Treasurer City Light Dept. City Street Dept. ., Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. Seattle Plumbing Supply Co. Express Light to R.nt Gas &: Oil Sand &: Gravel Fi ttings LIGHT FUND, , Cit~' Water Dept. I Homer Black I G. Vl. Jeffrey Thrift Market Port Ange Ie s Evening News '! Quick Print I Loop Auto Wrecking Co. Mrs. Som Rand , Zellerbach Paper Corp. : Underwood Elliott Fisher Co. LIBRARY FUND Wat~r ~t Substation Garage Rent Expens e Account Jan i tor Supplie s Reward Notice Printing Car Repairs POles Adding Machine Paper Add1ngMG:ohine Repair A. A. Young I PhllosoplHco.1 Library. 100. Metsker U..p Co. The Library of Congress Trim Hed~cs Book Atlas Catalog Cards PARK FUND I, OJ'. R. McUonald Todd I s Cyole Shop Garbage Removel Part. &: Labor ...... I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington . '"". '""U'.,,,,~...._ .........no ~ STATE AID FUND C. A. Wolverton Samuelson Motor Co. Samuelson Motor Co. Port Angeles Motors. WAR LIQUOR T}.x FUND I Le.rri ck' s Cafe Gene's Serrl ce &: Repair Co. Hoare &: Headri ck L.I.D. GUARANTY FUND City Treuurer VICTORY TAX FUND I Ci ty Treasurer ~tember 6. 191J.~ Car Expense Tires 8: Tubes Repairs 1 Support Meals for Prisoners Rep~irs Assessments There being no further budn.ss the Commission then adjourned. Victory Tax withheld 11,~ Ci ty Clerk I I I 19_ ",,1 ( r ,..r 3',1 ~J~~ 44.65 92.12 7.82 .88 t~ 63.45 278.18 36.32 360.44 1731.82 37-'