HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 09/06/1956 ,.. 512' Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington September 6 19........5..6 ,,",. ."......."'~ .""~."'. '''.n........ ~ I The City CounciJ: met in reg.llar .session at 7:3,0 p, M. ,and ,;as called to order by l-r.wor Neer. Roll call of officers revealed the follo;d.ng present: lIouncilmen Smith, Sandison, Hatthieu, Holle, McFadden and Maxfield, YlB.llager Vergeer, Attorney Severy~ and Clerk :::'a\1. I-It \'ras moved by Councilman Maxfield that minutes of the' previous meeting be approved. Seconded by Coun:illnan Matthieu and carried. . I-'Urder the read of unfinished business, one bid to furniGh asphalt cement paving material for I Street Hill . was received as follows: 'Randall 'Kilmer Construction Company, $4.70 per ton for mixing and placing approx- imately 1,040 tons. It was moved b'J CouncilnBn Wolfe that offer be accepted, Seconded by Councilman J.lc- Fadden and carried. The City Engineer filed estimates for \fork done and material furnished for construction in L.I.D. No. 171: HARRISON BRcmiLRS CO., 2cl estil!l".te (August), Cherry Hill L.LD, 171, $20,000.00 lULOllE AND TUCCI, INC.; 2d estimate (August), Cherry Hill L.LD. No. 171, $45,000.00 I It, was moved by Councilman Sandison that pay estDnates be approved ani 'varrants issued on L.LD. No. 171 I Constructlon Furd in payment of same, aoo the City ClDrk authonzed to issue "arrant.s numbered 6 to 11 for I $5,000.00 and "arrants numbered 12 to 19 for $3,000.00 and ,rn.rrants numbered ~O to 24 for $2,000.00 and ! warrant number 25 for $1,000.00, on L.I.D. No. 171 funi, bearing interest at the rate of 4. 51'*' per annum, dated September ll, 1956, proceeds to be depsoited in the L.I.D. No. 171 Construction Fund. Motion seconded by Councilman McFadden and carried. I I I I on proper I Coweil considered petition requesting ilnprovSllent of Cherry ,Street South of 15th Street be included in 1 L.I.D. No. 171. Attorney Severyrn advised that proper hearing is necessary to determine objections if any. It was moved by CoUncilman Matthieu that Council tentatively approve petition arrl the Attorney be instruct-' ed to continue with procedure. Seconded by Counoilman Holle and carried. Fixed estimate clain" against local improvement districts were approved as follOW's: L.r.D. NO. 167, City Treasurer, postage, $2.03 L.I.D, No. 171, LOI'IJllaD & Hanford Co., supplies 22.22 Bussing Office Supply, office supplies27.59 Harrison Brothers Co., rcla;y sanita.-y sewer 1,327.80 Willson Hdwre Co., folding rule 1. 77 Douglas H. 'WalliJ3, mileage for JuJ;y 30.00 It was moved b,y' Coun::illnan McFadden that fixed estDnate claims be.approved and \\arrants issued L.I.D. Construction Funds in pa;yment of same. Seconded by CounciJJmn }[a.ocfield ani carried. A contract between the City and Fibreboard, Inc., to furmsh power to said IIJcprporation, \Vas submitted for Council approval. It was moved by Councillnan Matthieu that the l,a;yo," and I'lareger be authorized to execute contract. Seconded by Counc ilman Sandison and carried. Also approved \Vas agreement bet'ieen the 6ity and Van Frederickson for exclusive privilege to collect and. dispose of certain. garbage. It was moved by Councilman Saniison that agreement be approved. Secoooed by Coweilman Matthieu and carried. Investigation Connnittee reported on hazardous coniition of elevated sidewalk on Second Street East of Cherry. Property ownerS \,'ill be notified regarding same and responsibility established. Under the head of new business, the following reportB \'ere filed for Council approval: Mont~ budget reports of receipts and expeniitures, Fire Dept. Activity report, Utilities oparating aOO firencial re- ports, ani Library Department.' It was moved b,y' Councillnan Holle that all reports be accepted and filed. Seconied by, Councilman Maxfield and carried. Minimum prices on certain parcels of property ",ere, requested as follows: Lot 13, Block 141, Townsite. It was moved by Councilman j'iolfe that mi~mum be set at \,500.00. SecoOOed by Councillnan J.fcFadden and carried. Lot 7, Block 3, Twnsi te. It ,,,as moved b-I CouncilJIlan l-IcFadden that request be tabled, until location is ascertained aoo propel:' appraisal established. Seconded by Councilman Sandison aOO carried. It ,was moved by Councilman HcFadden that the City Treasurer be auth~rized to acquire title to Lot 13, Blqck 141 by pa;ying delinquent taxes against the same. Seconded by Councilman tlolfe and carried. Cl,p.rns paid A~ust 21, 31 and Sept. 5 and 6, were approved in total amo'ont of ~72,277.$2. It was moved b,y' Councilman l1a.tthieu that claims be approved as paid. .Seconded b'J Councilman Sandison ani carried. Council considered an agreement bet\Veen the City and Nathan Butterfield whereby Hr. Butterfield will oper- ate the City garbage dump for privilege of taking ealvage am. pa;ying the City $25.00 per month for said privilege. It was moved by Councilman McFadden that agreement be approved and. executed.b Seconded by Councilman Smith and carried. \1Tilliam Cl'awford filed written request for varian~e in building zone regula. bions for remroeling building atl 9th and Eunice Streets. It was moved by Councillnan ,Iolfe that the request be refe"red to the Planning I , ColTllllission after proper fee' is deposited with the City Treasurer. Seconded by Councilman Sandison and. carrie d. llanager Vergeer informed of I.C.Jot.A. convention at Banff, Alberta, Cane.da, September 16 - 20. It was'moved by Councilman Holfe that attendance be approved ani Harold, Dooge appointed, to act as manager during I absence of Hr. Vergeer. I.lotion seconied by CourJ:ilman Sandison ani carried. I Council set Thursday, September 13 for special meeting on the prelilllinary budget for 1957, preparatory for hearing of October 1. ---, , The preliminary budget for 1957 was presented far Council consideration. Hanager Vergeer expulined that ill Prior Service can be paid out of reserve fum tile City has accumulated wethout hazard to said reserves. After discussion, Council approved elimination of prior service expense from budget. It was moved by Councillnan Smith that the Clerk's salary be fixed at $456.00 per month. Seconied by Councilman Sandison a.'1d carried. Improvement of Lincoln Street at Fifth \vas considered, this for protect- ion of City property and the G.A.R. Hall. UrnLbers will meet with County Connnissioners, if possible, at their next session. Councilman Smith cited conveniimce to public if water heater fould be installed at Lincoln Park, cost to be included in budget. It was moved by Councilman lvolfe that cost of water heater I I I \ I I I I I L~ Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington September 6 continued 56 19_ ,,<. . """. 'U'^'. 'w."'"'~ ..,,",. ..... ..... be given due consideration in the Park Budget. Seconded by Councilmm San<llson and carried. Also con- sidered was ~20,Ooo.GO in Current Expense 11iseellaneous for Pollution Control expense, an increase of $20,OW.00 to Street Lightin item in the Liglrt Departrr.ent Budget, ani provisions for ,improvement of the Oak Street Zig-Zag. Councilman Smith reported on meeting in O~pia collCerning Safety Program, about 200 being in atte!)dance. ~IT. Smith described.scssion as very interesting and educational. Under the head of .introduction or Resolutio~, the follo<ing were introduced: RESOLUTION 110. 30-56 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of Port Angeles, Washington, fixing the time ani place for a hearing upon the asses6ment roll for Local Improvement ,District No. 167. It was moved by Councilman VIoli'e that the foregoing Resolution be approved ani adopt ed. Secondeq by CO'-!l1cil man I1atthieu and carried. RESOLUTI ON NO. 31-56 A RESOLlJrIOll transferring budget appropriations wi thin the Library Fun:.!. It was moved by Councilman HcFadden that the foregoing Resolution be approved and adopted. Secon:!ed by Councilman lflatthieu and carried. RESOLUTION WO. 32-56 A RESOLUTION grant,ing the' Pacific Telephone~ and Tele graph Company the right to operate ani maintain certain buried, te1ephonedable l-1ithin the corporate limit of the City of Port Angelc s. It ,las moved by Councilman Sandison that the foregoing Resol.ution be approved arjd adopted. Seconded by Councilman l~ie~ ani carried. Under the head of introduction and reading of Ordinances, the fol101oJing was introduced and read in full: ORDINANCE NO., 1376 An Ordinance transferring within the '1956 ,Litrary Budget appropriations the sum of $150.00 wi thin the Library Departmont from the item of "Clerk, Typist"- to the item of "Sick Leave, Vacation and Additional Help" and transferring the sum of &200.00 appropriated i'lithin said,budget from the item of "City Employe Retirement" to the Item of Sick Leave; Vacation ani Additional Help" a~ transferring the a,mount of $30.00 from the item of "Travel Expense" to the capital item of "Periodicals." It was moved by Councilman }laxfield that the foregoing Ordinance be approved and adopted. Seconied by Councilman Holfe and carried. No further business appearing, the illeeting was declared adjourned. (j.G ';;L~. o City Clerk /~ ;! )-h ')W-1 FJS.yor. . SEPTEI'lBER 13, 1956 SPECIAL SESSION The City Council met in special session at 7:30 P. U. and was, call,ed, to order by Ilayor Neer. Officern pre- sent were: llJaoror Weer, Councilmen Smith, Sa~ison, Matthieu, Holfe, McFadden and };axfield, l-Ianager Vergeer, Attorney Severyns and Clerk Law. - l<layor Neer stated that the meeting is called for the purpose of examining and approving the preliminary budget as prepared by the l-lanager. Mr. Vergeer read report citing fhanges made and recommended that publicity fund not be included. Budget alterations were as follOl<s: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND: General Administration, $100.00 from l'..isc. to C.E.R. and OASI; increase County Health item, lpl,OOO.OO. Police Department, eliminate prior service, $1,850.00. Fire Department, re- duce salaries and wages $4,778,00. Treasurer, salary increased $10.00, prior service ,deleted. Engineers, Rodman, Chairunan reduced $3,000.00. Street Department: Propose removing Oak Street zig-zag and constructing pedestrian roadway with short stairs at lower quarter. Library Department: Prior Serv:;.ce eliminated. Assessmerts from Capital Outla;y to Haintenance and Operatiom. Library Cumulative Fund, $15,000.00 as requested not available although Council in favor when possible. Light Department, Line truck item increased $2,000.00 to include flat bod truck from Unappropriated Reser- ves. Street Lighting and Lab Equipnent to New Street Lighting and Equipment. After further examination ani due consideration it was mC1J'ed by Councilman I1cFadden that the preliminary budget as submitted am amended be adopted. Seconded by Councilman Sandison and carried. L. O. 11adison filed vrrittiln wequest for permission to open Caroline Street East of Francis in front of Lots 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 in Block 37, Norman R. Smith Subdivision, a distance of 200 feet, .cost to be paid by Hr. Madison. It uas moved by Councilman Smith that request be grarrted and the Engineer instructed to establish proper grade. Seconded by Councilman }mx!ield and carried. Council considered a written request from 1-Ir, Gilmore asking the City to repair elevated walk on Hest 2d Street w'hich in his opinion would cost approximately $50.00. Manager Vergeer advised that after inspection of the walk, the City has no responsibility ani is not liable. Tnis~ras confirmed by the City Attorney. Council decided that provisions of existing Ordinance governing sidewalk repair and maintenance will apply as in other locations. Harry Pryde, apprentice administrator, expressed thanks and appreciation for opportunity to~ork with City an:! observe municipal operations, also for courtesies extended. Hayor Neer and Council ~lished Mr. Pryde success and luck. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. ~, ~ ~o..w- {j . City Clerk \' 4;./~ )il )G.t{, \ Hayor . 513 ~ I I i ..J