HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 09/06/1983 33 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington September 6, 1983 I CALL TO ORDER Mayor Duncan called the-meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. I II ROLL CALL Members Present: Mayor Duncan, Councilmen Gerberding, Haguewood, Hordyk, Polhamus, Quast, Whidden. Members Absent: None. Staff Present: Manager Flodstrom, Attorney Knutson, Deputy Clerk Anderson, City Clerk Lannoye, P. Carr, M. Cleland, La Cosens, L. Glenn, J. Pittis, R. Orton, D. Wolfe, T. Sterner, L. Danks, T. Smith, G. Booth. Public Present: L. Sunny, L. Lee, C. Whalley, J. Moppin, T. M. Haley, K. Schermer, C. John, B. Levin, D. Price, L. Ross. I II MINUTES The minutes of the regular meeting of August 16th were corrected as follows: Page 28, item 3, Councilman Polhamus voted in favor of Ordinance No. 2264, he did not abstain; Page 30, Item 12, the deadline for the OPTA advertisement was approximately September 3rd. I Councilman Whidden moved to accept and place on file the minutes of August 16, 1983 as corrected, and the minutes of the special meeting of August 30, 1983. Councilman Gerberding seconded and the motion carried. IV CONSENT AGENDA Councilman Quast moved the Council accept the items listed under the Con- sent Agenda, including: (1) Permission to call for bids for transformers; (2) Correspondence from Washington State Liquor Control Board; (3) Vouchers of $816,629.97; and (4) Payroll of $202,628.06. Councilman Gerberding seconded and the motion carried. V FINANCE Manager Flodstrom informed Council that problems with the Downtown banners have not yet been resolved. Councilman Whidden moved to remove the item from the agenda and postpone decision until the September 20th meeting, to allow time for the problem to be resolved. Councilman Gerberding seconded and the motion carried. VI ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE TO BE PLACED ON THE AGENDA None. ITEMS FROM THE CITY COUNCIL TO BE PLACED ON THE AGENDA I Counci~an Quast requested that there be one minute of silence ~t 7:30 P.M. in honor and memorium of Senator Henry M. Jackson. ~~-:~ t~~TI~: l~or~E:~~~le?I~T~ , Council will hold 0 public \ hearing on September 6, t9B3, at 7:00 PM, or os soon \ thereafter as possible, in the County Commissioners Meet- ing Room, Room 160, Clallom County Courthouse, 223 East Fourth Street, to consider rezonino approxi- mately 7 acres 'rom RS.7 (Single-Family Residential) to OC (Office Commercial). Location: Generally bounded by Chambers Street on the east, the Georgiana/Front Street alley on the south, two lots west of Roce Street on the west, Coraline Street on the north, and the Colum- bia/Coraline alley on the ~:~~~-~~~~criPtion: EV~t lot! 1.4 lots 15-18, Block 4, PSCC; S1;2 Block 2, NI/2 Block 3 Hart & took Subdivision; N'h Block 4, NV2 Block 3, ~!rkk~ns l~~~di~~i~n St~2 th~ Townsite of Port Angeles; lots \ and 2; Block 38, and Lots 1, 2, 17 and 18, Block 37 Norman R. Smith's Subdi- ~~:~~iteollotSiw~~e~ A~~et;s~ Clallam County, Washington. Applicant: . , City Planning CommiSSion Property owner: N/A All interested parties may appear at the hearing an.d express their opinion on thIS proposal_ . Dote: August 26, 1983 Merri A. lonnaye City Clerk Pub.: Au~_i6, 1983 1. Public Hearing VII LEGISLATION A. City Planning Commission - Rezone RS-7 to OC ( Olympic Memorial Hospital Mayor Duncan reviewed a Planning Department memorandum an lic hearing. She asked for comments on the proposed rezon comments from the audience. 33 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington September 6, 1983 I CALL TO ORDER Mayor Duncan called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. . II ROLL CALL Members Present: Mayor Duncan, Councilmen Gerberding, Haguewood, Hordyk, Polhamus, Quast, Whidden. I I Members Absent: None. Staff Present: Manager Flodstrom, Attorney Knutson, Deputy Clerk Anderson, City Clerk Lannoye, P. Carr, M. Cleland, L. Cosens, L. Glenn, J. Pittis, R. Orton, D. Wolfe, T. Sterner, L. Danks, T. Smith, G. Booth. Public Present: L. Sunny, L. Lee,C. Whalley, J. Moppin, T. M. Haley, K. Schermer, C. John, B. Levin, D. Price, L. Ross. III MINUTES The minutes of the regular meeting of August 16th were corrected as follows: Page 28, item 3, Councilman Polhamus voted in favor of Ordinance No. 2264, he did not abstain; Page 30, Item 12, the deadline for the OPTA advertisement was approximately September 3rd. Councilman Whidden moved to accept and place on file the minutes of August 16, 1983 as corrected, and the minutes of the special meet~~~~~ 1983. Councilman Gerberding seconded and the motion carr~ I I IV CONSENT AGENDA , Councilman Quast moved the Council accept the items 1iste 'pa~ouoq sent Agenda including: (1) Permission to call for bids. tnolplM pUll pa:lllmepun 111 , , ,pUll '.\laJ8J Joqqll1au .i:1p W' (2) Correspondence from Wash~ngton State Llquor Control Bc 'lpadaa(s Joqqll1au; of $816,629.,97; and (4) Payroll of $202,628.06. Counci::.\1p pUll oaJats .i:1p 'llop J seconded and the motion carried. .i:Ull JO 'Jlla SJq JO 'asnoq S,J~ JOU 'aJl&\ slq tOU Inq 'Joqqlll SlIotIHDI3N GOOD :aJll.i:a' Manager Flodstrom informed Council that problems with the 'HSVM'aNVXOdS'H3av~ have not yet been resolved. I wal(l1.jSJjqnd asllald 'Joqq:lr. ;. ., ,01 UIlJ no.i: Ollll aunt aUlos Counc~lman Wh~dden moved to remove the ~ tem from the age 'J1 Pa!l.llS pi decision until the September 20th meeting, to allow time I pUll 'pUllqsnq po~li II aq Ot, be resolved. Councilman Gerberding seconded and the motif :luola uall.L 'UWUIO;) llll(l P, l POO__llll aq ~ ~oqu:sa.[IU_ . _OP.1 VI ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE TO BE PLACED ON THE AGENDA _ __ , l~qS : Aqq I V FINANCE None. ITEMS FROM THE CITY COUNCIL TO BE PLACED ON THE AGENDA Councilman Quast requested that there be one minute of si in honor and memorium of Senator Henry M. Jackson. VII LEGISLATION 1. Public Hearing A. City planning Commission - Rezone RS-7 to OC (area surrounding Olympic Memorial Hospital Mayor Duncan reviewed a Planning Department memorandum and opened the Pub- lic hearing. She asked for comments on the proposed rezone. There were no comments from the audience. - , ORDINANCE NO. 2266 ' ~ AN ORDINANCE 01 the City ~ of Port Angeles ..ad ass-Hying ~ property bounded by Cham. , bers Street On ,.,& east, the Georgiana/Front Street alley , on .he south, two 'ots west of Race Street Orl the west. CQrolirul\~treet on 'hie north, C1nd 'the ~olumbiCl/CQroline , ~eCl$T, nom...... \ RS-7 to OC. ,v ! WHEREAS. ihe Planning , Commission oi thE;! City of 1 Port Angeles has \hld 0 public: t1ea.ring and re,;orde-d its- recommendation _,~ the City Council in tl1e Planning Commission minutes of 'Au- gust 10. 1983: and ... WHEREAS, the requirements of the Stote Environmental Policy Act have been met; and WflEREAS, the City Councii, after 0 'PlJbUc hearing, finds that said rezone would be in the best interests of .he City (md of lts. citizens and in ~nexation keeping with the Compre. hensive Plcn; NOW, ~~~~E6~~~INED IIY mE CITY reviewed a Planning Department memorandum regarding the COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES os lollows: Sectioll 2. Tl1e Official Zoning Map, Ordinance No. ;berding moved to concur with the Planning Department reconunen- 2158, and Ordinance No. Le the request until an environmental impact statement has 1709 ore hereby amended to . . " change the zoning 01 the 101- \ and referred back to the P1annJ.ng ConunJ.ssJ.on for reconunenda- lowing described p~operty Iman Whidden seconded and the motion carried. from RS-7, Single family Res. idelltial, to CC. Office ~h:::,:;:ih~1I 01 Lot 14. Lots .ona1 Buildings Program/William Shore Memorial Pool Agreement i5-t8. Block 4, PSCC: the' south half of Block 2 and the reviewed a background memorandum from Light Director Cosens ~~:~ ~~~d~~i~:::k tteH~=rt~ }xecution of the agreement with the Washington State Energy half 01 Block.. and the north! purpose of installing seven energy conservation measures at ~~~: ol'hB~OC~o~thDY~~IfLa~~ lore Memorial Pool. 'Perkins Subdivision to the Townsite of P'ort Angeles; l lots 1 and 2, Block 3B, and :dyk moved to Lots I, 2, 17 and 1 B, Block dden seconded 37, Norma" R. Smith's Subdi- vision: 011 situated in the Townsite 01 Port Angeles, to the Industrial Transmission Rate Schedule Clollam Coun1y. Washillgton. Section 2. The City Clerk is hereby directed to tile a certified copy of thi~ Ordi- Ilance with the Clallam County Auditor. PASSED by the City Council of tl1e City of Port Angeles at 0 regular meeting of said Coundl held on the 6th day of September. 1983. Dorothy Duncon. Mayor ATTEST: Merri A, lon.noye City Cle,k APPROVED AS TO FORM: Craig S. Knutson City Attorney .Pub.: Sept. 1-4, 1983 ?" ~. u (;:; c~l- ~iEUt, --~-- .... ~- - --;-~ - - ~ - ......- ,-~.- oOE:....u :rw'" ,...,l~"""i:jl o+-.fllt .~"C"''''' 8' ~ ~ 8'-' '17.1<)0," ... ... ",u-':: -Ne;:o~'c ~.....~ ...."Cl:c.-"C .~~C:l: -E)(.!.2i .,~"., Cc==coCOO GI () ~::e:~e~tD~~ ~ :. 0 ~ ~ ~. ~o -c: =1lII.'>' ... ~1.~.! II: '* ~~' u.~O ~i.~~Si ...:.. .Q.~{,g ...~2:ij'.s ~:e Q. :: ~~~..a~~<-g+-.,Q. Q. aa..ls~~<-g .1t Do. 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Council- Commission minutes of August 24, 1983 st moved to accept and place on file the Planning Commission ust 24, 1983. Councilman Gerberding seconded and the motion I authorize the Mayor to sign the agreement. and the motion carried. Cosens did a presentation for the Council to explain the proposed rate change. t very highly commended Greg Booth and members of the City e pointed out that there will be nearly $300,000 in savings osed rate change go into effect. He informed the Council erbach Mill will start paper machine number one, as a result r schedule. 'ad the ordinance by title, entitled I I , ( I 34 NcnJ'au.,-Jf.....'----,., 'JOV ...."....J/..."'O'l""oW '6; .Bp.b~OIOW .6 "'Bllo~J ....OIOW '.,_ e6 , .,,"n~l /lu..",d/nbil MOSH C6 ' 1I....:u/V 16 ING ~ ; U01IDI.JodsUD.Jj 06 \ I I ~ast moved to concur with the Planning Commission recommendation I rezone request. Councilman Polhamus seconded and the motion ".19~"~St "ado4s lual ! "18:]xa '.f.u!od M8U '..nJ ..tS '4'1!4 lu!od t Jlnlll010l'llhamus commended the Planning Commission for the consideration "..,^" ro/;9-&S9 ' "000' L$ '.apool pua i rezone. IUDJI ''''np' ^^O"H "OSl$ '''POLS 'OS~$ 'Mold '"VI 1 'alqnoo "OS~ '>SIP '4'li4 .,read the ordinance by title , entitled lu!od t JOI I51NJWlldWII ,u..",d/nb3 fiB S99lI' ~St / , 'UJelsaM 'noon I '~SL-&S9 l' "SWJ"I 'II"S 01 p",!Jd 'liD' : t8. :Ilod 'UION IlInnll' '88tt__~L'l 'BUlluoaM ~~~~,,:~_'~.~!~~~J>~ ORDINANCE NO. 2266 I AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles reclassifying property bounded by Chambers Street on the east, the Georgiana/Front Street alley on the south, two lots west of Race Street on the west, Caroline Street on the north, and the Columbia/Caroline alley on the northeast, from RS-7 to OC. Councilman Quast moved to approve the Ordinance as read by title. Council- man Whidden seconded and the motion carried. 2. Planning Commission minutes of August 24, 1983 Councilman Quast moved to accept and place on file the Planning Commission minutes of August 24, 1983. Councilman Gerberding seconded and the motion carried. 3. Del Hur Annexation Mayor Duncan reviewed a Planning Department memorandum regarding the request. Councilman Gerberding moved to concur with the Planning Department recommen- dation to table the request until an environmental impact statement has been completed and referred back to the Planning commission for recommenda- tion. Councilman Whidden seconded and the motion carried. . 4. Institutional Buildings Program/William Shore Memorial Pool Agreement Mayor Duncan reviewed a background memorandum from Light Director Cosens recommending execution of the agreement with the Washington State Energy Office for the purpose of installing seven energy conservation measures at the william Shore Memorial Pool. Councilman Hordyk moved to authorize the Mayor to sign the agreement. Councilman Whidden seconded and the motion carried. 5. Revision to the Industrial Transmission Rate Schedule Light Director Cosens did a presentation for the Council to explain the effects of the proposed rate change. I{ r', councilman Quast very highly commended Greg Booth and members of the City Light Staff. He pointed out that there will be nearly $300,000 in savings should the proposed rate change go into effect. He informed the Council that Crown Zellerbach Mill will start paper machine number one, as a result of the new rate schedule. I Mayor Duncan read the ordinance by title, entitled r- r:-17!' ~-;; "--O~ w~""'l $'- -:""~- ---. ...' -~~ ~~ !Cv-",~ NE~g~~ ~~~ ~"OCO~~~"C ~~gg -E~l.fi ~g II ~g~~;:r~<~~ ! i,,- ~....~~e~~::i~ ~ Ql ~ . N::;J uO .::: C"C~C I r::a.--L. eO.........E,...::c ~~ .a.a~" - 0 "'~~-<-g oX ~~"E. 6..,cng~~ ~z:j e~~-:~e :Dc:Q.ED.:. j ~]~ '0. ~ l!I ... "F='O-! gQ.';':'~ .. E85~-~8e go~o I ~ c~- 3 ~ <2 g 00 ~; g ~~; E'~lc ~ -01 E ~~ ~ ~l ~-g1i~ ~~: ~:: ~~:e ~-;~"tJ::"C .gc'i~:go ~r'1 : 1 ~ "'Ml l:4Jt U Ul- ._~ C"i"6;,;-.!!! .., 0- C:-._CbO 2'~ >. D..O=- aoillt'C,... ".0 c"'c -. lfl -- ~ .... \,'1, ~~{: !.~1 ij!\ ~~~ ~~:i!:~i H~ Ui j~li~~6~~1~~~~~~~;.! ~ol ijjtdl~81!'~1 ~l >.j] zzc.; "gmE.- t: U <c O!c "C5;-"'~.J.::);D...li- (1)- ... o]_~.t:lmQlm_.J:...J:"'E m8:2:J OlEOl 1 OCD.ogtl E i5~ ~ a ~ ~;5 !~.g ~og"':N t;~-g i CD 8~D ~]-g. ~ ~i ~5:~~~ ~ ~ r~Cii~~~ 0 g' gE ]15~&t :.~~ ~~:i CD2~ ~~~ N~ ~.-3' ~o~- DO_ ~GOO ccouc ~"Co~w o~c~; O~e~~~~O~~ ~~O~~EEO~ ~~-Z'- ~ ~O~ ~~Ol ,oz~;; ~:6 i ~ ;.;u w>~.2~ e~ <.l8 iN i~.e DJ&.~oa1:c ESE 0,,-0 d-=.f 5"0 ~ -o..CI-:S~ io't..!J!..t: ~~1 E~o . ~.: g)-a,~t:J;"i"6,~~ '1, ..... ~ 10.. U E - I- 0 u- U ~ - - - .... l: CIl::. E . IV... ~ ....... oJ.... +- 41 .. 0 ... c; :l :::... C;:):J - <o~ .-O~.....oo&.~ucJL~~L~~o[~~]<~"~.E.~a:i-~~~l:5N ~~c!~Si: 2:e;-~g'g-111'E~~5S= ~ee~~~~2~~ _ -- ~ ~-~ ~~.J.:_._..__=O~_~ ~~~~o~~~o~ I '" ,. ,- - 'f' I I -, I 3800 PARK KNOLL PORT ANGELES. WA 98362 (206) 457-7167 September 6, 1983 TO: Mayor Dorothy Duncan and Members of the Council i " It appears that my request at the special workshop session of the Council to instruct staff to prepare drafts for a possible Advisory Ballot re- lating to the city hall question was misunderstood. Therefore, let me re- state in writing my reasons for my request to place the question of the location of' a new ci~y hall on an Advisory Ballot on or before Sep~. 23, 1983 - in order to appear on the November election. 1. In 'Ch?pter 8 of the Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan adopted by the Council on July'f., 1976 it is stated: In furtherance of the basic goal of this community to take an active role in determining the character, quality and destiny of Port Angeles, this-plan recommends the city use its resources to implement the fo1- 'lowing re.commendations: Land Use Recommendations Sec. 6 tl Combined city-county facilities should be developed at the Roosevelt School site.fl Sec. 8. fI The city sh~uld consider the multi-purpose center concept to provide facilities for community-wide activities." If Council:wishes to. reaffirm its 1976 recommendation at tonight's meeting then an advisory ballot is not necessary. A reaffirmation would enable the .Dempsey group to_prepare properly 'cost estimates for its proposal to pri- vately construct such new city hall if and when City Council should accept such a novel way of constructing pu.blic buildings/at the "Roosevelt School site." . 2. Since the Convention Center Committee might recommend at tonight~s or at the September 20 Council meeting that we again turn our attention to the Roosevelt site in order to remodel or rehabilitate the Vern Burton Memorial Center and provide our community j,;wi th a much needed conventio- communi ty-mul ti-purpose center it might be .....is2 to know at this .time that a city hall will he located in its vicinity in the future. This would en- able the architects to make provisions for meeting rooms that could be used:-by both facilities. \lIe \%uld save considerable sums of taxpayers momi~8. 3. There appears to be a 'conflict of interest' situation for at least two if not three members of the Council. In order to avoid 'appearance of fairness' q':lestions and challengesr: to any vote taken on the city hall question, but particularly its location, an advisory vote by the citizens of our city might be the most prudent way to escape that dilemma of personal conflict of interest. --..-...;...._. ......... - - " I , '. -..( .;., "~..--~-- " Mayor Duncan aud Council - page 2 I believe that Council has determined that there is a need for a new city hall as it has included this item in its goals and objectives for 1984. Therefore, the real question is whether the city can afford to build a new . city hall at this time. \ This question can only be answered in two ways: 1. Council determines that it i6 financially unsound to burden the general fund with monthly lease payments of up to $ 20,000 for a privately financed new city hall. ( Personally-I 'see no possibility in proceeding this route as it would mean~a continuation of the add-on sales taxes and, possibly an imposition of a B&O.taxin order to generate such 'a monthly sum. Of course, you know .~abou~~y 'phil~50phical reservations to use the so-called t1Reagan tax loop- hole for-the richt! for this privately financed building scheme.) 2. __ Thustceuneil determines 'to obtain its 1984 objectives with the noating ~of GeneraL-Obligation Bonds. In the latter esse, the citizens would have the"ir- -say oaf-the polls as they have to pass such a bond iasue with a 60% majority "7JOte.'. In any case, I believe the taxpayers would like to know wher~ c-the-Council wishes to build a new city hall. There might very well ,be enough ,civic. pride in our community (our City Pier bond ~sage is a wonder~"example ~f such civic pridel ) to approve a bond issue if the c,ity"halL is being built aththe lowest possible cost in conjunction with a . c.ommunit,.1 cOIly~ntion center at the recommended Roosevelt Gym site. . .. -. ~. ~ . ... ~ . ~ ~ainwe.are ~orced to resolve the locatio~ ,question: . . . .. '," ...... .. .':'. ~ . a. .W-e' can 'rea-ffirm ~h~.previouB recommendation of the 1976 Council. tonight , whe;eby fu~e liIeliib~rs of the Council might wish to abstain from voting or , . .. . - ! . ,'. even th~~~et>ate.;.. or- b. All of the~Counc-i1member6 can vote to place the location isssue as an , ',:-~ ~... .- .. Ad~~so~ ~,~lOt.'~ii ~he No;rember 8 ballot. This would aiford all six candidates ~unnillg for city council to discuss the pro and cons of each, site .pr -PI"()posal. Our citizens would then be able to express t.heir pre- fer~nces~at the polls in November. . d";........ The propositJo~"on tlle Ballot could simpJ,.: read: ~ .9.i !b!i following sites for l! new city hall QQ. you prefer'?: (mark one only) 1* Present' site on Front and Oakstreeta. *..... *.............c:J 2. New site on West Front Street north-side between Laurel and Oak Streets ................................................. LJ 3. iiew site on East Fourth Stree-r.. south-side between. Chase an.d Peabody Streets ........................................... ( I 4. None of the above ..................~...................... 1 / l,. I ~ . ,\'\',1 rY /"'. I) "'~ \ '\ / '::> ,.7. ~~ k~r.~ ~ I -1. o CHAPTER B RECOMMENDATIONS Recommendations In furtherance of the basic goal of this co~unity to take an active role in determining the character, quality and destiny of Port Angeles, this plan recommends the city use its resources to implement the following recommendations: Land-Use Recommendations The zoning regulations should be written to permit expansion of.the airport runway to the west in con- currence with the Port's Airport Master Plan. There should be a downtown waterfront park and public pier that is attractive to locals and tourists. Industrial uses in the historic downtown waterfront, _approximately l~ blocks either side of Laurel Street, should be phased out. 4. P,ublic access on Ediz Hook should he retained, and enlarged and improved as recreational areas become available. 3. .J "/ i 5... Star.t.:_aprogram OI 'park land development:. in the southern port~on of Neighborhoods D and E. f~~COmbined city-c~unty facilities should be developed '-' at the Roosevelt School site. .@) /0 '. fiOl --1 7. . - A trails plan featuring Peabody, Tumwater, Francis, valley 3nd White's Creek ravines as central features should be developed. The city should consider the multi-purpose center concept to provide facilities for community-wide . activities. Development of the 1st and Lincoln area should follow the multi-use activity concept so that it links the CBO with the Lincoln Street commercial area and the governmental center. The city should encourage development inside the city in preference to annexation of undeveloped areas. ) --. 50 I I I 35 CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 6, 1983 Councilman Quast moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title. Councilman Gerberding seconded and the motion carried. Councilman Gerberding commented on the approximate $20,000 a year savings which will be derived from the conservation measures at the pool and for the many, many conservation measures and programs City Light has made available. He stated that in this time of the soaring rates, our City Light has shown a willingness and an ability to stay abreast of new oppor- tunities available in this region and should be very highly commended. Mayor Duncan also commended City Light, speaking for the entire City Council. Moment of Silence for Senator Jackson At approximately 7:30 P.M. all present at the City Council joined with other ceremonies and services throughout the State, with a moment of silence in tribute to Senator Henry M. Jackson. 6. Revisions to the Utility Credit Policy After discussion, Councilman Quast moved to instruct Staff to prepare an Ordinance implementing the changes recommended by Staff and the UAC. Councilman Gerberding seconded, adding that wording be changed as follows: "That in the event of disconnection for non-payment, the customer be required to pay full cost for dispatching. . ." On call for the question, the motion carried. 7. Speed Limit Ordinance Mayor Duncan read the ordinance by title, entitled ORDINANCE NO. 2268 AN ORDINANCE of Ihe City of Po,t Angele. eslabll.hing speed limits on certain public slreets In the City, amending Section 2'2 of Ordl- nonce 1310, os most recently amended by Ordinance 15-11, amendl"9 Ordinance 1660 and Ordinance 2239. -and I adding a new chopler In Ti. tie lOaf Ihe PorI Angel.. Municipal Code. THE CITY COUNC1L OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES DOES ORDAIN as fallows: Section 1. Section 22 at Ordi- nonce- 1310, as most recentlv amended by Ordinance 1541. Ordinance 1660, and Ordi- nance 2239, ore hereby amended, and 0 new chap- ter I. hereby added 10 the ParI Angeles Municipal 9 West Tenth Street, opposed changing the speed limit from Code, 10 read as follows: West Tenth Street from "I" Street to "N" Street because of CHAPTER 10.16 1. , , ,. SPEED LIMITS !~r way to Ham~lton School; Counc~lman Gerberd~ng vo~ced ~~ct:r~10 Speed Liml" e proposed change from 35 to 40 mph on lath Street from "I" ~ner~lIy rest City limits, stating that there have previously been 10.16.020 Speed limit. on.~ area with traffic going to the sanitary landfill. After Specllled Slreels .. . 1 G b d . d d h . t d I 10.16.010 Speed l1mlts Gen. ~cuss~on, Counc~ man er er ~ng amen e t e mot~on 0 e ete erolly_11 shall be unla~ullo I 7 from the recommended changes. Councilman Polhamus operate Q motor vehicle or .. . any olher vehicle within Ihe = mot~on carr~ed. City at speeds. in ex-ceS5 of r those set forth in this section ~. . under clrcumslances and 01 I questJ.on, the motJ.on to adopt the amended Ordinance as read Ihe localions designated. '-. 1. 2S miles per hour an any l street wlthin the City except a. herein olherwise lecab1e Franchise Ordinance provide'l. , l' 2. 20 miJes per hOlJr whel1l passing any marked school j Orton informed the Council of legislation currently under- :h:~ay2,':hunz:~:n:r o~r:.e~~ ite te1ecab1e prices. He suggested renewing the current pasted with standard school the time of proposed deregulation, when a new agreement speed limit signs or .tandard . 1 d' d 1 h . h . 10 round speed limit ry. Councl. J.scusse at engt tentatl.ve c anges J.n a new ~Ig:'~ In accordance wilh the d the deregulation legislation pass. limes and condillons posted an said school and play. ground IImll signs, 3, IS mile. pe, hour in any alley wllh In the City. 10.16,020 Speed limit. on Specified Slreets, II shall be unlawful to operate Q motor ve-hlcl. or -any other vehicle at speed In exce.. of the fol. lowing speeds In the lallow. ing torotions: 1. 20 mlles per hour on: a. First Slreet and _ Front .St_1 fromtllTWlm"margtn of linealn Street to the west ~or~!n of C~?r~.St:~~: '~A ORDINANCE NO. 2268 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles establishing speed limits on certain public streets in the City, amending Section 22 of Ordinance 1310, as most recently amended by Ordinance 1541, amending Ordinance 1660 and Ordinance 2239, and adding a new chapter in Title 10 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. amus moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title. Council- ed, requesting that the Mayor open the matter for discussion. read the ordinance by title, entitled I I I I b." Ctii>rry' Streel f,om Iho south margin of Front Street to the north margin 0' Fir:!' Slr.eel. . - , c. Railroad Avenue "fr~m the eost margin of Lincoln Street 10 the we.1 morgln of Ook J ~~r~~k Street from Ihe south Po margin of Railroad Avenue Jo to the north margin of First\ Street. 1lt e. Lourel Struet from the 01 south margin of Railroad Av- enue to the north margin 0' {U: First Street. '\8 f. lIneoln Street from the \ south margin 0' Railroad Avo. anus to the north margin of ;t: Front Street. , 2. 30 miles per hour 0": t-\ Q. "I" Street from the south k mar~in at Fifth Street to the 6 ;;~~61;:'~~~:'t":r~~ht~~":~~1 I morgln of "C" Street to the I. east margin of "1" Street. . e. Tumwate-r Street from the ~ south margin 0' MarinG' Drive to tho north margin of I fifth Street. l J d. Filth Slreet from the eosl ;. marg1n of T\lMwoter Stroot to the ea$' marg-in of "l" - Street. W e. Eighth Street Irom tho ' east margin of "I" Street to Ji the west margin of Roce 1= Street. j. f. Lourldsen Boulevord lrom '1 the west morgin of Cherry 1 a Street to the west margin of I' Ennis Street. g. P""body Street from the south margin of first Street to the no"h morg;n of Lauridsen Boulevard. h. Laurel Slreet from the. ~_=~~:;r;~~th~f n~~~i~:~ ~~ gin of Viewerest Avenue. ( I. Rote Street from the south 3 margin of First Street to the ~ norih margin of Park "- Avenue. j. Tenth Street from the west' morgin of 'T' Street to Ihe eo.1 morgln of "N" Street. I k. Lincoln Streel from Ihe north marg.in of Front Street to Ihe north morgln of Lauridsen Boulevard. ) 1. Marino Dri....e from the we$t Margin of the in'ters~- lion of lirst Street ond "olley Street to the west morg;n of "A."' Street, except 0-5 other- ' S wlso poSled. 3. 35 miles per hour .on: c. 18th Street from the west marg1 n of :'1" Street to tne ue we.t City Iimlls. b. "e" Street from -the south JO morgin 01 Eighth Streel to the north morg1n .of louridsen Boulevard. c. -Lauridsen 8.oulevaro from the west morg1n 0' the lumwater Truck Route to th~ wesl City limits. UE\lll> d. S.R. l~l from Ihe morglL - \ Of La. uridsen Boulevcrd - to "",' . t'he west City limits. e. Park Avenue from the )01 ,+:)a eost margifl of Peabody' E ~ E . Street.to the west morgin of ~ Race Street. :;r1 1. Mount Angeles Road from t ,.4h9-ne..lnnorgtn-of park Av. enue to the south City limits. pu-e g. Marine Orlve from the wes1 margin of. "A" Street to Ihe United Stale. COOSI Guord AI r Slotlon on Edl% _ T"I Ol Hook, e)(cept as otherwise . posted. h. Front Street from the eost margin 01 lincoln SIree! to the eost City limits. i. Firsl Slreet Irom Ihe eosl margin al Lincoln Street to Ihe eosl City limUs. ~'. 401h~lesT~:;~~;ron~ruck :re 'Route trom the south margin ~S of Morine Drive to the north margin of laurid&en Boulevard. Sedlon 2. This ordinance .holl be forworded to Ihe Doportment 0' Transporta' tion for approval by .he Sec. retary of Tr(lnsportat~on pur. suont to ROIl 46.61.41S(51. along With such documentQ- tion as may exls' or reason- obly moy be produced whIch will help insure its approval; provided Ihot, il Ihe Secre' tory of Transportation denies approval for any spaed limit 'or any location covered by this ordinance. the maxi. ~~m speed in that location I I I rry 'SIr . J' . h f ~OLtt" margin of front Street ~~r':~ north margin a. First C. Rallraad Avenue from .he ., east margin of Lincoln Street 10 the west margin of Oak i Street. d. Oak Slreet from the south oaJ margin of Railroad AVlJllue ~ 10 the norlh margin of FirsllO 1. S,,""t. 1m!.:" e. Laurel S'reet from 'he ..... s~th margin of Railroad Ay~ ot{ enue to the north margin of \U)! First Street. l f. lincoln Streel from Ihe lI.ap south margin of Railroad Av. \ Pl enue 10 Ihe north margin of Fronl Slreel. rum 2. 30 miles per hour on: fl'>- a. "I" Street from the south ' mar~in of Flflh Streel to the 0'\1 b~~6t~~~~~~t:r~~hl~~"::~' as' margin 01 "C" Slreet 10 the ea.t margin of "1" Street. , '~.:I c. T umwoter Street from th-e soulh margin of Marine I }(.:It Drive 10 Ihe north margin 011 I Filth St,..I. ~ d. Filth Str""t Iram Ihe east _: margin of TumwQ!er Street OJ ;~ to the east margin of "L" '"'0 i Slr""t. w ) e. Eighth Str"l Irom the ,x3j' eosl margin 01 "I" Slreet 10 Ihe we.1 margin of Roce- Street. I ~ I. Lauridsen Boulevard Irom I~ j the west margin of Cherry ,d P i~:t S~~:.~~ west margin of u ;0 g. Peabody Streel Irom the ~ I'> south margl n of FitSI S'l'eet to Ihe north margin 01 Sl~' . Lauridsen Boulevard. h. Laurel Str""t Irom the j . q soulh margin 01 Lauridsen I . .Boulevord '" the north mor-"~ .1'3 r.i~::eV~~=ef':o~v~;:~uth ~ P1 margln of First Street to tne ~, a~ north margin 01 Park" ro' AvenlJe. - : j. T enlh Str""t Irom the we.t i fa' margin of "." Street to tne _ : east margin of "N" Street. . k. Lincoln Slreet from the' I north margin of Front Street f to the north margin of I Lauridsen Boulevord. !! L Ma,ine Drive Irom the!9):) west margin of thtt intersec- I lion of lirst Str",,' and Valley 1 Street to the west margin of - "A" Str""t. except as other- wise posted. ~.:I 3. 35 mile:!. per hour on: u a. 1 Bth Streel from the west margin 01 :'1" Street to Ihe wesl City limits. b. "e" SlIeet from' the south margin of Eighth Street to :+ the north margin of qe louridsen Boulevard. c. lcurid$en Boulevard from the wesl margin 01 the!" Tumwoter Truck Route to the west City Iimlb. ,li...j.R. 1(11 I,om th. margin of Lauridsen Boulevard to a: c tJr tile west City limits. ...... e. Pork Avenue from the If east margin of Peabody l, U.J Street .'0 file we$t -margin of I Race Street. 'lUa\ I. Mount Anilele. Rood, /'.o~_ ., U" tho"f\onfl---.ritlrg1ii""01'"'POi-nv. ~ enue 10 the south City limits, g. Marine Drive from the west margin of "A" Street to the United State! COO!!t ;,~ 1;: Guard Air Station on Ediz Hook, except os otherwise t po.ted, h. Front Street f.-om the -east I; margin of Lincoln Street to r pE '---theeos-'__City .lImi:ts,_ r f' ................ ~~ I II I I 'I~f ~treel f'om I~e e"sf ,~, margin of Lincoln Streel 10 10 '~e east City limits. SIr 4.40 miles per hour 0;': c. 0, The rumwate,. "Truck lial Route from the south morgin ..- of Morine Drive to the north I' mOrgin 0# Lauridsen to Boulevard. Sd'J Sectiol'll 2. Thjs ordinance [ I .holl be forwarded '0 '~e m Deportment 0' T ransporfo. !\ t I<i 'ion for approval by Ihe Sec. b 5! retary of Transportation pur. e SUonl 10 RCW 46.61.4 15(5). J I' a'ong with sueh dOt;umento_ 'ion os may exist or reason_ ab'r may be produced whic~ ~ wil ~elp inSure ils approval: \11 provided t~o'. If I~e Secre. tory of Transportatjon denies lnUl oppro~QI for any speed limit !t a~ for any 'OCation COvered by l 'hi. ordinance. 'he maxi. 1 };-el mUm .speed in 'hat focotion I, 5- 1 wifl be the lOW8$' mOximum speed accep'able '0 'he Sec. r' relary of Trans""r'o'ion but "-:+. no, be/ow Ihe 'Peed limi, of this ordinance. Ill,;[ Secfion 3. This ordinance i; .holl take eHect five day. of'er fobli<:Q'iOn or after ap- ~. provo by 'he Secre,ory of '!: T 1 Transportation, whkhever is L lo,er. rr ;: Section 4. If any prOVision of ,q, Ihi. ordinance or it. opp'iea. I~C "on to ony person Or circum. tAl stOnces. is he'd invalid, the ~ J remainder of rhe ordiflonce, or the opplicQ'ion of the- II a prOVision to other persons or e-r;: circumstances, shall not be '~q offected. and 10 thl. end th" > provision$ of this ordinance I are declared 10 be I severable. ~ PASSED by 'h" City Council ""t[~ of th" City of Par' Angele. III .. Of a regu'ar m"".lin9 of .aid ,+ sa; Council held On 'h" 6th day I .AS of Seplember. 1983. J Doro'hy Duncan. Mayor ;u;p ATTEST: Merri A. Lonnoye :S~"e1 City Clerk :' . APPROVED AS TO FORM: 10:). ~ CraIg D. Knutson . , City Allorney I Pub.: Sep. 14. 1983 1 I . 11a1o\ ouno:J ~~ Ul " r f - ......... _ c _____.., ~..-.-- -.-.' - --... j 36 .. i ~) CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 6, 1983 ORDINANCE NO. 2269 AN ORDINANCE gtanting a non-exclusive franchise to Port Angeles Telecable, Inc., to operate and maintain a community antenna television system and to distribute the signals as herein provided in the City of Port Angeles. Councilman Hordyk moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title. Council- man Gerberding seconded and the motion carried. 9. Request to Amend Easement Between DNR and the City and Burrowes and Fox and the City The amendment would allow reconstruction of the current creek crossing at a different location. Manager Flodstrom stated the amendment would protect the integrity of Morse Creek which is of major concern to the City. Councilman Gerberding moved to adopt the amendment as presented. Councilman Whidden seconded and the motion carried. 10. Consideration of City Hall Proposal and Advisory Ballot Issue Councilman Quast moved to remove the item from the table. For the sake of more factual information coming forward for the next meeting, Councilman Whidden seconded. For the record, Councilman Quast presented a written explanation of his request to have the location of a proposed new or renovated City Hall complex placed on an advisory ballot. Councilman Hordyk moved that this item be tabled. Councilman Haguewood seconded and the motion carried. 11. Convention Center Committee Report \. Manager Flodstrom reported that the Convention Center Committee had met with Mr. Monahan, a representative of Riverpark Associates which is a firm interested in development along the Port Angeles waterfront. Mr. Monahan suggested that the Convention Center Committee consider meeting with the Port of Port Angeles to see if there is a joint interest in pursuing the project. The project would require support from both the City and the Port of Port Angeles. Councilman Quast moved that hotel/motel tax funds now be allocated for the renovation and rehabilitation of the Vern Burton Memorial Gym for a conven- tion/community/multi-purpose center. Councilman Whidden seconded. Council- man Gerberding questioned using hotel/motel tax monies for a civic center. He stated that these funds seemingly should be used for tourist promotion rather than strictly City projects. He stated money should be reserved to preserve the Vern Burton building, but did not agree with using all the funds. Councilman Polhamus stated that money being allocated for repair of the roof is a good beginning for the preservation of the building. He stated that it would be ill-advised to allocate all the money for the gymnasium; that the City should consider the Riverpark Associates sugges- tions and await results of their meeting with the Port. Councilman Quast requested the City Attorney to advise the Council on the legality of the expenditure for the roof repair. Mayor Duncan stated that this question was more than a legal question because we are talking about economic development. Whether this should be a community center or a con- vention center, she stated that she personally could not support using those funds in a way that would bring less economic development than might be possible. Councilman Hordyk instructed Attorney Knutson to prepare a letter informing the Council on the specific uses of hotel/motel tax funds. Councilman Haguewood said the Vern Burton Memorial Gym is usable for all types of conventions, flea circuses, home shows, many other things that the community wants to sponsor, and as a gymnasium and recreational center as well. I I I Ilnd Ihe ellV 01 POri AnS"lBs; ,"cl~dil'l9 01,1 ogenel.. and ' ..ubc!lvl.ic:oru.lf\o,aof. Compenyskcllbe 'ublec! lO I!";' low.' f"le~eKj.eolthe pallce pow""of City ond 10 511Ch ,,,,,.on- od, ~~~~~~%:~~;~t~~~O~:~~~::"::i~~:1 ~I:::~ '.e~ (1) Company .I>cll ot'"lIllm... conduct I," operatlon unde, ':;1' ~~o~c:n~i~t:' f~~:~~~~~ l~n~I~::;I~~d =~~~I~~~"O;";:'n~:; DIM "",,,.noI1c>p,,,.,,ntodor>gertolh<lpubllcorCity. 1'3 [2) Company ohon poy, .oma hormlen ond Indemnify CitV Iromeny Iou or cl"lm o!lC1,.., City on accounlol or In con.. nGctlr:>n,wllh o.nr activity ol_Coml'''ny In IMI <<>n.lruction, ~.:r~:i~7~~_mCli~~"nQn!", ol ,it~ .ec~nk,,1 f?cHi~~. ."~d 'Y'" '''1 (3) th..!ronchls.. .holl nol be'effective unlll (om;ony"," .cure., and.1>o11 alo1l1imes ba <<Indition&d upon Compcny . :h:~"~:r~~to~~~;~~1:~~~9 ~~:~ll:ron~~s~ro~c~~I~q, ."(a) 8oII11y lI1iury poliCV Hm;t. 01 $100,000 for """h, fHlrllOnand$300,OOOior.."choo:;urrooco." , .'.....,..". . ~; ,(bj ProF'l'rIy domogll p<>liC'f Ilmlb at $300,000 ~lIr oe- ".:',:~.ft^,~:~J~1;~I~~~~~;:".;2. . o! .!",;;f (d) An .$nd.....e",..n' .lor complef&d operali""s pu '~::;:!~:O~e~d;~I~~~I'fn~~~i :~i/~~~~.la~~~~~~~ 0' .":iLr1C:~:~~~~~~I~~r~~S,t;u~~c;~~~~~~.:ln u ..S&cIlon S--Svslem Stondards. n,r-1he ,,,,rm 01 this Iron- ,,~ ~;~"i~~;;~~~!ot~~~III~:~9~~r;r~~d:.' ::.~~~IIS~lc~~l;~ (~JI~:~an C;"'~lderalions, '. ,- _ " ,'.--' ":_j !~O~~~ic1~lIr~-EE~11~~:~~;/:; ':::r:~;~:: ' \ IIl.c<llIoniCommiaslon, 'lumber 16.60S ond all,subsequent l'_:'~~~~::~~~e o:;~o~~':::~~~~:n~:~l~o~:~~)~:;;. j:-~~~~~~~~.~~~~~ ~:;.C~:~~~(E~'~0:;:~~::,the ,.~ corutrucrion _sholl follow ,he bo6' proctices ol.rh.. In. ,:du~I'on<;l sh<lll be such liI,:,I it will be compoll~le wl;h thv, !~ ' ~~. ll~' ( ~ '~;"~=~;t~l;e9 h':r;~;:~n~e:~~~~lt'~i'~~lyo;r l'hl; o~ E;~~~~~~:~~:~~:I_~~~::n:::~m~:<I~~:ur:: II to promulgal'" s~th r....onoble ruIn ood relluhJlloo$ i ~,y.~:l~":~ ~o:~~~leof ~:t ~u~~:~; : ;~~:~l~: ~~':'~i~~~; 1 ond perform Us obll9"llons under 'hj.lron[~!..., ond to as. III sureuninlDffuple-d$erviOOfoilseu*'om.....COmpanyrul... I OM reg~lotlons .holl !xl> tubiOKl '0 the provi,lon. 01 mi. ~ ~::::~~..::~r~~r s~=",:;~~~~~lotion~, (HU.e. - -'. ' ,,: AU--mi"nsmloslonCl'd dislrlbutlon IIrueh""''', line. .ond I equlpmenl Itre<:l'esl by Ihe Comprlny ",ahln 1"" City .hall bOIl so "locol&d os to, COUW min;m~m Inlerf~...nce ",llh' lhe !~-E~~~~ ~;:::'~~~r~~~~:~~::;~~l:~:~ J i21Y R~~:~~':I::I~_~:O~~ _~~;~~.l~~,~y~,o.~_ ~IO,~:,'_j,;;J! In cotool ony dlstUrbc,ncoof pavemenl$< $Idewolks; drive.',: ,I .-=~;'~~~n~~r~'~~; J!iy!!J:::~~;IFi~~~~ . (3}R..locoll!>n.....:~. -.~:.'I,.",.~ ~:-. ','" . '~:':. ,11010..... Ilmedurlng theporlod.ollhl. ',onchl$lllheClty I..holl lawlullvele<:1 lo'olter, or chon99'lho grode'at, on'f ',Ireel, o!leyor ol~(H',publlc,,,,O'f, IheCompony, upon reo.. oonoble nOllte.b'yth..OIy..shall removitond rel.o<l>1e;1o pol..., wlr..., cobleo, underground conduits, rnonhC1!es, or., olherdlslrlbullonfocllllieS<llllJowtl-eicpenll;9..-.'.:;;" {,,)rl.,cemenloffix1ur&S,. ," ,.'. :.,-- -. - '" '. ,,"- TheCQmponV'sconstructionmuslconlormtolhaproctlces ollhemunicipol.llli!itleo,electricol..leIOllpho"eondolh...., ondlo be compalible with th",lr un of foclHlill$ ond aqulp. monl.'The Comporr,(s '""hnleal foclI,itle._ shill! not be - City ",II ul dloc:rimlntrrlol,Q."d th.all,no(glvOII..oIlY p".,..o..,'\_1 ~~~~v~_'!~L:o~~e_.!!> ol!p~r.~,,-s. U ~i:~i~1:i~74~i~~~;;~f;~~~(I~i~~cli?~n5~hil~e~~~ ~i~~~~~:iJ!~:~~:~~;fi~;:~~jf; ~f~j;f~~;~1!~~;:~~~~:;:~!;'~;;Y:~~ Upon any lermlnallon 01 till. I.<lnd..,.... wnelMr b<ll<lre lhe fE~~~~;,t~J~:I~~~:~~~~C~~~~~;il:I<I~<I;~:~~~ byC<>mpanY<lIComp<lny'.exp..nse<lndrhepropertyypon ;;~~nl~~~e~~~I~~n~~~~:sinb":I~~s7nds;~~~~i~e: o~y"::bY C<Jmpony.ex""plthaICityor.lIod"slgne",.hollhovelt>e fan"WI~~ 't~<I~r~:r J:;i;~:":~y ..1"eI _10 "c'lulr.. all <If ~~::;~:~:f:~~:~~:~:,~~:~~;~~: ~:;~.~~;";~; <lpp,,,;.lng CATV $y.lems by Ihe CAT\I,ndu.try and mutu. "lIyo<:ceplabl"ja~llyandCompany r':~h\:. I~~~I:;e~t7i~h~lJI';,,~~~t~~":~;:-;:~~I~~~ l7J ~:r.:Yr::~s~,:,:~;: :~I:'nn:~I~II'~ld~"ellac;,r9~. abl", <In O' belor", th. lSlh day 01 JUly aM January tor tile r;,ec;!~h9 :~~hm:~';,,':..~I"t,mpony shoJI furnl.h _111<I City lr..asur..,wllh a_IM"n statemenlunderoalh. execul9d ~!eo::;:~\C~~~~Cn~m!~hr~ ;;;13~~gfa'~~h~~~~i:' ~~e'.";d ~"oyment.:om"uhodontheba'i.;elout'n,ubseCllon[1) ~~~~~~~~~~~::;sl~e~;J :"J'o~v"e~i,:c~r:~1~rn;h~~a'~:Ch 01 this I";'nchlo... ~:t'~~':';-:n';,"~:'i"I~1 Sj~S=:Iv~o~~c1~).A~~d~' ~~;~~~ upon '''o.onobl" ,eqUo'lbyCity,Companysn"'lsuppJya ~J;~I~~~1~{,~~~j;{~~~j:~;~~~W::~~~r;,; ~h~lIb':~~p~Ii':!~h~ICj~ :;;h~' '~':~~:":-:Pi~7s ~:b":.,~~J to tile F.C.C. ~171ion 14 Maximum R"t.. Sch&d~le. Conneclion Monlhly [a) Oome",klnslallalian. $24.50 $6.95 (b) Apanm..nh 20.00 6,9S (c}Treljlero 20.00 6.95 (d)hlrel"ullalin.laJloUons 10.00 1.00 (e) Mot"l. <lnd oth"r multjpla o"tlatinslal101ians 10,00 1.50 (peroull..t) '00 '.00 10.00 6.9S (fJNu"inllHom..per",lus..d (g)H<lmelo,Elde,lypor.etused (foo) Re-cannedj<ln (i) Schools (j) Unwa"ontad Se"'l~e Cafls ...,d, 10.00 {k) No charg.. ,hall be m<ld<! lor dl..:onnecli"'!l (2)Clty;:d~';'panyog'e"tIlalthe'<lleSprovjdeclln,ub_ sectian {I} 01 Ihl. secllo" ".... r<!a'on"bl.. compen.lon 10 CClm"any ror ll. .e'viW5 and tall" hlrm ',ea'ona e tomp....'<llJon"may be h....ofterd.llned at lh"dISC.....I"'n 01 Ih", City a1ler 0 Sludy ana ~on.ide'otlan <If 'ne noli<lnol Ilgu'eslo"imlfor.e"'lcesas aflecl.-dbv localcondlflon. (3) City. .Uhe' upon it. OWn ""'llan or upon r"'lue.1 01 Company, may 01 any time dU'ing Ih", per;<ld 01 Ihi. fran' Chise by ordlnan~" ~hange fh.. rell" slruel~,,, II change. a'e n"'....ary In Ih.. bell inlare" of Ihe City <lnd Campo ny's .~b.crlbe,". and Ore lai, and '9Clson"bl" compen.ian locompanyfo's..",icQli b"lng render9<l. "'ovlded. howev. ....,lh<llnoch<ln~Slnlhelorell"ing'afo.for.ub.cribers shaf1 be mode, exc"pto,oulhor;.ed by IheCity olte, <I full publiCp,oclledlng, ofIording dUll proce..to 011 Interaslad portjes_ _" ,__ . jec!'on15 locol Bu.in....Offlce. 0 10calbu.iM,s<lflice .. ,hall be moinl<llned by IlIe c"mpa"y 10' the purpo.e 01 in v<>stigotlon <lnd 'e5<1IUli<ln of 10,;01 S<!rvice complainls ond l<Ienobl.. th" public to h<lve <onvenl..nl acCllU 1<1 Ihecom. pony, Ihe c"mp"ny .h<lll keep a<curelt.. bo<Jk. al occou""l allhl< of/lc.. II1'ayghouI Iha term ot Ihls-I'onchise. the ~J:~:l~:;~:{~::~~~?n~~~~~~:I~:~~: s~:~c~~ ComP<lny .hall fila <lr>n"ol hnandal,tolem..nt.al Ihe "<1,1 S~~T~:ih:J!~y~~~~:~~~~~~';'~~~i~~~;~~:~; end. Secti<>n 16-Svs'''m 001<1. Company ~hall malnlOin at an 01. fiw In Po,t Angele. aU curranl mep~ <lnd oth.,.,. ope'<lllon,,1 data 'el"'ing 10 Its .y.l..m ape,alions in tha City 01 Part Angel"., City may insp",cl Ihese mep. and dOl<l at ony Itmedyrlr>gno,m"lb".lne..hau," Section t7 Pllrmilonaln.oe;:lian Fee" Noll1jng in Ihisor_ dlnence shall b<! conslru"d 10 limit Iha rlghl<lf City 10 ,,,. qui,,, Compan~ 10 pay reo.on<lbie coot. In<:urred by City In ""'nn..cll<ln with Ih.. i..uonce al 0 permH. making "n in Sp.ocllon, '" perla,mingonY<llner.efYlcelaror inconnec. lion with Compeny or it. facIIIII",. whel"", purslranl 10 thi. ordinance Dror>y <lth"""rdlnance or ,eguiationnow In aff~lorhe....oll"'adOpl.-dbY"'eCllY, ~~j;;n;~::;~i;I~ll~)O~~~~~~:. a~~d..~:n~a~~~r~~ i"9. 10 perlorm p'amptly ond fully each and every term. . :~i~i~j~;",O:h~~~:-:'~"i~ ~~j:oit"~d~n~;~~:'~ ~~~~ ~~~:~o:~c::~~e:~i~;i~t~~~e~~~~a~e'" Ih~~:~:nocb~r...~PPlied. by , Seclion 19-Rem..dl". Not hdu.ive.Woiver. All ,emedle. ~~~~~~I~j~:~.'n"On~%~~~~i~~ ;~~:~:%I~~I~: ;~~nfshj~~i abo'lathe'eco.....ry<l''''nIOroementGfonyOrhe'remdey Remedies conlolned io thl, <I'alnanc... induaioy lermlno. tlGn 01 Ihe I'onchi.... arc not e~cllr.ive. Gnd Ihe Cily re. ~:~::. :I~~ ~i~;la~~ ~~~;d~ ~:~~~t.':~O~;.il~: :: j~n~~:~~: Failu,et<lenforceonyp,avl.lonollhl,o,djnonc..shollnot b.. can.lrued o. 0 wojv..r of 0 breech of "n~ alh", I"'m. Conditiono,obllg<llionallhi.o,ajnonc... F,C.C.. na I. In ~~~rl::'~be ~~h d;~;,,~~:;n~tsOfp:~~r:~~~o:f~nc;:r~h: te'm,o'condUionsol Ihlsf,anchis.., onasholl beprovid Inll good syslem .a"'k... ,,. det"'mined by the Syslem standords 01 Seelion 13, "roulded. how"v"" Ih'" Ihe City sholl ,...,,1_ Ih.. p.orlormance and 'luoFllkatlon. <II Ih" c..mpon~ p,lo, 1<1 lIs gronllr>g Ih.. '..n_allo, Ih.. lerm Speclfiedhareln ~~~n 1~~jJi~:."du~7~; ~::olle~~:~~~~ie~jffo~~,;::~~; g1~~~,~~~g:;;~1i;~~f;:tJiij;:~~;z~ lonce 01 tills I'onohloe ond 011 of its 'ermsondcondilion,. and II Iheyloil tQdo'Olhi,ordlnanC(lsh<l11 be void and 01 noe/fecl. *tlon 23-c.,nsm"'l<sn<llllv,_II_"ny_ .....,Iio~.,-.ub"'(lcl,,'";.., .enh,nce,clou.e<l' portion of this ardjnance I'/<lrony "'OS<ln h..ld in""lid 0' 'etl<le,ed un<;onslitu'lonol by any c"urt of compel..nt iurl.diclion, such pc>rti<ln .hall be deemM 0 Oe"O'al". distinct, and independenl provi.lon ond,uellh<Jldlngonollnolalf..cltllec<>n.tiIullon<llityal Ine '..m<llnlng portion h..reol. J/ for any ",a.on the I'on chls..iee Is Involldalad-aromanaed by Ih.. ocl oj "ny Court o'g-ov..rnm"n'ol<lg..ncy.lhanlhehlgn"SI,easonoblatron_ elll... lee allowed by .uch Court <I, oth..r governmenlol "~ncy '~all bl> Ihe,I,a"chi.e I.... ch<lrg"d by tfo.l, ordinance. ~i:,~I~n"';i~ ~~~%:~;~h:~::~lr'I~~~:;;u~~i~~n;6_~~";,~~:~ 'ule.ond Regulalian."nlill"d"Ftoochi.e Slondo'a....uch modlflcolion. 0' omllndment, ,hall be ,ncorporot9<l .nlo Ihi. O,dinonc"wllhln One yeo'ol the adoplion 01 lhe mod. Illtollona, ame"dmant. <1'01 I"" time oj Ih"..xplrolion <II thl.O,dlnance. orrenewol Ihe'eol, whic....veroccurslirst. The portl... 'lCknawledge Inc,t imp.onding federal legiol". Ilan.lol9<lforada"llon in 1<111. 1983. ooutd offe;:llne abave f'anch;s.. <lgreemenlth'ough de.regulollon <If local lI""arnm..nt aUlho,lty ""e, Ihe t<ll""oble ina~",y. "artles ;::o:~'::.,'~'UI~~:,o:nJ~~~I~o"n::~':ri;e~eld ~~"~d~: ~; S:~~09na~~.I~i~~ ~t~h~P~~~':d of th.. orillinol !'anelllse. the City c"undl of Ih.. Cjty 01 P"rt Angele. h..ld I'ublk neer ~Ir;w ~':;d'::;'~:7:s aT:I~abL j~~~_~:'~:~:~~:e :~~c;~::. t~ CATV sy.lem In "orl Ang"'e. <II which inler.shod parties "''''e "florded on opp<>rtunity 1<1 porlklpale. The City c"undlol "on Ang.,les revlewedlhe "..,Iormanca ana 'luolilioollon. 01 Port Anyeles Telecable. Inc., d"ring It. In;. 1101 operaling dur<lllan ana w"s 'oll&lied Ih"'rewith. PASSEOby Ihe City (<luncll 01 lh<l City <If Porl Angeras and app'''''ad by I"Moyoroto regul<lrm..eling ollhe C<luncl) heldonthe6IhdayoISeplember.19B3 OorolhyDyncon,Mayo, ATTEST:MerrIA.lannaye, CityCle," AP"ROVEO AS TO FORM: CraigD_Knytoon, CltyAltarn..y "ub.: 001. 6. 1983 I I I CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 6, 1983 After further discussion, Councilman Hordyk moved to table decision on the previous motion until the September 20, 1983 meeting. Councilman Polhamus seconded and the motion carried. Councilman Gerberding moved to instruct staff to contact Mr. Monahan and the Port of Port Angeles to obtain more clarification on whether assistance will be available, and report back to the Council at the September 20, 1983 meeting. Councilman Quast seconded and the motion carried. Councilman Quast moved that the chairman of the Convention Center Committee report at the next City council meeting after reviewing the Jewell report and the studies of Ellerbee to recommend to the Council as to the procedure and the use of the Vern Burton Memorial Gynmasium. The motion died for lack of a second. 12. Request by Ron Gardner to Modify Sidewalk Obstruction Permit to Include Erickson Playfie1d. Mayor Duncan reviewed the request. Councilman Gerberding moved to authorize the request as recommended by staff. Sales are to occur at the end of Third Street in the gravel area by the chain-link fence. Councilman Polhamus seconded and the motion carried, with Councilman Quast abstaining. 13. UAC Meeting for September 13, 1983 The Council scheduled a Utility Advisory Committee meeting for September 13, 1983 at 5:00 PM to discuss residential weatherization programs and current diversion programs. 14. Solway Request to Amend Existing Right-of-Way Easement Councilman Quast moved to refer the request to the Real Estate Committee. Councilman Polhamus seconded and the motion carried. 15. Proclamation - Constitution Week Mayor Duncan proclaimed September 17 through September 23, 1983 as Constitution week in the City of Port Angeles and urged all citizens to pay special attention to our Federal Constitution. 16. proclamation - International Literacy Day Mayor Duncan proclaimed September 8, 1983 as International Literacy Day. 17. Consideration of Goals and Objectives for 1984 Manager Flodstrom stated that the calendar allows for Council's consideration of 1984 Goals and Objectives at this meeting and at the September 20, 19B3 meeting. The Council added in the area in the area of transportation the resignalization of traffic in the topographically lifted area of Downtown. In the area of Community Development, Council added the City's participation in the development of a visitor information center on Railroad Avenue in conjunction with the Waterfront Project. 18. Request to Sell Back Cemetery Lots to the City Councilman Polhamus moved to grant the request of john Fowlkes to sell back cemetery lots to the City. Councilman Quast seconded and the motion carried. VIII LATE ITEMS Manager F10dstrom reported on a proposal for the installation of a bubble structure at the City tennis court facility by a private party, Mr. Dan Kelner. The Council requested that representatives from the Park Commission accompany Mr. Kelner to Victoria, B.C. to observe and photograph two similar bubble structures and report back to the Council. - 37 ~ 38. CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 6, 1983 IX ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE/CITY COUNCIL NOT ON THE AGENDA Del Price from the Chronicle questioned whether or not there will be a pub- lic hearing on the Telecable franchise at the time of Federal deregulation. The Council determined that there will be a public hearing. Councilman Quast moved to reconsider Section 25 of the ordinance concerning the Telecable franchise, for the purpose of the wording, specifically word- ing concerning the public hearing held prior to the award of the original 1- franchise. Councilman Whidden seconded. After discussion, on call for the question, the motion carried. Councilman Quast then moved to amend Section 25, line 1, of the Telecable Franchise Ordinance to read: "Prior to the award of the original franchise of this Ordinance, the City Council of the City of Port Angeles held public hearings . . ." etc. Councilman Gerberding seconded and the motion to amend the Ordinance carried. Jim Moppin of the Welcome-Inn RV Park complained of RV's being parked over- night in the City. Police Chief Cleland informed him that the Police Department does not have enough manpower to enforce regulations on overnight parking of RV's. X ADJOURN TO EXECUTIVE SESSION None. XI RETURN TO OPEN SESSION None. XII ADJOURNMENT Mayor Duncan adjourned the meeting at 10:05 P.M. 21);J"tA.I'~~ ./ City Clerk J~.J~-. Mayo I I