HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 09/07/1939 .... 85 Proceedings of the City Commission of tbe City of Port Angeles, Wasbington September 7 ,],9~__ 19_ I I I I I The Commission met pursuant to adjournment at 10 A.U. a"d was called to order by]tayor Dsvis. Roll call shor-ed the following officers present: Mayor Davis, Commissioners Beam and 1~sters and Clerk HaYMins. Under the head of Unfinished Business,- Xol'H'E I ~ I~':W 1.;IN,!l~,,\: I \' [.;~, ~ TlllIl fw:.le(l hill,., \\"ill 1". \"'('l'ln'{l ~"~')N~_ll.'\ ll~'~~~'~. {\~:;;~II i:tg-t~;;:: ~ ;:~{l yJ I j~'l~I':I'U~:"I\Jl~;;~llll:;} ]];'l.,,\~\::~~'t,./\~t fr~~~~ I 'l'hiI'd t" [.:if.rhth "tn-d. 10.\' till' ('I}l~- ~1~,t::::'\~::l Bd~~~: ~lll:~!i~:;I~~:;~~?ll~'~'~ lli~~~~l~ ~ I 1'1<1111; <lllll Hl'eei riL-atiolmm:ly ]),. :, <Ihtnilltld rt'''lll tl1f' "il~' Cl"'l'~ (Ofl :1 :::~-ltl\;~IY ....r I'Od _.\ng;L'It'''~_ "af'11- I jlll (ll\ COOlllll""I<>O l"l(nt'~ rIll' Ihdll to J/i'j((.t :\11\ aId lil h"ls !lIU"'] tll'o' 2.Jth ,11\ ,f \.11/.:111;1 JIll ' ~ \1 HA'Yhl:'\S Cll~ ('1"'1], Pub Au,.; :21-!\!, Sq)t , Under the head of Xew Business,- Pursuar,t to the following call for bids for the improvement of Lincoln Street from Third Street to Eight Street by the construction of concrete Curbs and gutters, Bituminous cement paverr,ent ~nd drainage items, the City Clerk reported that one bid had been filed, as follows: Washington ~sphalt Company I I I I I i by the City Commission: $6,725.00 It was moved by Commissioner Masters Company be accepted and the contract Commissioner Beam. On roll call all the motion carried. that the bid of the Washington Asphalt awarded to said Compa llJ'. Se conded by members voted aye. The Uayor declared The following Official funds approved as to form by the City Attorney were approved 'Ihn. J. Conniff Reuben O. Ide !{. U. Hawkins Thos. Geisness stewart Horace White Madge H. Nailor Madge H. Nailor Elsie J.!. Stahl George W. Jeffrey J. R. McDonald Attorney Chief of Police Clerk Poli ce Judge Supt. of Utili ties Treasurer Treasurer Dep. Treasurer II . 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 CURRE1:T EXPENSE FUND The Commission examined and allowed t he following claims and ordered warronts drawn for same: Garbage Collector J. A. Vilrley Wm. !.!. Rafter Shell Oil Co. Frank Hickok Virgil Johnson Iyor Smith Don Smith Wm. Porter Hugo Olson O. E. Ullstrom C. B. McDonnell Douglas Porter Wm. Watts Carl Jacobson City Light Department City Treasurer CITY STREET FUND Earl Steiner II Gordon Wendell S. B~3 selman Shell Oil Co. . Vla.shington State Penitentiary City Treasurer WATER FUND Hooker Electrochemical Co. Central Motor Parts Willson Hardware Co. Epperson & Sons Harris & Schuller Angeles Cooperative Creamery James Harcrvrnre Co. Washington Pulp & Paper Corp. Equitable Steel Co. City Light Dept. Montgomery Ward Co. Olympic Printery Palmar Supply Co. fillgBles Gravel & Supply Co. City Treasurer LIGHT FUND S. Ii. l'lhite k:ontgomery Ward Co. Epperson & Sons James Hardware Co. Fixit Shop P. A. Evening News Hoare & Headrick Willson Hardware Co. City Treasurer State ExaJl1iner II . 55.95 51.05 58.90 6.00 5.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 5.00 0'" 6.00 y ~1/ 5.00 5.00 50.00 52.14 40.51 45.01 16.88 25.88 '1/ 52.65 578.99 10 414.54 'f! 64.57 51. 76 14.86 14.84 9.69 55.51 6.65 56.21 .72 2.81 1.42 42.47 25.00 1.02 oj.. 41.e2 ,,>,,\1 87.61 10.52 45.94 25.25 1.73 4.45 2.81 5.06 2.00 9.08 1.55 2.55 L60 2.58 ~ Gasoline Volunteer Fireman Office Rent Ind Ins & Med ~id Equipment P.ent n " Gasoline Liquid Asphalt Road Markers, etc. Ind Ins & Med Aid Chlorine . Repair s Supplies Lu.mber Pipe Bands Dry Ice Hammers Flange Gads lit Chiseh Office Rent Supplies Print ed Forms Pipe & Fittings Concrete & Tar Paper Ind Ins & MedAid Car Hire Supplies Lumber Ladder Sharpen Lavm lfuwer, etc. Advertising Repairs Lub. Truck Truck Repai rs Supplies Medical Aid ,.. '86 Proceedings of the City Commission of tbe City of Port Angeles, Wasbington September 7, 1959 19_ l ~~Ie.. .. .......... ~..nul. ""T........ ...MHO,,- ~G.oa {o~ 61.20 1;' ,\"J/,. ",16.47 );~'" 0 The following claim of S. H. White, Supt. of Utilities, ~75,95, for expenses attending the'7~onvention of Electrical Inspectors held in San Francisco, California, August 19, 1959, came up for consideration. It was moved by Cormnissioner Beam that the claim be allor-ed. Seconded by Mayor Davis. On roll call Com- missioner Beam and Mayor Davis voted aye and I,;onllnissioner Masters voted nay. 'lhe )'layor declared the motion carried. . General Electric Co. Ol}~pic Printery . Transformers Electrical Permits Under the head of Introduction of Resolutions the following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION RELATING TO 1HE USE OF FUNDS TO BE RECIEVED FrOM GAS TAX, PORT i'lNGELES, WASHINGTON WHEREAS, The State Director of Highways has required that the City Commission of the shall by resolution designate a budget for the years 1959 and 1940 for the monies to City cf Port Angeles under the provisions of Chapter 187, Laws of 1957, that will be construction and maintenance and interest And principal bond payment; City of Port Angeles be rsceived by the used for street I I NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESCtVEll BY THE CITY CO!AMISSION OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES AS FOLLaI/S: That the I money to :e received by the City of Port lngeles under the pro'~sions of Chapter 187, Laws of 1957, will be expended in the following manner: I Overhead 200 .00 'I' Primary Maintenance 1,500.00 Secondary Maintenance 1,000.00 Other Streets Maintenance 2,000.00 Primary Gonstruction 8,500.00 I Secondary Construction 5,500.00 Other Streets Construction 58,558.56 55,058.36 It was moved by !'ayor Davis that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by Conunissioner Beam. On roll call all r.lembers voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried, There being no further business the Commission then adjourned. it,,? ll~~ , ' City Clerk ~;ayor I I I I I