HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 09/07/1949 ... 580 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington September 7, 19...iL ,The Commission met in regular session at 10,00 A.M., and was called to order by Mayor Feeley. The officers ,present were: Mayor Feeley, Commissioners Robir;son and Taylor, Attorney Trumroll and Clerk Law. ,Minutes of .the previous session '~re read and approved ynth one alteration as follows: Commissioner Taylor informed that it is the intention of the Commission to continue consideration of the inst~lation of a 4rainl "'to eliminate erosion causing damsge at Ocean View Cemetery, and attempt to get Federal Aid for the same, , but until costs are ascertained, no immediate action can be taken. . . ,I I Under the head of applicatiops for building pemits and licenses, the followine were granted: : II . ~&OO "- :Building Permits: ' Marion P. Harthill Addition to Existing Dwelling; Lot 13, jlk. 176, T~lnsite IC, A. Ogrosky Convert 3-Room Trailer Coach Into House; Lot 12, Elk. 174, Tmmsite Hazel.;. Cooley Construct Garage & rloodshed;, Lot 17, cllk. 2, P.S.C.C. William Crosier Remodel & Addition to Existing Dwelling; S2 Lots 10-11, Elk. 586, Townsite E. F. Roth. Constmct Garage; Lot 12, Blk. 329, Townsite 250.00 2,000.00 600.00 2,500.00 250.00 Licenses: "Robert B. King <;, f Journeyman Plumber--Renevml .50 ,Under the head of unfinished rosiness, the hearing for the establisbment of a Local Improvement District, ,pursuant to Improvement Resolution No. 152, ViaS opened. The ,District would be for improvement of South 'Pine Hill by construction of a tmnk sewer. Engineers estimste for proposed improvement was as follows: :1' 'Total estimated oost, $4,545.37; Amount to be assessed against abutting property, $4,E45.37. Aggregate ' 'actual value of real estate exolusive of improvements, $9,750.00; Assessed valuat,ion of real estate exclusive of improvements, t4,865.00. There being insufficient opposition made or filed by property owners opposed to 1 I,creatine tile improve'l8nt distriot, the Commission decided to proceed with the same. I. Under tile head of new rosiness, a petition signed by ten property ovrners was presented, requesting improvements of East 5th Street, between Washington and Chambers Streets, by constmction of sidewalks and "curbs. Tbe. petition was referred to the Engineer and Street Commissioner to consider regrade and other 'details. Mayor Feeley announced the appointment of Dr. Mayberry, to serve as an additional meat inspector, and moved 'Itbat the appointment be confirmed. The Jr.otion was seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All members voted ,'Aye. Motion carried. . Commissioner Taylor reqlested that bids be published for the purchase of one oarload of 10" pipe for tile 'Water Department, b1ds to be opened September 21st. It was moved by Commissioner Taylor, seconded by Commissioner Robinson that call for bids be published. All voted Aye. Motion carried. 'ITl1e report of Police Judge Phillips for the month of August, showir;g $1,252.00 fines collected, was approved and ordered filed. ,I "Under the head 0 f reading and pa ssage of Ordina nc es, the following was placed on second reading. ORDINAI{;E NO. 1212 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles granting to the United Sta tes of Amerioa, Department of the 'Interior, acting qy and through the Bonneville Power Administrator, a right of Vlay for the construction, operatio!l and maintenance of a six inch pipe line and facilities appurtenant thereto, across and under certHin City streets of the City of Port Angeles, Washington. ) .. I It Vias moved by Commissioner Robinson that the foregoing Ordinance be passed second reading. Seconded by Commissioner Taylor. All voted Aye. l~otion carried. The Commission examined and approved the following claims, and ordered warrants issued in payment of same: 72.- /7 If3 .:.. "CURRENT EXPENSE HIND: City Treasurer ,Olympic Printery Hazel's [;afe City 1"uel Co. Richfield Oil Corp. ',Taper Oil Burner Co. Schreiner Chevrolet Co. "Paoifio Telephone & Telegraph Olympic Sta tioners "CITY STREET FUND: ("YcJ~!J" I'Richfield Oil Corp. 01j1llpic Printery Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. ,Tower Super Service Port Angeles Concrete Products Co. Ecklund Lumber Co. Go. st.Lites, Fire tlyd, Sts. & Sew., L.W.li. Office Supplies !.Ieals for Prisoners Fuel Oil Gas and uil Mat'l & Labor, Oil BUrner Car Repair Services 3309, 4408 Supplies 1,206.27 59.65 169.59 40.76 205.08 10.10 8.20 39.49 24.58 Gas and Oil Office Supplies Cement Oxygen and lJemurrage Sewer Pipe, etc. Lumber 285.35 56.51 5.16 7.56 277.75 68.62 , 75 WATER FUND: :11,). Olympic Printery Olympic Stationers Rensselaer Valve Co. ,Angeles Gravel &: Supply Co. Western Utilitie s Supply Co. Puget Sound Navigation Co. Port Angeles Concrete Products Co. Willso n Hardware Co. Atlas Packing & Hubber Co. ;;c. LIGHT FUND: ,;2, O)'I-I? - Clallam County P.U .D. No.1 Clallam Adjustment Corp. Eugene E.. Williams 1i.ine Material Co. Ilichfield Oil Corp. Willson Hardware Co. Printing Supplies Hyd. Ext. Cement Fi ttings Frt. Chgs. Sewer Pi pe Tools, etc. Die Cutter 14.85 25.59 19.47 56.14 62.68 15.01 80.48 5.53 5.22 August Power Comm. on Collection Car Expense Kick-arms Uasoline Lamps and Supplies 20,154.00 6.06 16.66 12.98 89.00 88.87 ..... 'I I I I I 1 I I I' I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington _ 4. 'IU-..._~_ ..~_.. ",_..1.1.:77. jLIGHT FUND, continued: Lunt's Battery Service I The Ele ctric Co. General Electric Supply Corp. II SANITAT ION HIID: tff-:.1 Olympic Printery IAngeles Gravel & Suppl,o Co. Ci ty Treasurer ff LIBRARY ]<lJND: 367, IA. ,G. McClurg & Co. City fuel Oil Co. City Treasurer Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. ,Lee Hod son !Jean Karr & Co. !A. N. Marquis Co. IThe Personal Book Shop, Inc. H. W. Wilson Co. DoubledaJ' & Co., InD. , ,,0 'PARK 'FUND: I K}. - lilngeles Gravel & Supply Co. I'Montgomery Ward & Co. Zellerbach Paper Co. ,City Treasurer ,City fuel Co. I PARKING METER & TRAli')<'IC IECklUnd Lumber Go. L. 1. D. REVOLVING FUND: '10 f City Treasurer September 7, continued, Battery Cond ulet Tape 1 Hearn Dup. Paper Conc rete Water Rent Books FUel Oil Ligh t, Water, Telephone Po stage Bo oks Jooks Books Books Books Garbage Sand, Cement, Brick Mix Plastic Hose Tissue Light, Water, Garbage Stove Oil 9' C(R.JTROL }'UND: ';;'0, lumoer for Parking Lot Steps !:LIBRARY MEMORIAL FUND: llPuget Sound News Co. ~ 11'here being no further 31 ~(, Recording Deed, Lots I and 2, Blk. 396 Books 19~ business, the session was deolared adjourned. P.t: ~~. (j City Clerk l'I,offl'''' 'I'fl nhldetH :' Notice Is hereby given t1mt :<e:\IC'1l hid~ ,,,III b(' ]'f'("eh',>d b~' tlH' t~lt~' ; CIl2'rl< of th" Cit~. of POl't Angclefl, I'H~a~~~i;' ~:~~N 1~(!J'\~,\~1(l~~ral4tll~9~hj~~ lO! the City 'CIl'rlc tor th-~. ('OIH',t!'Ue- IllOll of n, fH!W't:r (lr:tin fer till) 1'; stn,~q ]'('f'I'l'\'Oil', ... M>l>",x'ma'e """"""08"",.,,,, "" I ~L~:~~:/d~:'~171~~'l~lh\}I~~. sewer pljle alll! I l~lans aud Ilpf'!Ciflnttion, mflY- h(' :',Ob1.ailU,d from th{l. elt;.-' CI('tk U)ll)lI 'jdqlositing" the sum of $5.00. i The Cit)' Comlllil'!<ioll l.e!,{&l'"Ves the ,'. tight to reJ('~t n n~' or all bids. .J. JG. LA\\', CI ty Cli~rk. ..~ru_bliBlll!'<'I Sel\lelllucl. 2,~,~. _ ("all )'01' IlIdol ,;] Sf'nl(>(] bias will ))e l'{&('['.i\'ed by thl! Cil~. Cl('rli: of tll("> I"lt\. or 'port .<Ult;::t' [ ftl'lling:toll. unlll ~Pfltl'm.., hPI ~ 3l 10 a:m.. all,1 1l0.llatf'l'.I. [I I ~~~~I?;1"G~h~J~f~nOl.\~: : Jbi:bl.sf:Jll Jl'lch, d.Q.flfli';O ~'~N;~\~~~~h~\~t~;:.1%:U~~~ ~~.~l' ~njlij~,-(. f'heE'h ~l/ _. l,~ - f Q4. ~'Clf'rk. : . ,".' . \;!':il!flf",,:.",.>., ,h.. tri~"t'JttlJteJV'ct' i~'Ol"all hJ<J.~. J. 1-:" LA \V, CHy (,]~d(. ['lIIJlIl<hl'<1~ Sc.:Dll:mt,l'l' lJ If. ]:H~. bd~ ~ /lft 581 27.30 5.86 18.83 2.37 40.17 1.60 67.32 91.41 9.35 7.21 9.61 11.98 11.45 16.78 75.40 7.30 10.05 . 16.58 6.35 129.27 20.47 20.96 .90 59.06 Mayor