HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 09/07/1961
Pmcee~ings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
... M PAINTI'-IG co. P.uu. ...,.
i'The City Council met in regular session at 7:30 P.M. Officers present were: Mayor Maxfield, Counciimen
"Smith, Richardson, Thorne, Randall, Caldwell and Haguewood; Manager Slankard; Attorney Moffett and Clerk
It was moved by COuncilman Richardson that minutes of the previous meeting be approved and placed on file.
Seconded by Councilman Haguewood and carried.
Under the head of unfinished business, the Manager read communication from the County Commissioners re-I
garding merger of the City and County Libraries. The Attorney,informed of meeting with the Deputy Prosec'uting
Attorney, Mr. Timm, Chairman of the Library Board and Mrs. Church, representattve of the County Library I'
Board. Having received no definite answer as to what the County will do, he had nothing to report. It was
moved by Councilman Richardson that the Manager be authorized to write the County Commissioners a letter I
explaining that no concrete proposal has been submitted. Seconded by Councilman Randall and carried. I
Progress payment to Morris Construction, Inc. Storm Sewers and drainage, $33,000.00. It was moved by I
Councllman Caldwell that payment be approved. Seconded by Councilman Richardson and unanimously carrie~.
Progress payment to Olympia Oil and Wood Products Company, Inc., grading and paving, $29,000.00. It waJ
moved by Councilman Caldwell that payment b,e approved. Seconded by Councilman Richardson and unani- ~
mou sly carried. i
Harbert Construction Company, labor and material furnished on Morse Creek Water line, $123,634.01. It was
moved by Councilman Thome that the progress payment be approved. Seconded by Councilman Richardson I
and unanimously cartied. ,
The Attorney reported on requests for vacation of alley in the recently annexed area and removel of garage.
It appears that the alleys are automatically vacated, Stat e Statutes specifying the time limit for utilization.
Also that the Planning Commission has approved the request of Mr. Donahue for zoning variance and permissi n
to construct duplex. i
! Under the head of new busines s, request was received for vacation of a portion of Eunice Street North of Ei9h~h
1,: Street. It was moved by Councilman Thorne that the request be referred to the Planning Commission for study'!
! Seconded by Councilman Smith and carried.
Icrown Zellerbach Corporation having submitted plans for proposed bridge across log canal on Marine Drhe, I
lit was moved by Councilman Haguewood that the plans as submitted be approved. Seconded by Councilman
[Richardson and carried.
I,: The Council considered a petition requesting installation of traffic signal at Marine Drive and Tumwater Stree s.
I, A traffic survey will be conducted and report later. i[
;1 I
; Department reports were approved as follows: Treasurer's Financial, Budget Receipts, Light and Water billing,
I Light and Water Work, Light and Water Operating Statement, Light and Water Balance Sheet, Police and Police
: Judge. It was moved by Councilman Haguewood that reports as enumerated be approved and flied. Seconded I
: by Councilman Richardson and carried. I
'Claims for payment were approved in amounts ef: General Funds, $10,603.74. Water Fund, $586.47. Pipe-
line Fund, $2,075.46. Light Fund, $42,682.26. It was moved by Councilman Caldwell that all claims be
approved and paid. Seconded by Councilman Smith and carried.
It was moved by Councilman Smith that Payrolls for August in total amount of $62,752,87 be approved as paidl
I Seconded by Councllman Richardson and carDed. I
The Engineer flied report concerning improvement as provided in Improvement Resolution No. 183: Estimated
cost of Storm Trunk and Lateral sewers $52,148.32.
Estimated cost of Curb and Gutter, $57,531.04. Estimated cost of street grafiing and paving, $189,907.20.
,!::stimated cost of alley paving, $31,864.40. Estimated total cost of Improvement, $331,450.96.
This report to be considered at hearing scheduled for 8: 15 P. M.
Progress payments for work done and material furnished in L.I .0. No. 180 were approved as follows:
Fixed Estimate (August) $8,000.00. It was moved by Councilman Richardson that request be approved and
paid. Seconded by Councilman Caldwell and unanimously carried.
, The Mayor read a letter signed by LeRoy Kitselman and aClcompanied by a petition requesting the installation
of an adequate water line on South Oak Street and area including AldeTWood Acre Tracts 21 thru 27 inclusive.
It was moved by Councilman Caldwell that request he referred to the Water Department, the Manager to make
report later. Seconded by Councilman Richardson and carried.
Councilman Randall commented on quotes of the Police Chief as recently appeared in the News, being a rom-
parison of wage scale for Patrolmen compared to Pulp and Paper employees under uniform labor agreement,
I this being based on 173 hours as of March 1, 1961. Patrolmen start at $415.00 per month which is higher
than 46% of male employees under uniform agreement. Sergeants make more than 77.5%. It was the feeling
, of Mr. Randall that the Police are not underpaid when compared to the Union members.
. The Mayor achnowledged receipt of award by American Municipa-J. Congress to the Mayor and Councilman Smith
emphasiZing work that was done in the area that prompted the Award, being Friends of Rosenheim exchange !
students, tours, etc. Councilman Smith expressed the desire that credit be given to all individuals who I
spent time and effort on the project. I
There being no further business, the meeting was recessed to reconvene at the Roosevelt Junior High Audi-
torium for Public Hearing on L.I.D No. 183.
Proceedings of the City Commission of the Ci~ of Port Angeles, Washington
L. (10 H 'lllHT1N<ll co..-.P..~42~_.....
September 7, 1961,8:15 P.M.
The Mayor called the meeting to order and introduced Officials and personnel present. City Engineer Warder
briefly outlined boundaries of the proposed District. improvements to be included inthe project, how the cost
is determined and spead, which is governed by State Statutes. Also advised that protests filed are 2.5% of ~,
estimated co 8t.
Fred Strange, Chairman of the Planning Commission spoke in favor of the project, this being a continuation of
"improvements started about ten years ago. Also cited areas already completed. It was recommended by the
Planning Commission that the proJect be approved by the Council an d extablished.
The hearing was then opened to the audience of about sixty property owners for questions and answers.
The Manager then made brief summary of the proposed proJect and questions answered. Also cited other pro-
jects completed, all having been instigated by Petition submitted by property owners.
No other protests having been made or filed, the hearing was closed and the following Ordinance introduced
and read in full:
NO. 1475
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, providing for the improvement of a
certain area within the city by the construction and installation of trunk and lateral storm
sewers therein, the improvement of certain streets by the grading, ballasting and paving
thereof and the construction of curbs and gutter s where neces sary, the construction of
sidewaiks and driveways where requested by the owner, the improvement of certain alleys
by the grading, ballasting and paving thereof and ':by doing all other work necessary in
connection with such improvments, all pursuant to Improvement Resolution No. 183 of
the city passed and approved August 3, 1961, creating a local improvement district there-
for, providing for the payment for said improvements by special assessments upon the pro-
perty in said district, providing for the creation of certain funds and for the issuance and sale
of local improvement distiict bonds and warrants.
It was moved by Councilman Richardson that the foregoing Ordinance be adopted. Seconded by Councilman
Caldwell and unanimously carried.
Under the head of introduction of Resolutions, the following was introduced and read:
A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, employing counsel for certain services
in connection with Local Improvement District No. 183 of the city and issuance of bonds
and warrants therefor.
It was moved by Councilman Cal dwell that the foregoing Resolution be approved and passed. Seconded by
Councllman Haguewodd and unanimously carried.
It was moved by Councilman Richardson that permission be granted to publish call for bids for Local Improve-
ment No. 183, bids to be opened by the City Council We:inesday at 1:00 P.M. September 27th. The City
I Engineer to compute the bids and they be awarded by the Council in special meeting 1:0 be held on Thursday
at 4: 45 P. M., September 28th, to award or reject the bids. Motion seconded by Councilman Caldwell and
unanimously carried.
There being no further business, the meeting was declared adjourned.
Q. G. ;Law-
Z- ~~\<\'-~
- NomE' TO. ooNT":aA'Cr""'OiS . . NOTICE OF FILING ~
:--!otic", is hereby !;;i\'t'll that seal-' NOTICE is hel'eb~y gIven thnt 'the
[>1] hlrh; win he recolved at tlle (Jf., City C(lunci! of the City of Port An-
fiee of the. CIty Clel'k, at the City gQles has Jl]accrl on file tl1eir Pre.
Ha.ll, 140 \'1'81',' J~'ront Street, Port., liillillFl.I'Y ,Dllll)';'ctOf E:xpcndltuJ,'es allll
'Angdes, \\'nshlllgton, until 1 u'cIQ<;k Rlwenues for the vear 1::11i2. TIm! a
P. M., "'cdnc::!da)'. SClltember 2., public hearing 011 ....mid Bm1l:'et U"ilJ
191;1, ami not In.tel', anrl will be he held ,,"d conducted on ~[onda~'.
opent"d l,lulJlicly at that lime III the,October 2, 1\161, at the hour of .:30
City Clllln~lI ChalllhCl's, for tlte Col. o'clock p, .M, in tile COllncll (]hll.m"
Iflwlng Rpproxlmatc quantities 'Jf llCrs"l20 ~'ort.ll Oak Strret, at Which
work and m:HeJ'lals: time AlH! plllG(' allY tE1.:1;]Javer may
4",{I0U Cu. YO:;, UnClllSf1.ified E:XCftVlt- I1.ppc.lr,uno lIe heard for 01: against
HOIl. any IJart of :<aId Bullget.
2!1,O()O CU. Yds, Dallkrun Gravel for .lAM:.fo}S E. .M}\XFII:<~LD
Streets. i Mayor of the City of Port
5,fIO[) CIl. Yds, Crushed SUl'faclng Top Angeles, Waehington
Course. . . Publish",d: Sept. 21 and 21;, 1%1
11,00[1 Tons BltumJllOU>l Plant Mix
to,' Sh'",", I
::\,0110 'rons Bitumillt.us rlallt Mix
for Alley:,;.
:~3.(lflil' LIll. F't. ,cement Concrete Curll
fwd Gutter
14.tltlO Lln. Ft. ~tol'ln Sewers. llnd
[):~i:n~~te;fa~;:S'alld Rpecif[C'o,tionfl ~
m:lY be obtained fl'om the office elf'
. the C'it)' Bog-IIlt::"l' upon a depo~lt of
, ~~~;(r,l~}~.f~~~il b~O~~~I~ndl;~2r~O~I'] ll~~~(lj
~~~~~\'~n~d~l~;;j(l~~~~::m~~eluru uf lhe I"
Sel'llralt' Qr- ('vmhlned bios 011 al-
ley and s.tn"et work may be !'JutJmlt-.
led. ..\11 "all or none" bid must be I
8", spC'elflcd in th~ 111'01)01'[11.
Qualill,lcatiQll of b!']dcrs is rcqUil'-1
ed awl the Citr J','~crY,":; the right to
refu'ic 10 qualify ,lll~ bidder.
'the Cit~. l'e~Cr\'elS tl'e right tl)'
!'ejl'(:l fmy or all IJI'ulmsfll:;. '
,A fin? percf'nt (r,,%) of total bldl
~~~~O~~\, ('~;~t O~r~~!~pa~~~d ef?~h 0~~~~t
Official 3.l'reptlUlC'c, rOjectioll, 01'1
('(JnUlllllltlOn by th,\:' Ci.ty Council
will be Ill<lU{) in thc CIly Council
ChambC'r~ .\t 1 :45 1'. ill. SCpleml>'~l'
28. ]:161. ,[\1. '\'0il~.Li~~~.~!;[\;
PlIlll!,:ht:u: Septemher 21, 1961.