HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 09/07/1982 384 CITY COUNCIL MEE:rING 223 East Fourth Street Port Angeles, Washington September 7, 1982 I CALL ro ORDER Mayor Duncan called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. I II roLL CALL Members Present: Mayor Duncan, COilllcil1ren Gerberding, Haguewood, Hordyk, Polhamus, Quast, and Whidden. Members Absent: None. Staff Present: Manager Flodstrcrn, Attorney Miller, Deputy Clerk Lannoye, P. Carr, M. Cleland, L. COsens, D. Frizzell, L. Glenn, J. Pittis, R. Orton, M. Carrpbell, K. Maike. Public Present: L. Sunny, J. Merrill, J. McDonald, T. Warriner, 'C. Wheeler, K. Watkins, D. Hughes. III MINl!l'ES Councibran Hordyk noved the COWlcil accept and place on file as received the minutes of the August 10, 1982 special rneeting and the August 17, 1982 regular meeting. COWlcibran Gerberding seconded and the notion carried. IV CONSENT AGENDA COWlcibran Hordyk IlIOVed the COWlcil accept the items listed Wlder the COnsent I Agenda, including payrrent #3 to United Western Construction CO. for DowntoNn Inproverrent Project, Phase II; Vouchers of $846,094.17, and Payroll of $187,044.94. Councibran Polhamus seconded and the notion carried. V FINANCE 1 . Pennission to Sell surplus Equiprent COWlcibran Gerberding IlDVed the COWlcil grant Finance Director Orton permission to declare the following equiprent surplus and request bids for: two 1980 Dodge St. Regis Police Sedans, and one propane-pcMered "tar pot" surplussed by the Street Depart:ment. COilllcibran Hordyk seconded and after further discussion the rrotion carried. 2. Acceptance of "Water Heater Wrap" Program - Peninsula Excavating COWlcilman Whidden IlDVed the COuncil accept the Water Heater Wrap Program with Peninsula Excavating as catq:>lete, as requested in Light Director COsen' s rreIlOrandum to the Council. Councilman Quast seconded and the COilllcil discussed the status of the water heater wrap program at length with Light Director Cosens. On call for the question the rrotion carried. VI ITEMS FRCM THE AUDIENCE Nor ON TIlE AGENDA Ken Watkins, on behalf of the Disabled Anerican Veterans, presented Mayor I Dorothy Duncan a plaque in appreciation of her help with their "Forget-rre-not- sale". Donald Hughes, 1322 West Tenth Street, Port Angeles, spoke in support of the Betting proposed shoreside storage and supply facility/fuel yard which is =ently being considered by the Planning Comnission for a Shoreline Substantial Developrent Permit. r , NOTICE OF CALL FOR BIDS NOTICE 15 HEREBY GIVEN that sealed bids lor the sole of 5urplus equipment will be received by the City Clerk, City of Port Angeles, 140 West Front Street, P.O. Box 1150. Port Angeles, until 2:00 P.M. Thursday, September 30, 1982. . The following equipment is offered for sale: SURPLUS VEHICLES/EQUIPMENT One (1) 1980 Dodge St. Regis Police sedan. Mileage 78.561. MINIMUM 810 '250. One (I) 1980 Dodge St. Regis Palke sedan. Mileage 91.321. MINIMUM BID '250. One (1) Propane'powered "Tor Pot". No Minimum. Vehicles may be inspected at the City Service Garage located ot 17th and "B" Streets between 8:00 A.M. ond 4:30 P.M. weekdays. Tar Pot may be inspected at the City Corporation Yard located at 17th and "8" Streets; contact Street Superintendent. Vehicles and Tor Pot ore to be sold "as is" to the highest bid- der. The City of Port Angeles will make no warranty about the operoHog condition.otany of this equipment. All bids are 10 be in the form of a sealed letter to the City Manager and must include the name of the bidder, equipment being bid, and the amount of the bid. The bids should be addressed to the City Clerk, 1.40 West Front Street, P.O. Box 1150. Pori Angeles, Washington 98362. The outside of the envelope should be marked "Bid Opening-City of Port Angeles Surplus Equipment 2:00 P.M." The name and address of the bidder should also be included on the outside of the envelope. I I I ~t'It'1C ',)00' CITY COUNCIL MINtJI'ES September 7, 1982 2. Items from the city Council Not on the Agenda CouncilrlBn Quast ccmrended the Derby Days Comnittee, Port Angeles Salrron Club, and Port Angeles Syrrphony Orchestra for rraking the Derby Days activities this year a success and suggested the Mayor issue a proclamation in honor of Derby Days next year. He requested staff look into the cost of providing a wind- break for the City pier pavilion. He also advised the Council of male stripping activities taking place at local taverns and discussed possible regulation of this type of activity with Police Chief Cleland. . CouncilrlBn Gerberding ccmnended Chief Cleland on his efforts in obtaining the Dispatch Radio Consoles for Police and Fire Dispatch at a considerable savings to the City. VII LEGISIATION 1. Planning Carrrnission Minutes of AUgust 25, 1982 Mayor Duncan reviewed the Planning Camlission minutes of August 25, 1982 with the following action being taken by the Council: A. zoning Ordinance Arnendrrent Councilman Hordyk rroved the Council schedule a public hearing for the September 21, 1982 regular rreeting for consideration of the proposed anendrrents to the Zoning Ordinance; Counci:J.man Gerberding seconded and the rrotion, carried. B. InteJ:pretation - Adult Foster Care Herres The Council concurred to schedule a joint meeting with the Planning Carrrnission for Tuesday, September 14th for consideration of the Adult Foster care Horre Interpretation as requested by the Planning Carrrnission. Councilman Hordyk then rroved the council accept and place on file as received the Planning conmi.ssion minutes of August 25, 1982. CouncilrlBn Gerberding seconded and the rrotion carried. 2. Report on Medic I Type Advanced Life Support Program Fire Chief Glenn reported to the Council on the feasibility study the Council had requested regarding :i.rrplerrenting a Medic I Type Advanced Life Support System in the western portion of Hospital District No.2. He and Council discussed at length the proposal for the program and possible funding sources. Chief Glenn indicated that with Council approval the next. step would be to take the proposal to the County I s Emergency Services COuncil and then to the Olyrrpic MeIrorial Hospital District for their support. Councilman Quast then rroved the Council authorize the City Manager and Fire Chief Glenn to approach the appropriate agencies in order to begin coordination of the rreasures necessary to :i.rrplerrent an Advanced Life Support System in the western half of Olyrrpic MeIrorial Hospital District No.2. Councilman Hordyk seconded and after further discussion the rrotion carried. 3. Increased Pool Fees for Remainder of 1982 The Council had considered increasing pool fees for only the rerrainder of 1982 at their August 17, 1982 rreeting. Mayor Duncan read by title Resolution No. 33-82, entitled RESOLUTION NO. 33-82 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles establishing user fees for William Shore MeIrorial Pool from September 7, 1982, to December 31, 1982, and reviving Resolution 12-82 subsequent to December 31, 1982. 3'36 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES September 7, 1982 Councilman Quast rroved the Council adopt the foregoing Resolution as read by title and councilman Whidden seconded. During discussion of the motion Councilman Haguewood requested Parks Director Frizzell closely monitor any decrease in usage due to the increased fees and Councilman Gerberding requested a review of the contract fees currently being charged the School District. On call for the question the motion carried, with Councilman Haguewood voting "No". y 4. Public Hearing Scheduled for Future Electrical Power Rate Increases Mayor Duncan read by title Resolution No. 34-82, entitled RESOillrION NO. 34-82 A RESOLU'l'ION of the City of Port Angeles setting a public hearing date for rate increase discussion. Councilman Gerberding rroved the Council adapt the foregoing Resolution as read by title, setting the public hearing for September 14th at 7:00 P.M.; Councilman Quast seconded and the motion carried. The public hearing will be held in the City Council Chambers at 140 West Front Street, Port Angeles. 5. 1983 Budget Preparation Calendar Manager Flo1strom reviewed with Council the 1983 Budget Preparation calendar and Councilman Haguewood moved the Council confirm the October 27th Revenue Sharing Proposed Use Hearing and December 7th Council hearing on the Proposed Revenue Sharing Budget dates; Councilman Polhamus seconded and the motion carried. 6. City 's Wellness Program Finance Director Orton reviewed his ID2IIDrandum to the Council regarding the City's planned "Wellness" Activities for Fall, 1982 and discussed with the Council the issues surrounding the City 's wellness program. After further discussion Councilman Quast moved the Council support the planned wellness activities for fall, 1982, which include exercise classes before or after working hours, sate nutrition and diet training, and a stress managenent seminar. Councilman Whidden seconded and the rrction carried. 7. EFSEC - Site study Contact Mayor Duncan reviewed a letter fran the Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council requesting the City designate a contact person for EFSEC' to notify regarding the City's infornal participation in the potential site study for a revised crude oil transshiprent project requested by Northern Tier Pipeline Canpany. She indicated she would serve in that capacity for the Council and appointed Attorney Craig Miller as the staff contact person for the City. She also indicated the City of Port Angeles continues to oppose an oil terminal site in the Port Angeles Harbor. 8. DAR Proclarration - Constitution Week Mayor Duncan proclaimed the week of September 17 through 23, 1982 as Constitution Week in the City of Port Angeles and urged all our citizens to pay special attention during that week to our Federal Constitution and the I advantages of American Citizenship. 9. Car I Lamb - Request to Purchase City Property The Council had referred Mr. Lamb's request to purchase City property to the Real Estate Camlittee at the August 17, 1982 meeting. Councilroan Hordyk noted that the property would be tmbuildable or unusable without a piece of adjoining property and questioned if due to this, the property could be sold I I I: I 337 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES September 7, 1982 through a negotiated sale in lieu of putting it out to bid. Attorney Miller indicated that the negotiated sale was at the discretion of the Council and would be proper. Councilm3n Quast then lIDVed on behalf of the Real Estate Cannittee that the Council declare the property as surplus; authorize the sale of the property with conditions to not undercut the existing hillside; and to turn the negotiations of the sale over to staff. Councilm3n Hordyk seconded and the motion carried. VIII IATE ITEMS DeMolay Request to Paint City Restroan on Ediz Hook Mayor Duncan reviewed a request fran the Port Angeles Chapter, Order of DeMolay for permission to paint the City restroan on Ediz Hook. It was noted the City would supply the paint, "Port Angeles Blue". Councilm3n Quast roved the Council grant DeMolay's request; Councilm3n Polhamus seconded and the motion carried. The Council expressed their appreciation for this contribution to the City. Hood Canal Bridge Tolls - Washington State Transportation Carrnission Councilm3n Quast noted the next Depart.ment of Transportation rreeting on the Hood Canal Bridge Tolls is scheduled for September 15th in Bellingham. He then lIDVed the Council authorize the Mayor or her designee to attend this meeting. Councilm3n Polhamus seconded and the motion carried. Council Salary Waived The Council had moved to waive their salaries for the remainder of 1982 at the August 17, 1Q82 meeting. Manager Flodstran indicated staff would prepare an Ordinance implenenting this for consideration at the next regular meeting. IX ITEMS FROO. THE AUDIENCE NCJr ON THE AGENDA None. ITEMS FRG1 THE CITY COUNCIL Nor ON THE AGENDA councilman Whidden noted that the color schema of the new directional signs made them hard to read. Public WOrks Director pittis indicated he would look into a new color scheme. X ADJOURN 'Kl EXOCUTIVE SESSION ~yor Duncan adjourned the meeting to an executive session at 9:05 P.M. XI REl'URN 'Kl OPEN SESSION AND ADJOURNMENT The meeting returned to open session and adjourned at approximately 9:45 P.M. ~Nh';~ &.IZo.~..J, CLERK JJ~L I