HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 09/07/2010• CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington September 7, 2010 CALL TO ORDER- Mayor Di Guilio called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to REGULAR MEETING: order at 6:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: PUBLIC COMMENT: Members Absent: None. Staff Present: Mayor Di Guilio, Deputy Mayor Perry, Councilmembers Collins [via speakerphone], Downie, Kidd, Mania, and Nelson. Manager Myers, Attorney Bloor, Clerk Hurd, G. Cutler, T. Gallagher, D. McKeen, N. West, Y. Ziomkowski, T. Pierce, B. Horton, C. Hagar, T. Nevaril, L. Dunbar, D. Bellamente, C. Possinger, B. Coons, R. Bonine, G. Roggenbuck, D. Dombrowski, and D. Maynard. Mayor Di Guilio led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. CEREMONIAL 1. Government Finance Officers Association Budget Award MATTERS/ PROCLAMATIONS/ Manager Myers presented the Government Finance Officers Association & EMPLOYEE Distinguished Budget presentation award to Finance Director Ziomkowski for the RECOGNITIONS: 2010 Budget. Director Ziomkowski recognized her staff for their dedication and teamwork. 2. Public Safety Awareness Week Mayor Di Guilio presented a proclamation recognizing Public Safety Awareness Week as September 5 -11, 2010, to Police Chief Gallagher, Fire Chief McKeen, and Clallam County Sheriff Benedict. Chief Gallagher recognized Alan Barnard for his efforts in the construction of the Public Safety Monument, at the Francis Street Waterfront Park, and thanked the community for their support. Chief McKeen and Sheriff Benedict also thanked the Council, Alan Barnard, and the community. John Wright, 824 Caroline St., spoke regarding building permit issues he was having with the City, regarding his house on Caroline Street, and passed out information to Council regarding the situation. Lois Danks, 1621 S. F St., spoke against the U.S. Border Patrol office expansion. She asked Council to provide a statement to the Border Patrol in opposition to the office expansion. Jim Hallett, 321 E. 1 s St., spoke regarding the Resolution to dissolve HarborWorks. • Bob McGonigell, spoke in favor of the U.S. Border Patrol office expansion. 1 6714 6715 CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 7, 2010 CITY COUNCIL REPORTS: WORK SESSION: CONSENT AGENDA: LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON THIS OR FUTURE AGENDAS: ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: RESOLUTIONS NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: Resolution No. 18 -10 Councilmember Kidd spoke regarding the successful fundraising efforts to open the Hurricane Ridge Road seven days a week during the winter months, and asked that Council pass Resolutions thanking Congressman Norm Dicks and Department of the Interior Comptroller Bruce Schaefer. No other reports were given. 1. United Way / Mid -Year Update Jody Moss, Executive Director of United Way of Clallam County, provided Council with a mid -year report update for 2010. She described the process for accepting and distributing funds, including which agencies received those funds. She urged Council to maintain funding to United Way. Council discussion followed. It was moved by Perry and seconded by Kidd to approve the Consent Agenda to include: 1.) City Council Minutes for August 17, 2010; 2.) Expenditure Approval List: 8/17/10 to 8/27/10 for $2,503,205.60; 3.) 2010 Water System Plan; 4.) Dry Creek Bridge & Trail Phase 2, Project 05 -31 / Award Construction Contract; 5.) NetMotion Wireless Mobility Software — PenCom Mobile Data; and 6.) Final Acceptance of Laurel Substation Structure, Project CLO5 -2007. Motion carried 7 -0. Mayor Di Guilio recognized Boy Scout Troup 1473 for their attendance at the meeting, and stated that they were working on their citizenship badges. None. None. 1. Resolution to Clallam County Commissioners / Local Excise Tax for Enhanced 911 Services Chief Gallagher stated that the Washington State Legislature had recently authorized counties to increase the 911 phone tax by $0.20. He described the additional revenue the tax would generate and the need for this revenue for PenCom equipment upgrades. He also described the negative impacts to PenCom revenue if this increase was not implemented. He stated that this was an appropriate tax that would lessen the impact of increased user fees in 2011. He asked the Council to consider passing the Resolution in support of the County Commissioners increasing the Local Excise Tax. Manager Myers described the use of PenCom reserves in 2010, and stated that reserves would not be available for 2011. Council discussion followed. Mayor Di Guilio read the Resolution by title, entitled, RESOLUTION NO. 18 -10 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, recommending to the Clallam County Commissioners changes in the amount of local excise tax imposed enhanced 911 services. 2 • • • RESOLUTIONS NOT It was moved by Downie and seconded by Mania to: REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: Pass the Resolution as read by title. Resolution No. 18-10 Motion carried 6 -1, with. Kidd voting in opposition. (Cont'd) Resolution No. 19-10 INFORMATION: 2. Dissolution of :Port Angeles HarborWorks Development Authority Manager Myers explained that the HarborWorks Development Authority had unanimously recommended dissolution. He explained the process to dissolve HarborWorks according to Ordinance, and stated that if they passed the Resolution . there would be a public hearing on October 19, 2010. . Council discussion followed. Mayor Di Guilio read the Resolution by title, entitled, 3 RESOLUTION NO. 19 -10 CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 7, 2010 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, setting a hearing to dissolve Port Angeles Harbor -Works Development Authority. It was moved by Mania and seconded by Perry to: Pass the Resolution as read by title. Motion carried 7 -0. Mayor Di Guilio conducted a first reading of the Ordinance by title, entitled, ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, dissolving the Port Angeles Harbor -Works Development Authority. Manager Myers spoke regarding last week's Department of Commerce meeting, the upcoming presentation from Bill Grimes of Studio Cascade regarding the Waterfront and. Transportation Design project at the Chamber of Commerce luncheon on September 13, 2010, the upcoming John Schallert webinar on. September 28, 2010, and the Shoreline Master Program update on September 14, 2010, . at the Vern Burton Center. Council discussion followed. Break: Mayor Di Guilio recessed the meeting for a break at 7:10 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 7:26 p.m. 6716 6717 CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 7, 2010 . WORK SESSION: (Coned) OTHER None. CONSIDERATIONS: 2. 2011 . Budget — Council Priorities Manager Myers discussed staffs need for Council direction regarding Council's priorities in balancing the 2011 . Budget. He stated that the City is doing well in . comparison to other entities. Director Ziomkowski conducted a PowerPoint presentation on the 2011 . Budget, including a description of City financial policies and management. She described. the City's efforts to control costs over the past 5 years, and how this has contributed to the current financial position. She discussed the Citizen Survey results and . options for balancing the 2011 Budget. Manager Myers described his priorities for balancing the 2011 . Budget, including equal treatment for all employees, and using long -term solutions over short -term fixes. Director Ziomkowski provided information regarding the assumptions included in the preliminary 2011 Budget. Council provided direction regarding the assumptions and questions included in Manager Myers staff report on the 2011 .. Budget. Council agreed by consensus to include the following assumptions in the 2011. Preliminary Budget: • No cost of living increase for employees • 1% property tax increase • Increase PenCom 911 telephone taxes • Use $400,000 savings from the 2009 Budget for Capital Street. Improvement projects rather than a transfer out of the general fund. • In the 2011 Budget use sales tax funds generated from the Nippon Co- generation project and. Combined. Sewer Overflow project for other Capital. Street Improvements projects • No decrease in outside organization funding • Increase in Recreation fees • Use Self-Insurance reserves • Direct staff to evaluate increasing Medic I fees • No furlough days • Look at forgoing merit increases or reducing them by 50% • Direct staff to move forward with Voluntary Separation Program and bring back an ordinance to the next Council meeting • Direct staff to look into increasing the employee's share of medical insurance premiums • No cuts to seasonal employees • No expansion of business licensing to include all businesses • Use of Recreation Fund balance for downtown restroom upgrades and maintenance Council discussion followed. 4 • • • PUBLIC HEARINGS — None. QUASI- JUDICIAL: PUBLIC HEARINGS- None. OTHER: FINANCE: None. EXECUTIVE SESSION: None. ADJOURNMENT: Mayoj . • Guilio adjourned the meeting at 9:35 p.m. Zf1 i Guilio, Mayor 5 ane CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 7, 2010 urd, City Clerk 6718