HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 09/08/1937 I"" 520 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington September 8, 19'37 193_ The Commission met in regular session at 10 .\..LI. and was called to .:>rder bv JjqVor >isvis. Roll call showed the follol'lini: office~'s nr~s"'nt: Hayor Dsvh, "ommis9ion3~s H~neon and Masters, "ttorne~1 ';onniff and Cle~~, '{,\VIkins, The minutes vf t.he ]L'evious session \'Iere read and apI'I'oved. Under the he ad of "pplic a tions for Building Permi ts and Licenses the followin!' were gran ted: E. B. Oldfield, Build House, Lot 10, Elk. 351, ~ownsite ,T. ", Knutson, Build House, Lot 3, Bl'c. 14", ~o\'lnsite Joseph BrUder, Build "ariles, Lot 1, Blk. 30, Thompson & Goodwin "'uhd. The Rhododendron,Restaurant Margaret Linde rbaum , Tea Room (Restauran t) The Derby Lunch, Restaurant 100.1"0 31'0,1"0 600.011 15.rO ] ~j (\n 1<::.011 Under the head of R,'1din,i 'lnd Passa,'ie of Ordinances, the folloVlinc: Or~inance Vlo'S read b~, ti tle and placed "tl its thi I'd read in!';; BSI11G At! ORDIN,\JlCE relatin~ to civil service in the City of P01.t "n::;eles, creatine; a board of civil Service commissi0ners, Jrovi1inc a civil servi~e systom bneed upon CXAm~ ination, investifation as to meri t, efficiency ancJ fitness fo~ '11' "'oi,,tment, er.:ploymen t and oromotion of all officers and men in the 001ic8 d ,nHrtment and fire d~Dartment ,reguiatin,; the tr'msfer, reinstatement, suspension and~dischal:Je of seicJ offioers und Ipolicemen and firemcn; and adortino; all of the provisions of "'hapter }:o, of the Laws of ~1937, Ch9pter 31 of the Laws of 1935 and Chapter 59 of the Laws of 1937, of the State of : 7lashinl';ton. ' I It was moved by Commissioner Hcnson that the fore,'oin; ordinance be placed vn its final Ireadin:? and adoIlt80, Seconded by !.Iayor "avis. O!l roll call '111'members voted aye. The IUayor d lc13red thc motion carl'ied, Under the head of Introduction of l{'~solutions th,~ folLmin3 resolutions were introduced: RE30LUl'ION WHER~\S, the Stat, Highway Department has rainted traffic st'ipes for G.8 miles of the iOlympiCl Highway in the (;ity of Port Anyles, at ~ cost of $49.96 whicl1 is properly IChar~eable to the lias .(ax ,'und cre(lited to the City of Port "UCeles '1nd held b~, the State Treasurer, NO',7, TH:;;;REFOR", B::<: IT a-':SOLVED, That the State Treasurer. be and he is her'lb~1 ~uthorized and requested to transfer frvm the G,'lS "ax Fund of the "'it;; of Port Anr'clp,p, to the praIJer State Highway ~"und the sum of ;49.96 to uover the cost of !lainting said traffic striIJes. It vias moved b', Commissioner Hasters th'1t the fore,~oin7 resolution be adootcrl. Seconded by ~ommissiJne~ Henson, On roll cl111 fill membcrs voted aye. J'he J.,a,'or d~cl'1red 1,he motion carried. R~301Ul'ION WHEREAS, the City of Port "ngel.'s is the owner of the following described real property, to-wit: Lots 1 and 2 in Block 133 of the Government Townsite of Port\n;:eles, ~19.11am County, ~Dshi~Jton; mm ':/HEJ::<:AS, the County of Clallam, State of .Iashingtc,n, os the owner of "he following described real property, to-wit: I Lots 1, <::, ;l, 4, 5, 6, 7, B, 9, 10, 11. 1", 13 and 14, in Block 1 of >ioyle's Subdivision of Suburban Lot 20, of the "overnment f01'1nsi te of Port "ngel,'s. Clallam ';ounty, .Iashin;;ton; I Lots 1, 2, " 4, 5,6,7,8, 9, ~l, ~2, 2:3, ii, 25, ~6, 271 C;.c, ~9, 3Clj ~1, 3~, 3-), 34, 3D and 40, in Block;o of Doyle',s Subdivision of "uburban Lot ';0, of the Gov- ernmen t ~ownsi te 0f Port .t\ngeles, "lallam County, Vlashineton; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 15, 19, 20, ~l. ~2, <::3, <::1, 25, 26, 27, 28, ~9, 30, 31, 3';",3:;, 3." 35, and, 39, in Block 3 of "oyle' s Subdi vis iO!:l of, "'uburban Lot <::0, of the "ovel'nment TO\~mslte of Port ,\n~el:s, Clallam "ounty, .Iashlncton; Lots 8, 9 Hnd 13, in Block 4 of "oyle's Subdivision of ~uburban Lot GO, of the Gove ;'nment Twonsi te of Port Angele s, Clallam County, '.7ashingtoll; Lots 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, ~O, ~l, and <::2, in Block 1 of ';ain's Subdivision of Suburban Lot 21, of the "'overnment "'ovmsi te of Port ~n8ele s, Clall'1m C"unty, 'ilashinct on. AND "IHE::SAS, the said Jounty of ';lallam is desirous of exchan,ginro said lots owned by it as above reforred to, for the above dcs0ribecJ real property belvn' '~o th,j uity of Port I Angeles, and the ~i ty of Port ..n3eles is d~sirous of exchan"in,3 the s'1id 1'''al property belon{linz to it above referred t~, for the real !,1'oper~y belon';'n' "0 thd uounty of ulal11m above referred to; and flHERSAS the said uounty of uILllarn has e~hibited to the sn.ij "ity of Port Angelesi i~~ authori ty to exchange said real I11'operty belon_"'in~ to it fa r t."18 r~al ,ropel'ty be onlln:E to the said ci t2; and, ;'/lGR'CAS, the Oity Commission of the <':ity of f.'ort .\.n3:ele8 has viewed said real prorerty ~ I I I I I 521 ~ Septomber 8, 19:)7 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 193_ I I I I I belongin,'i to the s"id C01Ulty and is of the O!llnlOn that it is fair value "nd not less than tho fA.ir value of the said real nroperty belongino- to the S'liJ ci ty, i !W;J, THEF~;,FORE, B3 IT RESOLVED BY 1'lE CITY CO!.lMISlIOn OF THE CITY OF PORT ..llG:O;LF.S That the city exchange said real pro!,er ty above described belongin;:; to it, for' th<< real property above described belonging to the said county, an1 the t the Ci ty Att~rney bc instructed to prellare a 'lui t claim deed conveying said real property to the "ounty of I Clallam, and that the Gi ty Clerk of the City of Port Angeles be and he is hereby instructed to execute said quit claim deed, and that the Mayor of the. City of Port Angeles be and he is hereby instructed to cvuntersign sai'l Quit claim deed. It was moved by Commissioner Masters that the foregoing resolution be adopted. Seconded by Commissioner Henson. On roll call all members voted aye, ~he Mayor declar'l the motion carried. The ':;ommission examined and allo\"Je I the fo11ovlinc- claims and ord~re'i vlRr.'ants dru'.m for same: CURRENT E~3NSE FUND ;'es tern Union l Evenin,s News Press Shell Oil Co. Crescent Motors 11 11 TeleGram Supplies Gas Oil " I. C. Groves ,I, D. !Iorrissev Ci ty Trca8urer~ Shell Oil C(). TriJk & Murray i ~;venin" News I Ci ty Treasu!' or Department of Labor fl II II & Indus tr i ~s " Meals for Prisoners Special Police Licen~e Transfer Gas SUI'pli~s Publications Stamps Ind Ins & Me~ nid II 11 11 CITY 3TRS":'f ?DI11l Harry Johnson P. ~. Concrete PrJducts ~o. Hoare & Headrick Port ~ngel~s Iron WorKs ]1, A. Concrete Froducts Co, Nillson HBr1~are 60. nil" Us e 0 f ~lruck Pipe "e:P nir s Bronz:/ashers Hardware Crescent 11otors ! II IT : DOJ'artment of La 00 l' & Indus tri es 'Tires " Ind In~ & Med Aid 'tIATER FUIID Pacific Telenhonc & 1elegraph ';0, Port ,\ngeles. Iron ,Iork~ City Light Dupt. Jillson Haruware Go. Department ()f Labor & Industri es Service Rods &. Clamns Lichts at ;,eservoil' Ma tc~' ial s Ind Ins & tied hid I ~T FUNl2 Hoare & Headrick City ;fater Dept. Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. I Depqrtment of Labo r & IndustriefJ Repa irs ~'ater Rt store Servi ce Ind Ins & l:ed Aid CEJ.1ETE'{Y FUTIn 'Jillson Hb-rdv/are 00. Hardware LiGht & 'I/-ater Books , PAHK FUND ~illson Hardware Co. Department of La 00 l' & Industri es Hardware Ind Ins & Med did GU"RAUTY ;;"J1ID City Treasurer Taxes LIGHT IllVEST1,lcJl1 FlITID Ci t~t Treasurer 'ilarrant s Purchased There beinG no furthpr business the Commission than a1journed. ?7,ff:1~~ Ci t~, (;lerk .18 11.,50 88.;09 :\.05 ~.45 18.'-0 liS .00 2.75 20.6'1 IG,80 <::9.96 1."0 I q 3E. 85 ./ ..$'\ 2,23 10.:-0 ;1,38 1~,] '5 23.15 1.00 12.10 14,O~1 .v.. 11".39 38,67 ~ I~ ;.;1.5.5 4.t5 1:\,57 (, .51 ..,.. 8.39 bl,/ 33.30 '17.43 t.Ol (.(. B.5:5 71':- 15,,,7 3.19 0). 8.67 J31 130 . 4 0 II~ ;0.<::5 9.45 129..51 4745.08 ~~ I ' 11a yor ..4